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South Primary School, Wick

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May Newsletter

This final term is whizzing by, it's already week five and so much is happening within school.

The purpose of this newsletter is to keep you all up to date with various events over the next few weeks.

This week there will be a focus on National Smile Week at Assembly. Your child will bring home a colouring sheet for a school competition. Please encourage your child to take part, reinforcing the importance of brushing their teeth. Entries must be returned to school by Monday 20th May.

Wick Town Events Group have organised a competition which involves all children, designing an impressive paper plate in class. The winning designs will be displayed in shop windows in time for the Queen's visit to Wick.

WALK TO SCHOOL WEEK Monday 20th - Friday 24th May.
This supports our Safer Routes to School programme which we are still addressing. All children will receive booklets to take home, showing the various reasons of why walking to school is so important.

Whilst I do realise there are some concerns regarding how safe your child is walking to school on their own, I feel we can all try and support this National Event in some way.

1) Discuss the 'Walk to School' booklet - children will be issued with stickers for their efforts in this campaign.
2) If you normally drop your child off by car, then park somewhere other than Roxburgh Road and walk along together!
3) Join the 'Walking Bus'

We have parent volunteers to supervise children walking up to school on Wednesday morning (22nd May). Please encourage your child to join in.

Walking Bus No. 1: Leave 'Georges' shop at 9.00am, walking along Wellington Street, Murchison Street, Roxburgh Road and crossing at school (Elaine McCombie).

Walking Bus No. 2: Leave bus-stop opposite Caberfeidh Court at 9.00am, walking along Bremners Walk, Roxburgh Road and crossing at school (Karen Bain).

We hope to have some publicity for this event from our local newspaper.

Mrs Nicoll from Wick High School technical department will be working with Primary 7 on Monday 20th May to produce an electronic map of the area.

Primary 6 and 7 will take part in this sponsored event on Tuesday 21st May during their usual swimming lesson slot. P6 and 7 children can sponsor their school team to complete the challenge - 65 lengths of the pool equals one mile. This will be a team event and all monies raised will go to Childline.

The Red Centre Dreaming Aboriginal Dance Group will visit school on Wednesday 22nd May. There will be a whole school performance at 9.30am, followed by workshop sessions with pupils of Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7. The performance is open to parents, families and friends for a charge of �2.00 - there will be limited seating so please buy a ticket for this wonderful experience. There will be no charge for school pupils as this will be covered by school fund.

This event which is organised locally by Macdonald's Bakery will be supported by us on Friday 24th May. Ring or cream doughnuts can be ordered between now and Wednesday 22nd May at a cost of 30p each. Doughnuts need to be paid for when ordered. A donation from every doughnut sold goes to Save the Children charity.

Let's all have sugary treat for a change and support a worthwhile charity!

No, it's not George Michael and Andrew Ridgely! WHAM is an environmental group who will work with pupils of Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7 on Friday 24th May.

The Nursery children have already had a talk from Marina Finlayson, our local countryside ranger. Primary 3 and 4 will have talks on Tuesday 28th May, relating to their Environmental Study topic this term.

Come along and support our school teams at these matches over the next few weeks. The Football and Netball teams will be wearing their new strips for the first time!

Fixture list:- Lybster vs South Tuesday 21st May, pm Football/Netball

Pulteneytown vs South Friday 31st May, pm Football/Netball

North vs South Tuesday 4th June, pm Football/Netball

South vs Hillhead Friday 21st June, pm Football/Netball

Monday 3rd June Jubilee Holiday - SCHOOL CLOSED

Wednesday 5th June Sports Day

Friday 7th June Jubilee BBQ

Monday 10th - Friday 14th June Caithness Music Festival

Thursday 20th June Parents' Evening (school reports will be issued Monday 17th June)

Tuesday 2nd July P7 Induction Day at Wick High School

Thursday 4th July End of term (school closes at 12 noon)

Kind regards

P.S. Various class trips will also take place this term. I will keep you informed of dates and costs.

Some Pupils On The Second World War Day
On Tuesday 19th March, Primary Seven in Wick South School hosted a World War Two Tea Party for war veterans and people who grew up in the war. At first they took them to the classroom and showed what they had made and their World War Two project folders. Some guests had brought souvenirs like pictures, gas masks and army hats. Later on in the afternoon Primary Seven performed a play to show Evacuation, afterwards there was a poem called 'Sam goes to it'. They sang some songs like Kiss Me Goodnight Sargent Major'and Quarter Masters Store. The Primary Sixes came through and sang the Australian anthem and Waltzing Matilda. The afternoon was rounded off with a raffle. If you would like to see any pictures of this log onto www.caithness.org. (Gordon Macleod)

On Tuesday 19th March P7 South School Wick held a tea party for people who lived during the Second World War. The children invited them into the classroom to show them their project folders and work they had done. Later they invited them into the hall where the children asked them questions about the war. Some of the people brought in souvenirs such as medals, hats and photos. When they had finished, the class went onto the stage for a short play about evacuation. Once the play finished they performed a poem titled 'Sam go to it' followed by some skipping rhymes. P6 then came on and sang the Australian National anthem. Afterwards the children sang songs of the time such as Kiss Me Goodnight Sargent Major and There's Something about a Soldier. A free raffle was held followed by the final song We'll Meet Again. (Calum Beveridge)

In early March pupils of Primary 7 enjoyed an exciting World War II afternoon entertaining War Veterans and people who grew up in the War. Soon after the pupils lunch, they all prepared for the big show containing songs and poems that were known in War Time. Once the guests arrived the children showed them around the 'War Time' decorated classroom, including things such as gas masks, propaganda posters and pictures of families at war. The visitors quite enjoyed the lovely exhibition, but soon after they all moved on to the hall where they all chatted about the War. Many who were children during the war told the children of how they lived and experienced the war. Also they told them of the games they played, however the War Veterans told us more of the jobs and what they did. The tea party consisted of tea and food such as cakes, sponges and chocolate crispies - all provided by the children. Later on the children entertained the audience by singing, saying poems and also a play on evacuation. The pupils all dressed up as school children during the war, put on an amazing performance, I think the guests will all agree. In the middle of their performance, they let Primary 6 in on the act. Their Australian born teacher was teaching them about Australia and so, they sang Australian songs dressed up as Anzacs. The fine afternoon ended with a farewell and a song they all should remember, We'll Meet Again. You can check out some pictures of this event on the internet at www.caithness.org. (Claire Farquhar)

P7's from the South School hosted a World War 2 tea party on the 19th of March and invited people who grew up during the War. The pupils, who were dressed up as children in the War, showed their guests the things they had made such as: gas masks, posters and drawings. Some of the guests showed souvenirs that they had like photographs and clothing. Later in the afternoon the children put on a concert saying a variety of poems and a short play. There was a little surprise when the Australian ANZACs came on singing Waltzing Matilda and the Australian National Anthem. The pupils sat down to talk to the visitors and they ate the snacks provided by the children. They finished off the concert by singing some war time songs like Kiss Me Goodnight Sargent Major.  Before the guests left there was a quick raffle, giving things that might have been rationed in the war such as chocolate and sugar. Nobody went home empty handed! (Kerri McAllan)

On Tuesday 19th March Primary 7's hosted a World War 2 afternoon in South School and invited people who remembered the war. The pupils dressed up as children during the World War 2, they also showed their guests the things they made such as propaganda posters and gas masks. Later that afternoon they put on a concert and sang a variety of songs and poems. At the end of the afternoon they had a raffle which were things that might have been on rationing in the war. (Ryan Fairweather)

On Tuesday 19th March pupils of P7 in Wick South School invited people that lived through the War to a tea party. When Primary 7's guests arrived they were invited into the classroom and shown their gas masks, chads, sandbags, letters and posters.  After they were shown everything we took them through to the hall. P7 and P6 chatted to the guests and Mrs Thompson said to P7 to get ready to sing. They sang their songs and the guests joined in with P7. Some of the guests were quite emotional. P7 provided the refreshments for the guests. P7 was dressed up as evacuees.   Mrs Thompson and Primary 7 had a raffle for the visitors.  You can see P7 and P6 on the internet at www.caithness.org. (Carole Matthews)

On Tuesday 19th March at South School, Primary 6 and 7 held a World War Two party, they invited some veterans and children who grew up in the World War Two. The Primary 7 took the people into their classroom to show them around, some of the children showed the guests their World War Two folders and they were really pleased after they showed the guests into the hall. They sat down at a table and the Primary 7 and 6 put on a war time concert which was enjoyed very much by all. Refreshments were provided by Primary 6 and 7. They did a short play followed by a poem and that was followed by many songs and all the guests joined in, the kind of songs they sang were:- Keep the Home Fires Burning, Sargent Major, The Siegfred Line, Quarter Masters Store and We'll Meet Again. (Casey Turner)

On Tuesday 19th March P7s invited people who remembered the War to a tea party. Primary 7 class showed their guests around their class. Some of the Primary 7s showed their posters and World War 2 folders. Some of the visitors brought interesting souvenirs and pictures from the War. The children showed their guests to the South School hall where they had refreshments. The children asked some questions about how they felt in the War. Then the children sang some songs. P6 sang an Australian song called Waltzing Matilda followed by the National Anthem. The P7s then sang songs such as Sargent Major. The afternoon was finished off with a free raffle. (Lisa Macdonald)