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Wick High - Class 73

8 December 05
Ian Chawner has been in touch
Ian has only just found and the reunion  - a little late but he might like to know about the next one if it comes along.  He wrote - "I happened to put my name in a search for a laugh! I found this site and discovered i was on a missing list!! haha.  I know i,m a few years late! however just to say i,m still about and would love to hear about any further reunions in the future!!

5 September 2001
Presenting £500 To Wick High MADD Group

27 August 2001
More Pictures From The Night
If you would like to add your own pictures just send them in.

Add Your email Address to the list
John Henderson has suggested people can use the list to leave their email addresses for people getting in touch.  If you wuld like to do this then just send a message to  Remember even if you missed the reunion you can add your email address to the listings to let people get in touch.

29 July 2001
Class 73 Group Picture

A group picture supplied by John Baikie, Photographer - a much higher quality print can be purchased by contacting John through his web site at

28 July 2001
Picture One from the big night.

Due to the fact that we will be out covering lots of events in Gala Week , highland Games and lots more other pictures will be on after these events are past unless we find and hour or so somewhere in the next seven days - unlikely as there is so much on in Caithness at the moment.

10 July 2001
We have set a closing date for tickets for the 14th of July, but if there are still tickets available it should not be a problem to get them after the date.

Welcome to the Wick high Class 73 Reunion section.  New information and updates will be added here up until and after the reunion.  Send in any information you would like to share in the run up to the night. 
Send in any class pictures or other photos you think others might like to see again or for the first time.

17 May 2001
Information About The Reunion

List of tickets Sold as at 9 July 2001

Still Looking For List

A Football Team
Sent in by James Coghill
Any more out there?
Names  From Bella Duffy 17 June 2001