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Wick High School Reunion Pages

41 Coniston Avenue
CA20 1LW

 Email: [email protected]

  20 March 2001

 Wick High School Reunion - Friday, 3rd August 2001

 Come on you bashful lot.  Here was me thinking I would be inundated with your photos taken in the photo booth, but zilch so far.  Don't tell me, you're thinking, "What if someone catches me coming out of the photo booth, I'll look foolish."  Well take my word for it, you'll have such a laugh, you won't care.  Photos please to the above address (said in a slightly nagging tone).

 On the ticket front there has been a much better response, with 14 tickets remaining to be booked.  Elspeth Carter and Elizabeth More (nee Gunn) have been hard at work persuading people to come.  Celia has been taking bookings in the strangest places and will probably start doing her shopping in disguise any day now.  Shona Sutherland (nee Mackay) also got in touch this week and what a lot of people she is in contact with.  I'm certain that we could trace everyone on the school roll for our 3 years with people like Shona.  Keep up the good work, we're almost there.

 My apologies to Irene Ross who is flying in from the USA to attend the reunion, she was missed off last week's list of overseas visitors.  Looking forward to seeing you, Irene.

 We are planning having a raffle on the night and think that the Trinkie restoration would be a good bet.  If you'd like to donate a prize please let me know.

 More from me later.

 Janis Paterson (nee McGee)