January 06
New Section For 2006 Reunion
24 August 05
Wick High 54 - 56
Wow Here is a reunion coming round again on By 2006 it
will be five years since this group had their last big reunion. Contact
Janis Paterson to get your name down. The last one was a huge success and
once again they are holding it to coincide with Wick Gala Week.
2 April 2003
Getting Together Again
"Last year a small group of us Pultneytown Academy "Old Boys & Girls in
the very young 50+ range. Actually we all started off at the South
School in the late Fifties) decided to have a mini reunion of our own, and
so after long months of waiting, much anticipation and just a little
trepidation, we finally got together on the weekend of March 14-17th 2002
30 August 2002
Celia More (nee Tait) The Flower Shop, Wick Retires

After 25 years in The Flower Shop Celia has
decided to move on and retire early. Saturday 31 august 2002
is her last day. The shop has been sold to Jane Miller.
31 January 2002
Still coming in ... From Isabelle Thurley
Picture from 1991 Reunion

49-51 Reunion
Donation To New Renal Unit

Recently representatives from the reunion donated £400 from the
funds left after the reunion expenses to the local group raising funds
towards getting a renal dialysis unit in Caithness General Hospital
Email Addresses
If you would like your email address put in the lists of people
attending just send us an email and we will put it in. We know it
was hectic on the night and you may have been unable to get round
everyone. We will only add those who get in touch and give
17 October 2001
More 49-51 Reunion
28 September 2001
Final One From Janis
The final report on the Reunion about what will happen with money raised
and a poem from Murray
3 September 2001
More Pictures From Reunion
27 August 2001
Pictures From The Reunion
First pictures from the night. If anyone would like to
send pictures in we will add them to the section. The disk with
our won pictures is damaged and we are not sure if we can retrieve them.
13 August 2001
Almost final letter from Janis
2 August 2001
Well its one day to go until the reunion but we have one more set of
pictures just in. How many of you were members of the Wick
Arion Choir. Well here is a set of pictures to take you
back. Copies will be at the reunion for you to fill in the names
we do not have.
See you all on Friday night in Mackay's Hotel
31 July 2001
Final List Of Those Who Will Be There
Its all on and the Gala Week Wick High School reunion 10 years on is
almost here. Some folk are already in Caithness from far and wide
so you will probably be bumping into one another.
31 July 2001
Latest From Janis
24 July 2001
Joe Fitzpatrick - Went To North School and is in the 1962
Picture -
I am Joe Fitzpatrick, moved to Wick in 1955, my Father Bill worked at
the High School..married Elizabeth Hendry in 1957.....remember Dash and
Dot, anyone??....I am in the 1962 North School picture..along with
Valerie Sinclair, whom EVERYONE was in love with!!,...LOL...Moved to the
USA in 1981, my home website is
, and shows our wonderful Great Lakes to good effect, I now live in
Erie, Pennsylvania, and am very happy...although would KILL for some
fish and chips, and a pint at the Pentland!!!!..Good Luck, all...if you
remember me, please email me at
Its a sellout but you are welcome to mingle in the bars at Mackays Hotel
on the night. Many are already planning to do just that.
This looks like being the biggest reunion in Wick for a long time. 180
tickets booked and maybe 50 or more looking in. Still time to send
in those last pictures for the web pages. Many of the pictures
will be available to view on the night when you decide who was who and
where you all went.
20 July 2001
"Two Weeks To Go" - Janis
Not many days left till the big night.
14 July 2001
Three Weeks To Go -Time To Get your
Don't Leave It to the Last minute Please
1 July 2001
Update From Janis
Plea to get your ticket
money in as soon as possible now folks
28 June 2001
Christine Macdonald and Frank
in a recent picture
13 June 2001
Latest Update From Isabelle Thurley
17 May 2001
Peter & Roger Pictures
14 May 2001
Update from Janis on Tickets
3 May 2001
now in for North School 1962 thanks to Fran Forrester (nee Gunn)
and Janis for onward transmission. Apologies to all for linking
problems on Janis's article on "Teacher's Who Made An
Impression". Comes of trying to find things past the witching
hour .............. Bill.
29 April 2001
Pictures Page Now Open
Janis has set things rolling with her photo. So get cracking and fill up
the new page. Send pics to
or to Janis for censoring
25 April 2001
School Days Tales
Janis Paterson nee McGee
Who Made an Impression On Me Part One
24 April 2001
coming soon say Janis
9 April 2001
has a birthday- Any suggestions welcome.
Anyone got a helicopter? We have heard that some people bungee
jump out of them Janis.
1 April 2001
with update and a question.
26 March 2001
Wick High Reunion 49 - 50 is Fully Booked
160 sold
All the tickets for the reunion are now booked and the full
list of attendees will be posted on the website very soon.
Apologies to those of you who intended coming, but had not yet booked
tickets. We had no idea that so many people would want to attend.
Janis Paterson (nee McGee)
20 March 2001
Update From Janis
13 March 2001
Latest From Janis
Who is jetting in from
abroad List
of Those Who will be there as at 13 March
3 March 2001
Letter From Janis
25 February 2001
Happy Birthday
Ishbel Bruce from all your friends heading to the old reunion.
Another mile stone but so what you passed all the rest.
22 February 2001
Janis confirms band booked. Have you
got your tickets yet?
13 February 2001
Latest From Janis 12 February
7 February 2001
Update From Janis 4 February
25 January 2001
Latest Letter From Janis