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Environmental Research Institute
ERI Web Site 4 august 2003

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Latest News From ERI

French Research Students At ERI Visit Dounreay
13 December 2002

Staff and Students from the UHI Environmental Research Institute (ERI) in Castle Street,Thurso visited Dounreay on Thursday 5th December and were given a tour of the site and visited various facilities within the Fuel Cycle Area.  Dounreay has a strong relationship with the ERI and continues to host regular visits for their French student programme.

ERI Receives Top Award for Excellence

December 2001
Staff & Students At Cheque Handover by Dounreay

When did the ERI open?
The ERI was officially opened on 9 May 2000 by Jamie Stone MSP.

Computer Facilities

Facilities at the ERI currently include:
 - General/chemistry laboratory
 - Instrument Laboratory (equipped with GC, HPLC, IC,  
   AAS, FT-IR, SPM etc)
 - Project labs equipped with a range of surface analysis
   and microscopy iinstrumentation
 - Computer and information technology suite
 - Video conferencing suite
 - Full internet, local and wider area network (LAN, WAN)

Conference Room

The ERI as an educational facility
At the ERI we are capable of delivering a range of educational services, addressing the needs of primary, secondary, further and higher education.  In addition the ERI will be able to compliment and extend the delivery of existing community educational services.


For further information on activities and opportunities pleas contact -
Dr Stuart Gibb at ERI Tel +44(0)1847 889 581
[email protected]   or
Rosemary Thompson at the North Highland College, Ormlie Road, thurso., Caithness, Scotland
Tel +44(0)1847 889 204
[email protected]

Victorian Exterior
Fefurbished Interior

Castle Street, Thurso,
Caithness, Scotland, KW14 7JD    
Tel +44(0) 1847 889589
Tel +44(0) 1847 889581
Fax +44(0) 1847 890014

Converted School

What Is The Environmental Research Institute?
The ERI is a multifunctional facility capable of undertaking research activities, delivering educational services and acting as a field unit and conference centre.  The ERI is based in a sympathetically restored Victorian school (a "B" listed building) in the centre of Thurso - the former West Public School.

Video Conferencing

How Was the ERI Funded?
This exciting development has been achieved through the formation of a partnership between North Highland College, the University of the Highlands (UHI) project, Caithness & Sutherland enterprise, and UKAEA, Dounreay.  This partnership has been successful in attracting significant fundiong from the European Regional Development Fund and the Millenniun Commission.


What is the Mission of the ERI?
....to address the educational, economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations of the region through undertaking high quality research and educational activities.


The ERI as a research facility
The ERI is a multifunctional facility able to accommodate and undertake a broad spectrum of research activities.  However, key action areas will initially reflect those of the UHI and include Pollution and Waste Control, alternative Energy, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Natural Products, Marine Systems, Mountain Environments and Ecosystems, Biotechnology etc.

Specialised Testing

Other roles of ERI
Whilst research and education are primary functions of the ERI, its flexible design means that it can also function effectively as:-
 - a field centre - providing unrivalled access to the unique environments of Caithness and its surrounds combined with access to research and communication facilities - 
 - a conference, training and meeting facility.
 - A community facility

Lab Space