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Wick High School Reunion Pages

41 Coniston Avenue
CA20 1LW
Email: [email protected]

24 April 2001



Friday, 3rd August 2001

 Can it really be that long since I wrote the last update?  Well the reason is, that there is not that much to tell you. 

 I am just about to send the tickets to Celia, so these should be on sale from next week at The Flower Shop, 8 Breadalbane Terrace, Wick.  Sounds like a great excuse to get some flowers to cheer yourself up while you’re there, works for me every time.

At the moment, I am sifting through all your suggestions for marking my 50th birthday.  It is a toss up between bungee jumping from a helicopter and parachute jumping from a plane, says she lying and actually thinking of her two worst nightmares.  Don’t panic Isabelle, you’d NEVER catch me doing either of the above!  Seriously though, I’m sure that lots of organisations out there could do with some fundraising.  Please let us know your suggestions for marking my 50th and getting some sponsorship at the same time.

Have you read the piece on the Thurso schoolteacher by Richard Sutherland? At  This is a very enjoyable read and a lovely tribute to John Dallas the teacher.  Which teachers made an impression on you at school and why?  I have a few ideas of my own, but I wonder what you think.

 More from me later.

 Janis Paterson (nee McGee)