News Archive - May 2002

Thurso - Queen's Jubilee Celebrations Get Going 1 June
Lots of events for the next 4 days  - a big programme that this year takes in Thurso Harbour day on Monday 3 June 2.00pm.

Halkirk Gala Week 9 - 16 June
Yes its that time again and Halkirk is first of the Galas for 2002.

Mey School - About 1930
Another picture from Sheila Moir, Scarfskerry.  We think this may be about 1930.  Most names are in with questions on one or two.  A few have the places they lived or their future spouses

Henry St Clair Statue Unveiled
Today was a momentous day for Sinclairs everywhere and Caithness as the statue of Prince Henry St Clair was unveiled.  A party of Sinclairs on a mini clan gathering this week were also present to see the unveiling.  The sculptor Shawn Williams fast building a reputation for such works and stone projects requiring master mason skills had travelled to see his work in its final position facing towards Orkney.  The Sinclair centre is rapidly establishing itself as a centre for everything connected to Sinclairs, clan history as well as being the focus for restoration work on Girnigoe Castle nearby.  Everyone was pleased to see the project take another step forward.

Wings Over Wick - More Wartime Memories
Mr E A Holt, Flint, Clwyd - Lived in Willowbank
Mr S Kennedy, Montrose, Angus - German pilot talks about football
C W Cox, Newton Abbot, Devon - Nine months in Wick before going to Northern Ireland
Robert Y Carnie, Edinburgh - Married in Wick and Remembers the Heinkel 111 Crash

Social Economy Generates £360 Million In Highlands And Islands
The social economy - the part of the economy based on voluntary and non-profit distributing activity - in the Highlands and Islands has grown by 35 per cent since 1996 comprising over 8,000 organisations.

Highland Waterways Under Siege! (The Great Glen Raid)
The waterways between Corpach, near Fort William and Inverness will soon be under siege as competitors from across Europe gather with their vessels, to take part in the Great Glen Raid which takes place from Saturday 1st - Friday 7th June.  This event, sponsored by The Highland Council, Inverness & Nairn Enterprise and Visit Scotland, starts on Saturday at Corpach in Lochaber and it will be the third year running that this event has taken place in the Highlands. Taking part will be forty traditional sailing and rowing craft ranging from 4.9 metres to 9 metres in length,

Miller Academy 1992 P7 - 2
Latest picture for Miller Academy is this primary 7 class from 1992.  The Schooldays section is growing fast and Miller Academy pictures have now been put into their own section.  All the pages for Miller have now been re-indexed and linked to the Miller Academy Schooldays Index page and they can still be found following through from the main Schooldays index.

Essential Information For Donors For Scott Mackay
Where To Send Results Of Tests.  A question ringing round the globe from people wanting to be tested directly for Scott is -  Where do the results get sent.  Marisa has now sent the details -  After you have been tested please ask for your results and forward them to [email protected]  this will be the fastest way to get them to Scott,,,this is Sheila Wojtowicz RN his bone marrow coordinator..."   thank you,,,Marisa

Caithness Courier Article On Scott Mackay
Noel Donaldson reporter for the Caithness Courier again highlighted Scott Mackay's need for donor combined with information about the Anthony Nolan Wick Round Table drive on Saturday afternoon in wick Caithness General Hospital between 2.00pm and 4.00pm. Do you want to volunteer?

Old St Peters Church Gets A Clean Up
Thanks to Thurso's council gardeners, one of the towns most well known historical buildings, Old St. Peters Church recently received a face lift. Alan McIvor had raised concerns over the bushes which had taken to growing on the top of the church wall's, and feared that the roots would damage the stone work.  Head gardener John Ross, Nicky Alderson, Alan McIvor, Archie Macalpine and Kelvin Angus all set to clear the offending trees on the walls.

Pony Club Mounted Games Pictures 81 Onwards
That's about it for the Pony Club pictures.

Pony Club Mounted Games Picture Section 61 - 80 Complete

Pony Club Mounted Games - Seniors Pictures Begin Now
Starting to bring you the seniors pictures from the games.  More coming on Wednesday.

Wick Jubilee Ceilidh Was Full To Capacity
These three girls provided some of the dancing entertainment with a series of Highland dances including the complicated sword dance.  They danced in front of a capacity crowd at Mackays Hotel for the Wick Jubilee Ceilidh.  After the royal visit yesterday there was just time for people to get themselves ready for the dancing and entertainment from Bobby Coghill Dance Band, Mini Pipe Band, Addie Harper Junior, Lorraine Bremner Line Dancers, Fiddlers and the evening was compered by Alistair Lamond.  Visitors from many places including the islands of Orkney and Shetland were at the event.  With several more days of events across the county still to come it looks like being a busy few days.  Other Queens Jubilee Events In Caithness

Water Main Burst At Wick Today
Water supplies on the south side of Wick as far as Caithness General Hospital were interrupted today about 3.30pm when the water was turned off after a corroded iron pipe burst at the junction of the A99 and March Road.  A plastic insert repair was put in by workmen and water was expected to return to normal by about 6.00pm

Your Last Chance To Influence The Highland Waste Plan
27 June Thurso, Environmental Research Institute, Castle Street
The final stage of developing the new waste plan for the Highlands is underway. This is the last chance for people in the area to influence how their rubbish is to be dealt with. Tough new European laws and closure of landfill sites mean that the Highlands will have to radically change how it disposes of 500,000 tonnes of waste every year.

Anthony Nolan Clinic in Wick is 2.00 - 4.00pm On Saturday
The Round Table and Anthony Nolan Save a Life Campaign gets going in Wick on Saturday at the Caithness General Hospital.   Moray Firth Radio will be running an item on the campaign on the hour from 4.00pm and at 5.30pm tonight.  They will emphasis that volunteers agree to be donors for anyone and not just for one individual if they go through the Anthony Nolan Trust set up.  Nurse Jennifer martin has agreed to take all the blood samples.  The radio broadcast will also mention that the actual donations are not as bad as people think  - it is the patients who have the real problems.

Sarah Sutherland Looks In On Caithness From Australia
Sarah left Wick a while back for some adventure and has settled down in Australia with a new house and a job.  Old friends are welcome to get in touch via the Where They Went Page or the email directory.

UKAEA Launch New Recruitment Information Pages
To make it easier for potential new employees to find out more about Caithness the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority have launched anew section on their web site especially to link up useful information for people considering making the move north.  It contains links to many sites in including ourselves that might be useful in finding out about what there is to do in Caithness, Education and so on.

Wildcat Traditional Music
A non profit making organisation trying to ensure there is plenty of good music around in Caithness.  Keep you eyes open for their regular evenings.

Another Batch Of Royal Visit Pictures Now In

Pictures From Fossil Outing For Dunbeath School Kids
Pictures from Dunbeath primary schools outing to Skinnet farm quarry where their fossil foray was also highlighting the damage caused by Fossil thieves

More Pictures From Before the Arrival Of The Queen

More Pictures From Royal Visit

John Thurso Local Member of Parliament And His Wife  - Chats To Lord Berriedale
There was a large crowd in the Market Square, Wick and the surrounding streets.  John Thurso took the opportunity before the Queen arrived to chat to people in the Market Square before heading for the tea party later in the Assembly Rooms where visitors from the Northern Isles and Sutherland met with Caithness people to greet the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh.

Before The Royal visitors Arrive

More Royal Visit To Wick Pictures
Queen's Flight To Wick From Stornoway took a surprise fly over the Castle of Mey her mother' Caithness Castle.  Staff at the castle had put out large banners welcoming the Queen to Caithness.  the castle will be open to the public at the express wish of the Queen's mother who set up a trust to carry out her wishes.

Queen's Jubilee Visit To Wick - First Pictures

Caithness Waybaggers Stroll From Halkirk To Thurso - Report and Pictures
It was a nice sunny day in early May although a cold wind was blowing. We put the boots on at Braal Castle and headed off down Thurso River. We saw a variety of wild life. Mallard ducks with their young broods of ducklings. Either Sand Martins or House Martins (we weren’t sure which) zipping up and down the river like small fighter aeroplanes, and a Yellow Hammer.

Wildlife Encounters
A week of unique opportunities to observe Highland wildlife in Caithness, Sutherland and Ross & Cromarty.

Move to Halt Fossil Theft and Damage in Scotland
An event to promote the protection of one of Scotland’s oldest and rarest resources took place in Caithness to highlight the ongoing problem of illegal fossil collecting.  Last week, there was  a ‘fossil foray’ at Skinnet Farm quarry, involving local primary school children, fossil collectors and rangers, to demonstrate good practice in gathering fossils, followed by a briefing on the subject.

82 Family Friends Rally Round in Aurora For Tests
A great turn out for the Mackay family as friends came forward to be tested yesterday.

Queen Arrives In Wick Today
The Queen will arrive at Wick airport today as part of her round Britain tour in her jubilee year.  Before Wick the Queen is in Hebrides.  After a walkabout in the town centre where Thurso and Wick Pipe Bands will greet her the party will go to the Assembly Rooms for a tea party  with 350 invited guests. Later she will leave from Wick Station where the Royal Train will be waiting.

Scott Mackay's Father Flies Out To America To Be With Son And Family
Scott Mackay's father is on his way to America to stay with his son and his family.  Scott's father along with other members of the family are now conducting a world-wide search for people who might be a match for Scott.  Messages are now criss-crossing the world between, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Scotland and many other countries as the hunt goes on and the family reach more cousins and other relatives who are being tested.  The family are hoping for big turn outs at the Anthony Nolan Round Table clinics that start in Wick and carry on the length of the UK over ten days.

Another 20 Pictures Of The Mounted Games
Index Page For Pony Club Mounted Games

History Of Caithness Chapter 7 - Second Half
Completing the chapter.  Chapter 8 starting soon.

Another 10 Pictures From The Mounted Games
More later.......

Bone Marrow Search Goes On - Helmsadale Doctor Will Test Mackays On Tuesday
Helmsdale, is the Mackay family home area. The local doctor is arranging for next Tuesday for anyone to give blood for testing which will then be sent to Inverness Hospital to be tissue match.

Scott Mackay's Relatives In The Navy May Be Tested
Scotts uncle by marriage Barry Sewell said "When we spoke to the Anthony Nolan manager locally he told us that there was no difficulty in getting personnel back from a ship if they were required as a donor. We asked this because both my son Ian, and Scott's other uncle George Mackay, in Plymouth, are serving in the Navy."

Pony Club Mounted Games - Next Ten Pictures In

Pony Club Mounted Games In Caithness - First Pictures

The Haven's New Extension Progressing Well
The Caithness Mental Health Support Group continue to go from strength to strength.  Just a few years ago they opened the Haven in Wick and a couple of years ago the Stepping Stones In Thurso and now they are back improving facilities with a new extension at the Haven In Wick.

Dunnet Lochs From The Air
Another view over Caithness from Sheila Moir.  The Dunnet Head Lochs make up a small group.  Fishing permits are available from the Dunnet Head Tea Rooms

Disappearing Railway Buildings
If you have not looked behind wick Railway station for a long time you might be surprised to see that everything is gone.  The old railway buildings, sheds and even the track sidings have all been removed and little is left other than the main Wick station building itself.  Between is now ground between the station and the Coop supermarket building.  We wonder how long this will remain empty now that it is cleared?

Good Luck To The Caithness Pony Club  On Saturday
At Quoybrae, Watten In The  Pony Club Games against over 30 other Scottish Teams

Grand Jubilee Ceilidh In Wick - At Mackays Hotel
Monday 27 May 8.00pm  Packed programme includes - Bobby Coghill Scottish Dance Band, Lesley Mackay, Elise Lyall and Lorraine Bremner Dancers, Denis Manson, North Highland college fiddlers, Wick RBL mini Pipe Band ands Addie Harper Junior

Disability Rights Commission May Newsletter
News and information from the disability rights world.  if this topic is of interest you can sign up to get it in your email every month.

Digital Communities - A Research Paper Including Caithness.Org
Several people have included Caithness.Org in their research work into the digital communities.  Here Roger Seeney who published his paper as part of his course work at Leeds University provides some interesting thoughts for anyone who wants to see how this is all developing.  Our regular readers will know that a lot has happened since this paper was published but it is still a useful look at us and other similar web sites.

Helmsdale Web Site Helps To Raise the Hunt For Scott Mackays Relatives
The Helmsdale web site is now carrying the campaign to spread the word for possible bone marrow donors deeper into Sutherland a county where many ancestors of Scott may have come from and returned to.  The aim is to try to increase the chances of finding a match for Scott.  The Helmsdale site has linked to the Caithness campaign pages.  But anyone could be a match so keep in mind the Round Table and Anthony Nolan Appeal starting on 1 June in Wick

Marisa Mackay Thanks People Everywhere For Their Support
Scott Mackays wife who is leading the campaign from Illinois to save her husband Scott Mackay who is suffering from Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, by finding a bone marrow match was on Moray Firth Radio twice yesterday.   Moray Firth Radio broadcasting to the Highland Region helped raise the profile of the family who are trying to get more people to take blood tests and go on to the bone marrow registers.  Marisa Mackay is receiving 20 - 30 emails a day now from people all over and she would like to thank them for getting in touch.

Hillhead School, Wick Gets To Grips With African Rythms

Cancer Investment In Highland
£1,015,000 of new investment has been obtained by Highland NHS Board, Highland Acute Hospitals Trust, Highland Primary Care Trust and Highland Hospice and covers a wide range of service developments including the development of a dedicated and integrated breast care unit at Raigmore hospital, specialist nursing staff, pathology equipment.

Latest Free Courses Found
If you are looking for some interesting and educative stuff look at the short internet courses that are freely available.  A few more are in our section and many are just a few hours or less.

Moray Firth Interview Re Scott Mackay To Be Repeated at 5.15pm Tonight
Ken Kelman will run interview with Marisa Mackay again tonight at 5.15pm on Moray Firth Radio.  For those of you with all the right gizmos in place - Real Player - you may be able to get the streaming version on the web site at

Moray Firth Radio Interviewed Scott Mackay's Wife This morning
Highland Radio station Moray Firth Radio ran an interview with Marisa Mackay this morning widening the appeal for people to come forward to be put on the register in the bid to find a match for Scott Mackay.

Wick Harbour Entrance Yesterday

Wick River - Looking From Coastal Path
It is one of the unusual features of Caithness that the sky is so changeable and has many variations often within minutes or as in this case at the same time.  The pictures above were looking across the bay.  But by turning your head to look into Wick and up river a very different sky is on view   Take a walk whether along the coast or inland and you are sure to see a wide variety not just of views but of sky and often within the same area.  Interesting it is - predictable it is definitely not.

Public Service Obligations For Air Routes
Something that everyone flying in and out of the Highlands would support.  A major new study has concluded there is a compelling case on social and economic grounds for introducing Public Service Obligations to protect lifeline Scottish air routes.  It shows that PSOs are used widely and effectively in many European countries; that they result in cheaper travel for remote communities; and that it is perfectly legal for the UK Government to approve PSOs, both to assist island and rural mainland communities and to secure slots at congested hub air centres, such as Gatwick, London.

North Baths, Wick

Any Early Birds Out There
The first of Highland Wild Encounters few days of guided walks starts in Caithness with one from The royal society for the Protection of birds.  An early start at 6.00am and you will be out for three hours with a warden on the Blar nam Faoileag Nature Reserve.  The walk is followed by an optional breakfast at Strathmore Lodge.  Tel 01641 571 225 to book or for further details.  If that's too early check out the other walks coming up over the next few days in the northern counties.

Looking Towards Dunnet Head From The Air
Another view looking towards Dunnet Head from Sheila Moir of Scarkskerry.  And if you want to know how to get pictures like these the answer is simple.  Take a flying lesson from Wick airport.

Aboriginal Culture At South School
Red Centre Dreaming visited South School on Wednesday 22 May 2002 to introduce the children to aboriginal culture.  Seeing first hand traditional dances and learning a little of the culture of Australian native people from the two musician/dancers who were travelling round Scotland with Red Centre Dreaming - next stop Eden court, Inverness.

Clinics List For The  Round Table /Anthony Nolan Appeal
More clinics are being added to a list building on a new page setting out times from Caithness in the north of Scotland to the south of England.   We will add other Clinics with times and dates as soon as we can.   The clinics being set up will follow the bike ride being run from John O'Groats to Lands End allowing many more people to attend to be tested than usual.  The one in Caithness is at Wick.

Coincidences Do Happen - “UK Save A Life“ Big Bike Tour 1 - 11 June 2002
This huge appeal being organised by Round Table of Great Britain and the Anthony Nolan Trust just happens to be coming to Caithness with help of Wick Round Table.  A cycle ride to raise the profile of clinics being held the whole length of the UK is starting in Caithness on 1 June.  We just found out about it yesterday and have been collecting the information to make it widely known.  On Saturday Afternoon on 1 June a clinic will be held in Caithness General Hospital to collect blood samples.  Volunteers willing to go on the register can come along.  The fact that we are running information on Scott Mackay who needs to find a match and possibly from his old home area is just a coincidence that might just raise the chances a little.  Possible donors will now have a clinic set up in the county on Saturday 1 June to get tested if they fit the criteria.
Click Here for Round Table -  Anthony Nolan UK Save A Life Page
Click Here for the Scott Mackay Donor Appeal

Macmillan Cancer Relief Wick Walk
About 45 people took part in the Macmillan Miles Walk in aid of cancer relief.  Despite the misty weather the walkers enjoyed the stroll.  Retired ambulance driver George Mackay from Bettyhill cam over and he raised £513.

Newspapers And Your Family
Gordon Johnson a highly experienced researcher and genealogist continues his series on researching your family history with this article on what you might expect to find by looking at old newspapers for information.  For all of  the articles so far go to Gordon Johnson's Index Page

Caithness Courier Leads With Scott Mackay Transatlantic Plea
The sister paper to the John O'Groat Journal led with the Scott Mackay family's plea for more people to be tested as potential bone marrow donors.  What is required in Scott's case is a unit of blood from a matched donor.  A simple blood test can be used to decide who might be a match and it is Scott's own area where it seems there is a possibility of finding that match.  He was born in Thurso and although relatives both close and distant are now scattered there still remains a chance that a close match is in the area.

Miller Academy 1960 Picture L
Thanks to Kenny Learmonth for this picture of his class in 1960 at Miller Academy, Thurso.  Kenny who now lives in Orkney was only with the class for a year has had a go at the boys names and needs lots of help with the girls  - so over to you out there.

1968 - 2nd Thurso Scout Group Football Team Won Courier Cup
2nd Thurso Scout Group football team that won the Courier Cup in 1968 - the first year the cup was contested. They beat Castletown and Lybster on the way to the cup final which was against Thurso Boys Brigade and played at Viewfirth in November 1968.

How Far Can Three Guys In Kilts Get Raising Money For Charity?
Weel France Actually!!!! - Highland Hospice And Band Funds Get Great Boost. Fantastic!!!  Some of the band made it all the way to Abbeville two hours south of Calais, France in their 24 hour dash for the cash.  Using no money or prior arrangements they had to get as far as possible in 24 hours wearing kilts.  Well they made over £2000 along the way and got lots of free offers - hire car, ferry tickets, food.

Mountain Bike World Cup - Fort William
If you want to see the most exciting, most extreme mountain biking in the world, make a date for 1 & 2 June at Fort William in the Nevis Range Ski Area of the  Highlands.   For the first time ever the Tissot UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Downhill and 4-Cross events are being held in the UK.  This event is part-funded by The Highland Council.

Caithness Archaeological Trust Appoints Consultant
The appointment today of Cameron Taylor as consultant to the Caithness Archaeological Trust may mark a turning point in the fortunes of archaeology in Caithness for both academics and the local tourist industry.  Many people have credited Cameron Taylor as having had a great impact on the archaeology development in Orkney when he was the chief executive of Orkney Tourist Board.  He has also been recently appointed as consultant to Yarrows Heritage Trust.  The thrust of these two new organisations being run by local people is to see the resource developed for the long term benefit of Caithness and the Highlands.  Caithness has huge numbers of sites and this fact may now become a major asset to the county.

The Queen Mother Castle Of Mey Trust Announce Opening Dates
Castle and Gardens will be open on September 7th and 14th from 11.00am to 5.00pm.   The trust have announced the dates for the first ever opening of the Castle of Mey for the public to see inside.  Work is still progressing at the castle for what is expected to become the number one tourist destination in the county.  The gardens are already scheduled to be opened in July as in previous years when the Queen mother allowed local charitable fund raising to take place.  Garden Openings

Thurso & Wick Trades Union Council
Making The Case For New Battery Charger Production Factory At Wick.  In a recent letter to the chairman of AEA Technology the local Trades Union council have set out the reasons why they think the new battery charger plant to be set up in the near future by AEA Technology should be located at Wick.  They have also offered to meet with the management to discuss the reason further if this would be helpful.  The company already have a growing business at Thurso.

History of Caithness - First Half Of Chapter Seven Now In
More murder and mayhem in this part of the continuing History of Caithness.  George Sinclair, fourth Earl - Banishes William and Angus Gunn of Berriedale, and siezes their Castle.  The Earl of Sutherland and his Lady poisoned at Helmsdale, The Earl of Caithness becomes Curator of Alexander, Earl of Sutherland , then a minor - Alexander marries his Lordship's daughter - Flies afterwards to Strathbogie - Siege of Dornoch by the Master of Caithness and Mackay of Strathnaver.  The Sutherland hostage cruelly put to death - Master of Caithness imprisoned and starved to death at Girnigoe.

The Wedding By theatrecollective@highland Sponsored by Lyth Arts Centre
Yes get yourselves dressed up and join the cast at this wedding comedy in the Portland Arms Hotel.  The wedding where it all goes wrong.  Set at a Highland wedding you can be one of the guests as the comedy drama unfolds - laughter, tears, speeches when a family of butchers meet a family of bakers.  This is the first time the Highland collective have made it to Caithness and it looks set to be a hit using the well know local hotel as the setting.  If you like getting dressed up you will love it.

100 Hit By Virus Outbreak At Raigmore - Coming Under Control
Around 50 patients and 50 staff have been affected by a virus - most likely cause of this is the small round stru.ctured virus (SRSV), which is a frequent cause of diarrhoea and sickness in the community and is present in most other hospitals across Scotland. It is most common during the winter and sometimes called "winter vomiting disease" Most of these have fully recovered already and only 10 patients are currently symptomatic now.

Wick Girls Group Latest Programme

Dunbeath Heritage Centre Has Completely Changed
If you have not been at Dunbeath Heritage Centre for while you may be surprised at the transformation.  The whole centre has been renewed changing the format whilst retaining some of what it had.  New displays and an unusual telling of the Dunbeath story laid out for you to follow round the floor.  The study centre now has even more books and family histories than ever before for consulting.  A new web site is also under construction.  The centre also organises a range of walks.

Lybster Harbour Yesterday
The creels were neatly stacked on either side of the harbour but these must be the spares as most boats had - "gone fishing" taking advantage of the lovely weather.  Waterlines fishing heritage centre is now open and a number of visitors were in evidence relaxing outside where they have table sand chairs just above the small rocky foreshore - a great spot for rest and a cup of coffee or a snack.

G A Henderson, Opticians, Thurso
Congratulation to G A Henderson, Opticians on launching their new website that is hosted by us here at Scorrie Internet Services.  Carole Henderson has constructed the web site and the new web address is an easy one to remember   In case you forget it will shortly be listed in our Caithness Business Pages and at the bottom of this page in our hosted web sites listing.

Caithness Classic Motor Cycle Rally 2002
Started At Lybster

South School Primary School, Wick - May Newsletter
See what the kids will be getting up to in June/July.  Events coming soon - Football and Netball fixtures and lots more.  Some reports from a few pupils on the Second World War Day they held in March.

Berriedale WRI Charity Walk Today At Dunbeath Strath
Marie Mackenzie of Berridale Women's Rural Institute and a few friends set off to raise some money for the MacMillan Nurses Cancer Research charity.  As part of the  MacMillan Miles challenge the ladies were setting off to walk six miles up the strath and six miles back.  The Dunbeath Strath starting from the Mill is a particularly lovely walk and they set off in sunshine about 1.30pm.

Over Caithness - Looking Towards Dunnet Head
Quite a bit of the county in view in this picture.  Dunnet Head in the distance with Dunnet Forest as a small dark patch in front of it.  Loch Heilen to the right through the plane strut and more.

More Lifeboat Exercise Pictures

Wings Over Wick - Another Batch Of Memories
Douglas Johnston,  Lochgelly, Fife  - Salvaging A Whitley Bomber From Wick Crashed on North Rona
Alex Campbell, Duns, Berwickshire - Films of dog-fights with German pilots over the North Sea
J Scanlaw, Barlanark, Glasgow - Raid on day of arrival at Wick
Mr T Cooper, Braintree, Essex - Superb mushrooms collected for breakfast
Ernest Dawson,  Sutton Coldfield - Trained in South Africa - Bombed and machined gunned at Wick
T Gwynn Jones, Menai Bridge, Gwynedd - Wireless Operator who played the organ and piano
Ernest Neil, Heaton, Newcastle Upon Tyne - Hit And Run Raid Blasts Hangar
L M MacRae,   Northampton - Spitfire For Weather reports waved at Germans going the other way
Mr Steven Batt, Dudley, Worcestershire - Diary - Landed in Norway-Captured-Colditz-Prisoner-1945
James Swanson, Edinburgh - Dead Canadian Parachutist buried at Wick
Mr P Woods, Glasgow - Based at Skitten-cleaning up bodies washed ashore after ships sunk by u-boats

Wick High School Commercial Class 1950
More names in.  Only one or two to go to complete the picture.  Can Anyone else complete the list.

Scott Family Set Up Fund To Help With Treatment Costs and Testing
Scott Mackay's wife Marisa has set up a fund to help with the costs of testing people who come forward for testing to see if they are a match as a possible bone marrow donor.  It can cost $70 dollars per test.  Marisa says "I have had lots of replies coming from your web site... family of Scotts,,, friends he grew up with... its been heart-warming".

New Scrabster Pier Creeping Slowly Out To Sea

Wings Over Wick - More Memories
Kenneth Marsden, Bolton - wireless operator covering the Norwegian Raids.
Frank Manson, Wolverhampton - Bullets flying while he had breakfast in his hands.
L Turner, Wolverhampton - Fitting anti submarine aerials and  bombed  - enjoyed the cakes
Mr E Dover, Over Hulton, Bolton - Repair & Salvage and a lifelong connection to Wick
Charlie Simpson, East Kilbride - Keeping the runway clear of snow, censored letters
Dane Dunnett,  Great Sutton, South Wirral - First American Liberator At Wick, Babe Ruth Candy
G G Lang, Glasgow - Wife shakes brush at attacking plane
Ron Whyte, Margate, Kent - Confirmed a story 30 years later at John O'Groats

Police Station, Wick - Latest Pictures
Work is still progressing on the new police station in Wick.  The place surrounded by materials.  they should have a nice view if they have windows at the back as it faces the park and the Wick river looking over to the town and the Old Parish church.

New Pulteneytown Community Group - Steering Committee
Next Meeting  - Wednesday 22 May - 7.00pm South School Hall.  all Residents welcome.

Queen's Jubilee Beacon
On 3 June a beacon will be lit on the hill behind Nottingham Mains Farm at Map Ref 195374 joining with hundreds of others all over the UK.

Large Caithness Gardens Open To The Public In 2002
The gardens are not open all the time so keep an eye on the dates if you want to visit one or all of them.  You can see Dunbeath Castle Gardens, Sandside House Gardens, Langwell house Gardens and the Castle of Mey Gardens. The Castle of Mey Trust hope to open the castle itself to the public in August but this is dependant on the work currently in progress being completed.

Drive Off Road Vehicles For Fun In Any Weather At Ronalsdons
William Ronaldson & Son of Westerseat Farm near Wick have bought a new tracked vehicle with financial assistance from CASE so their 4x4 activities for visitors can continue, even when the weather is more suited to ducks.  A development grant and financial support from the European funded HIE Activity programme - which supports tourism activities covering everything from mountaineering and fishing, to events and festivals - has allowed Mr Ronaldson to buy an ex-MOD tracked vehicle.

Dunnet Bay - Castletown
Up in the air again with Dunnet Bay round to Castletown.  Olrig lies at the back of Castletown in this picture.

Reay Golf Club Extends Its Try Golf Evenings
The recent Try Golf Evening was so successful that the club have extended the idea for another three weeks.  All equipment is provided so just turn up On Friday evenings at 7.15 for tonight or the next two weeks.

Highland Council Wants GM Crop Trials To End
A national debate on Genetically Modified crops can only be conducted if the Government calls a halt to the current farmscale evaluation programme. Highland Councillors say the polarisation of the debate has created a "poisonous atmosphere" and only by cancelling the current trial programme can the Government ensure that a national debate can proceed in a constructive way.

Cats Protection Latest Fundraisers

Boat At Scrabster On Thursday 2002

Caithness Pony Club Teams Training Hard For The Big Competition
It was all go last night at the Caithness Pony Club training night heading up to the games at the end of this month.  33 teams from north of the Forth in Scotland will be coming with their ponies.

Another View Of Scrabster From The Air
Here is another view of Scrabster from above sent in by Sheila Moir.  The new development at the pier are out of this picture.

Caithness And Sutherland Enterprise Monthly Report April 2002
The number of unemployed in Caithness and Sutherland fell from 1,072 last month to 1,031. The revised unemployment rates in the Sutherland, Wick and Thurso ‘Travel to Work Areas’ respectively are as follows (corresponding figures for last month are shown in brackets) 7.9% (8.6%), 6.5% (6.7%) and 3.4% (3.3%).

Caithness Ethnic Minorities Network Gains £19715 From CASE Grants
The ethnic minorities project has received funding from two areas £9,858 from Community Economic Development and £9,857 from Community planning to make a total of £19,715 towards their Network and Outreach Support Programme.

Miller Academy 1960 - Picture K
Another picture for Miller Academy 1960 sent in by Alan Macpherson who was in this class.   We will shortly begin to build sections for schools with large numbers of pictures such as Miller Academy .  Where we have received several pictures for one year we have given them a letter to help with identification for those of you sending us names etc for the pictures.

Highland Biodiversity Caithness - New Section
Janet Bromham is the new Highland Biodiversity Officer for the Highlands and is the daughter of a farming family at Watten.  She will be leading a workshop in Thurso to create a Caithness Biodiversity Plan.  The first newsletter is already out and is reproduced in the section that will be found in Nature and Environment.

National Debate On Scottish Education
The Scottish Executive set up a national debate on the future of education and has been seeking views from around Scotland.  There are now two web sites one at Scottish Executive and the latest one for the Highland dimension at Thinknet.  Both forum sites that have information papers and discussion boards can be found in our Education Links section.  You have until the end of June to join in.

Wick Scouts Reunion Goes Again In 2002
The hugely successful reunion held last year to commemorate the contribution made by the late Johnny Yuill to scouting in Wick is to have another run. This time the scouts of that era are back in action on Friday 2 August 2002 at 12 noon to unveil a plaque opposite the Old Parish Church.  On Thursday 1 August in the evening there will be an informal get-to-gether at Mackays Hotel.  This is FREE and there is no booking - just turn up.  Those guys never did anything by halves it seems.

Thurso Pipe Band 24 hour Challenge
Thurso Pipe Band will undertake a sponsored 24-hour challenge on the 18th 0f May 2002, which will consist of ten people (five teams of two) trying to get as far away from Thurso as possible. Its purpose is to raise as much money as possible for the local Highland Hospice Charity and to help for the younger members of the Thurso Pipe Band’s Trip to Brilon in Germany.

Miller Academy 1962
Thanks to Alan Macpherson for the names for this Miller Academy picture.  Still a few names blank for the rest of the little grey cells of the class to work on.

Another View Of Thurso And Thurso Bay From The Air
This view from above shows Thurso and Thurso Bay with the river running into the sea on the left across from Thurso East.  the walls of Thurso East Castle on the left where the river enters the sea with the castle being just out of the picture.  This current series of pictures were provided by Sheila Moir of Scarfskerry who was given them by a friend.  More to come of Caithness from the air.

Blood Transfusion Service In Wick Saw 355 People Yesterday

Lifeboat Exercise - Longhope, Thurso and Wick Lifeboats
Over the next few days we will bring you many pictures from the major Lifeboat exercise that took place on Sunday between Stroma and the mainland of Caithness.  Three lifeboats were involved in a simulation of a breakdown by the ferry Pentland Venture after is was hit below the waterline with two people lost overboard.  The exercise was controlled by the coastguard service from Aberdeen.  Lifeboat crews carried out searches for the lost passengers after dummies were cast over earlier.  Pentland Venture was drifting in a very strong tide towards Dunnet Head.  You can see all the action over the rest of this week as we process more pictures.

Pentland Skerries
This small island and a few rocks stands in the Pentland Firth off the coast of Caithness  - one of the most ferocious places at certain times.  It can be seen from various vantage points on the Caithness mainland.  Apart from the lighthouse there is evidence of viking occupation from finds of pottery, an antler comb and the fact that there is a midden and some small traces of old buildings.

Biodiversity Planning Meeting In Thurso
Caithness and Sutherland will pilot a new process aimed at improving  biodiversity in the North this summer. The process will involve the  production of local biodiversity action plans as well as a series of  awareness raising events and practical works to improve the diversity of  the flora and fauna in the two areas.  To get the ball rolling, more than 100 people have been invited to attend  biodiversity workshops in Thurso and Lairg. The workshops will help  identify locally important habitats and species, and list key issues and  opportunities for their continued survival or enhancement.

A Short History Of Badbea by Joy Corley
 Many thanks to Joy Corley of Welbeck Estate, Berriedale for her latest article that she has researched and given to us and publish.  Joy has also written a short poem that also outlines the harsh realities of living there.  Thanks also to Robert Richmond for his pictures taken in April this year

Scarfskerry From The Air
Scarfskerry area stretching to Mey with Mey loch the large body of water.  Scarfskerry is not on the main road but requires a diversion to take you along the coast where there is a small pier with an old Ferry House from the nineteenth century that has been the subject of many paintings including the famous Daniell prints a set of which are on display at the Dunbeath Heritage Centre.

Scott Mackay and Family At Home In Aurora Illinois
The search for a bone marrow donor for Scott Mackay goes on today as posters go up at the Blood Donation Day In Wick Assembly Rooms.  Information will be available today in the search for anyone who might be willing to be tested as a match for Scott.  Someone related to the Richard Scott Mackay born and brought up in Thurso may be a potential donor.  Contact information will be at the Wick Centre today.  Scott's wife has also been placed on the Bone Marrow register but she is not a match.

Dwarwick & Dunnet Bay From The Air
Another view of Dunnet Bay and Dwarwick from above.

Highland Wild Encounters - A Ranger Week Of Exploring In The North
The Highland Ranger Service presents a week of unrivalled opportunities to get close to the rare, beautiful and unique wildlife of the North Highlands in Caithness, Sutherland and Ross & Cromarty
Expert rangers will guide you to view some of the birds, animals and plants that make the North Highlands a top destination for lovers of wildlife.   See The Programme

Cross Roads Care Annual Report and Accounts
AGM - Tuesday 14 May - 7.00pm New Weigh Inn, Thurso. - Guest speakers R. Silverwood and David Flear (Councillor)

Thurso Horticultural Society 2002/03 Programme Now Updated

Ackergill From The Air
Back in the skies over Caithness again with this picture from a couple of years ago of the Ackergill Area.  The picture shows Ackergill Tower and Ackergill Village to the right and Noss Head in the distance.

Latest From Friends Of ARM
Internet Access for People Using The Centre
The latest venture from Friends of Arms in Wick that takes a special interest in people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis which now includes use of a computer and internet access [FREE] for anyone using the centre.   This can be used for research into their condition, treatments, new research or just general interest like Caithness org.   The group can be found on the following site also    

Hector Polson Aged 74 On Mammoth Motorcycle Fundraisng Challenge
Hector Polson sets out on 27 May to raise funds for Chest, Heart and Stroke and Crossroads Carers.  He will do an around Scotland Motorcycle run on a 1937 OK Supreme Motorcycle.  If you would like to sponsor Hector or make a donation to the two charities full details are on the special Motor Cycle Run web site.   The distance Hector will cover slightly more than the Land’s End to John O’Groats run, in fact he will be doing over 1000 miles!!!  Good Luck Hector From the Caithness.Org team.

Scottish Natural Heritage Relocation Bid By Highland Council
The Highland Council is stepping up its bid to attract to the Highlands a major element of the headquarters’ functions of Scottish Natural Heritage. The Council is to contribute £20,000 - matching funding from Highlands and Islands Enterprise - to prepare a "realistic and appropriate" bid over the next few weeks for 200 top SNH jobs to be based in the Highlands.

Crossroads Care Attendants Scheme AGM
Tuesday 14 May  - 7.00pm New Weigh Inn, Thurso. - Guest speakers R. Silverwood and David Flear (Councillor)

Highland Council Bid For Higher McCrone Funding
The Highland Council has renewed its call on the Scottish Executive for an additional £6.6 million over the next three years to fully fund the McCrone Agreement on teachers’ pay and conditions.

Statue At Noss Taking Shape Rapidly Now

Work On The Statue Of Prince Henry St Clair Continues At Noss

Richard "Scott" Mackay Bone Marrow Appeal  - Latest Update From The Family
We now know that Richard was born in Dunbar Hospital in Thurso and have other family information sent by Scott's wife Marisa to help identify possible contacts.  Scott who is 28 married with three children has been battling Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma for 3 years and is now in desperate need for a bone marrow transplant.  Any assistance in locating possible donors here in Caithness or in the UK would be appreciated.  The best bet is for relatives no matter how distant to come forward and contact Marisa in the USA.

SKirza To Duncansby - Another Walk On The Caithness Coast Begins

Neurological Group Launches The Nerve Centre Web Site
Congratulations to Carole Henderson and the Neurological group on launching their new web site called The Nerve Centre.  The site is hosted by Caithness.Org and has its own domain name
If you forget where it is later you will still find the Nerve Centre Link Page with a link in our Health and Welfare pages.  The new site will have a growing list of information and contacts on a variety of neurological disorders.

Miller Academy - August 1980 - Primary 1
This picture was sent in by Louise Sinclair (nee Campbell) of her former class at Miller Academy

Olrig Cemetery
Thanks to Janis Paterson for this picture of Olrig Cemetery.  There are a great many cemeteries in the county and we have just recently included more in our listing.  We have yet to visit most of them to get pictures

Latest Fund Raising News In The UK

Update On Queen's Jubilee Visit To Wick
The Queen will arrive at Wick airport at about 3.40pm on 27 May  and then walk about in the precinct in Wick before proceeding to the reception in the Assembly Rooms at 4.30pm.  She will depart from Wick by the Royal Train that will leave from Wick station at approximately 5.15pm

A Plea for Relatives of James Richard Mackay in USA Brought Up In Thurso
My name is Marisa Mackay the newest member of the Mackay clan.  My husband is James Richard "Scott" Mackay.  He was born and raised in Thurso Scotland and is now residing in the U.S. He has been battling Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma for 3 years and is now in desperate need for a bone marrow transplant.  Unfortunately no-one in the US including his 2 siblings have matched.  It seems that his best chance is with his ancestors and his Scottish heritage.  I noticed on your website that you are having a blood draw on May 14th - funny but that will be his 28th birthday.  I am writing to you in hopes you can help me get everyone you can to become a bone marrow donor.

History In The Making As Prince Henry Sinclair Statue Arrives At Noss Head Centre
Modern master mason and sculpting skills went into action today at the Sinclair Centre at Noss to complete the statue bringing to life the Centre that has been the dream of its creators.  Ian Sinclair has invited children in the area to come along and see the statue close to as finishing work goes on over this weekend.  Any child can come along with an adult and perhaps get the chance under the close supervision of Shawn Williamson the sculptor and be part of this historic part of the new centre.  Just phone the centre on 606700 to check a time to go along.  And take a camera to get a most unique photo opportunity.

Seaforth Place, Dunnet
Seaforth Place, Dunnet is set on the main road in Dunnet just across from the wee shop along from the pub, short hop to the beach, slightly longer hop to the forest, and looking at the rush hour it could be said to be as close to ideal as you can get.

Save The children - Caithness Branch Needs New Folk
The Caithness branch urgently needs new committee members and anyone else to help with fundraising in order for the Caithness Branch to survive.   The AGM is on Tuesday 14 May 2002 at 7.30pm in the Wick Laundry Office. Anyone interested can contact Elizabeth Henderson directly if they prefer rather than coming to the meeting.

Latest From Ormlie Community Association
Ormlie Community Association will be holding their AGM on Monday 20 May 2002 at 7.30 pm in the Ormlie Centre, Henderson Street, Thurso. Everybody welcome - refreshments after the meeting.
Other News

Newtonhill Community Woodland Spring Clean Up Went Well
The clean up at Newtonhill Community Woodland was organised by the Highland Council Ranger Service  As part of the challenge to earn a World Conservation badge, the 1st Wick Scouts turned out in force and removed substantial amounts of litter and waste from the woodland.  Help was also given by the Caithness Critters, Caithness Countryside Volunteers and other members of the community.   Well done to all the volunteers who took part.

Give Blood In Wick
Tuesday 14 May 2002 - 2.00 - 4.00pm - 5.00 - 8.00pm Wick Assembly Rooms
Still a free service in the UK and it depends on the thousands of volunteers who donate blood regularly to ensure vital operations can be carried out.  Give Blood and save a life - it could be yours one day.

Hey Its Europe Day Today
What's that? - you may well ask.  You can find more at the Scottish Parliament Web Site  View also the schools Europe Day workshops live from Committee Room 1 on  between 09.30 and 13.00 Tomorrow (BST).  Well maybe we should all know by now as "The enlargement of the EU is one of the largest projects ever undertaken in Europe.  By the end of the process the EU will stretch from Lisbon in the West to Bucharest in the East and will take in the islands of Malta and Cyprus. The number of Member States will almost double from 15 to 27 and it will consist of over 500 million people.  The world's largest single market  - bigger than USA and Japan combined.    European Links

Nerve Centre Latest From The Neurological Group
Following the recent opening of the Nerve Centre in Thurso, we are delighted to announce that there is to be an open day on Wednesday 15 May from 2-4pm in the Arthritis Care rooms, Whitehouse Park, Wick where people can see a proposed drop-in centre for people affected by neurological conditions. This is seen as a "satellite" of the Nerve Centre and will allow coverage of both sides of Caithness.

Highland Cycling Event This Weekend
A major event is being organised soon in the Highlands, which could prove to be the forerunner for a leg of the world’s most famous cycling event – the Tour de France – in 2008, when Inverness and the Highlands hopes to host the European Capital of Culture. The Ness Monster 2-Day event is being modelled on the Tour de France and will be staged in and around Inverness on Saturday and Sunday 18/19 May.

Carers Week is 10 - 16 June 2002
Highland Carers Project is holding a one day conference on Wednesday 12 June 2002 "Are We Speaking Softly" at Tulloch Castle Hotel, Dingwall 10.30am - 3.00pm.  Caithness Community Care Forum is a member of the Highland Community Care Forum Network who are organising the conference.

Dunnet Bay Caravan Site
The caravan site at Dunnet Bay is back in full swing and the holiday weekend saw a good number of visitors taking advantage of the lovely spring weather that came with the bank holiday weekend.  Tucked in behind the sand dunes just off the beach and with Dunnet forest on the other side of the road its an ideal spot for checking out the county.  With a small hotel just along the road and Dunnet Head tearoom also not far away it makes for a very relaxing break in the far north.

Updating UK Education News
Just added to two pages in the Links section - Updating UK Education News.  For convenience the updating news has been added to Education Links and Educational Resources Index where parents, teachers and students will find an increasing range of topics.

Halkirk Gardening Competition for Queens Jubilee
The competition is open to all gardens in the parish and forms are obtainable from local shops and post offices.  Entries must be in by 18 May.  Gardens will be judged by inspections 3 times over the summer period.  There are prizes for different categories.

Free Personal And Nursing Care In Scotland For Over 65's From 1 July 2002
Big changes in access to FREE personal care for the elderly begins in Scotland on 1 July.  The changes will give people the right to free care even it they are living in their own homes.

Queen's Golden Jubilee Celebrations At Clyth
Clyth community association is organising a range of event on Monday 3 June for people in the village and surrounding area.   If your village is organising an event for the Jubilee let us know.  We will be trying to get to as many as possible to take pictures to add to the section now building.

More From Mary Ann's Cottage - Not A Museum - A House Frozen In Time

Firefighters At Wick On Charity Trail
On the 1st of June a team of firefighters from Wick Fire Brigade set out on a three day cycle run which will take them from Wick to Ullapool to Tongue and then back to Wick.  In total that's 300 miles which will be done in a relay format between the firefighters taking part.

Auchorn Square, Bower

Ole! Spanish Night At Dunnet Head Restaurant
18th May Hasta Pronto! Booking on 01847 851774

Shell Livewire
If you are aged 16-30 and think you've got a head for starting your own business, or if you know someone who has, you can receive a free Essential Business Kit tailored to your particular business idea by ringing 0845 757 3252 (cost of a local call), or check out our web site at   And You could win £10,000.

Why Mountains Matter - A Free Lecture At ERI, Thurso
Dr Martin Price from Mountain Studies, Perth College on why Mountains Matter.
Mountains occupy 24% of the global land surface. About 26% of the global population lives within or near them. They supply many goods and services to a large proportion of humanity. This illustrated presentation will outline their diverse values, explaining why 2002 is the International Year of Mountains.  This series of lectures supported by UKAEA is free to the public.  Check it out.
Evironmental Research Institute Main Page.

Caithness Sand And Land Yacht Club
The kite buggy picture of the last couple of days prompted Bob Levens to get in touch with his memories of the Caithness Sand and Land Yacht Club.  Bob was a member in the 1960's and his father a leading light in the club designed the club badge (left).  Perhaps with the interest in kites and buggying its time to revive such a club at Dunnet.  Knowing the difficulties of starting such groups we at Caithness.Org would be happy to put interested people in touch with each other.  Just email us and if there is enough of you we will put you all in touch with a view to forming a sandy buggy and related club.

Special Occasions Cars, Wick - Another Scorrie Web Site
If you need a Rolls Royce, Bentley or Mercedes Benz for that special day in the far north then our latest web site just rolled out for luxury cars in Caithness will allow you to view the cars and contact the firm..  The Business Also has an entry in our  Business Pages.

View From Dwarwick Pier To Dunnet Beach

About 1830 hrs. on Monday 6th. May, 2002, a protest was staged at Tullich Farm, Munlochy, the site of the GM oil-sed rape trial.  Police attended and found approximately one hundred people on the roadway near the GM vigil. A number of people were also in the field together with a Landrover, which was being used to destroy the crop.

Last 10 Pictures Of Our Jet Boat Trip On The West Of Stroma

North School 1937
Thanks to  Irene M. Basner (Maimie MacLean), Michigan, USA. for sending in this picture of her North School class.  Irene said  - "The class photograph taken at the North School in 1937--the year it opened I believe.  When war broke out in 1939, the school became a hospital and the students had to attend Pulteneytown Academy.

New Dwarwick Pictures

Latest Ranger Nature Notes
There are a lot of migrants now back. Willow warblers, sedge warblers, swallows an early swift and sandwich and arctic terns. The sunny weather has been a great boost and some lapwing are actually with young.

Bird Watch With The Rangers
Dunnet Bay. View the varied bird life of Dunnet Bay, dunes and forest.  Meet Dunnet Bay visitor Centre. Allow 2.5hrs   Check out the summer Bird Watch programme

More Kite Buggying At Dunnet
With glorious sunny weather we were once again out at Dunnet Beach with the kite buggies.  Also out today was Peter and Nick Gladstone with their buggy.  This picture shows nick putting the buggy through its paces on a day with almost perfect conditions with a steady breeze off the land more  or less all day.

Day Was Too Good To Waste So We Spent most Of It At The Beach

Another Trip To ????????????
where to next in our mystery telephone box trips.  Can you guess before you click. Goes Kite Buggying At Dunnet Beach

Dirlot Cemetery
The cemetery at Dirlot sits in the middle of one of the most isolated spots in Caithness.  It was not always so.  In the past it must have been a thriving area and much fought over as the History of Caithness shows several fights between rival families.  The graveyard sits near to Dirlot Castle and there has always been much speculation regarding the place - where the stones were taken from to build the walls, why the graveyard is the shape it is and rumours of Templar treasure nearby.  Many Gunns are buried here.

Caithness V Orkney Model Yacht Competition Weekend At Sarclet Loch

Darts Weekend At Francis Street Club, Wick Is In Full Swing
 An excellent entry for this years darts competitions weekend at Francis Street club, Wick.  Competitors from all over Scotland including a couple of ex national team players were competing for prizes totalling £3000 in the event sponsored by Caithness Office Supplies.

Message From Ian Laird - Caithness Music on the Radio Tonight
Robbie Shepherd's programme, "Take the Floor", tonight on Radio Scotland, which broadcasts on the Internet, will include music from Caithness.  The item on the play list which caught my eye is:
LP: The Beauty of the North
ARTIST: The Wick Scottish Dance Band
S2/B7: Grand March; Castle Dangerous;
The Son of the Scottish Soldier; The Battle of Altimarlach LABEL: One Up (EMI) CAT NR: OU 2194
Robbie's Web Page You can link to the programme from there.  You need Real Player, a free download, to listen. The programme broadcasts from 2005-2130 BST.

A Long Looked For Link - Tide Predictions Worldwide From UK Admiralty
We have been searching for a long time for reliable set of tide predictions.  Now finally one has been emailed to us.  It  should be one the best as it is from the UK Admiralty.  Offering worldwide tide predictions are based on the previous midnight.  So for anyone who wants to know what state the tide is in anywhere book mark this site.  We have placed a link to it in Boats and Maritime links.  Thanks to Grant Golding for that one.

What's On Board Is Free - Get your Event In
If you are organising events in Caithness you can get long term advertising for days, weeks and even months ahead by completing the Submission Form.   So get your events in as soon as possible for maximum coverage and let more people know What's On.  For bigger lists of events just email them to us and we will do the rest.  

Nestwatch UK May 25 - 31 May 2002
The RSPB Royal Society for the Protection of Birds is asking for help in identifying the nesting habits of birds that use gardens.  Nestwatch UK, a new national survey, will focus on bird activity in gardens during RSPB's Wake Up to birds Week which runs from May 25 - 31.  Nestwatch participants are being asked to give details of the birds nesting in their garden.  The survey form includes a handy identification chart of familiar and not so familiar birds.  Forms will be on the web site shortly or you can contact them by phone for a leaflet.

A SCRAP Update - Who? - Sutherland and Caithness Recycling Action Partnership
Want help save on dumping in landfill sites then we can all help SCRAP by following a few simple ideas like composting.  In the last few weeks they have distributed 500 composting bins for household and garden waste turning it into a valuable commodity.  100 more bins will soon be in the hands of new composters and much more is planned to cut down on Sutherland and Caithness waste.

Wick Harbour Trust Minutes In The Virtual Vault
As part of Local History Week that begins on Saturday 4 May items from local archives are being put online.  One item is the first 100 pages of the Wick Harbour Trust minutes book 1880 - 1886 held by North Highland Archive.  The Virtual Vault will have a few items from various Scottish Archives.  The images available for printing and may take a while to load as the files are between 150k and 220k each.  You may also have to adjust your browser to read the hand written text.

Dirlot Castle And Graveyard - Mysterious, Magical and more.
Here is one for debate on the Message Boards and is sure to have much more to follow.  This item on the purpose of the castle at Dirlot and the meaning of various surrounding sites will no doubt get many of you thinking.  Is there Templars Gold in the devils pool?   "I found that this ley line aligns perfectly with the Sinclair Burial Aisle in Wick which acts as a generator point for most of the longest Caithness ley lines. The Sinclairs of Caithness, the Gunns, Cheyne’s, and the Sutherlands, all stemming from Rex Deus bloodlines, had knowledge of sacred geometry and geomancy.  The Sinclairs of Caithness built over twenty houses and castles in honour of the Caithness ley lines. Most of these ley lines centre at Dirlot".

Waterlines Visitor Centre, Lybster Opens On Saturday 4 May
The newest visitor centre in the county which opened last year re-opens for the season on Saturday.  The main theme of the centre is based around the fishing that was once the mainstay of the local community.  There is a vari ety of things to see including a traditional boat being built, video camera on the nesting birds as well as a collection of material reflecting earlier days.  There is also a tearoom and facilities for visiting yachtsmen.

Caithness Music Festival Programmes Now At Local Newsagents
The Caithness Music Festival looks geared up for another successful week 10  - 14 June followed by concerts in Wick and Thurso as the programmes hit the shops.  Everyone should not that afternoon events will start at 1.30pm instead of 2.00pm as in the past.  Everyone is looking forward t a successful festival after last years cancellations due to the general election that has priority in public halls.

Crossroads Care Attendants Scheme AGM
Tuesday 14 May  - 7.00pm New Weigh Inn, Thurso
Guest speakers R. Silverwood and David Flear (Councillor)

Cairndhuna Terrace, Wick

Harrowhill, Wick

Latest Ackergill Tower Pictures
There are currently 33 Caithness castles listed in the Castles Pages

Reay Golf Club - Junior Coaching
If you are a junior player or a boy or girl who would like to try out golf you are all welcome to attend the coaching at the club.

Reay Golf Club - Adult Beginners - Its Never too Late To Play Golf!!
Why not take your children along for the Junior sessions and then start yourself.  Ladies and gents welcome.  This try out session is free and clubs and balls will be provided so why not come along for some fun.

Trapping Of Pest Birds
Northern Constabulary warn against interfering with legal traps. People going into the country, particularly at this time of the year, may come across cage traps which have been set out to catch pest bird species.  The traps which are allowed for under a General Licence issued by the Scottish Executive are used by a variety of land managers including gamekeepers, farmers and RSPB.

Youth Trip to Jumpnshout Concert - Inverness
Forty-two young people from youth groups all over Caithness travelled to Eden Court Theatre, Inverness to attend Jumpnshout Concert.   They saw various young singers and groups performing including D-Side and Liberty X.

Should Caithness Look At Westray As It Doubles Tourists in January - March
A special deal designed to encourage winter visits to a remote Orkney community has turned into an important tourism success story for the island.  New figures show that visitors booked more than 430 accommodation nights with hotels and self catering establishments in Westray during the first three months of 2002 - nearly double the figure for the same period last year.

Queen Will Visit Wick For Jubilee Celebration
The Queen will visit Wick to meet the people of the area as part of her visits to every part of the UK during her Golden Jubilee year.  The visit will take place on Monday 27 May when she will walk around part of the town and then head for a reception in the Assembly Rooms, Wick.  The invited guests will include contingents from Sutherland, Orkney Islands and Shetland Islands.

Queen's Jubilee Celebrations - Wick Ceilidh
The Wick committee who are organising a ceilidh are expecting a big turnout for the evening ceilidh to be held on 27 May the same day as the Queen's visit to Wick.  Tickets go on sale shortly and are priced £4.  A variety of traditional entertainment will be on offer for a good night of Scottish Dancing, singing and music from a range of artists.  So with Pipers, Fiddlers, Scottish Dance Band, line dancers and more it should be a memorable night.  If you are visiting Wick check the page to get tickets.

New Research Challenge Fund For Highland Businesses
A new competition, designed to boost the commercial exploitation of research and development activity in the Highlands and Islands has been launched.  The Research Challenge Fund will see £150,000 divided amongst three successful projects, with the amount each receives depending on the specific nature and demands of their project.  The competition has been established by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and will be run over the summer and autumn.

Banner Advertising With Caithness.Org
We have a growing list of advertisers taking advantage of our low cost banners linking to business web sites.   Starting at £115 for one banner or discounted rates for multiple banners its one of the cheapest rates around.  Work it out at just over £2 a week your advert can be circulating for a whole year on a growing list of web sites in the group now extending to Sutherland Business Pages.  You get more than just a banner with links on the list of advertisers, static banner on the Business Page and raised profile with our growing audience.

Latest On Munlochy GM Crop Protests
Highland Council moved swiftly to distance themselves from Highland Councillor Michael Foxley who has spoken in favour of the activists who damaged the crop and appeared in court this week.

Queen's Golden Jubilee Celebrations - Thurso Latest
Final Programme of events for Thurso's celebrations 1 - 4 June.  The organisers tell us stalls for the events are selling fast so if you want one at an event including Scrabster Harbour Day that is part of the celebrations this year then you better get in soon.

Names in for a Miller Academy School 1960 Picture
From Maureen Eaton (nee Moore)

Berriedale-Braemore War Memorial
although we have had a picture of the Berriedale War Memorial for some time we had no information.  We are grateful to Joy Corley for supplying details of the ceremony of dedication of the memorial, who was present and other interesting details.

Caithness.Org History Section Joins Scottish History Online Web Ring
With the increasing popularity of the Caithness.Org history pages we thought it might be useful in finding more history sites if we teamed up with one of the web rings.  Our History Index Page now carries the link banner to Scottish History Online Web Ring where you can find other interesting Scottish History sites.   We also have our own Caithness.Org Scottish History Links page.

Boats At Wick Harbour Today - One From Kirkwall + Local Getting Welding Done

Dounreay Visitor Centre Opens Today For Summer Season 2002
The centre, which was visited by approximately 6,000 people last year, is popular with both local residents and tourists alike.   Caithness has a wide range of visitor centres, museums and galleries some free and others with a small entrance charge.  Click Here to See A list and check details.

Friends Of Newtonhill Community Woodland - Meeting Last Night
Support for the recently formed community group, 'Friends of Newtonhill Woodland', was given by Councillor Deirdre Stevens who attended the meeting and discussed the importance and potential for a path linking Newtonhill to the town.  The next meeting will take place at Newtonhill Community Woodland on Thursday the 30th May at 7.30pm. The group plan to take a walk around the woodland and address some of the management issues. Anyone with an interest in the woodland is very welcome to attend.

John O'Groats Interpretive Display
A new permanent outdoor display at John O'Groats - a project controlled Julian Smith of Designsmith - is nearing completion. The installation, which has been produced using Caithness flagstone and recycled glass, is an interpretation of the natural history of the area, and has taken five months to complete......more

April Traffic Goes To Highest Yet - Thanks To You All For Looking In
Hits 3,734,972   Pages 318,524  Visitors 83,150 - - Average Daily Visitors 2771
April hits and visitors up again.   Page views were down.   And April was one day shorter than March.
2002 Totals so far - Hits 12,953,285  Pages 1,416,997  Visitors 305,360

Pentland Venture Leaving John O'Groats This Morning - First To Orkney For 2002
A surprisingly large number of people took the first ferry trip of 2002 to Orkney today.  This very popular short crossing to Orkney has been running for many years and has an optional coach tour of Orkney meeting the ferry.  Check Ferry web site for details.

More Views At Thrumster House

Wings Over Wick - More Memories Of War Time In Caithness
Hubert Nettleton, Leeds, West Yorkshire Secret wireless station at Thrumster - early radar tests
A Connelly, Blairgowrie, Perthshire - Reforming fighter squadrons at Castletown
Rev Leonard Arridge, Bangor, Gwynedd - Seeing the "Aurora Borealis" and ill at Forse House
Jack Hughes,  Mold, Clwyd - Wooden Bombers - Friends straffed at Thrumster
G Angus,  Leven, Fife - Secret Apparatus at Thurso and Dunnet Head
E J Curtis, Shifnal, Shropshire  - Stayed with a local butcher
Ray Weir, Bury, Lancs  - Removing anti-tank mines at Keiss

Thrumster Mains Farm
Here you can see Thrumster Mains farm viewed from the Thrumster House Broch


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