Caithness Community Web Site

                                                     Caithness Reunions Front Page

Wick High School Class of 76 Reunion
27 July 2001
Mackays Hotel, Wick
Organiser Debbie Bain

Hi ! It was great to see some of the reunion photos as I didn't manage to get along to the reunion with having working commitments.If any folk in that year would like to get in touch with me,my E-mail address [email protected]. Glenys Hirst(nee Brooke)
I lived in Wick from 1969-1985 and attended Wick North and High School from 1969-1981.I went down to Inverness to do my nurse training and from there on down south across the boarder to Huddersfield (West Yorkshire).I live with my husband Mark and my two children:Scott (6) and Charley(3) . Since qualifing I have worked in hospital and in the community looking after people with learning difficulties and enjoy my work very much.I would love to hear from anyone who knew me....  Glynis

27 July 2001
Another Success in Prospect - Over 150 Tickets sold - See you on Friday night.  Have a great time.

Send in any old pictures for the page.

If anyone has any problems with the new pages please let us know by email [email protected] 

Pictures from the Reunion
Please send in any of your own to add to the section.

Pages One

Page Two

Although more pictures were taken they did not come out too well  - mainly due to the limitations of the camera in dealing with the low lighting conditions.