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                                  Caithness Reunions Front Page

Thurso High School 1974 Reunion Pages
Welcome to the new Thurso High School Reunion Pages.
Planning for 24 August 2002 - 
Venue: Weigh Inn Motel - Tickets: £12.50 Single  £22 Couple
Lists Of Names 28 June 2002
A - L      M     N - Z

Final lists as at 17 August 2002

September 2002
After a tremendously successful reunion this year from Thurso High managed to raise a huge sum of money on the night which was distributed to various local charities as follows -

They raised a total of £1409.80 and the cheques were:
Friends of Thor House £250
Crossroads Care £250
Caithness Spina Bifida £250
Stepping Stones £250
MacMillan Cancer Relief £250
Thurso High School PTA £159.80

In The Cheque Handover Picture
Back row  Jane Foster presenting cheque to Patricia Thompson and Alison Mackay (Thor House), Lynne Hossack with Maggie Page Crossroads, Philip Coghill with Maureen Webster Spina Bifida, Margaret Mackay with Rae Smith Stepping Stones Front L-R Grant Coghill PTA with Karen Garbutt, Lynne Johnstone with Fiona Forbes Macmillan


Not Over Yet Folks 28 August 2002
Here is a picture from Derek Townsend From His Miller Academy Class
Primary 2 1968

For a copy of the group picture contact John Baikie, Photographer at
 http://www.jgbphotography.co.uk or email [email protected]

Pictures From The Reunion Night



Date:                        Saturday 24th August 2002

 Time:                        7:00 p.m. for 7:30pm

 Venue:                      Weigh Inn Motel

 Tickets:                   £12=50 for single    £ 22 for couple/twosome.

                                  Cheques should be made payable to:   Mrs M. Mackay & Mrs P.L. Johnstone

Please pay in advance, and enclose a SAE for ticket returns – help us keep the costs down!


Raffle: We’ll be holding a raffle, to raise money for the chosen charities, and any donations for raffle prizes will be gratefully received!


Entertainment:                         Disco.

 Refreshments:                        Licensed bar, finger buffet with tea/coffee.

 Accommodation: The Weigh Inn has said there may be the possibility of discounted rates for those who stay on the night of the function, but you’ll have to do your own booking.

Scrapbook: We’d like to make a “scrapbook” of mini biographies and photos (current and passport size would be ideal!) for reading on the night. It may be possible for this to be duplicated for anyone who wants a memento, but that would be after the event! This “biography” would be limited to about 100 words.

Photos: It has been suggested that we have a display of school photos, covering as much of our school years as possible – skiing, football, rugby, swimming, athletics etc.  trips, the school exchange to Brilon, and vice versa, contributions would be most welcome.

Closing Date: We must have names and / or biographies before the end of July.

More Information: If you have access to the Internet, you may be interested to see how things are progressing – we have a couple of pages under www.caithness.org (reunions section) which are updated whenever I get a chance!

See you all soon - Karen 28 June 2002


28 June 2002
Latest Lists of names from Karen.
A - L      M     N - Z
Date fast approacing now and all the organisation is in place.  Even maybe special deals at the Weigh Inn but you must make the bookings yourself.

Date: 24th August 2002

Send in a few pictures, class photos etc

Philip Young on Murkle Beach (circa 1977)

Karen - Sent in 22 May 2001

From about 1980.

 list of some of those not yet found for you all to think about and let Karen know of any addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses etc  Updated 27 March 2001


Entertainment: Disco.
Refreshments: Licensed bar, finger buffet with tea/coffee.
Partners: Welcome, but not essential.
Dress: Optional - 70's if you must!
Scrapbook: We'd like to make a "scrapbook" of mini biographies and photos as a memento for everyone who wants one.
Photos: It has been suggested that a display of school photos be organised, contributions would be most welcome.
Special Guests: Several of you raised the possibility of inviting teachers along on the night, if you have any feelings either way let us know.

13 March 2001
More names of people who joined the year at later dates.  Check the bottom of the list and let them know what's happening and tell Karen their contact information if its not included yet.

28 February 2001
Updated Listings From Karen

23 February
List updated

If anyone has any problems with the new pages please let us know by email [email protected]