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Wick High School Reunion Pages

41 Coniston Avenue
CA20 1LW
Email: [email protected]

20 July 2001



Friday, 3rd August 2001

 Only 2 weeks to go!!

Haven’t compared notes with Celia for a few days, so I can’t say if all the tickets are collected yet.  If you don’t have your tickets yet, get yourself down to Celia’s shop tomorrow. 


The prize for the Most pathetic excuse for not having paid for tickets yet goes to ……..  No, I’m not going to spill the beans, but the young man in question told me that his dog deleted my address!!  We all know that George the cat runs, but dogs deleting email.  You must think I’m barking mad!  My address is above for anyone in a similar predicament.


Hope you’ve all been remembering incidents from school to remind us of the way we were.  The subject of the belt often provokes strong memories and I don’t think that anyone in our age group could avoid it.  If anyone out there managed to go through school without getting the belt, I’d be interested to know.  You must either be the saint or the invisible man.  The other favourite punishment was “lines”, as in “You will write out 100 lines saying, I must not be late for school.”  The English teachers took this one step further and you had to write one hundred lines of Shakespeare instead.  No friend was willing to help you write out these lines, as it was much more laborious, but it did instil knowledge at the same time.

 See you all very soon.