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Wick High School Reunion Pages

41 Coniston Avenue
CA20 1LW

 Email: [email protected]

 1 July 2001

 Wick High School Reunion - Friday, 3rd August 2001

Two Pleas, To Please!!


Just when you thought it was safe to log on, she's back and pleading again.

 I've had a great 3 weeks absence, with 2 spent in the sun and the 3rd week was spent recuperating from the shock of reaching the half-century.

 Do I feel any different?  Well, not really.  There are no more wrinkles or grey hairs than there were a month ago, but it is a sobering thought to realise that I am now eligible for Saga Holidays.

 Never mind, there is life in the old dog yet and I'm sure I'll manage a few dances on the big night, which is less than 5 weeks away.  This brings me on to my two pleas.

 First plea:  Celia and myself have a pile of tickets waiting to be paid for.  If we have confirmed that there are tickets available for you, please come and collect them as soon as possible.  We really don't want to miss out on the fun because people want to pay for their tickets at the door.  So come on down, the price is right!  Celia's shop is The Flower Shop, Breadalbane Terrace, Wick or you can get them by post from myself.  Cheques should be made out to "Wick High 50".

 We still have a large number of people on the reserve list, so if you can't manage to come and you have tickets booked, please let us know.  If tickets are not paid for by Friday, 20th July we may have to consider re-allocating them to those on the reserve list.

 Second plea:  We have had a few offers of prizes for a raffle, but we do need a lot more.  Can we have pledges of prizes please.  Doesn't need to be anything fancy, just bring it along on the night, but please let me know beforehand that you will bring one along.

 See you all very soon.

 Janis Paterson (nee McGee)