Caithness Community Web Site       Class 73 Index Page Reunions Index

Wick High - Class 73
John Henderson has suggested people can use this list to leave their email addresses for people getting in touch.  If you would like to do this then just send a message to [email protected]  Remember even if you missed the reunion you can add your email address to the listings to let people get in touch.

Name Maiden name Married name if Known Email
Barbara  More Smith
Frances Aitken Coates
Donald Banks  
Sharon Beattie  
Marion Bremner  
William Bremner  
Peter Budge  
John Burnett  
Pauline Clyne Simpson
Harry Coghill   [email protected]
Jamie Cormack  
Robert Cormack  
Janice Cowie Grant
Jan Cummings Williamson
Sharon Davidson Swanson
Sheona Davidson Cumming [email protected] 
Georgia Donn ?
Graeme Duffy  
Raymond Florence  
Wilson Gove   [email protected]
Allan Grant  
John Green  
Jacqueline Green Mackay
Jenny Gunn Forbes
William Gunn  
Evelyn Gunn  
Ann Harness  
Fiona Harper  
Evelyn Harper Tait
Ann Hawthorn Taylor
Magnus Henderson  
John  Hemderson [email protected].
Adam Hendry  
Sharon Henstridge  
Alistair Hourston  
Lindsay Inness ?
Linda Inness Risbridger
Dorothy Johnston Gilbert
Kathryn Kay ?
Andy Leith  
Brian McAdie [email protected] 
Brian could not make the reunion -
Formerly from Bower, now living in Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire
Jackie MacAskill  
Carole MaCaughey ? [email protected] 
Susie Macdiarmid Goghill
Julie Macdonald Cormack
Murray Mackay  
Andrew Mackay  
Roma Mackay  
Janet Mackay  
Susan Mackay Banks
Marianne MacKenzie Simpson
Catronia MacKenzie  
Pat Maclennnan MacGee
Roy Majilton  
David Manson [email protected]
Lesley Robertson Manson   [email protected]
Ailsa Marshall Muirhead [email protected]  
Ailsa could not make the reunion but happy to hear from old friends - 28 August 2001
George Mathieson  
Graham Meil   g[email protected] 
Anne Miller Coghill
Helen Miller ?
Alison  Miller Stewart
Dave Moyes   [email protected] 
Lesley Munro Fraser
Brian Munro   [email protected] 
Steven Munro  
Ishbell Murrison Macdonald
David Nicolson  
Maureen Oag Coghill
Elizabeth Oliphant Rainford
Andrew O'Sullivan   [email protected].
Wendy Paterson Taylor
Ann Peterson  
Jennifer Plowman ?
John Reid  
Terry Risbridger  
John Robertson   [email protected] 
John Ross
Sandison Blair [email protected]
Sandison Barbara Adam [email protected]
Blair and Barbara could not make the reunion as they are working in China
Adam Scott  
Jamie Scott   [email protected]
Peter Shand   [email protected]
Paul Shand  
Karen Shearer Smith
William Sinclair  
Marion Sinclair Morrow
Elaine Sinclair Paul
Carol Sinclair Grant
Bella Smith Duffy
Jennifer Steven  
Linda Stewart Crowe
Cathry Stewart Mahon
Ann Sutherland Macdonald
Bettine Sutherland ?
Anne Sutherland ?
James Swanson  
Peggy Tait  
Ellison Talbot Sutherland [email protected] 
John Taylor  
Inness Taylor  
Peter Taylor  
Heather Thain Rosie
William Thompson  
Moira Tough Enslin
Ruby Wisley McNeill
Alison    Gunn
Alison    Sinclair
Organiser of the Reunion
Mrs Maureen Coghill
c/o Lloyds TSB Scotland Plc.,
74 hugh Street,

Tel 01593 721490