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Reunions Index


Weydale School Reunion

Date changed
18th October 2003 instead of the 11th as the venue wasn't available on that evening.

Reunion Date Saturday 18 October 2003
Venue  - Royal British Legion, Thurso
Cost of Tickets - not Yet Known
Food - Buffet
Music - Jocky Campbell

Contacts for further information and tickets etc
Liz Henderson (nee Dundas)  01955 661214
Barbara Sutherland (nee Sinclair)  01847 831469
Rana Alexander (nee Manson) 01955 641244
John Sinclair 01847 894695
Helen Mackay 01847 871268
Betty Rosi (nee Macdonald) 01847 895555
Nancy Budge (nee Sutherland)  01847 831666

Email [email protected]

Anyone who has pictures from the old schooldays can send them in to add to the pages.

19 October 03
The Reunion Night Pictures

17 October 03
Weydale School Pictures Around 1945-46