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    Wick Scouts      
Reunion 2 August 2001

The Reunion Photo Section Continues to Grow

The Wick Scout Reunion
The hugely successful reunion held was on 1 August 2001 to commemorate the contribution made by the late Johnny Yuill to scouting n Wick is to have another run. This time the scouts of that era are back in action on Friday 2 August 2002 at 12 noon to unveil a plaque opposite the Old Parish Church. We will continue to add old scout photos to the section as they come in.

Also on 1 August 2002 Thursday evening in Mackays Hotel an informal get-to-gether to see the photographs that were on display last August

Last years reunion was so successful and so many people turned up that many had commented they did not have time to speak to everyone. So here is another chance to meet the folk missed last year. There is no charge for this gathering and no booking is necessary this time. just turn up on Thursday evening on 1 August 2002.

1935 - 36

Sent by H Bain whose father is in the photo - 14 Sept 2008

Welcome to the Wick Scouts Reunion Pages
A group of men who served under the late Johnny Yuill at 1st Wick Scouts at Harrowhill, Wick are planning a reunion.  The reunion will also be a tribute to the late Johnny Yuill who led Wick Scouts for many years.  The function and dance will take place on 2 August 2001 during Wick Gala Week and will be held in Mackays hotel at 7.30pm.  Bobby Coghill and his band will supply the music.  The organisers who can be be contacted for tickets at �10 are David More 01955 603081, Ian Mackenzie 01955 603074, Donnie Campbell 01955 602414, Herbie Lyall, 01955 641277 and William Lyall 01955 603449.  So were you in Wick Scouts in the 1930's, 40's, 50's or 60's.  Never has there been such a chance for everyone to get together on one night for a very long time.

Reunion Night

The Oldest Ex Scout Attending - Second Left

Many photographs of the years are available and we will publish a few here to get you thinking.  Most have no names but one in particular has been almost completely identified and a listing will be published shortly.  If in a few weeks we have not published names of someone you know please email us and we will add the names to the pictures.  If you have any memorable pictures of the Wick Scouts from the early days send us a copy for publication in this section.  Mr Yuill ran 12 patrols and Rover Scouts in the old days - it is intended to make a lasting tribute to Mr Yuill and his dedication and long years of service to scouting. The Wick Scout Reunion took place on 2 August 2001 and was a great success.  We will be keeping the section with all the pictures in place and eventually reorganising the section into  a library of Scout pictures.  If you have old scout pictures you would like to add to the section please contact Bill Fernie [email protected] .

26 September 2001
Wick Scout Pipe Band - Late 40's we think.

Latest Updates Page and Arrangements

Letters and emails - Write to the group and tell them where you are now.  When were you in Wick Scouts?  Were you a member with John Yuill?

Poems from W T Lyall  -26 January 2001

The Late 1940's - Harrowhill

Click Here For Full Size Picture

Click Here For Full Size Picture With Names

Jubilee Procession 1935 - High Street, Wick

George Baikie, Joe Leith, Johnnie Yuill 1939

              1951 Wick Scouts at Harrowhill

Procession 1931


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