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Pulteneytown People's Project

Contact Details From January 2012
Telephone Number: 01955 608530
Fax Number: 01955 602062

Huddart Street

Pulteneytown Peoples Project Web Site


All the latest news  for PPP now goes on to the PPP web site.

1 October 09
Wick Training Centre

Pulteneytown Peoples Project has secured Leader Funding to set up a new project called TARGET which has the objective of running a course targeting young adults who are currently seeking employment. Courses will also target young adults who are ready to leave school and need experience and information as to what they want to do in the future. The aim of the project is to provide a personal centred plan to help young unemployed gain employment.

The course will run four mornings a week for a minimum of 12 weeks and allow participants to develop skills that will assist them to gain employment. These will include – first aid, time management, team building, confidence skills as well as ‘hands on’ skills, where the first intake will gain dry stone dyking and gardening experience. The co-ordinator will work with each individual participant to assist them into a work placement to match their ability and interest. They will also build up a CV and learn how to complete job searches as well as gain experience in interview skills. The project will increase their confidence and communication levels through training and provide them with a clear pathway for their future. By participating on TARGET they will also attend certified courses at T3UK which might include Manual Handling, Abrasive Wheels, Power Tools or Health and Safety in the workplace. These courses will ensure they are ‘work site’ ready. The programme will work in partnership with partner agencies who will maximise the potential of young people. The participants will also be registered for the Millennium Volunteering Award.

The course starts on 26th October and places are limited. All courses run are free of charge to the participants. Childcare and transport costs can be arranged if required.

SVQ in Business Administration Level 2
In partnership with ITP Solutions, the TARGET project has secured 8 places for anyone under 20 to receive a recognised qualification and give them a better chance of gaining employment. This course will run for 26 weeks and will include a mix of work placement and study time.

The course will start on 2nd November and depending on the young person’s circumstances they may be able to get funding for participating on this course. Any interested people seeking further information please contact Sandy on 01955 605028 or email [email protected]

Pulteneytown People’s Project – Hobbies Groups
Computer Courses

Names are now being taken for the next 10 week sessions. These run throughout the year in Basic Computing, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint and Excel. People do not need to have any previous computer experience to undertake the Basic Computing course. The courses focus on working with a small group of people on a one to one basis at a pace that suits them. People who attended the courses are now able to make cards, calendars, keep workbooks, and easily complete internet shopping and banking. These courses include night time sessions as well as day courses.

Hobbies Groups
There is a small amount of places on our stitch-craft group which meets every Tuesday morning. There is also a card making and hobbies class on a Tuesday Afternoon and both Thursday morning and afternoon. Classes cost £1.50 with refreshments included. These classes allow people to meet new friends and learn new skills from each other.

Art Classes
Community art classes run by Karyn Fraser MA, are currently being held in our premises as well as Clyth Hall and Lybster Outdoor Bowling Hall. These classes offer a step by step approach in which students learn about line, shading, tone, form, texture, pattern and composition using mediums including pencil, ink, charcoal, watercolours, acrylics and water-based oils and a variety of brushes. Participants can apply for their Individual Learning Account which will pay the annual course fees for these sessions. Highland Council have also contributed to the costs.

Mixed Media and Fibre Classes
This group run by Bettine Bain meets at PPP on Tuesday evenings with a further day time group due to start at Caberfeidh Court. The course teaches students how to dye and prepare yarns and fabrics for using in both experimental work and to make finished art pieces.
Anyone wanting more information or to participate in any of the courses offered should contact Pulteneytown People’s Project on 01955 606950 or [email protected] 
Over 70 people a week attend our hobbies classes and it is a great way to meet new friends and spend time over the winter months.

Holiday Club
The October holiday club will run from Monday 12th – Friday 16th October in Wick High School. Cost will be £7.50 per full day and £4.50 per half day session. The club is open to children from P1 – S2. The club offers extremely cost effective childcare with qualified staff. Transport is provided for town children to take them to and from the club.

MAASK (Morning and After School Club)
The club operates from Wick South School is open to children from p1-p7 from any primary school. Children can be picked up from Hillhead, North or Pulteneytown Academy schools and taken to MAASK and be dropped off at home between 5.15-5.30pm.
If anyone requires more information or registration forms for the holiday club or MAASK please call PPP or email [email protected]

Coffee Morning
The computer classes have organised a coffee morning with entertainment in the Back Bridge Street Club on Saturday 7th November from 10 – 12. There will be coffee/tea and a selection of home baking as well as a bottle stall, raffle and entertainment. Entry is £2.00 per adult. Any donations of home baking or a raffle prize would be much appreciated.

Coach Trip
Pulteneytown Peoples Project uses their money from their fundraising efforts to subsidise bus trips to the community so they are affordable. After the success of Annie during the summer a trip has been organised to Eden Court to see ‘The Steamie’ - Written by Tony Roper
Music by David Anderson - It’s Hogmanay in a Glasgow washhouse, and the girls need to get their washing done before the bells. Join Dolly, Magrit, Doreen and Mrs Culfeathers as they sing, laugh and cry their way through the last day of the year - with a little help from the not so handy Andy. The Steamie is one of Scotland’s most popular plays; 2008 was the 21st anniversary of the hugely popular and much-loved television adaptation. The trip to see this is on Thursday 19th November, to view the afternoon show. The cost for the trip will be £30 per person which includes travel, ticket and a two course meal at the Shandwick Inn. Bookings are limited. To book contact 01955 606950.

8 August 09
New Web Site For Pulteneytown People's Project
Pulteneytown People’s Project has recently launched its new website, www.pulteneytownpeoplesproject.com
PPP Chairperson, Grant Ramsay explained, “PPP Directors and staff hosted a series of open days and presentations over the last year and it came to light that there were still areas of the community who were unaware of the services offered by PPP, or that these services extend to areas outside Wick. Many people are not aware of the full extent of our activities and that the project is used by over 600 users per week, ranging in age from babies to pensioners in their 80’s. We have also made major developments with our ambitions to provide a Community and Training Facility within the town in recent months and we expect to hear by the end of the month whether our £1 million application to the Big Lottery was successful. We hope that the new website will help us to keep people informed of our progress and allow local people to give feedback to the project.”
The website provides a range of information on PPP’s projects, which include the after-school and holiday clubs, HomeLink housing support service and a variety of courses at Wick Training Centre. It also provides details of other services available to the public, such as faxing and photocopying facilities, assistance with creating CVs, providing benefits advice and taking rent payments for Pentland Housing Association tenants.

16 May 09
Pulteneytown People Project
Learning Centre Summer Schedule
Run by Colin Stewart - Tel 01955 606950

Excel Course - Tuesday Morning - 10 .30 – 12.30
10 week course Commencing on Tuesday 26th May 2009 until Tuesday 28th July 2009
Course will guide you from the basics of Excel up to where you can do spreadsheets.
Ideal for business use or for home budgeting

Web Site Building for Beginners – Monday Mornings
10.30 – 12.30pm
10 week course Commencing on Monday 25th May 2009 until Monday 27th July 2009
Course will provide you with the necessary knowledge to develop your own website either for business or personal use.

Job Club – Wednesday Mornings
9.30 -1.00

Commencing on Wednesday 27th May 2009
Unemployed? Why not drop in on a Wednesday morning and use our facilities to help you obtain or return to employment. (CV preparation, Job search, Application completion)
Open to all age groups.

For above courses contact Julie or Tracey
On 01955 606950 To book your place

Community Crafts Project
Pulteneytown People’s Project has a new community crafts project, designing and constructing a community signboard and making birdbaths using mosaic glass, among other things. This new project runs on Tuesday mornings with Bettine Bain, who has already run several popular classes with PPP. This fun, creative project is free of charge and we have places available for anyone who would be interested in getting involved.

More Course From Pulteneytown People's Project, Wick
PPP and Springboard are looking to work in conjunction to offer introductory courses in Hospitality, Leisure, Travel & Tourism, including Food Hygiene and Health & Safety certificates. Please contact Tracey or Julie at PPP to register your interest.
For more details or to reserve a place on any of these courses contact Tracey or Julie at PPP on 01955 606950.

April 2007
The latest issue of PPP news is now here on the web site.  It contains lots of information about what the group get up to.  PPP has been expanding over the past couple of years and now runs groups for many section of the community offering service not just to people in Pultneytown but across Wick and beyond into the rest of Caithness in some cases.  The newsletter contains items on classes and groups, summer school for youngsters and an update on the £100,000 they have spent on the Rosebank park in Wick upgrading the facilities for the first time in many years.

7 July 06
Pulteneytown People’s Project Summer School
Pulteneytown People’s Project Summer School will be running for three weeks from the 3rd – 21st of July at Wick High School from 9.00am – 5.00pm . The Summer School is open to children aged 5 – 14 years and offers affordable child care for working parents as well as fun filled days for any children who are looking for activities during the summer holidays.

Activities include a football tournament, pool competitions, skateboarding sessions, African drumming, circus skills, rugby, dance workshops, arts and crafts and many more. Geordie Splash spray painting workshops will take place on Monday afternoon 3rd and Tuesday morning 4th July. These workshops are delivered working in partnership with Casper Club, Castletown.

We have outings arranged around Caithness to Camster Cairns, Dunnet Forrest, a visit to Casper Club Castletown and an outing to Treats Club, Thurso, for the annual Out of School Clubs It’s a Knockout competition.

The summer school finishes on the 21st July with a full fun day trip to the Landmark activity centre at Carrbridge. There is an extra 50p charge for this outing.

Amalie Cormack MAASK team leader says that this is the fourth year of running our summer school and that all the kids have a great time meeting up with their friends as well as making new friends and learning new activities. In the past we have children attend from outlying areas as well as within the town.

The summer school costs £6.50 for a full day and £4.00 for a half day session. This cost includes all outings and a snack morning and afternoon but children must provide their own packed lunch.

If anyone requires further information or a copy of the programme, call Pulteneytown People’s Project on 606950 or Amalie Cormack on 07717001761 or email [email protected] alternatively pop into PPP offices at 41 Murchison street to pick up a registration form and copy of a programme.

3 July 06
Community Centre At Pulteneytown Gets Go Ahead From Caithness Planning Committee
The Community centre which was described as partly a regeneration centre was given the go ahead after site inspection today in Wick.  8 councillors attended and there were no dissenting voices.  Councillor MacNab who is also the manager of the Pulteneytown People's Project and the applicant for the new centre did not take part in the proceedings as she had an interest in the result.  Councillor Mowat was not available for the meeting.  Despite being set up a hearing following objections none of the objectors appeared to make their case against the new centre.  If funding applications now in the pipeline are successful Wick will have a new centre costing in excess of £2million to continue local people's drive to turn round the area that is listed along with another area of Wick in the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation. Chairman of the PPP David Dunnet hoped that the centre would be open within two years.  The centre will provide On the ground floor the building will provide a sports and function hall with adjacent store, a plant room, a youth project room, two classrooms, a cafeteria with internet access, a kitchen, a soft play area and a nursery crèche with adjacent rooms. On the upper floor there will be an office for the Pultneytown Peoples Project with adjacent committee room, office and reception room, a meeting/function room, 6 social economy office units, a kitchen, a recording studio and 3 IT suites.  Education and training are a large part of what the new centre will be about to try to take Pulteneytown people out of the category of one of the highest unemployment black spots in the north.

The Former PPP Office
The office is now on the opposite side of the street
in larger premises

Fun Day  - Saturday 1 July 2006
Pulteneytown People's Project Fun Day

Another of the many events on in Caithness on Saturday.  The PPP Fun Day is getting bigger each year.  Here are few photos from the early part of the day.

13 October 05
Pulteneytown People Pick Up Tools For Prospective Employment In Retail Developments
A new fund aimed at assisting regeneration of the Pulteneytown area of Wick will help see fifteen local people trained over the next three months (October to December) in the 'Principles of Retail'.  A ten week course has been set up by North Highland College with Scottish Executive Community Regeneration Funding, and targeted primarily at unemployed people living in the Pulteneytown area of Wick. Having completed the course, the students will be better equipped to gain work in the new retail developments coming to Wick - Argos, Homebase and Tesco. The course is also being supported by Jobcentre Plus.

PPP - AGM 2005 - Building For More Success
The Pultneytown People’s Project goes from strength to strength as was shown at their AGM held in South School on 28 September 2005. Indeed the very name should be plural now.  The Pultneytown People’s Project is fast producing projects that are getting things done that show what can be achieved once you begin to use the resources of local people to improve and regenerate their area.

1 August 05
Prince Charles Opens Pulteneytown People's Centre In Wick
Prince Charles arrived by helicopter at wick airport this morning and went to open the Pultneytown People's Centre in the former Old Man's Rest.  The centre is used for meetings and some of the overflow groups from the offices in Murchison Street.  Prince Charles was shown round by Councillor Katrina MacNab who is also the PPP manager.  she introduce the Prince to members of a ladies group that use the centre and others involved in the project.  At one point there were roars of laughter as the prince heard about some of the activities.  Prince Charles then headed to the Old Pulteney distillery. He is in Caithness for more than a week and will attend the Mey highland Games on Saturday amongst other events.

12 July 05
Pulteneytown Peoples Project - Fun Day
A BUSY programme of team games and dancing displays along with various stalls ensured there was something for everyone at the Pulteneytown People's Project fun day.  The event, held in the grounds of Wick South Primary School on Sunday afternoon, raised £682.49. The money will be used to subsidise PPP's popular bus trips, making them as affordable as possible for local families.  David Dunnett, the PPP chairman, said: "It was great to see so many people from the community turning up and playing their part in ensuring that our fourth annual fun day was such a success. Once again it was a real family day out."  After a dull start with a few spots of light rain, the weather brightened up considerably and the sun shone for most of the afternoon.  There were displays by majorettes and dancers and a series of team games along with a trampoline and an assortment of stalls. The barbecue proved as popular as ever, with locally-produced burgers, steak rolls and hot dogs on offer.
A junior five-a-side football tournament took place throughout the afternoon, with three teams each in two sections.
The winners of the older age group were the "All-Stars" - Grant MacNab, Graham MacNab, Jack Henry, Craig Nicolson and Bryan Reid. Victory in the younger age group went to the "Superstars". Their squad comprised Daniel Budge, Bradley Thomson, Saleem Ahmed, John Budge, James Mackay, Paul Cameron and Alan Hughes. Afterwards there was a penalty-kick competition, with all the players taking part, and the winner was 10-year-old Richard Budge.

9 May 05
Storage Solution of Morning And After School Club Run By Pulteneytown People's Project
Morning and After School Klub (MAASK) run by Pultneytown Peoples Project now have the solution to their storage problem. The club which is based at South School, Wick received the donation of a storage container from UKAEA Dounreay to store their outdoor equipment. Katrina MacNab, PultneytownPeoples Project said "Pultneytown People's Project is very grateful to UKAEA for donating the storage container. This has allowed MAASK to buy new equipment for the children which has had a positive impact at the club with the children enjoying learning and joining in new activities."  Children and staff of MAASK are pictured here outside their store with Katrina MacNab (2nd right) and Lynn Stewart (right) of Pultneytown Peoples Project.

3 July 04
Fun Day At Pulteneytown People's Project
PULTENEYTOWN People's Project held its annual fun day on Saturday afternoon - and it all went thunderfully well after earlier fears that the event might be a washout. Torrential rain and a few rumbles of thunder around lunchtime threatened to undermine the efforts of the community regeneration group but the PPP staff and volunteers decided to carry on as planned.

Activity Outing To Thurso 16 April 03

Mums and kids made a day out to Thurso with visits to Viking Bowl, Ormlie Skateboard Park and Thurso Swimming Pool all on a lovely sunny day.

Holiday Club 5 August 02

A very succesful holiday club was run by mums in Pulteneytown using the South School hall and playground.  John Thurso the local member of parliament visited the club and was delighted to see the range of activities organised to occupy the children.

Barbecue, Clean Up & Fun Day 6 July 2002

The group had support from many residents and a local contractor to clean up the area of grassland round about the burn,  A huge quantity of rubbish including concrete and old beds and all manner of glass and other rubbish was removed.   This was followed by the barbecue and games and races for the childrenSouth School loaned their games equipment and other items to the group.