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Caithness Reunions
Earlier News

Current Reunion Dates

11 April 06
Thurso High 1978 - Latest Update
A list of names is now in the section with a request to get in touch with details of anyone missing from the listing.  As 29 July is already on the horizon organisers will be updating more regularly from now on.

3 April 06
Count Down Till Friday 7th April
Everything is now in place at Pulteneytown Parish Church for this Friday�s reunion as Hamish Gunn and David Topping host a �Get-To-Gether� of over sixty former associates of the one time highly popular Christian Youth Forum, the Eight O�Clock Club.


30 March 06
Latest Update For Wick High 54-56 21 July 2006
Latest update from Janis Paterson
List growing for the reunion venue and band booked, see who is now confirmed and get your tickets ordered soon as date is start of gala week.

4 March 06
UPDATING YOU ON THE 8 O'clock Club Reunion

Everything is now in place, as the final touches are being put to the preparations to welcome back former members of the Eight O'Clock Club to Pulteneytown Parish Church for a reunion celebration on Friday April 7th at 7pm.

11 February 06
Update on the Wick High 54 - 56 Reunion � Friday 21st July 2006
Although quite a few people have now responded to say they are attending the reunion, I�m still hoping for a �Yes� from even more of you.  Get those keyboards and pens out!
We�d also like to know which band we should be booking for the event.  I know that there is a lot of musical talent in Caithness, but what type of music would you like to hear?  Please let me know by email or post, as soon as possible, so that we can get the booking made.

10 February 06
Eight O'Clock Club Reunion Preparations Well On Schedule
The closing date for registration for the Eight O'Clock Club reunion is now past and some sixty folk have indicated their intention to be there on Friday April 7th at 7pm when the reunion will take place within Pulteneytown Parish Church. A Praise Band has been formed for the occasion and an interesting nostalgic programme plus a buffet supper has been arranged. Former members of the Club are coming from all over the country and a few who are still reside in town, have made it known that they plan to be there.

31 January 06
Thurso High 1978 Reunion - Venue Chosen

The Thurso High School 1978 reunion will be held on Saturday 29th July 2006 at the Park Hotel, Thurso. Timings and price of tickets to follow.

22 January 06
Wick High Reunion 54 - 56
Another reunion five years after the last one we ran on the web site for this group.  Janis Paterson has sent in the first list to update everyone as to who has said they are going on 21 July this year.

21 December 05
Thurso High School 1978 Reunion
Were you part of the 1978 intake at Thurso High School ? We are planning a reunion for the summer of 2006.  Email the organisers at  if you might be interested or want to be kept posted on the details.

Wick High 1973 Reunion
Ian Chawner has been in touch
A few years late for the reunion but Ian has only just found the web site.

16 October 05
Proposed Reunion for Achreamie School
Some former pupils of Achreamie School would like to have a school reunion next year. Would anyone who is interested contact  or telephone 01847821633 mobile 07714217628

24 August 05
Wick High 54 - 56
Wow Here is a reunion coming round again on  By 2006 it will be five years since this group had their last big reunion.  Contact Janis Paterson to get your name down.  The last one was a huge success and once again they are holding it to coincide with Wick Gala Week.

Shearer Family Gathering 19 - 21 August 2005
180 members of the Shearer Family will be gathering in Caithness for a three day event.

Bower Young Farmers 60th Anniversary
If you were a member of Bower Young Farmers or know people who were then you might be interested in this anniversary.  A dance will be held at the Weigh Inn on 28 October 2005. the organisers are looking for any old photos and contact details for former members.

30 June 05
Wick High 1965 Reunion - Organisers Need To Know Final Numbers
The Wick High 1965 Reunion is set for 30 July in Mackays hotel.  The photo is from the Pulteneytown Academy class of 1961.  If you have not already been in touch about the reunion there is just about still time to get in touch.  But do it now to help the organisers get the numbers right.


17 June 05
Date Set For Eight O'Clock Club Reunion
7 April 2006 Pulteneytown Parish Church

10 May 05
Wick Girls Pipe Band Reunion

The Wick Girls Pipe Band will have a reunion on Friday 17 June 2005 at 7.30pm in the Seaforth Club, Wick.  Interest in the reunion is already high and anyone interested in attending should get in touch as soon as possible to assist the organisers in making arrangements.  It is intended to install a memorial plaque opposite the Parish church  - possibly on the Saturday morning following.  There will be photos on display on the night.  If you know of anyone who was in the band please let them know about the reunion and tell them to get in touch with the organisers.
Wick Girls Pipe Band Photo Section

31 March 05
Final Call For Thurso High 1960 Reunion
Thurso High Reunion - those who started S1 in 1960. The Reunion is on
9 April 2005, and final numbers are needed. If you can't come but would like to leave your contact details for another time, or for tickets/info for this one, please email Rhona Mackenzie (Murray) on  ASAP. Should be an excellent night!

Date And Place  Set for Lieurary Reunion
Date:- Saturday 23rd July 2005
Lieurary School Community Centre
Cost will be set once numbers are clear so get in touch if you can attend

Wick High 1965 Reunion Planning Gets Underway
Is this your year at Wick High School.  A list is now in place of names of folk who were in the year.  Get in touch with the organisers if you might be interested or want to be kept posted on the details. 

A number of folks have indicated that they would like to have a re-union of all former devotees of the EIGHT O'CLOCK CLUB, a popular Interdenominational after-Church Christian Meeting for young people, held weekly in St Andrew's Church of Scotland (Now Pulteneytown Parish Church) Argyle Square, Wick, Caithness in the 60's/70's.  If you at one time attended these meetings and would like to share renewed fellowship with your former friends and if there turns out to be sufficient interest, we are looking to the possibility of arranging such an event in about a year's time (probably March 2006)

Caithness Reunions Message Boards
Keep in touch directly here with all the people in your year to arrange reunions or gather names and information .  Put out notices to everyone you want to contact.  Once a few folk know it is there you will be surprised how it builds up.  Just let us know if you want a link on a reunion page to your message board thread and we will fix it up.  It's  FREE

Lieurary School Reunion
Another school reunion group is heading to run a reunion for anyone who attended the school.  If you know anyone who went to this school contact the organisers.  They have set up a section on the message board for you to leave messages if you want to speak to everyone at once.  Or contact them via the email address.

28 December 2004
Thurso High 1960
9 April 2005 Weigh Inn, Thurso
This group have set up their own web site for the reunion
Rhona Mackenzie - Tel: 01862 871257 
Margaret Izett - Tel: 01847 893277
Sandy Mowat - Tel: 01847 894119

2 November 04
Thurso High 1977 Reunion

Reunion Party  - The Past & Present Milk Board Staff - Wick and Thurso Staff
Saturday 19 February 2005 contact Alice Kennedy 01955 603615 or email

Re any photographs sent for earlier reunions.
I am afraid we lost all the emails with a hard drive burn out and pictures sent in recent months for many items and reunion pics were among them.  If you sent any please forward again and we will try to put them on.

Thurso High 1976 Reunion - Final List Now In
The final list of those attending the Reunion is now in.  188 tickets have been sold so things are set for a great reunion in the Weigh Inn on Friday 30 July 2004

Wick High 1966 Reunion Ticket Money Now Due
The reunion is in July but organisers need to know the numbers and have the tickets paid for. 

Thurso High 1976 Reunion
A reunion for Thurso high 1976 is being organised for 30 July.  Get in touch with the organiser if you want more details.

5 April 04
Dunbeath Highland Games Committee are holding  a school reunion
Dunbeath School Reunion to be held August 7th 2004 starts 7.00pm at the Dunbeath Community Hall Buffet/Dance For tickets and more information please contact
Neil Buchanan Dunbeath Shop on 01593 731217
Malcolm Mackay on 07880502794       
Ian Cowie on 01593  731237
Deedie Miller 07799146887

17 February 04
Thurso High Reunion 79 - 85
Here is the full schedule for the weekend Friday Saturday Sunday 9 - 11 April.  A few folk not yet found so here is a list of the last few if anyone knows where they are to let them know.  For those of you thinking about organising a reunion the organiser of this one is in the USA.  Sara Witten and fellow organisers will see you all soon.


20 October 03
Wick High 1966 Reunion Tickets Now Available

19 October 03
Weydale Reunion Pictures Now In

24 August 03
Barrock Public School At Lyth Reunions Pictures Now In

19 August 03
Wick High 1950 - 55 Reunion Pictures

7 August 03
Wick High 1978 Reunion Pictures Now Going In

5 August 03
Kinbrace School Reunion On The Helmsdale Web Site
They hope to have the rein July 2004.  just fill in the form on the web site. for more details

1 August 03
Wick High 75 Reunion Pictures now in

31 July 03
Weydale Reunion Date changed

18th October 2003 instead of the 11th as the venue wasn't available on that evening.

14 July 03
Lyth Reunion Looking For Memorabelia
Next meeting 21 July

1 July 03
Early Payment and Bus For Lyth School Reunion
Time is racing on for
Tickets have to be paid for by 8th August please as there are expenses to be met by the organiser.
There is possibly going to be a bus arranged by a group from Wick; more details later.

12 June 03
Wick High 1965

The class of 1965 who started Wick High School in that year are holding two reunions this month.  The first will be held in the Thistle Hotel, Edinburgh on Saturday 21st June, 2003 at 6.30 p.m. and the second for people who cannot travel to Edinburgh will be in the Norseman Hotel, Wick, on Friday 27th June at 7.30 p.m.  The latter is just an informal evening where people can have a chat and a drink.The former consists of a buffet at �25 each.  We know its short notice but Donald Macleod will be in the area from Australia and we have organised the events  to coincide with his visit.  If anyone would like to attend either function they can contact me at  or Telephone Alan Mackenzie on Wick 603110.    See Also Message Board Message From Julie


9 June 03
Latest Updates For Thurso High 79 - 85 Reunion

Updates to who is now attending and names on a photograph

8 June 03
Wick High School Reunion 1977
Mandy Scudder (nee Miller) sets a another reunion rolling.  The date is set for 21 August 2004 in Mackays Hotel.  Send in your old school photos for the new section in the run up to the date.  If you would like to send in a story about your school days we will add it to the section.  Keep up with old friends in the Message Board Reunion page set going by Mandy

24 May 03
Thurso High 1983  - Yes It's another Reunion
The venue is the Weigh Inn in Thurso on 12th July 2003, buffet, price of tickets not yet decided, partners welcome to attend.

21 April 03
Thurso High 79 - 85 Reunion Updates

A class photo is also now in place.  Anyone know all the names?

15 April 03
Lyth School Reunion More Details
To be held on the 23rd of August 2003 At 6.30pm
Final date to apply for tickets 31 July 2003
Venue - Lyth Village Hall

2 April 2003
Mini Reunion by Roger Birt
"Last year a small group of us Pultneytown Academy "Old Boys & Girls in the very young 50+ range.  Actually we all started off at the South School in the late Fifties) decided to have a mini reunion of our own, and so after long months of waiting, much anticipation and just a little trepidation, we finally got together on the weekend of March 14-17th 2002.  This sprung from the 49 51 Reunion for Wick High school

2 April 2003
Weydale School Reunion
Another reunion gets going
Reunion Date Saturday 11 October 2003
Venue  - Royal British Legion, Thurso

13 March 03
Lyth School Reunion

Lyth school reunion is to take place on 23 August 2003.  Venue will be dependant on numbers etc.  Help the organisers by getting in touch early and letting other folk know.

5 March 03
1978 Wick High Reunion Venue
Details Now In

22 February 2003
Thurso Pipe Band 90th Anniversary Reunion
The band are trying to contact former members of the band for a reunion to celebrate their 90th anniversary.  A buffet/dance will be held in Thurso on Saturday 19 July.  anyone interested in attending the reunion can contact David Manson secretary on 01847 891042.  the band will be performing on the same day with Kirkwall city, Wick RBLS, Ardgay/Bonar Bridge and the Caithness Junior Pipe Bands.

17 February 2003
Looks Like Reunion Will Be Busy - Wick High 50 - 55
There has been a big response and the numbers are now approaching the maximum Mackays Hotel can cope with.

22 January 2003
Latest List Of Folk Heading To the Reunion
Thurso High  1979 - 1985
Reunion - Thurso -  10 April 2004  - Weigh Inn

22 January 2003
1975 Wick High Reunion Group Set up New Web Site

Now has lists of names on their own web site.

24 December 2002
The group have now set up a new web site complete with pictures and a message board for everyone to get back in touch.  The link will always be on the page on for everyone to find their way to it.  Good Luck with it all folks.

24 December 2002
1966 Wick High Reunion Updated List

It may not be until July 2004 but the 1966 Reunion already has 112 people coming and that's not counting partners.

17 November 2002
1975 Wick high Reunion

Latest updates - more folk found.

1 November 2002
1975 Wick High Reunion

List of folk being contacted and another list of people the organisers have yet to find.  If you have contact details for any of the missing folk get in touch with the reunion organisers.

22 October 2002
Wick High 1950 - 1955
The latest reunion to appear and organisation well underway for next year.   As always the organisers are looking for everyone to get in touch so let folk know who may not have access to the Internet.

14 October 2002
Wick High 1975 - Invitation Letter

Contact the organisers as soon as you can and let others know about the reunion in case they are not on the current address list.

9 October 2002
Wick High 1975 Reunion Gets Ready For 2003
Just getting the planning going and if you want more information then contact details are on the new section set up to run until the reunion.  Why not send in your old school pictures for this section to remind everyone of those school days.

29 September 2002
Thurso High 1974 Reunion Gives Profits To Local Charities

27 September 2002
Wick High 1966 Latest List

Numbers for the reunion are now going up rapidly and despite the fact it is not until 2004 it already looks like sure fire success.

27 September 2002
Thurso High  1979 - 1985
Reunion Date set  - Thurso -  10 April 2004  - Weigh Inn

27 September 2002
Thurso High Class Reunion 1984 Postponed Until 2007 
Response has been too slow for this reunion and organisers have decided to postpone it till everyone is 35 years old. will retain the listing so anyone can get in touch to add email address in the the next couple of years  to assist the organisers next time round.

25 August 2002
Wick High 1966 -
Updated list of folk contacted.

25 August 2002
Thurso High 1974 Reunion Pictures

17 August 2002
Thurso High Class 74
Final lists for Reunion on 24 August now in.  See you all there.

Wick High 1974 - 1980 Reunion Night
A few pictures from the reunion night in Mackays Hotel, Wick on Friday 27 July 2002

27 July 2002
Wick Commercial Class 1952 - 1956
had a reunion in the Nethercliff Hotel, Wick last night.  Nearly everyone had made it to the night and they all sent a message to Nancy in Australia  - "Wish you could have been here."

1 July 2002
Thurso High 1974

Karen's latest news and updates as the date 24 August 2002 gets closer.  Have you got your tickets.  Final details are all in place on the page and letters out from the organisers.  Help them keep it all moving by sending your money for tickets asap. 

25 June 2002
Wick High 74 - List of Names
A list to remind you all who was in your year.  Reunion on 26 Julyt 2002 .  Have you got your tickets yet.

25 June 2002
Wick High 1966 - List of Names

Reunion is some time away as the organisers want plenty of time to find everyone.  The list shows everyone they have managed to contact so far.  If you know where anyone else is get in touch with one of the organisers so they can send out details or ask the folk to contact themselves.  We hope to update the list from time to time over the next couple of years.

Wick Scouts Reunion Goes Again In 2002
The hugely successful reunion held last year to commemorate the contribution made by the late Johnny Yuill to scouting n Wick is to have another run. This time the scouts of that era are back in action on Friday 2 August 2002 at 12 noon to unveil a plaque opposite the Old Parish Church.
Also on 1 August 2002 Thursday evening in Mackays Hotel an informal get-to-gether to see the photographs that were on display last August
Last years reunion was so successful and so many people turned up that many had commented they did not have time to speak to everyone. So here is another chance to meet the folk missed last year. There is no charge for this gathering and no booking is necessary this time. just turn up on Thursday evening on 1 August 2002.

29 April 2002
Thurso High 1974 Reunion List Updates

24 August is fast approaching.  Help the organisers by getting your tickets as early as possible.

15 April 2002
Wick high 1966 Reunion
A few more names in the North School Primary 1962 picture

12 April 2002
Thurso 79 - 85 Reunion
Note the date has changed from July 2002 to April 2004 and the organisers have started to contact people.

31 March 2002
1966 Wick High
This latest reunion to hit the web site is up and running even though its not until 31 July 2004.  Many former classmates are in other countries and scattered all over the UK.  In 2004 most of the year will be 50 years old and the Reunion has been set in Wick Gala Week as the most likely popular week for people to return to see families and friends.  The pages on the web site will be in use to update with what is happening and how many folk have been in touch to say they are coming.  Pictures will be added as they become available so send any in when you have time over the next couple of years.  If you see a blank against names let us know who they are. Tell everyone who is not on the Internet about the reunion.
Good Luck and see you all in 2004.

18 March 2002
Thurso High 1984 Reunion

Update with more names for Thurso High Reunion in October 2002
If anyone has any photos for this year then send one or two in for the section.

6 March 2001
Another Reunion Gets Going Wick High 74 - 80

The reunion is to be held in the Mackays Hotel on Friday 26th July 2002. For more details or to book a ticket send e.mails Subject - Reunion to

21 February 2002
1978 Reunion Latest List

18 February 2002
1978 Reunion Latest List

2 February - Later
List Of Names For Possible 1978 Reunion

Get in touch with the organisers As Soon As Possible If You Are Interested

2 February 2002
Reunion For Anyone who Started Wick High In 1978

Just the first enquiry to see if there is enough interest.  Get in touch with the organisers soon as they would like to run it in Gala Week this year.

31 January 2002
49-51 Renunion Group - the 1991 Reunion Picture From Isabelle

7 January 2001
Thurso 1984 - The List Grows

10 December 2001
Thurso 1984 List of Names Updated

4 December 2001
Thurso 1984 Full list of Names Now In

If your name does not appear on the list get in touch with Lynn.  Information going out shortly about the Reunion.  Send any class pictures into for publication in the section.  If you would like to send any messages to your old friends ands classmates then send to stating which reunion it is for.

25 November 2001
Latest From Lynne for Thurso High 1984 Reunion
Book Early please to help the committee.

22 November 2001
Thurso High 1984
Its the Weigh Inn

10 November 2001
Another Thurso Reunion Gets Organised
Thurso High 1984

17 October 2001
More 49-51 Wick High Reunion Pictures

5 October 2001
Another Wick High Reunion

A group of former High School pupils have decided that a reunion of pupils who left Wick High School between 1951 and 1955 is now opportune. For those who left in 1953, 2003 will mark the 50th anniversary.
John Kennedy, 6 East Church Street, Thurso. (01847 892802) has commenced to compile a list of would be participants. Unfortunately he cannot be contacted by e-mail and he has asked me to be his e-mail contact.
Would anyone reading this and are interested in participating in this reunion in 2003 please either contact John Kennedy or myself.
John Campbell 

28 September 2001 
Final One From Janis on 49-51 Reunion

27 August 2001
49 - 51 Reunion  - A Few Pictures From the Night

27 August 2001
1973 Wick High Reunion Night Pictures

27 August 2001
Email Addresses To be Added To Reunion lists For Future contact. 
John Henderson who attended the 1973 Reunion recently has suggested that the Reunion lists now be used to store email addresses to allow people to contact old friends as time was short on reunion nights to get these details.  If anyone would like to do this just send your email address to saying which reunion list you would like your email address added to.  If anyone could not make the reunion but would like their email address listed for future contacts then just get in touch and we will add it to the listings.

15 August 2001
Almost final letter from Janis re 49-51 group

2 August 2001
Scout Reunion Pictures 
These pictures on the web site before the event is even half way through.

2 August 2001
Scout Reunion tonight in Mackay's hotel, wick.  See you all there.

2 August 2001
OK 49-51  - See you on Friday night but how many were in the Wick Arion Choir.  Check this set of pictures.

31 July 2001 
Final list for 49-51 Reunion

28 July 2001
Both the 73 and 76 reunions in Dounreay Club and Mackays hotel last night were packed.  This season of reunions looks like being one of the busiest for many years.  

27 July 2001
Wick High 76 Reunion Sell over 150 Tickets
And they have all paid - success already!!!!  See you all Friday night in Mackays.  You can see them all in the next few days as we bring on the photos.

Wick High 73 also on Friday night.  We will see you all also in the Dounreay Club.  Hope you will all still have stamina for the Games and the Gala on Saturday.

26 July
Thurso 1974
Philip Young has sent in a pic from 1977 at Murkle.  Any one else for the Thurso 74 Reunion next year ready to add to the gallery?

25 July 2001
Only two days to go for  Wick 73 and Wick 76 Reunions.

24 July 2001
Joe Fitzpatrick In USA Calls In 
49-51 Reunion

22 July 2001
1961 Pulteneytown Academy
Going to the 49-51 Reunion on 3 August

20 July 2001
Dancing in the Gym
Memories of Learning to Dance from Janis Paterson in the 49-51 Reunion that I sure will be recalled by many other years in both Wick and Thurso high Schools and probably many other places.

14 July 2001
Three Weeks To Go 49-51 Group Wick High
Getting Close and Time to Collect Your Tickets

10 July 2001
Are You 30 Next Year?
And Attended Thurso High School?
Then the message on the Message Board could be what you are waiting for -
"Just a suggestion, but is anyone interested in organising a reunion for Thurso high school pupils who will be 30 next year...."

10 July 2001
Wick High Class 73
List of Tickets sold now in

9 July 2001
Latest Listings For Thurso High 74

2 July 2001 can see a problem for the organisers of many of the reunions. 
After all the hard work in setting things up the last part of getting the tickets distributed needs you all to act as quickly as possible to pay and collect your tickets or send in your money for them to be sent or made available on the night.  Everyone can help in the last weeks by ensuring the tickets are paid for and collected quickly.  Help them to help you all have great nights.

29 June 2001
Latest From Sara Whitten 79 - 85 Thurso

23 June 2001
Newsflash for Janis from your mates....

"Happy Birthday On Sunday - Enjoy the next half century - we're looking forward to that reunion"

22 June 2001
79 - 85 Thurso High Reunion
List of names updated.  Contact Sara Whitten (nee Atkins) and Morven Bancroft (nee Fairlie) for more details.  Let others know about the reunion who may not be in touch or on the Internet.

20 June 2001
Class 76
Organisers reminder to get your ticket payments in soon.  No ticket no entry and they are not accepting payment on the night.  Help them out and send in your money now.  Thanks.

18 June 2001
Another Reunion For Thurso High.
Sara Whitten (nee Atkins) and Morven Bancroft (nee Fairlie) are thinking of organizing a reunion for former pupils of Thurso High School, who attended between 1979 and 1985.  Basically anyone who will be 35 next year!