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Wick High School Reunion
For Folk Who Started In 1966
Reunion Date 30 July 2004 - Venue, Waterfront Wick

Main Reunion Index Wick High 1966 Reunion Picture Gallery

Picture Gallery

14 July 04
Final Call For Ticket Money
The organisers need to finalise numbers for the buffet.  Can anyone who has not yet paid do so immediately to ensure enough food is ordered.

23 May 04

149 And Rising - Get Your Tickets By 31 May 04
Get in touch with Colin Richard to pay for your tickets and make sure of your place at the reunion on 30 July

Time To Get Your Tickets
From Colin Richards

Time is now wearing on and there is only a few weeks until the planned reunion. To ensure that the reunion goes ahead and that costs are covered, i.e. Band and food, I have decided to put a cut off date for tickets.
The 31st of May will be the cut off date.
Send in your money now to help get things organised.

20 October 03
Tickets Now Available
Tickets are now available at a price of £10.  Send cheques to Colin Richard  made out to 'Wick High School Class of 66 Reunion ' and sent to me at Valhalla, Broadhaven, Wick, Caithness. KW1 4RF.

20 October 03
Latest List Attending

24 December 2002
Latest List Of Names
Numbers have already reached 112 not counting partners.

27 September 2002
Updated List of names
Also another picture for North school now in the gallery

25 August 2002
Updated List of names

25 June 2002
If anyone can help the organisers with details of current whereabouts of people on the list not found then get i touch with them.

31 March 2002
This reunion is for folk who started Wick High School in 1966 and most of whom will be 50 years old in 2004.

The organising committee is planning well ahead and have already provisionally booked the Waterfront for 30 July 2004 that will be during Wick Gala Week.

If you have not been in touch or heard from anyone they are just getting started.  More details will be posted on these pages over the next couple of years.

About 240 people are on the lists to be contacted.
You can email Colin Richard to let him have your contact details for further information about the event at a later date. 

More details and updates will be added over the next couple of years. 

Anyone can send in class pictures or other photos or write a few lines about their schooldays to add to the section whenever they want.

A list of names will be added here later.

Colin has a few quotes and here is one of his favourites  -
George Orwell -
"At 50 everyone has the face he deserves"

Some of the organising committee -
Colin Richard - Chairman
Tickets are now available at a price of £10.  Send cheques to Colin Richard  made out to 'Wick High School Class of 66 Reunion ' and sent to me at Valhalla, Broadhaven, Wick, Caithness. KW1 4RF.

Alison Muir (nee Swanson)
Audrey Anne Ross (nee Calder)
Andrew Bain  - Treasurer .