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Wick High School Reunion Pages

CA20 1LW
Email: [email protected]


Friday, 3rd August 2001

Have been busy trying to catch up with all your emails and letters that have arrived in the last week.  The word is spreading around and it will be interesting to see what proportion of the original school roll that we finally manage to contact.  Keep up the detective work.

 I have once again updated the contacts list with some more names.  Marion McGovern (nee Dunnett), thank you for spotting the deliberate mistake!!  Please can you let me know of any other ones you spot.


Delighted to see that Celia has dug her old school photo out of the attic.  Christine Macdonald’s (nee Sutherland) workmates were very interested in her school photo and I’m sure this latest photo will also provide merriment for other work colleagues. 

 Perhaps we can have a mini competition to see who can name all the people in the Pulteneytown Academy photo.  Answers to myself at the above email address.  We will let you know the names next month.  Yes, amazingly, Carolyne, Ishbel and myself can name them all.

 Well that’s about it for now.  Have just had a week’s holiday, so don’t know how Celia, Joan, Elspeth and Co. fared with their get together.

 More later.

Janis Paterson (nee McGee)