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Wick High School Reunion Pages

41 Coniston Avenue
CA20 1LW

Email: [email protected]

1 April 2001

 Wick High School Reunion - Friday, 3rd August 2001

 With four months to go to the reunion, all the tickets are now booked.  We had no idea that so many people would want to attend and it is great that so many people want to renew acquaintances.  I'm sure that it has a lot to do with our age, but whatever the reason, it looks as if it is going to be a great night.  The list of attendees has been updated with the final names. 

My husband has long since ceased to be amazed at the time I can chat on the phone to friends and relatives.  Does this sound familiar?  Anyway this has now been extended to my peer group at school.  How is it possible to chat on the phone for about 45 minutes to someone you didn't really know at school?  Very easy really, isn't it Stuart?  Stuart Hamilton has suggested that I should pose the following question:  Who can tell me why Stuart got 6 of the best from Mr Henderson, the headmaster in Pulteneytown Academy?  Answers please by email to the above address or by post (better make that a sealed envelope).  I don't actually know the answer, yet, but Stuart assures me that it will cause a few red faces.  Will let you know the answer, if it is printable.

 This for me has been the great thing about helping to organise this reunion, the renewing of friendships and forging new ones.  Had better remember to take the throat pastilles with me on the night, because the throat is bound to be sore chatting to 160 people.  Just as well that I have already found out what a lot of you have been up to, as I know that the night will just not be long enough.

 Spring has at last arrived in this neck of the woods, at least for the moment, so I thought that a bit of the Charlie Dimmock was called for.  No silly, I meant putting the wellies on and getting out in the garden with a spade.  All the hard work has been done on the reunion and there is now more time to do other things.  But this didn't really work as an escape from reminiscing, as my garden is full of memories.  Thrift - trips to the Trinkie, wallflower - grandfather planting seeds on the June holiday and fuchsia - picking the flowers off and sucking the nectar out, to name but three.  Never mind, the garden looks better without the weeds and it's kept me away from the computer briefly.  

I hope to have everything in place soon, for Celia to be able to sell the tickets in Wick.  Will let you know when they are available.  If anyone wants their tickets by post, then please send a cheque to me at the above address, made out to "Wick High 50".  Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope for the ticket/s.  Tickets £10 each

More from me later.


Janis Paterson (nee McGee)