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Thurso Pipe Band 24 hour Challenge

Thurso Pipe Band will undertake a sponsored 24-hour challenge on the 18th 0f May 2002, which will consist of ten people (five teams of two) trying to get as far away from Thurso as possible. Its purpose is to raise as much money as possible for the local Highland Hospice Charity and to help for the younger members of the Thurso Pipe Band’s Trip to Brilon in Germany.

 The ten lads from the band will be dropped of at an unknown destination in Caithness sometime on Saturday morning (the time and destination are unknown so the challengers cannot arrange to be to be picked up). As above, the aim is to get as far away from “Thurso” in 24hrs by means of blagging lifts. The challenge will end after the 24hr period is up and the furthest team from Thurso as the crow fly’s win’s the challenge. The rules are that you cannot use you own transport, you have to stick with your partner for the duration of challenge and you have to have some evidence that you’ve been at the said destination.

 It is hoped local businesses will sponsor each team and their names will be on the challengers T-shirts. The lads will be wearing fancy dress consisting of their own kilts and wigs (and a good pair of running shoes!).

 If you do come across us on your travels, any help would be greatly appreciated

If you want more info on the event please contact me on

Tel: 01847891042

E-mail: [email protected]

Mob: 07833185065