News Archive - June 2002

Canisbay Schiool - Details Not Yet Available
Sheila Moir has sent in this early picture from Canisbay school to add to the growing section.  if you have any details about this pictures send them in.  Just in from Hugh Ross 1 July  - the year is 1926.  Names now in 8.00pm 1 july

Kite Buggy Courses Coming To Caithness At Dunnet Sands
Grant Golding is one of the few qualified Kite Buggy instructors in Scotland.  This high speed action sport can be seen from time to time at Dunnet sands.   Grant was up testing the sand and wind for a course he will be running  9th August - 14 August in Dunnet.    More information can be found on the Kite Power Scotland web site.     See the earlier Kite Buggy Pictures.

Thurso Lifeboat Pictures Taken From Wick Lifeboat
An exercise scheduled for yesterday for the Wick and Thurso lifeboats was cancelled at the last moment when the helicopter from Lossiemouth was called to a real incident elsewhere.  So here are a few pictures of the Thurso Lifeboat from yesterday just off John O'Groats

Bucholie Castle From The Sea
A bit of a grey day yesterday but here is a different view of Bucholie Castle to add to the gallery

Last Saturday Night Lybster Gala Night Pictures

More Lybster Gala

Lybster Gala Night

Lybster Gala Night - First Pictures

Pulteneytown Academy 1948
This picture was sent in by Freida Murray (nee Henderson).  Most names are in but do you know the missing ones?

Showing Now At St Fergus Gallery, Wick
An exhibition of 16 artists working in different ways who all try to involve people with their work.  A collection of unique jewellery, automata and furniture.  Runs in Wick until 13 July and then it moves to the Swanson Gallery, Thurso  19 July - 17 August 2002

Free Personal Care - Highland Council Policy
Free personal care is being introduced for everyone over 65 in Scotland from 1 July 2002.  Highland Council has now set out is policy showing who may qualify and what the free care covers.

History of Caithness - Chapter Nine Completed
A long chapter now complete brings many tales of outlaws, covenanters and more -
Two serious charges, the one of Incendiarism and the other of being accessory to the slaughter of Thomas Lindsay, brought against the Earl - He is outlawed and denounced as a Rebel - Escapes to Orkney - Sir Robert Gordon, who is commissioned to apprehend him, has the keys to Castle Sinclair, etc delivered up to him - Lord Berriedale (son of William, Lord Berriedale) takes the National Covenant
Sir James Sinclair of Murkle raises a body of Caithnessmen and joins the covenanters - Mowat, the Laird of Freswick, espouses the Royal cause, and joins Montrose  - Death of the old Earl - Affair between Macalister, the Freebooter and the inhabitants of Thurso

The Old Crossroads School
Thanks to Sheila Moir for this picture of her old school that we think was demolished over 30 years ago.

Lybster Gala Week Starts On Saturday
Lybster Gala Week is ready to go on Saturday with a full programme of events including a celebrity World Cup (over 40's) world cup match.  The Gala starts with the crowning ceremony on Saturday evening when the Wick Pipe Band will be there to lead the decorated floats and provide some traditional entertainment.

Wedding At Edinburgh Castle For Caithness Couple
Choosing an unforgettable venue for their wedding - Chris Chalmers of Thurso and Lorraine Stewart of Thurso were married at Edinburgh castle on the 22nd of June.

More Properties For Sale In The Business Section Today
Three houses in Thurso and one in Castletown appear for the first time today. 

Old Schools In Caithness - A List
Like so many things in Caithness once you start looking you find its a lot bigger than you thought.  From the Schooldays Pictures came the idea to get pictures of the old schools in the county.  Well it may take longer than we thought with over 100 schools.  Pictures of the schools that still exist will take w while but we will doggedly pursue them over the next year or so.  The small country schools were once everywhere and tracking them all down will take time.  Information on most of them can be found at North Highland Archive, Wick.

Pulteneytown Academy School Presents "Jospeh"
Joseph runs for two nights Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 with performances starting at 7.00pm.  Using their new lighting and sound equipment Pulteneytown Academy look set for a smash hit show in Wick.

A & D Sutherland - Caithness Flagstone - A New Web Site
Caithness Flagstone has paved parts of many cities and towns round the world.  A & D Sutherland at Spittal have top quality stone renowned for its qualities of durability and beauty.  The new web site from Scorrie Internet Services shows the quarry and some of the stone in place.  Watch where you walk in the world as you may be walking on Spittal quarry flagstone.

Prince Charles Attacks GM Crops Again
Prince Charles was addressing a group of conservationists at St James's Palace.

Dunbeath Castle Reconstruction
The latest addition to the growing castle section is Dunbeath Castle about 1400 painted by Andrew Spratt.   The current Dunbeath Castle is a private house and not open to the public although it can be seen from the coast in its spectacular cliff-top setting.  Dunbeath Castle Photo Gallery The castle gardens are open on 27 July  - 2.00 - 6.00pm.  Other Garden Open Days

Caithness & Sutherland Enterprise May 2002 Report
A slight fall in unemployment last month to 916.  Caithness Multimedia Ltd, Thurso were awarded assistance of £30,000 towards the costs of research and development financing for new product developments, while Caithness Glass Ltd. was awarded assistance of £32,600 towards the installation of specialist equipment at the Wick factory.   The owners of Tongue Hotel were awarded assistance of £24,000 towards the cost of upgrading guest facilities, while Beauty Through Herbs Ltd, Thurso was awarded £7,900 towards e-business marketing for new product developments.

Caithness Cyclist Makes Commonwealth Team
The cycling team for the 2002 Commonwealth Games was announced today and Thurso man Alexander Ross has proved he has what it takes to be selected.  The Commonwealth Games are in August.

Highland Gets £100 Million School Buildings Boost
Bower School in Caithness In Line For Renewal.  Farr Primary (Bettyhill) and Farr High School in Sutherland.  Around 300 crumbling schools will be rebuilt or refurbished under plans unveiled by Education Ministers today.   This is the first stage in Scotland's biggest ever school buildings programme – providing investment of over £1 billion.

North Highland Archive - New Web Site
The North Highland Archive, Wick announced the launch of its new web site. 
The NHA pages on have the link if you are looking for it later.  You will also find it in the Caithness Sites Links Page.  NHA holds a huge amount of material on many aspects of life in the north.

"Operation Freshman" 60th Anniversary Ceremony
Skitten, Near Wick, Caithness -  Wednesday 20 November 2002
Members of the Aircrew Association, Highland Branch and Royal British Legion are organising a special anniversary ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of the tragic mission when crews and commandoes were killed taking part in the raids to destroy the Heavy Water plant in Norway and prevent the development of Hitler's atomic bomb.  The committee are fund-raisng to help cover costs in organising the event and any contributions are welcomed.  The raids from Skitten became famous when the film "Heroes of Telemark" was released starring Kirk Douglas.

Disability Rights Commission June Newsletter
The newsletter includes links to 1. Interview with Lord Ashley, campaigner for disabled people’s rights
2. DRC calls for rapid shake-up of legislation 3. Transport the biggest barrier for disabled people
4. DRC position on a Single Equality Commission 5. "Smiles" all round as bank changes internet access rules 6. DRC hotel success stories 7. Councils fall short on access 8. Educating for Equality - campaign update 9. DRC Chair in the hot seat! 10. Free legal advice in Highlands and Islands 11. Improving access to elections in Wales 12. Facilities for disabled young people 13. Disability research in Scotland 14. Volunteers needed to advise on new DRC website 15. DRC National Conference 2002 16. New DRC "Train the trainers" courses available.

The Old School, Lybster
Here are a few pictures of the old school at Lybster the second on in our Old Schools section to run alongside the many old school pictures we have received.  The old school has been completely made over and will shortly open as the Alastair Pilkington Studio for Northlands Creative Glass - See Below.

Scottish Women's Rural Institute (SWRI)
There are more branches of the SWRI in Caithness than we have pages for.  The Caithness Federation have now provided us with a handy list of the places in Caithness that have branches and the days of the month they hold their meetings.  The ladies in the branches organise a huge range of activities for members including demonstrations and talks.  Check the list to find your nearest branch.  One Caithness branch won an award for attracting the most new young members in Scotland last year.

Wick High 1966 Reunion - List Of Year
Planning well ahead are the 1966 reunion group.  The reunion may not be until July 2004 but already this committee are actively contacting their former classmates.  The list shows who they have found and if you know where anyone is let them know or contact the organisers with details.

1974 Wick High Reunion - List of Year
If you were in this group its only a few weeks till the reunion in Mackays Hotel on 26 July.  Have you got your ticket yet?  Contact the organisers as soon as possible to help with arrangements.

Canisbay & Dunnet Day Care Centre Sponsored Walk
A short report on the successful fund-raiser that took place on 22 June.

Northlands Creative Glass - New Alastair Pilkington Studio Opening 4 July
On July 4th H.R.H. The Prince Charles, Duke of Rothesay, will officially open the ‘ALASTAIR PILKINGTON STUDIO’, the latest addition to Lybster’s now renowned international centre of excellence in glass making situated in the Scottish Highlands.  The studio is housed in a handsome newly refurbished limestone building, once the old school (see Below) and dating from 1877, which has been transformed into a fully equipped modern glass workshop and studio.

Dunbeath School - Carnival Music Workshop At Latheron
The kids at Dunbeath school had a chance to learn about the rythms and sounds of various countries from Jamaica to South Africa last week at Latheron village hall where Lyth Arts Centre had organised a workshop and evening concert by a truly excellent band.  They play at the St Magnus music festival in Orkney this week.

St Ola Ferry Arriving At Scrabster Yesterday
The St Ola ferry is one of three ferries making the crossing in the summer months to Orkney.  The Pentland Venture goes from John O'Groats and the Pentalina B goes from Gills To St Margaret's Hope.  Links to all of the web sites are in our Ferries Picture Index, Ferries Links Index or Tourist Information

New Scottish Drug Enforcement Headquarters Opens In Paisley
First Minister Jack McConnell opened the new facilities to co-ordinate Scottish drug enforcement.  "These new headquarters will provide excellent facilities for 134 police officers who are in the forefront of the fight against drugs. We will increase that number to 200".  The headquarters will also house the new Scottish Money Laundering Unit which will use state-of-the-art technology to help seize dealers’ assets and invest them in tackling drug problems back in our communities. The unit’s work will be underpinned by the tough new powers in the Proceeds of Crime Bill, coming into force next year.

Winning Teams From Thurso FC Junior Tournament

Lots More From Pentland Yacht Club Regatta
The Regatta was held Saturday and Today Sunday - Better conditions prevailed for sailing today.
Many more yachting pictures coming up soon.

Winning North School Choir Singing At Midsummer Madness In Wick
Wick North school musical groups gad a great year wining several categories in the Caithness Music Festival.  Today children from those winning groups joined in the Midsummer Madness to entertain in the Market Square, Wick.

Bands Play Market Square In Midsummer Madness
Several Bands were playing in the Market Square today and the music continues tonight until late.  Also part of the day of music are bands playing at Blackstairs and Mackays Hotel this evening.

North School Pupils Accept Donation Towards New Playground Equipment
Whilst at the Midsummer Madness Music Day in Wick today the Wick Round Table took the opportunity to present a cheque for £250 to the choir for the school to help towards their fund raising to purchase new school playground equipment to be available at the school both in and outwith school hours.  The equipment is expected to cost over £6000 and is a mammoth amount for the school to find but they are determined to keep going with their fund raising.  Fund raisers take note if you are looking for a suitable place to send any spare cash.

The New Cafe At Berriedale Visited
The Berriedale Cafe has one claim to fame.  Its the only one on the A9 road.  The Scottish Executive has had a policy of no restaurants on the A9 but the Berriedale Cafe with the help of Jamie Stone managed to get permission.  It's likely to be popular as it has extremely good prices.

Caithness Midsummer Night Activities
You might think nothing much happens at Midsummer in Caithness.  But you would be wrong.  Many organisations have barbecues and carryon their usually daytime activity on this one night around midnight for the longest day.  Last night we went out to see bowling at the Rosebank Bowling club and the St Fergus Bowling Club.  But there is a lot more going on in the middle of this particular night every year.  You can play golf or go fishing in a competition that runs all through the night on Loch Watten with the weigh in at 8.00am.   The weather was good and the sky fairly light for all mid-summer outdoor activities.

Pulteney Community Group Moving On Several Fronts
The newly formed community group at Pulteney are organising several things from immediate plans like activities for children to research to find out what is required.  Questionnaires will shortly be sent out to residents and it is hoped their will be a good response.

Kids Plant New Flower Tubs In Wick
The Flower Baskets Committee were on hand to see Wick school children planting up tubs of flowers in the Market Square, Wick.  Wick Town Improvements purchased the flower tubs and donated them to the council who in turn made them available to the committee who enlisted the help of local children.  The kids planned their tubs producing plans and growing the plants in some cases. 

Bogus Workmen Warning
Northern Constabulary are urging the public to be cautious when dealing with workmen and contractors otherwise unknown to them.  Be wary of speculative callers offering services such as urgent repairs to buildings or special offers to tarmacadam driveways.

More Halkirk Gala Pictures

Halkirk Gala Pictures
More later.

Canisbay Show Pictures

Miller Academy 1947
Thanks to Mary Mackay (nee Banks) for sending her fourth year class photo from Ontario, Canada.  Mary's copy of the picture had all the signatures on the back but there is just one that is difficult to read.  Doe anyone else know who the person with the difficult signature is.

Canisbay Show
These three girls brightened up the overcast day at the Canisbay Show.  Show Queen Marie Ham of Freswick and her two attendants Katrina Mackenzie, John O'Groats and April MacDougal, Freswick made the rounds of the show after the crowing ceremony.  Heavy rain and showers came later in the afternoon but did not deter the folk who had come to see what was on show and see the Highland Dancing and hear the young pipe band.  The world cup was on offer in the beer tent but it took the rain to get a crowd in to watch it.

Play Is Good For Highland Babies
Highland babies and their parents are set to benefit from a new play initiative, launched in Inverness.

History Of Caithness - Chapter Nine - The Middle Section
The Earl of Caithness employed by Government to quell a species of Rebellion got up by Patrick, Earl of Orkney, and his natural son, Robert -Takes the different posts occupied by the insurgents, and sends the prisoners to Edinburgh - Two serious charges of Incendiarism, and the other of being accessory to the slaughter of Thomas Lindsay, brought against the Earl - He is outlawed and denounced as a rebel - Escapes To Orkney and more  A big chapter with much more to come.

Gaelic Tourism Web Site
A new website portal promoting Gaelic tourism was launched by Mike Watson, Minister for Tourism, Culture and Sport at the Gaelic Congress in Nairn.

Badenoch & Strathspey Sports & Leisure Centre At Kingussie 19 June
The Highland Council has awarded a contract to McGregor Construction to build a new £1.5 million leisure centre in Kingussie. It will see new sports and community facilities built in Spey Street, Kingussie.

Highland Cultural Complex To Be Based In Inverness
One of the key features of the bid being made for Inverness and the Highlands to become the European Capital of Culture in 2008 should be an exciting plan to create a £20 million Cultural Complex to serve the area.

Northern Counties Under 12s Championships
Two teams from Caithness were in Orkney to compete in this new tournament.  Three teams from Orkney and two from Shetland also took part. Caithness "Red Team" win the tournament conceding only one goal in all their games.  They won all their matches.  Well Done Boys.

East End Wick Versus Swifts Thurso
 Pictures from the recent matches between two of the county's Junior Football clubs.  The games took place at the Bignold Park, Wick

Scouts - Adopt Newton Hill Woodland As World Conservation Project
The Wick Scouts were out assisting the East Caithness Ranger Marina Finlayson on Saturday June 15 improving the paths at Newtonhill forest.  The Scouts have adopted Newtonhill forest as part of a World Conservation Project which introduces them to forest management.  The Newtonhill Community Woodland is transforming the old rubbish dump.

Caithness Goes Latin -  Grand Union Band presented by Lyth Arts Centre
Thursday 20th June, Latheron Hall -  at 8 p.m..  Tickets on the door £6/£5/£3.  A fun night with Brazilian type music excellent for getting into the right mood for Friday morning's game!  Summer music for all the family.  Refreshments at half time.  Grand Union are 7 members of a bigger band, from all over the world, playing samba, salsa etc. 

Latest Charity Funding News
Problems with Community Fund electronic application form - CharitEASE fundraising database released - Gift Aid Consortium re-launches - American Red Cross to change fundraising style - Deaf children's charities to merge - and other information.

Children's Scottish Variety Show - Rehearsals

History Of Caithness - Chapter Nine Begins
The disaster in Norway as Colonel George Sinclair and his men are slaughtered in Norway in 1612 and which is celebrated as a great Norwegian victory.

Dunbeath Christmas Lights Fund - Fun Day
Saturday 22 June - 2.00pm - Dunbeath Playing Fields - Crafts and demos, stalls, floats, Its A Knockout.
Open Air Disco in the evening from 9.00pm at the harbour - Happy Hour 10.00 - 11.00pm - Entrance £5

Floral Art Exhibition, St Peters, Thurso

Caithness Music Festival  A Few More Pictures From Thurso

A Few Winners
We would need a new web site to bring you all of the winners and places in the Caithness Music Festival.  Here are a couple from yesterday - Brothers Colin and Kenneth Stone who won in Speech Making and Story Telling.  Sean Barrie Won the Primary 6 Verse Speaking

Girls and Boys Soloists
There are hundreds of soloists in the many categories and age groups.  We caught a few as they emerged from their competitions.

Transport At The Festival
One of the many logistical problems at the Caithness Music festival is the transportation of all the competitors who are mainly school children.  Caithness is a rural area and all the schools across the county enter it seems nearly everyone.  Buses, min-busses and cars arrive and depart all day every day for the week to fit in with the schedules for the competitions.  Not only is the scene in the main hall a masterpiece of movement of groups but the transport is another significant piece of this jigsaw.

RNLI Sponsored Cycle Success
A sponsored cycle run on behalf of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) raised over £1200 and the organisers send thanks to all who took part and donated to the run.

Pennyland Choirs
Last Day of the Caithness Music Festival today but you can catch lots of it in Monday night in Wick or Thurso at the end of festival concerts when all the winners will be performing in Wick or Thurso depending on their nearest place.

Mount Pleasant And Hill Head Choirs
Although we have concentrated on choirs there are many other sections at the festival including piano at different grades and other instruments including pipe, accordions, brass, recorders groups and solos.  In addition there are verse speaking competitions for English and Caithness dialect as well as drama groups in several age groups.

Miller Academy and Wick North Choirs
Wick North School did particularly well taking three first places in different groups on Wednesday.  Many children have to rush between their choir performances, verse speaking and perhaps a musical instrument competition.  The place is just a hive of frenetic activity all week.  There are points awarded and each year a winner over all the categories.

Two Castletown Choirs and Recorder Group

Caithness & North Sutherland Choir
Not a school choir this time but another children's singing group becoming very successful.

Ranger Wildlife Notes
Birds, Butterflies, Dolphins - St John's Pool Rafts.

Miller Academy and South School Schools Choirs Today
As the choirs really get going today the Assembly Rooms were packed .  The main hall had the choir competitions whilst soloists were juggling the times for their own performances and the choirs.  The whole operation is run very efficiently as groups come and go in all directions for breaks and performances.

A Few Soloists From Tuesday
This group of young people were competitors in the Scots Song section on Tuesday afternoon.  There are 117 different classes and competitions in the music festival this year and hundreds of entrants in the various sections.  The pictures on the web site will bring you only some of what is a huge event.  Soloists are entered in Scots Songs, Popular Songs, as well as all the different age groups from the schools.

Corner Shop in Girnigoe Street, Wick Reopens
Anyone who passes through Girnigoe Street will be delighted to hear that the corner shop has reopened.  The shop located next to the government buildings is back in action with its new proprietors Vivian and Alistair Davis.  they will stock all the usual groceries and a have a sandwich counter.  In addition they are setting up an arts and craft section and a health food side to the business that will include vegetarian as well as health foods.

Pennyland, Thrumster, Keiss, Hillhead Schools At The Festival In Caithness

South School Competitors
No matter what else they ever do most kids in Caithness will remember taking part in the music festival that happens every year.  This is the 49th as it was cancelled last year due tot eh general election when all halls are taken over for the day.  Next year will be 50 years.

Verse Speaking Winner
Emily Mackay from Watten School won the verse speaking competition in the Primary 3 age group.  The Music Festival includes a great number of verse speaking competitions and there are separate competitions for English and Caithness dialect.  Most contestants will remember their Caithness dialect poems for the rest of their lives and so perhaps might their mums and dads.  Hands up who remembers "E Auld Calf Sec" or "E Midgie"

Pulteneytown Academy And Lybster Schools
The competitors just seem to keep coming in Music Festival Week.  With venues in Wick and Thurso the buses are kept busy criss-crossing the county.  Its back to Assembly Rooms, wick at 9.15am on Wednesday and then from 7.00pm at Thurso High School for the piping competitions.

Halkirk Music Makers At The Festival
The Halkirk kids were enjoying a day at the festival and it certainly was a nice day in the north today and no sign of the thunder and lightning forecast.

Miller Academy At The Music Festival
Although the festival is open and there are many categories the local county schools all enter the festivals in many categories with choirs, music groups, verse speaking and local Caithness dialect poetry.

Crossroads School At The Music Festival
For its size and location Caithness surprises many people by having one of the biggest music festivals where children can take part in the country.  The arrangements have been tremendously successful over the years with most children at some point entering the festival either solo, in small groups or larger choirs and music making sections.  Its a very full week.

Caithness Ladies Orkney Cycling For Macmillan Cancer
A group of Caithness ladies cycled round Orkney on Saturday 25th May from St Margaret's Hope to Stromness (33 miles) and raised £1404.50 for Macmillan Cancer Relief .   They are Dawn Manson & Maggie MacLeod from Dunbeath along with Neen Juhle, Ulbster and Maggie Miller, Lybster.  Receiving the cheque on behalf of the Wick Committee is Valerie Gerrie.  Well Done

Halkirk Folk Enjoy Duck And Boat Races By River Thurso For Gala Week

Halkirk Gala Queen At The Duck Races

Day Care Centre Progress Update
A definite pledge of £20,000 has been made by the Robertson Trust, whilst approaches to other large charities are still being made. Funds raised locally stand at around £7,000 and Highland Council are supporting the project. The architect is working on plans for the building and copies of these will be displayed in local shops, post offices etc.

Dunn School About 1948
Another thank you to Mary Henderson of Lower Dunn farm for this picture of Dunn school about 1948 and thanks to the current owner for information.  The old school has been a private house for many years and we have included a picture of what it looks like now with it alterations and additions.  It is still a lovely part of Caithness near Loch Watten.  This is the first school in another new section to list the old Caithness schools with pictures.

Watten School About 1931
Thanks to Mary Henderson of Lower Dunn farm for this picture of Watten school.  All the names are supplied including the teacher and one or two notes.

More From Halkirk Gala Races

Yachts At Wick On Sunday
Yachts often stop at Wick for the night on their way round the coast or heading for Orkney and Shetland Islands.

Halkirk Gala - Races Day
Despite the blustery day Halkirk Gala Week got going yesterday with the races.  Tonight its the big Duck Race and Boat Race at the riverside, Halkirk.  Lots more race day pictures later.

Archbishop Mario Conti Visits Wick
Archbishop Mario Conti visited his old parish today  - his first visit since becoming Archbishop in January this year.  Archbishop Conti covers the whole of Scotland and he was the parish priest in Caithness from 1962 to 1977 when he was appointed Bishop of Aberdeen whose diocese covered the north of Scotland.  He is celebrating a his silver jubilee and parishioners organised a cake for him at lunch.

Walk Dwarwick Head
Another great coastal walk - hidden beach, geo, plants, birds - watch for the next ranger walk to Dwarwick Head at Dunnet.

South School, Wick - Jubilee Barbecue

Miller Academy 1950
This picture was sent in by George Frederick of his class from 1950 Miller Academy.  That takes the total number of Miller Academy pictures to 60.  Thanks to everyone for sharing these with everyone.   If anyone knows the missing names on this or any other picture in Schooldays just email list to us.

Caithness Waybaggers Latest Outing - Loch Hope And Arnaboll

Wings Over Wick - The Final Entries - Civilians
Mrs Jean Murray, Inverness - Saw The Air fight Over Scapa - Planes From Wick
Mr James Bremner, Wick - Saw German Plane Shot Down East Of Proudfoot, Wick
Mr David Miller, Upper Ackergill Farm, Nr Wick - A young boy at Ackergill farm waved to planes
Don Harper,  Halkirk - Unexploded Bomb In Roseberry Terrrace
John Miller, Wick - Father got bottle of whisky from a young pilot who never returned 
If anyone would like to add to the section either their own memories or those passed on by older relatives just get in touch or forward to [email protected] for inclusion in the section War Memories

History Of Caithness Chapter 8 - Second Half
Battle of Clyne - Story of Arthur Smith, the Coiner - Desperate Skirmish in Thurso between the Sutherland Commissioners and the friends of the Earl of Caithness, in which John Sinclair of Stirkoke is slain. - Criminal Process instituted by both parties - Melee in the High Street of Edinburgh...

Grantown Community Takes Over Anagach Woods
The residents of Grantown joined the growing ranks of community landowners when they assumed ownership of the 390-hectare Anagach Woods.  A ceremony was held in the town to mark the handover of the woodland to the Anagach Woods Trust, a community group which will help ensure that the historic native woodland is maintained and developed as a community asset.  

National Waste Strategy - Highland - Its Your Rubbish
The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency is now in the final stages of the strategy for the next 20 years.  Everyone has the opportunity to comment on the plan and make suggestions.  You can get response forms easily by contacting SEPA before 31 July 2002.  Public meetings are being held throughout the Highlands and the one for Caithness will be in Thurso on 27 June at the Environmental Research Institute, Castle Street.  So if you think the balance they have in the plans are not right then now is your chance to say so.

Free Online Training Courses & Seminars
A few free short features from Fathom an inline training provider for you to browse today.  You can take your pick from -  GLOBAL AFFAIRS "Is world Peace an Impossible Dream", "Mapping Africa - Problems Of Regional Definition",  ARTS - "Andre Breton and The Surrealist Manifesto", "Love And Lust In Shakespeare",   SCIENCE & NATURE -"Snakes: Versatile Predators of the Natural World" , "What is Genetic Engineering?"   They may not get you a degree but they are written by experts in their fields and interesting short articles as tasters for more in depth study later.

A Plea For Industrial Archaeology
This article come from our continuing publication of the Caithness Field Club Bulletins.  John Porter contributed this article for the October 1988 Bulletin all of which is now in the section.  Other articles have already appeared.

The Castle Of Auld Wick
Many thanks to Michael J Gunn for this article on the Castle of Old Wick.  Michael looks more closely at the families associated with the castle.  Michael has carried out extensive research on the Caithness Castles and we look forward to further articles adding to this growing section.

Scrabster Pier Now Officially Behind Schedule
Scrabster Harbour Trust have been officially informed by contractors Mowlem Marine that the project to build the new pier is behind schedule.  The latest pictures show little movement over the last couple of months.

Caithness - Crossroads Care Attendant Scheme - New Office At Wick
From Tuesday 11 June Crossroads Care will open at Caithness Deaf Care in Wick on Tuesdays and Fridays between 2.00 and 4.00pm.

Halkirk Gala Week 9 - 16 July
Caithness.Org will be at some of the events next week.

Caithness Deaf Care Centres Now Open In Wick And Thurso
Volunteers are always welcome at Caithness Deaf Care to assist with a range of essential work.  If you are interested in the work or in lip-reading classes etc contact the co-ordinator.  The centres can advise on many aspects of deafness from equipment to communication.

Latest Funding News For UK Registered Charities
The Communities fund now has an electronic application form that you can download and submit on a floppy - BBC will soon transmit a series on volunteering - And much more.

Winning Teams In The Caithness Queen's Jubilee Football
The Jubilee Seven A Side Football Competition was a huge success and here are the winning teams in the various age groups.  Well done to all the teams who took part and to all the organisers, trainers, coaches, drivers, caterers, drivers, parents for another successful day.  A great job.

Dunbeath Christmas Lights Fund Funday
Saturday 22 June - 2.00pm Dunbeath Community Centre.  Parade of floats, knockout competition, stalls, raffles, bouncy castle, food.  Later a  Mid-summer disco, kipper barbecue at Dunbeath Harbour 9.00pm - Happy Hour 10.00pm

New Bull Calf At Noss

Caithness Music Festival 10 June - 14 June
Competitions mainly at Assembly Rooms , Wick with some at Thurso high and Mount Pleasant School, Thurso.  Post Festival concerts in both Assembly Rooms and Thurso High School on Monday June 17 at 7.00pm.  check programmes available at local shops for full details of events.

Wick Heritage Centre Open Until September
This museum run by volunteers will completely amaze you for the size and scope of the items and information.  It has unbelievable depths and a huge archive of photographs.  If you have visited other small heritage museums prepare to spend a ling time in this one.   A truly remarkable collection and growing all the time.  It has rooms and rooms packed with the history of the county, a lighthouse, several boats and much much more.

1962 Miller Academy Picture Looking for More Names
We have received some names for this picture but can anyone help with the missing names.

More From Castletown Jubilee Day
Well done to the Castletown Okies for getting three teams in the finals of the Jubilee tournament on Sunday.

History Of Caithness - Chapter Eight Begins
George, the fifth Earl of Caithness, kills with his own hand Ingram and David Sinclair, the keepers of his late father.  Series of Fights and Raids between him and the Earl of Sutherland - Town of Wick burnt.

Sinclair Gathering At Noss Head

James Berriedale Has Late Birthday
Late Birthday celebrations for James as it was all timed to coincide with the Sinclair Gathering with friends from many parts both in Scotland, UK, Canada, USA, Norway and other parts.   This picture was taken at the Weigh Inn, Thurso.

Tannach School 1928
This picture of Tannach School has been sent in by Margaret Hammerton.  Her aunt helped her get names for the picture but some are missing or may be in the wrong order in some cases.  If anyone has an accurate list please send it in.

Lyth Arts Brings Another Success To Caithness
"The Wedding" a rollicking farce last night performed at the Portland Hotel, Lybster for that touch of reality had the audience as guests and joining in various parts of the action.  The laughs just kept coming as the Duff and the Pratt families got together for the wedding from where everything went wrong.  Other parts of the highlands have until Saturday to join in this hilarious evening.

Scott Mackay Going home On Wednesday
After the amazing news on bone marrow matches being found for Scott Mackay comes the news that he will be leaving hospital on Wednesday as his tumours have responded to treatment.

Jubilee Football Competition Results
Around 450 children took part in the above competition.

More Castletown Jubilee

More Bower Jubilee Pictures

Prince Henry Statue Gets Visitors From Melbourne and Winchester
The new statue at Noss Head looks like a winner for visitors getting their photos taken.  Visitors yesterday from Winchester, England and Melbourne, Australia met Caithness folk.

Great News - Four Possible Bone Marrow Matches For Scott Mackay
One person is a 100% match for Scott and there look as if there are three other possible matches with two having further tests.  Scott's family are very pleased at this seeming miracle.  There is still a very long way to go but this is fantastic news.

Bower Jubilee Has Lots Of Fun
A real family day at the Bower Village Hall with games, quizes and food.  There was dancing and competitions in the hall that was decorated with lots of bunting.  A wet day did not stop the folk in Bower as in many Caithness villages having a great day.  Bonfires will be lit in several places and we know of ones at Bower, Berriedale and Nottingham Mains on the hill.  There may be others we have not heard about.  Have fun Caithness tonight.  We are off to another Ceilidh.  More pictures to come tomorrow.

Bower Village Moves Bonfire To Save Hedgehogs
The bonfire originally started for Halloween but never lit due to bad weather was doubled in size for the jubilee celebrations.  But someone noticed that hedgehogs had built nests underneath.  The village decided to move the whole bonfire and rebuilt the whole thing in a different position to save the wee creatures from a burning.  It's a truly huge bonfire.

Castletown Celebrates The Jubilee
These young country dancers were having great fun at the Jubilee celebrations in Castletown today.  there were games in the hall as well as dancing displays.  Food and stalls outside the hall even in the pouring rain.

Pigeons Take flight At Thurso For The Queen's Jubilee
A release of pigeons today was one of the events at Thurso Harbour Day timed to coincide with he Queen's Jubilee celebrations.  The stalls were up despite the wet afternoon.  Tonight bands will play at the harbour until midnight.

Canadian Web Site For Scott Mackay
Another support web site for Scott Mackay has sprung up in Canada to further highlight the search for a match.

Map Showing Lines In Support Of Ashley Cowie's Investigation
If you have already seen the article you may be interested in the map showing just some of the lines joining up Caithness castles and other features in the landscape.  Whether you think this is all imagination or there is something much deeper in the alignments you may be intrigued by the connections to Dirlot Castle.  The map is at very high resolution and will take some time to download.   Already creating lots of debate on the Message Board   And there is a lot more to come on this theme at a later date.

See The Stacks Of Duncansby Seabird Colonies
Thursday 6 June 2.00pm - Meet At Duncansby Lighthouse Car Park
A Free walk with the rangers to the fantastic cliff colonies of seabird.  Seabird City Duncansby

Anthony Nolan Team Leave John O'Groats
The Save A Life Cycling Team from Anthony Nolan Trust set off on Saturday from John O'Groats.  Along the way to Lands End will be clinics taking blood tests to add more people to the Bone Marrow Register.  After Wick's fantastic start it is hoped the Save a Life campaign will have significantly increased the numbers on the register and save more lives by finding matches

Early Summer Plants In Caithness From Ken Butler
A few of the many plants now visible across the Caithness landscape.  From the Primula Scotica that flowers twice a year to the Great Sundew with its insect eating capabilities.  The list also includes locations and what to look for at this time of year.  the list has also been added to the Plant List

Another Towhead Arrived At Wick Harbour For The Wester Yard


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