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Wick High School Reunion Pages

41 Coniston Avenue
CA20 1LW
Email: [email protected]

14 July 2001

Wick High School Reunion - Friday, 3rd August 2001

Only Three Weeks to Go!

In exactly 3 weeks from now, we should all be raving it up in the Mackay's Hotel.  At least, those of us who have arranged to get our tickets will.  Thank you to all of you who have paid for your tickets, but we still have about 2 thirds of the tickets waiting to be paid for and collected.  Ple-e-e-e-ease come and get them!!

If tickets are not paid for by next Friday, 20th July we will have to consider re-allocating them to those on the reserve list.  Can you also pass the word around to all those people who don't have access to the website and who may not have their tickets yet.

As an added incentive, I believe that I have now managed to secure a guest appearance of at least one well-known artiste.  However, they have only agreed to perform, on the condition that all the tickets are paid for by next Friday.  Surely a good enough reason to get those tickets paid for. 

The tickets are available from Celia's shop, The Flower Shop, Breadalbane Terrace, Wick or you can get them by post from myself.  Cheques should be made out to "Wick High 50".

Right, I think that is enough nagging (for now at any rate).  Thank you very much to all of you who have agreed to bring a prize for the raffle.  We are hoping to be able to donate a reasonable sum of money to a local charity.  Suggestions for suitable recipients will be gratefully received, as will more raffle prizes.

Celia and myself were discussing the fact that although we have managed to locate lots of people, there are still quite a few that we knew well at school, but have not traced.  One person that I didn't expect to trace was Iain Spiers.  He was in my class for a few years in Wick High School, while his father was working in Wick.  He left the county with his family and you would have thought that would be the last we heard from him.  However, Iain found his name on the school roll and got in touch, all the way from the USA.  Unfortunately, Iain was unable to justify a visit to Caithness for the reunion, but there is always the next one?!  If you are reading this Iain, please get in touch again, you seem to have changed your email address and there is at least one school pal that wants to contact you.

    See you all very soon.

    Janis Paterson (nee McGee)