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Walks In Caithness 


25th May - 2nd June 2002
A week of unique opportunities to observe Highland wildlife in Caithness, Sutherland and Ross & Cromarty.

The Highland Council Ranger Service....
Presents a week of unrivalled opportunities to get close to the rare, beautiful and unique wildlife of the North Highlands.  Expert rangers will guide you to view some of the birds, animals and plants that make the North Highlands THE destination for lovers of wildlife.

Guided walks, illustrated talks, minibus tours and wildlife hides will all be used to make this an unforgettable week of wildlife watching.

The Highland Council acknowledges the contribution made by Scottish Natural Heritage and CASE to the running of these events.

Events are free except those requiring a contribution to transport costs. These charges are highlighted in the programme.

In order to avoid disturbance to the wildlife, numbers are limited on some of the walks. It is important to “BOOK YOUR PLACE” by telephoning the number detailed in the programme.

Some of the walks will require a certain level of fitness so please check for details when booking your walk.

Highland Council Ranger Service:
Tel: 01847 821 531
or email [email protected]

Please dress for the vagaries of a Highland summer. Suntan lotion, waterproofs, stout shoes and midge repellent are recommended for all the walks.
You may also wish to bring something to eat and drink. Dull coloured clothing will also increase the likelihood of us seeing our quarry before it sees us!

We would appreciate if all children under the age of 16 are accompanied and that no dogs are brought.

For further information about Caithness, Sutherland and Wester Ross including accommodation and places of interest, you might like to visit the following web sites:-





















Sat 25th May
Visit a black grouse lek and search for waders of the Flow Country.
Meet at the Ferrycroft Centre, Lairg.
Time 05.00-09.00. Minibus charge £2.00.

Dawn chorus on the flows -“B”
Experience the dawn on the RSPB Blàr
nam Faoileag reserve. Breakfast at Strathmore Lodge available afterwards.
Meet at the end of public road by Loch More.
Time 06.00.
Contact the RSPB for bookings/further details.
Tel: 01641 571 225 or
e-mail:[email protected]

Woodland Wanderings -“B”
A cycle ride into Rhidorroch Estate to explore the variety of indigenous woodland from the water loving alders to the “granny” pines, remnants of the ancient Caledonian forests.
Meet outside the Ullapool Museum with bikes
(bike hire available from Scotpackers hostel) and packed lunches.
Time 11.00-16.00. Family event.
Easy but dress for a boggy experience.

Puffins without puffing -”C”
Evening observations at a colony near Durness.
Meet Balnakiel beach, Durness.
Time 19.00-21.00.

Sun 26th May
Flying fishermen -“A”

See Osprey and Heron at their nests.
Meet at Golspie car park.
Time 14.00-16.00. Minibus charge £2.00.

Raring to go - “C”
Hunt for rare plants including Scottish primrose and mountain avens.
Meet Durness golf course car park.
Time 14.00-16.30.
Mon 27th May

Dawn Chorus in Flowerdale -“C”
Flowerdale glen with its sheltered woodland is an ideal venue to hear the dawn chorus develop. Optional follow on -Breakfast at the Old Inn then join the walk from Rubha Reidh Lighthouse to view seabirds on the sea stacs.
Meet at the car park at the entrance to Flowerdale estate. Grid Ref. NG 811 753.
Time 04.30-07.00.

Hands on Handa -“C”
An all day visit to this special seabird island to view the thousands of breeding seabirds.
Meet at Tarbet. Time 09.30-16.30.
Charge-£8.50 (ferry trip-weather permitting).
(Ferry £7.00, SWT £1.50)

Night Walk -“B”
Enjoy the excitement of viewing wild badgers at a sett.
Meet Rosehall Trail car park.
Grid Ref. NC 479 018.
Time 19.00-21.00.

Tues 28th May
Northern Limits -”A”
Explore the extensive dune system of Dornoch for an amazing array of plants.
Meet at the airfield carpark, Dornoch.
Time 10.00-12.00.

Invernaver, a special place -“C”
Edged by sweeping dunes and backed by mountains this reserve is famed for its arctic/alpine and peatland plants.
Meet at Bettyhill car park.
Time 10.30-14.00. Bring Lunch.

In search of divers -“B”
A car tour to visit the best sites for red- throated, black -throated and great northern divers.
Meet at Lochinver car park by the petrol station. Time 11.00-15.00.

Weds 29th May
The kingdom of the Ptarmigan -“D”
A demanding walk to explore the mountain kingdom of the fascinating ptarmigan bird.
Meet at the Beinn Eighe National Nature
Reserve Nature Trail car park.
Grid Ref. NG 001 650. Time 10.00-16.00.
Packed lunches and drinks required.
Please be prepared for mountain weather conditions.

Limestone plants of Inchnadamph -”A”
Discover the distinctive flora of this National Nature Reserve.
Meet at Inchnadamph car park.
Grid Ref. NC 251 216. Time 11.00-15.00.

Seabird City -“B”
Enjoy the sites, sounds and smells of a seabird colony set amidst the spectacular scenery of the far north coast.
Meet at the Harbour Cafe, Wick Harbour.
Time 11.00-14.30. Bring lunch.

"The unique wildlife of the North west’
An illustrated talk by the local ranger on the wildlife that makes the North west so special.
Meet at the Assynt Visitor Centre, Lochinver.
Time 19.30.

Thurs 30th May
Otter watching -“B”
Learn what clues to look for and field craft skills needed to find this endearing animal. Wear “drab” clothing.
Meet at Achmelvich car park.
Grid Ref.
NC 057 246.
Time 07.30.

Divers and diverse beasts -“C”
A guided walk across an area frequented by red and black throated divers.
Meet opposite the Scourie shop car park.
Time 09.00-13.00.
Dunnet’s hidden treasures -“A”
Explore the dunes to see Scottish primrose, the most northerly small blue butterflies, seals and divers.
Meet at Dunnet car park (north). Grid Ref. ND 219 705 Time 11.00-15.00. Bring Lunch.

Friday 31st May
Watery world of the salmon
Explore a Wester Ross river habitat, home to salmon and trout. Wester Ross Fisheries Trust staff will share their knowledge of these fascinating fish with you.
Details to be announced closer to the time.
The intention is for the venue to be in South Wester Ross.

Night Walk -“B”
View wild badgers at a sett.
Meet at Rosehall Trail car park.
Grid Ref. NC 479 018. Time 19.00-21.00.

Sat 1st June
Visit a black grouse lek and search for waders of the flow country.
Meet at the Ferrycroft Centre, Lairg.
Time 05.00-0900.
Minibus charge £2.00

Seabirds, stacks and seals
A boat trip to view seabirds from John o’ Groats to Duncansby Head or Stroma.
An RSPB event. Details to be arranged. Please contact the RSPB on Tel: 01641 571 225 or
e-mail [email protected]

Otterly Marvellous -“C”
An early morning otter watch amongst the spectacular north west scenery.
Meet at Scourie beach. Time 06.00-09.00.
Minibus will take group to two locations frequented by otters (no guarantees).

Sun 2nd
See osprey and heron at their nests.
Meet at Golspie car park.
Time 14.00-16.00.
Minibus charge £2.00.

Grade “A”
Walking on established paths on various surfaces and slopes.
Grade “B”
Walking over paths and rough/ boggy ground at low level - reasonable level of fitness is required.
Grade “C”
Walking over rough/boggy ground and some hills - a reasonable level of fitness is required.
Grade “D”
Walking through and over mountainous terrain - a good level of fitness is required.

Designed by: The Planning and Development Service.
The Highland Council
Photos: Laurie Campbell