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Wick High School Reunion Pages

41 Coniston Avenue
CA20 1LW
Email: [email protected]

  12 February 2001

Wick High School Reunion - Friday, 3rd August 2001

 Well there is some bad news and some good news.  The bad news is, that Celia and her former classmates didn't all manage to get together because of the snowstorms last weekend.  The good news is, that they did manage to come up with lots of names and addresses and a great evening was had by all that turned up.  Unfortunately!! Celia says that due to a lot of laughter, they only managed to get part of the way through the old school roll and will have to call some more meetings.  Sounds like a good idea to me, shame I'm in Cumbria

 Thanks to everyone, who has been plying me with names and addresses.  Please keep them coming.  We now have a total of 194 contact names out of over 300 on the school roll and this doesn't include the ones that Celia came up with.  To George Falconer, a special thank you for all the names and addresses.  They have been added to the list.

 Ishbel has suggested that we have a raffle on the night, with the proceeds to go to an appropriate charity.  We haven't decided which charity this should be yet, but offers of prizes for the raffle will be gratefully received, as will ideas for the charity we should donate the proceeds to.  The prize could reflect the occupation or hobby of the person donating the prize.  For example, I will donate a framed cross-stitch picture as I enjoy doing this in my spare time.  John, who now owns a winery in France, will donate a bottle of Chablis.  Now, did we have anyone at school who does cosmetic surgery?  Only kidding folks, but seriously, the more prizes we have, the more we can hand over to the charity at the end of the night.

 Belated happy birthday to Marilyn MacKenzie (nee MacDonald) and Raymond Szyfelbain who had guest appearances in the "Groat" recently.  Was that Sandy Cornwall from our class that was stuck on the train at Kinbrace?  Good job the reunion wasn't set for February.

 More from me later.

 Janis Paterson (nee McGee)