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Wick High School Reunion Pages

41 Coniston Avenue
CA20 1LW

 Email: [email protected]

  3 March 2001

 Wick High School Reunion - Friday, 3rd August 2001

 A large number of people have been in contact this week, to book their tickets for the reunion.  For those of you who have not yet booked, I would advise sooner rather than later.  The response has been fantastic.

 Peter Gunn thinks it has something to do with our age, this hankering to meet up with our old school friends.  Maybe you're right Peter, but whatever the reason I'm sure we'll enjoy ourselves.  Ishbel Gourlay (nee Forbes) tells me that the Howlin' Gales played in Tain at Christmas and were really good.

 Next week I'm hoping to put the names of those who have already booked, on the reunion page.  Assuming Bill Fernie hasn't cracked under the strain of all this extra work we're giving him on the website.  Thanks Bill.

 Ishbel's reminder about Leavo, got me wondering if this was a country wide game.  Emma, who works in the same building as me, was duly quizzed.  She looked very puzzled at first, never having heard of Leavo, but I explained roughly how it was played.  Emma tells me that in Cumbria, it is called "Foxes and Hounds", you make up the rules to please yourself and is still enjoyed today.  Some things never change.

 Keep the school stories coming or should I say "compositions".  If you tell me you can't remember anything from school, I'll assume you are going senile!!  We know that Ishbel and Frank aren't.

 More from me later.

 Janis Paterson (nee McGee)