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Wick High School Reunion Pages

41 Coniston Avenue
CA20 1LW
Email: [email protected]


09 April 2001


Friday, 3rd August 2001 

Not much to report on the reunion front this week.  I’m still in the process of getting the tickets sorted out, so they are not for sale in Wick yet.

 Celia and Elspeth have been busy rounding up yet more photos from their year and this will be on the website soon.  Can anyone supply us with the other Pulteneytown Academy photo for the 50-year-olds?  So far, no one has owned up to having a copy.

 Still no photos of people as they are now.  Perhaps we need to send Bill Fernie round to your house with the camera?!  I’m having the facelift done next week, so will put mine on after that.

 That dreaded birthday is looming ever nearer and my family have been asking me what I wanted/wanted to do for my birthday.  Apart from replying that I didn’t want a surprise party, I really couldn’t answer that question.  Roger Burt is planning cycling from Land’s End to John O’Groats to mark his 50th.  Good luck, Roger, but I wouldn’t have the energy to join you.

 Can we please have some suggestions for marking my 50th birthday.  It could be something that can be done when we come up to Caithness for the reunion and possibly something we can get people to sponsor.  Isabelle has agreed to join me and we reserve the right to say “no” to your suggestions.  Get your thinking caps on and give us your ideas soon.

 More from me later.

 Janis Paterson (nee McGee)

 P.S.  I suppose it is too much to ask for a helicopter to be involved in the suggestion?