News Archive - July 2003

Sandside Gardens Open Day
10 August 2003 2.00 - 4.30pm
Vintage Vehicles with best receiving the Sandside Cup

Weydale Reunion Date changed
18th October 2003 instead of the 11th as the venue wasn't available on that evening.

Wick Gala - Fancy Dress Football Match
The Fire Brigade played the Lifeboat team in a fun football match that ended in a penalty shoot out to decide the winner.  Can anyone say who won in the end?

Castletown Junior Football Club Head For Prestigious Tournament
A group of under tens from Castletown will be heading south this weekend to compete in the Loch Lomond Youth Soccer Festival in Glasgow. The prestigious tournament, which is held at the West of Scotland Science Park, Garscube, is sanctioned by the SFA and FIFA, and attracts team from as far away as the USA.

Broadband For Thurso - Nearly At 500
Broadband registrations are currently standing at 477.  So all of you in the Thurso area get out and find someone you know who wants Broadband but has so far not been able to find out how to sign up.  And Wick folk get signed up or we will be lagging far behind Thurso.

Caithness Riders Access Group AGM
AGM on Monday 4th August at Brown Trout Hotel 7.30 All welcome.  Speaker From British Horse Society.

Mey Games 9 August

Animal Rescue - Caithness
About 00:37hrs on Monday 28th July 2003 Police at Thurso were called to a report of a dog having fallen over a 60' cliff at Scarfskerry. On Police attendance it was established that access could not safely be made to the dog and the Marine and Coastguard Agency were requested to assist.  Nine volunteers from John O'Groats MCA Search and Rescue attended and about 02:40hrs with the use of rope access "TIMMY" a eighteen month old Labrador cross was recovered apparently uninjured from the base of the cliff.  He was reunited with his owners, Mr and Mrs Edwards from Scarfskerry.

Wick Gala  - Braehead Fancy Dress

Wick Gala Baby Show

Children's Fancy Dress - Wick Gala Week
7.00pm Tonight - Braehead - Childrens's Fancy Dress Parade, Pipe Band in attendance.

Northern Constabulary are today warning householders about bogus callers who are currently working within the Force area.  In the Caithness and Sutherland area, a number of calls have been made to police by members of the public concerned about callers to their door who would appear to be opportunist thieves.  In a number of incidents in the Wick, Bettyhill and Dunbeath area, householders have been approached this morning by a man purporting to be from the Water Board and when householders are distracted, has made off with money from the house.

Three One Act Comedies - Wick Players In Wick Gala Week Friday 1 August
Rehearsal Pictures prove Wick Players are ready to provide another great evening.  Plays from Caithess, Galway and Texas promise an evening of light hearted entertainment

Wick Gala - Cycle Races At Riverside

Thurso Pipe Band 90 Years Anniversary Pictures

Coming To Timespan, Helmsdale
2-29 August  - North from Sutherland  Ann Davidson.  Paper collage abstracted landscapes of Sutherland and Iceland and photographs of Iceland and Glass, Ceramic, Textile  Opening Night - all welcome Saturday 2 August from 7pm

Busy Time In Caithness
With the past weekend being so busy you might think it was time for a rest but next weekend will if anything be just as packed with things going on.  Thurso Gala gets going on Saturday with their float parade and crowning ceremony.  Wick Gala Week is now on and ends with one of the biggest fireworks displays in the north of Scotland on Saturday night.  some folk manage to see Thurso Gala and then get back for the fireworks about 10.00pm.  Also on are Highland Games at Mey on Saturday 2 August with expectations that Prince Charles will open the games following his visit last year.  Sunday 3 August has yet another Highland Games At John O'Groats.  Wick Pipe Band carries on with their Scottish Entertainment evenings on Wednesday nights.

Boys Brigade Float Pictures In Wick Gala - Builder Carries On After Accident
New pictures just in from Marc Macdonald of Wick Boys Brigade.  And  The float was built by James Steven and Keith Da Paola with help from some of the boys and friends of Wick BB Company.  The names of the Boys in the group photo are from the left; Alan Coghill, Eddie Beattie, Greg Thomson, John MacDonald, Chris Hartley and Marc MacDonald.  Keith Da Paola unfortunately couldn't come on the float as he had an accident on the morning of the gala.  He fell off a ladder whilst painting the side of the float.  He was taken to hospital by ambulance.  Later in the day, after having 4 stitches in his head, he came back and finished what he was doing.   Well done Keith and hope the head is on the mend.

Let's Go to Brora
If you are in the habit of driving right through Brora you might well be surprised at the places in and around the town.  A great beach and small harbour at the river mouth, a heritage centre, sports facilities, an ice rink, distillery, famous Capaldi's Ice Cream shop, fishing on river and loch or at sea, heaps of archaeology, wildlife.

Three Pigs Nearly Missed The Web Site
In the rush to get record numbers of pictures on the web site we managed to miss out on this one of three pigs.   Apologies to anyone we did not manage to get a picture of.  In one of the busiest Gala nights ever it was likely someone would be missed.  We processed 480 pictures of the Gala and Halkirk Highland Games yesterday - a record even for us.  And yesterday was a big day on the web site as folk came in to see the pictures pushing visitor numbers higher than ever.   The hit rate has taken off yet again and with only a few days left till the end of the month it looks almost certain Caithness.Org will smash through the 6 million hits barrier for one month.  We recently signed up for a new deal to allow us an even higher traffic level as we were almost bursting our traffic limits each month.

Halkirk Highland Games - Final Pictures
Bonnie Caithness Babies At Halkirk Highland Games

Berriedale Castle History By Michael J Gunn
Thanks to Michael Gunn for this article on Berriedale Castle

Whale Sighting
From Mary Legg - Highland Ranger

Wick Gala Night Pictures - All In Now
If you have any You Want To add email them to [email protected]  

Wick Gala

Halkirk Highland Games

Sunset At Wick 10.00pm Friday

Big Day Saturday - Halkirk Highland Games and Wick Gala
Followed Next Saturday by the start of Thurso Gala   The fun and games just keep coming in Caithness. Check the Galas/Games Show page for more of these events to come or take a look at earlier years events linked on the page. Busy busy busy.  See you in Halkirk Saturday 12.15pm.

New Scrabster Pier To Be Opened By Prince Charles
The new Scrabster Pier will be officially opened by Prince Charles on Wednesday 6 August.  The public are welcome to attend the ceremony.  A small number of disabled vehicles will be allowed access to the pier for the opening.  Contact the Harbour Trust for details right away Tel 01847 896744.  If heading for the opening remember parking at Scrabster harbour is limited and you may require to leave your car outwith the harbour area if there is bit turnout.

Orienteering For Kids Aged 9 - 12 Years
Wednesday 30th July - Can you navigate your way through the forest using your own skills and a map? Dunnet Forest Entrance. 9 - 12 yrs. £2.  Book at Thurso Service Point.  Organised by the Ranger Service in Caithness

Will Old Marine Inn Be Wetherspoon Pub In Thurso?
Could this be the site of the next J D Wetherspoon pub in Caithness.  Two sites have apparently been under consideration.  The Old Marine Inn a short walk from the town centre and the Post Office in Sinclair Street have been looked at.  The chain currently has well over 600 pubs in the UK and still seems to be in expansion mode.  The Alexander Bain in Wick opened a couple of months ago in the Old Post Office in Market Square.

Baling Straw At Lower Thurso - Is this A Seasonal Record?
The warm weather of the last few weeks has meant great weather for Caithness farmers and they have not been missing the opportunity to get farther ahead than for many years.  Can any farmers tell us if things are really as good as they look?

New Maggie Cancer Centre, Dundee - First Frank O Gehry Building In UK
Canadian architect Frank O Gehry is most famous for the fabulous Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain. It's elegant curves and turrets, all clothed in a titanium skin, have established Gehry as one of the world's leading architects.  Now Gehry has designed his first ever building for the UK. Maggie's Centre, a cancer caring centre working with Ninewells Hospital in Dundee, is due to open its doors to the public in September. With its pleated roof, its curving walls and lookout tower, Dundee's new Maggie's Centre is different from any other building the city has ever seen.  Watch the TV programme about the new Maggie Centre.

STS "Jean De La Lune" At Wick Harbour
STS (Sail Training Ship) "Jean de la Lune" is Scotland’s only working square rigged tall ship. The 100 foot brigantine has been a familiar sight in the waters surrounding the West Coast and Isles of Scotland for the past 17 years.  this trip saw the ship come up the west coast of Scotland to Orkney before arriving at Wick.  they were then heading to Inverness and back through the Caledonian  Canal to the west again.  If you are interested in these trips check their web site at the bottom of all the pictures.

Lybster Golf Finals In Glorious Sunshine
David Nicolson, who won the Cormack Cup as this years Club Champion.  In the 36 hole final David beat John Gunn by 4&3.  In addition to winning the Lybster Open earlier in the year, John was also a beaten semi-finalist in the Wick Golf Club championship.  David also happens to be the Club Captain. The finalists in the Handicap Championship.  Eric Larnach (right) beat John Munro (on the left in the pic) in the 18 hole final by 2&1 to win the Portland Cup.

Are You Related To This Lyall Family In Canada
Dinah Waddell, Thunder Bay, Canada is looking for relatives Lyall - Melrose from Caithness - originally Dunnet Head.  Lyall is still a local name in Caithness but the family may have scattered round the globe.   If you have some information that might assist her in her search then get in touch with herby email.  If anyone has direct information on this family it can be added to the section.  Hey Out there in Canada Your emails appear to be bouncing Get In Touch With Us.

Floral Wick
Flower beds in public places in Caithness are often used to pay tribute to the past or present organisation or to mark an event.  In wick this year it is the Pulteneytown Commissioners and the Rotary Club.

Young Farmers Updates From The County Show
The Kennedy Cup Competition at the Caithness County Show saw 5 teams from Caithness Young Farmers compete for the trophy. The boys judged 2 classes of stock at Reaster by kind permission of the Mr Tommy Sinclair with Mr Billy Campbell official judge. Halkirk A came 1st, Halkirk B 2nd, Bower 3rd.

Gower Street, Brora

What The Butler Saw - A Farce by Joe Orton Thurso Players
24, 25, 26 July  - Mill Theatre 7.30pm  Bookings 01847 892019

Halkirk Highland Games Book Competition Winners
Five winners of our FREE book competition have been chosen from the entrants.  If you did not win but would like a copy they will be on sale on Saturday at the games or from various local shops.  Our next FREE competition will be announced next week.  If you are going to the games on Saturday we will see you there.

UKAEA and Johnson Control Apprentices Help Dunnet Forest Project
Four UKAEA and two Johnson Controls first year Dounreay apprentices recently spent a week in Dunnet Forest assisting the Forest Manager, John with new fencing, tree clearing and felling.  The existing fence around the forest has been there for more than forty years and as you can imagine is well past its best.  The apprentices removed around 400 metres of the original fence which in some places was very difficult due to the boggy conditions and uneven ground and this was replaced with a new fence.

The Witch’s Wind - A Fisherman’s Yarn
Another poem from David Grant sent in by Hugh Ross
“Come spin us a yarn, Will,” cried I.
“Yes, spin us a yarn,” cried all,
“For here we must ride till the turn of the tide,
Since the winds won’t come at your call.”

Voluntary Groups - Why Not Advertise Your Vacancies FREE on Caithness.Org
Caithness & Sutherland groups can get there information to many more people fast just by emailing us the details.  If your group is looking for volunteers then send us details and we will have it on the web site in a day or two.  Just tell us how long you want the information to run or leave it on permanently. .  when you are sending that in remember to let us know your present contact details to update your main page on the web site.

Banger Derby Returns
Sunday 3 August 1.00pm - Scrabster Hill Near Thurso.  This highly popular event runs in Thurso Gala Week and is sure to have a big crowd out to watch the bangers bump and grind their way round the track.

Cardiac Rehabilitation And Support Services In Caithness
To many people in our local community, the thought of suffering a heart attack, or having to have cardiac surgery, is an anxiety provoking time, and the need for support and guidance is very important, both to themselves and their family. Highland NHS in Caithness provides a comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation / support service, which provides professional input to patients both in hospital, and also in the local community. The specialist nurse for cardiac care is based at Caithness general hospital, and his name is Michael McGivern.

Dounreay Golfers Handover Charity Cheques
The Royal Dornoch Golf Course is renowned throughout the golfing world, a mecca for professionals and amateurs alike.  On a warm sunny day last month thirteen teams of three, representing contractors engaged in decommissioning work at Dounreay, met there to play for the UKAEA Site Restoration Trophy. Two members were employees of the contractor, and the third was a UKAEA employee who acted as host.

Revised Battlemoss Excavation Notes And Stone Sketches Added
Anyone interested in working on the excavation??? Full training will be given!  If you would like to volunteer please contact Islay MacLeod at Thrumster House on (01955) 651387.  There will be a chance for the public to visit the site and open days announced later.

100th Halkirk Highland Games - Heavies - Caithness V USA V Rest Of The World
Saturday 26 July - March To The Ground 12.15pm From Ulbster Arms.  Last chance to win one of five copies of "E-games" history.  If you would like to have a picture at the centenary games added to the set on the web site just ask as we move ground the ground on Saturday.  Pictures will appear on the Sunday following the games as Saturday night is Wick Gala night and we will be out again for that.

Auldwick by Michael Gunn
With thanks to Michael Gunn for this detailed article on the Castle of Old Wick. Although now generally referred to as Oldwick Castle its name is derived not from the Scots word auld, meaning old but from the Gaelic allt, meaning a burn or stream, its correct name being Caisteal Allt-na-Uig, or the castle of the burn of Wick. The name is important because at the time of its erection, ie. the late twelfth century, the town of Wick stood only on the north bank of the river of Wick (Amhain-na-Uig) whereas the Castle of Auldwick lies to the south of the river.

Unemployment Down In Caithness & Sutherland
Overall, the number of unemployed in Caithness and Sutherland fell from 894 last month to 817. The revised unemployment rates in the Sutherland, Wick and Thurso 'Travel to Work Areas' respectively are as follows (corresponding figures for last month are shown in brackets): 5.6% (6.7%), 5.5% (5.6%) and 2.9% (3.1%).

CASE Helps More New Businesses
City Centre Estates (Leisure) Ltd has been awarded £64,900 to establish a high quality self-catering and leisure facility at Latheronwheel. The development, which will have its own swimming pool, will comprise three, four star, self-catering holiday apartments.

Sinclair Bay Lobster Company Ltd, Keiss, which was awarded £6,000 towards the cost of building a storage facility for live lobsters

K P Technology Ltd, Wick
The company has been awarded assistance of up to £20,000 to enable the development of this business which manufactures Kelvin Probes, scientific measurement devices used to investigate the properties of various materials.   Iain Baikie the managing director of the new venture worked on the staff of the Environmental Research Institute in Thurso.  More On Kelvin Probes

Diving Company In Wick Gets Financial Boost
Wick-based diving company, Fathoms Ltd, has been awarded assistance of £6,200 towards the purchase of specialist monitoring equipment and the development of this for use under water, while John G Mackay has been awarded £14,500 towards the purchase of specialist forestry equipment. D Steven & Son, Scrabster, have also been awarded £16,200 towards the purchase of specialist equipment.

Highlands and Islands Enterprise Assist New Development At Latheronwheel
City Centre Estates (Leisure) Ltd has also been awarded HIE Standards assistance of £51,000 towards the cost of establishing their high quality self-catering and leisure facility at Latheronwheel.  CASE has pledged financial support totalling £115,900, which includes £51,000 from the European-funded HIE Standards programme. HIE Standards is a Network-wide initiative designed to help accommodation providers invest in the upgrade of their premises in a bid to attract and meet the needs of today's discerning travellers.......

Community ASSISTANCE Grants
Caithness Archaeology Trust, are to receive up to £42,432 towards the cost of a 3-year appointment for the area's first archaeology development officer.  Dr Andrew Heald has been appointed as Archaeological Development Officer to the Trust.  Andy Heald, who was Director on behalf of the National Museums for Scotland and University of Edinburgh of last year’s excavations of the broch at Everley,

100 Years Recognition With Funding From CASE
Halkirk Highland Games Committee is to be assisted with the attendance costs of a world-class pipe band and purchase of new sports equipment to celebrate 100 years of the Halkirk Games,  Sutherland Schools Sailing Club is to be assisted with the purchase cost of a sailing dinghy accessible to disabled people.

Over Skitten - Second World War Airfield and Now A Quarry
Aerial Views
of Caithness

This Is Where the 100th Halkirk Highland Games Will Happen On Saturday
The Halkirk Highland Games Association will be celebrating their 100th Games on 26th July 2003. A special centenary cash bonanza of over £2,000 has been added to the prize money.  If you cannot make the games there is still time to enter the simple competition to win a copy of "E Games" history of Halkirk Highland Games.

Lost at Sea in a Fog - The Stroma Man’s Yarn
We continue with the David Grant poetry section with thanks to Hugh Ross for preparing it for the section.  David Grant was a school teacher in Canisbay 1857-1861.  David Grant Index

Old Anne’s Yarn -The Swelchie of Stroma
Another Poem from David Grant.  "The Whirlpool, called the Swelchie, is situated at the north-east corner of the Island of Stroma, in the Pentland Firth.  It does not rage always, but in certain conditions of wind and tide would infallibly swamp or suck down any undecked vessel entering it.  The loss of the boat and crew, which forms the subject of the following “Yarn,” occurred early in the nineteenth century. The incidents connected."

A new survey by the British Heart Foundation (BHF) reveals that a staggering 96 per cent of the UK population don't know the levels of salt they can consume 'safely' - before it starts becoming a real threat to their 'heart health'.

Every person in the Highlands is being challenged to get into the recycling habit by supporting a new campaign to recycle more aluminium cans.  The Highland Council and the UK Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation (Alupro) are challenging everybody to join in the “Get Recycling” campaign and to recycle more aluminium. In return The Highland Council promises to plant a tree for each tonne of aluminium cans recycled during the next twelve months.  The Highland Council will collect the cans, separate the aluminium from the steel and bale it.

Local Riders Access Group Plan Anti Ragwort Campaign
It has been noticed that there is a proliferation of ragwort in the Dunnet area and a campaign has been organised by the Dunnet Riders to eradicate as much as possible from the area. Ragwort does not just affect horses but all grazing animals. It causes progressive and irreversible liver damage. Ragwort is an injurious weed covered by the 1959 Weeds Act.  Occupiers of agricultural land are required to take action to prevent the spread of scheduled weeds on to other areas of agricultural land.  Occupiers of non-agricultural land will be required to do the same if agricultural land is at risk.  Check page to volunteer to help.

Wick Gala - Full Programme
Here is the programme and this will be the link page to all the photographs as they are added throughout the week starting next Saturday.

The Changing Face Of Caithness - Two Barns Out Of Three Demolished At Staxigoe
If you have not been along to Staxigoe for while you will not have seen the changing view as two of the large barns out of three have been demolished to make way for a new house.  The barns had been up for sale for quite along time.  A third barn is still standing but perhaps not for long.

Big Prize Money At Halkirk Highland Games
Saturday 26 July - With over £16,000 in prize money for the 100th games Halkirk is likely to attract more competitors.  In the heavy events and dancing there are special prizes this year.  In the open track and field events it could well be worth ladies entering as there are special prizes for the first five in the points table.  Even the children's races make it worth while winning events.  The games will be visited by  folk attending the 14th International Gathering of the Clan Gunn which runs from 19th - 27 July.  Members are in Orkney and arrive in Caithness on Tuesday.

Kiting Courses In Caithness 22 - 27 July
Try something different! - Windthings Taster Days Part 3 - Kite Mountain Boarding
The same principals as buggying but with a mountain board, at the extreme end of the sport huge hangtime beyond that of skate boarding, BMX riding and snowboarding means tricks like board off`s can be done, your imagination and nerve is the only boundary.  The course is run in the same format as the buggy course but uses the mountain board, we can also offer advanced coaching sessions for advanced riders

Halkirk Highland Games Book Competition Closing Date Wed 23 July
Still a few days left to enter the competition - answers by email.  If you do not win a copy it will be on sale at the games on Saturday or from local book shops and even via Amazon in our book shop section.  We will be at the games on Saturday snapping away as usual.

E-Access Bulletin July 2003
The monthly newsletter for people with visual impairment dealing with technology issues.  Among the many items covered this month are -  Disability Rights Commission preparing a legal case on access issues against web site owners under the Disability Discrimination Act, the likely changes from European Law on web sites, Harry Potter audio version delays, talking lamposts in London and elsewhere to assist with direction finding and much more.

Caithness County Show 2003 - 258 Pictures

Dunbeath Highland Games Pictures

Dunbeath Highland Games Pictures 38 - 48

Dunbeath Highland Games - Picture 37
Man From Wick Meets Man From El-Paso.  He says "hi" to everyone back in El Paso and visiting the Caithness County Show on Saturday and off to Orkney after that. Then a run down the West coast of Scotland.

Dunbeath highland Games Pictures 25 - 36

Dunbeath Highland Games Pictures 13 - 24

Dunbeath Highland Games Pictures 1 - 12

Watten Holiday Club
Watten Holiday Club Week ended today after a great few days of fun and games visits including the beach and swimming pool.

Dunbeath Castle Gardens Open
Sunday 20 July 2.00 - 6.00pm

Caithness County Show Starts Tonight Big Day Saturday

Try something different! - Windthings Taster Days Part 2 - Kitebuggying
Imagine using mother natures natural forces to cruise down the beach, no noise and no fumes. Kite buggying is fast becoming one of the most popular beach sports around.  The sport can be as sedate or as extreme as you wish from gentle runs down the beach to extreme freestyle fun (Balancing on two wheels, reversing, high speed slides and spins) Age is not a problem, Kite Power Scotland has taught people from the ages of 16 - 72!

Another Outing For The "Isabella Fortuna"
The 44 foot long Fifie was built in Arbroath in 1890, restored in Wick lifeboat shed in 1998.  The boat is moored at Wick harbour for the summer months and will go back in the lifeboat shed later.

Hunters May Restart Under New Ownership Shortly
Geoffrey Minter a business man who lives in Caithness and formerly chairman of the previous company for a short time is getting ready to launch a new company.  He has purchased some of the machinery and the new company would be called Hunters Tweed Ltd and trade as Hunters of Brora Ltd.  Discussions are ongoing with the owners of the factory on the outskirts of Brora and offices would be located in Brora itself.  Only part of the factory is thought to be needed for the new operation.

Caithness Field Club - Change Of Meeting Place On 6 August
Wednesday 6 August - A trip to Forse, Lybster, Water Lines which will be open for refreshments if required at a small charge.  Myra Wilson to lead.  Leave Wick and Thurso Railway Stations at 9.30am meet at the Lybster harbour car park and not the Clan Gunn Museum.  All Welcome but no dogs.....

KitKats Sales Raise Funds for Macmillan Cancer Relief At Dounreay
Over £210 was raised for Macmillan Cancer Relief by Dounreay staff who purchased KitKats at the Learning at Work presentation, followed by the sale of KitKats by Elizabeth Henderson of Johnson Controls at the Main Gate Reception area.

New Equal Pay Legislation Could Mean Bigger Pay Outs For Businesses
Changes to the Equal Pay Act from this Saturday 19 July 2003 mean that businesses could be paying out even more in compensation claims.  70% of businesses have not carried out an equal pay review, meaning they are unsure if they have a gender pay gap. This leaves them wide open to allegations of unequal pay.  Businesses who currently breach the equal pay act are liable for compensation of up to two year's back pay. The new legislation removes this provision, meaning businesses could be paying out a lot more....££££

Caithness County Show - Saturday 19 July Riverside/Westerseat, Wick
A packed programme of events with the gates open at 8.30am on show Day.  Friday evening sees the pre-show horse and pony competitions getting started and the trade stands open.  Take a look at this years packed programme.

UK Split Over Safety Of Using Hands-free Phones In Cars
With the UK revving up to a ban on using handheld mobile phones whilst driving, more of us are likely to turn to the hands-free kit. But health and safety expert Croner warns of the dangers of talking at the wheel, and reveals that the nation is split over the issue.  Croner, the UK's leading supplier of business information, support and advice, asked health and safety professionals if hands-free kits should be banned at the wheel. 51% were in favour of a total ban, 47% thought we should be able to talk hands-free while driving, and just 3% were unsure.

The Authors Yarn - The last cruise of  “The Dwarf” - A Poem
The Dwarf, a small boat of about 10 feet keel, was the property of several partners, one of  whom was represented by Finlay MacLeod, a youth of  about seventeen years of age.  A larger boat had been purchased by the “Company”, and the Dwarf was sold to be employed as a “lighter” at Wick.

Engender training for women - aimed at making a difference
· Do you want to make a difference - to have your case heard and listened to?
· Are you active in the voluntary or community sector in either a paid or voluntary capacity? 
· Are you concerned about issues that particularly affect women experiencing social exclusion?
Engender's latest training course follows on from the highly successful Engendering Change - Making a Difference training courses.

Latest From Scrabster Pier - Nearing Completion

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has made significant changes to the authorisation covering UKAEA Dounreay's discharges of gaseous radioactive waste. The changes mean a cut of 59% in the quantity of tritium that the site is allowed to release to the environment and will come into effect on Friday 18 July.  The change also permits the operation of UKAEA's new facility for collecting and disposing of liquid waste to sea. This facility, known as the Low Level Liquid Effluent Treatment Plant (LLLETP), will replace the old sea discharge tanks that were the subject of a SEPA enforcement notice in January 2002.  UKAEA is required by SEPA to improve the discharge system for gaseous waste from the main facilities in the fuel cycle area (FCA).

Keiss Gala Returns 15 - 17 August 2003
The Keiss Amenities Group are returning to the Gala scene this year with a three day gala including Gala Queen Crowning, Keiss FC V Keiss Veterans, Its a knockout, Face Painting, Highland Dancers, Children's Fancy Dress, Bungee rope, Argocat trips, Pet Show, TEAM MCC bike trips, Target Golf, Stocks for local celebrities, Children's races, barbecue, Dance with Communique. Treasure Hunt.  The group are also setting out to build a new hall and events for fund raising will be ongoing possibly including a revival of the Wester Raft Race day popular a few years back.    Galas/Shows/Highland Games Index

New Modern Mart Opens In Dingwall
Dingwall & Highland Marts opened their new Mart on the edge of Dingwall.  Captain Roderick Stirling, Lord Lieutenant of Ross and Cromarty, Skye and Lochalsh opened the mart on 15 July 2003.   A huge crowd representing farmers in the Highlands turned out for the opening.   The new mart is built on ground which was part of Humberston farm the whole of which the mart bought.

Try something different! - Windthings Taster Days Part 1 - Kitesurfing
Windsurfing, wakeboarding, paragliding and kite flying all rolled into the most radical, extreme 3D water sport. Kite surfing (a.k.a. kiteboarding and flysurfing) is the most extreme new water sport. windsurfers, wakeboarders, surfers, paragliders and power kite flyers are all buzzing with excitement as the most dynamic convergence of these disciplines. Discovered by the French, popularised by the Hawaiians, kitesurfing is now going big in Scotland.

Celebrity chef and the star of television programme 'Ready Steady Cook', Ainsley Harriot is set to stun the far north with his culinary skills when he visits the area in October.  As part of the Highland Food and Drink Festival, Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise (CASE) and Ross and Cromarty Enterprise (RACE) have committed £20,500 each to stage 'Ainsley at Dunrobin' on Thursday 2nd October.  The event at Dunrobin Castle, Golspie is set to consist of various, delectable attractions including cookery demonstrations by Ainsley, a local producers showcase and a gourmet dinner in the evening for 150 paying guests.

Good Weather Helping Get On With Baling In Caithness
The current spell of warm weather is helping farmers in the north get on with things this year.  The balers are out in force getting things done before the weather breaks.  Another sunny day is forecast for today but maybe not tomorrow.

Know about Bumble Bees! - Caithness Field Club
2pm on Sunday 10th August 2003  Caithness Field Club is organising an afternoon with Bumble Bees, led by two experts on Highland species, Murdo MacDonald from Strathpeffer and Gill Nesbit from Boat of Garten.  Do come along and meet them!   Meet at the Dunnet Wildlike Ranger Station, Dunnet Sands at 2pm on Sunday 10th August 2003  All Welcome. Further information from Ken Butler 01847 893549

Latest From Caithness Quilters
Tuesday 22 July 2003  at 7.30pm a talk, from Sheena Norquay who is a member of the Highland Quilters, in the Pulteney Parish Church Hall Argyle Square Wick.
30 July 2003 we are having an Exhibition of our work in the Assembly Rooms Wick for one day only - serving tea coffee and home baking from 10.00am to 4.00pm

Clash Of the Heavy Weights Scotland V USA - Halkirk Highland Games
Halkirk is gearing up for the influx that hits every year of up to 5000 spectators and maybe more this year for the 100th games.  With big money available for breaking ground and national records, the total prize purse is over £16,000.  The games still has the traditions  of meeting old friends and a day out as much as the sporting events that are the main feature.  The clans Gunn and Sinclair will have their usual tents and increasingly companies are putting up hospitality marquees for clients and staff.

Scotland’s e-city network; Reaching parts previously untouched by technology
From Ronaldsay to Raploch, the Scottish e-city network is bringing 21st century technology more and more into Scottish communities; influencing everything from planning policy to how customers interact with their Local Council.   Highland Council and Highlands and Islands Enterprise have joined this ambitious scheme to ensure the Highlands is part of the growing "e world".

Life's A Beach - Sunday In Caithness



Freswick Beach


Reiss Beach

Hottest day of the year today in Caithness and families headed for the beaches of which Caithness has quite a few all round.  Starting with Ackergill we headed round a few and here they come over the next wee while.

The Highland Council’s Environmental Health service is today warning that children should not eat mini cup jelly sweets containing Konjac after two of these illegal products were found on sale in the UK.  This type of sweet was banned across Europe last year following the deaths from choking of about 18 children worldwide.  Products called Jellyace Lychee Flavor Konjac and a similar mini-cup sweet called Jellyace Buko Pandan, labelled as containing konjac, were found in England and Wales. These Jellyace products are sold under the brand name Sugarland. Parents should be alert to the potential risk from these sweets and children should not buy or eat them.

Moth Or Butterfly?
Colin Stewart has sent in another picture for identification.  Can anyone help identify this one.  Let us know if you have some good wildlife pictures you would like to share.  if we begin to receive more we will set up a wildlife section to add new ones as they come in.  There are a range of wildlife pictures across the web site and we will bring these together making links in one place to make it easier for anyone interested in Caithness wildlife to find them.  Contributions can be emailed to [email protected] and can be on anything birds, fish, insects.  Answer To the Moth Question is in From Islay at Thrumster - thanks.  This is the magpie moth (Abraxas grossulariata), one of the few day flying moths. A huge pest on gooseberry plants when numerous, which they aren't really here. It is a very variable species. The caterpillar is creamy white, with black dots running along the sides. A broad reddish line separates the two lowest bands of dots. Apart from its favourite gooseberry or currant plants, it feeds on a huge variety of plants, and in the Western Isles can be found on ling.

Final Event At Latheron Show - The Tug-o-War Competition

Australians Take A Look At Latheron Show
All the way to Caithness - Bet they didn't expect to be running in a wheelbarrow race.  Back home take a close look at This One

Races For Kids and Jumping Horses At Latheron Show

Winners Parade At Latheron Show

Flower Show At Latheron Show

A Pilots Yarn - Uncle Dan, the Pentland Firth Pilot
By David Grant, teacher at Canisbay School 1857-1861.  Thanks to Hugh Ross for preparing this poem for the web site.  The poem was once recited at many a Christmas Treat in Caithness.

Winners At The Latheron Show

Fun And Flying At The Latheron Show

And More Pictures From The Latheron Show

Wick Pipe Band Week - Fancy Dress Parade Night
A big crowd turned out to see the increasingly popular fancy dress night at the end of Wick Pipe Band Week.  With a few highland Dancers for good measure it was a great end to a busy week for the band.

More Latheron Show

First Latheron Show Pictures

Buskers From Wick Pipe Band
Another group from Wick Pipe Band out entertaining in the Market Square, Wick on Friday.  Saturday night is the finale of the week with the most unusual sight of the Wick Pipe Band marching in fancy dress rather than their usual kilts.   this has become one the popular highlights of the week.
Take another look at last years fancy dress parade

A Yacht "Tordas" in Wick Harbour

Children's Fun Day At RSPB Forsinard
Arts & Crafts, Games mini Beast Safari, Face Painting, Treasure Hunt and more....

Latheron Show On Saturday 12 July
Have you made a bid in the auction for the Helicopter ride.  If not you can still buy a ticket on the day.  If helicopter rides are too much just enjoy the day with your feet on the ground.  We'll be there so if you want your picture on the web site just ask as we work our way round the ground.

Mary Scanlon MSP At Dounreay To See Changing Site
Highlands and Islands Conservative MSP Mary Scanlon saw the changing the shape of Dounreay when she visited the site on July 10th to learn more about progress with the £4 billion site restoration plan. The construction of new buildings and the demolition of old facilities is gradually changing the skyline of the site, with substantial alterations expected over the next few years as more major decommissioning projects begin to materialise.

Sandside Gardens Open To Public
Funds raised for charity will go 40% to Reay and district Garden Club and 60% net to SGS charities.  If you cannot make it on the day browse our pictures from last year.

Broadband - Are We Nearly There Yet?
BT has announced 400 Additional Exchanges in the UK with trigger levels.  Thurso has been set a trigger of 500.  Wick does not appear to have a trigger level as yet.   Sign ups In Wick 222  Thurso 385.   So Thurso is well on its way.  But essentially both towns need more people o sign up at the BT Broadband site.  If you have not done it do it now.  If you have phone a friend and ask them to sign up.  Other town campaigns are moving on and BT has said they will set things going once these figures confirm demand for Broadband in an area.

Summer holiday fun with the Caithness Rangers!
Lots more to do for younger folk this summer in Caithness especially at the beach or in the forest.  Check it out for fun days out.

Castletown Gala Week - Baby Show 10 July
Last day of the Castletown Gala Week is tomorrow Friday.

World Population Day
One Billion Adolescents Are about To Enter Their Reproductive Years according to the United Nations Population Fund.

The  United  Kingdom  Atomic  Energy  Authority (UKAEA) today announced the final  decommissioning  of the first reactor in Western Europe. GLEEP - the Graphite Low Energy Experimental Pile - first went critical in 1947 and was shut down in 1990.  The  contract  for  its  dismantling  has  been let to Renfrew based Mitsui Babcock.  Decommissioning is planned to be completed by autumn 2004.  GLEEP  played  a  key  role  in  the development of civil nuclear energy in Britain.  It  was used in investigations into how to make a nuclear reactor work including the early design and development of Magnox nuclear fuel used in  commercial generating stations operating today.

3 One Act Comedies - Wick Players - Gala Week
Friday 1 August Curtain Up 7.30pm - It's a comedy treat for Wickers home on holiday and our loyal local support. Plays from Caithmess, Galway and TexasTickets from D R Simpson $5/£4.  Anyone coming home on holiday may purchase tickets in advance can do so by sending an SAE to Eric Farquhar, 89 Loch St, Wick, Caithness KW1 5QL. £5 (£4 concessions; OAPs and children 14 and under). Cheques should be made payable to "Wick Players".

Scottish Outdoor Access Code Message Board Discussion
The deadline for comment on this piece of legislation has passed but if anyone has any points they would like to make about the access issues in the county then Tina Irvine of the Dunnet Riders Access Group would like you to put in your views.

Wick Pipe Band Week - Juniors Out In Market Square, Wick Today
A few of the younger members were out today showing they have the skills to play in smaller groups.   Wick Pipe Bands packed week continues tonight with a Scottish Country Dancing night in the Back Bridge Street Club and on Friday its parade night again with Saturday winding up with the extremely popular Fancy Dress Pipe Band parade.   If you missed last years fancy dress pipers night then take a look here.

Take A Side Road To See Sibmister
The beautiful rolling countryside that is the Caithness interior can be seen well by taking a drive on the Sibmister road where from several points you can see across the parts of the area.  And watch out for the sky.  It seems bigger than ever here

Hunters of Brora - Protest At Sale Of Assets
Local supporters of The Scottish Socialist Party have called upon the people of Brora to support a protest today (Thursday 10th July) outside the former Hunters Of Brora woollen mill in Brora, Sutherland.  The demonstration is being called in protest at the disposal of assets at an auction being held at 12 noon. The auction includes state-of-the-art machinery.

Employers Check This  - Advertise Your Vacancies FREE on Caithness.Org
Reach more people from a wider area who are looking to work in Caithness by getting your jobs on the web site.  For now the job ads are FREE so you can be keeping your costs down and reaching potential employees 24hours a day.  Just fill in the online form and we will do the rest.

Caithness Country Music Festival
The NNCMC is to run a country music festival 9 - 11 April 2004. the festival will take place in Gillock Park, Thurso and the local caravan site will open to allow people to use the caravan camp site.

Halkirk Highland Games Competition
Win a copy of the "e-Games - A History of The Halkirk Highland Games" by James B Gunn Jnr published to mark the 100th games.  We have five copies of the history of the games to give away in our competition.  Halkirk Highland Games holds its 100th games on Saturday 26 July starting at 12.15pm   All the usual events plus the added competition of a team from the United States Of America competing with the local heavyweights.

Scotland's most renowned and spectacular mountain range, the Cuillin of Skye could soon be gifted to the Scottish people by their owner, John MacLeod of MacLeod.   The possibility of such a gift being made in the near future is central to a set of prospective property transactions being explored jointly by the MacLeod Estate, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and The Highland Council, in association with the John Muir Trust.

Agility Leaving Wick Harbour
Agility - Registered GBR - Built 1990 - GRT 1,930 - DWT 3,144 - Length: 80.0m - Beam 14.6m - Draft 5.6m - Owner F T Everard & Sons Ltd - Photographed Leaving Wick Harbour 01/07/03

Open Air Ceilidh - Wick Pipe Band Week
Wednesday 9th July Open Air Ceilidh, in the Market Square starting at 7.30pm . The Pipe Band will play a selection of tunes, a Scottish Dance Band, a selection of vocalists, and there will be Highland Dancing from the Elise Lyall School of Dance.

AN EVENING WALK - To see puffins at Drum Hollistany
Wednesday 9 July - led by Ken Butler (01847 893549). Leaving Wick Railway Station 6.30pm meeting in Thurso at 7pm. 

80th Latheron Show
Saturday 12 July 2003 - Helicopter Trips At the show and a whole range of events.  Get you bid into the auction for the helicopter trips.  Trips cost £15 but you can bid for a whole flight and take five people up at once.  Check the latest bid on the left and try your luck.

Caithness County Show Is At Wick This Year
Saturday 19 July Riverside/Westerseat, Wick  Always a popular venue for the show every three years with show ground being right next to the town and handy for shops and restaurants.  all the usual events and shows from Stock judging, horse riding competitions, Flower tent, Industrial, Stalls , Wick Pipe Band etc plus for the first time Caithness Strong Man competition sponsored by "The Yard".  £250 prize to the winner  - entries to be in by Friday 11 July.  Only first 16 entrants accepted - still time to go.

ACCESS TO WALK WITH WORDS - For All You West Highland Walkers
The Scottish Rights of Way & Access Society and The Highland Council has been working for the past five years to ensure that the major paths and tracks in the West Highlands are sign-posted for the benefit of the walking public, both locals and visitors.

Tour  guides at the Dounreay Visitor Centre know all about the fast breeder reactor programme that turned the site into a household name. But  they  learned  quickly  about a very different type of breeder when an Oystercatcher  decided  to  nest  in  a  flower-tub  at the entrance to the centre.

Battlemoss Excavation 9 - 28 August 2003
The stone rows at Battlemoss, Loch of Yarrows excavation is being led by Dr Kenneth Brophy (Glasgow University); Amelia Pannett (Cardiff University) and Dr Andrew Baines (Archaeological consultant) and a team comprising students from both Glasgow and Cardiff Universities, as well as local volunteers.  Anyone interested in volunteering to help with the excavation is welcome to come along and training will be given.  Anyone interested should contact Islay Macleod, Thrumster.  Visitors will be welcome at the site Mondays to Saturday between 10.00am and 4.00pm.  An Open Day will be announced later.

Take A Look At The Forss Windmills From The Air
The aerial views lets you see the scale of the windmills standing next to the former American base which is being transformed into a new business park

Heading Over Scarfskerry
Heading over to Scarfskerry the village stretched along the coast with great views to the island of Stroma.
Scarfskerry Main Index

Stemster School and Countryside
Another beautiful part of Caithness once more highly populated as can be seen from this old school now a modern house.  Set on a higher part of the county there are some good views around this area. 
School From the Ground

Back Over Castletown

Closer To Castlehill Harbour and Flagstone Trail
This picture shows Castlehill harbour and the reason it was built right next to it - the flagstone quarries and industrial site.  With its recently relaid paths with much better disabled access the area is seeing an increasing number of visitors.  the small harbour was used to carry the cut stone to all corners of the world for paving and much of it is still in place.  Recent new technology has made the stone once again a viable proposition as seen at A & D Sutherland

Plenty To See At Today's Rally

More From The Vintage Vehicles Rally

Fabulous Cars From The Rally At John O'Groats
If you wondered what some folk do in the north on long winter nights well now you know.  Some of them work on these fantastic cars all of which are in fantastic condition.

Caithness & Sutherland Vintage Vehicles Club - 2003 Rally John O'Groats
Winner of this years annual rally for the Vintage Vehicles club was Geoffrey Minter, Reay in his 1927 Bentley Le Mans.  As part of the rally the vehicles stopped at Wick Harbour.  A great range of vehicles in superb condition despite their age and all in running order.  Motor cycles and stationary farm engines were also at the show.

The Nold Play Park In Wick Opened

Final Castletown Gala Pictures

And Still They Come From Castletown Gala

Another Batch From Castletown Gala

Even More Castletown Gala

More Castletown Gala

Castletown Gala - First Pictures

Castletown Gala Week Starts Tonight
Crowing of Gala Queen followed by parade of decorated floats and a dance in the Drill Hall with music from Storm.  A week of events with something every night till Friday.   Remember Last Year

One Week To Go To 80th Latheron Show
12 July  - Why not try the auction and bid for a helicopter trip to take five people.  Single rides will cost £15 so why not try a bid for a flight in the auction - You never know you may get a bargain.  On the day - Quad Bikes, Flower Show, Vintage Machinery, Baby Show, Horse Sports, Military Display, Thurso Junior Pipe Band, Children's Sports, Dog Show, Bouncy Castle, Highland Dancing, Trade Shows, side shows and more.

What's On - Get Your Events In Here FREE
Just fill in the from to get your events in and as soon as you can for longer FREE advertising.

"Subitango!" with Tango Siempre and Mina & Geraldo
Portland Arms Hotel, Lybster Tuesday 8 July  8.00pm 2 hours inc. Interval  From the music and dance of early 20th century Buenos Aires to the breathtakingly beautiful jazz-inspired sounds of Astor Piazzollo, this show blazes with life and colour of this most sensual of art forms.  "Subitango!" has performed to sell-out audiences in theatres, arts centres and festivals throughout the UK.  The show features virtuosic live music from the UK's leading tango ensemble, Tango Siempre, and stunning choreographed dance from the acclaimed tango dance couple Mina and Geraldo.

Castle Of Mey Gardens Open Days
Wed 9 and thurs 10 July  Admission £5 OAP £4.50 children under 16 £3 under 12 FREE.
Proceeds 40% to Scottish Disability Foundation and 60% net to SGS charities

Other Gardens

Sandside Gardens Open
These pictures taken last year will give you some idea of the views but cannot let you sample the very tasty cakes served with the tea and coffee.

Caithness Art - Free Competition - Closing 10 July
Local artist Richard Arrowsmith is once again running a FREE draw for another print.  just pop over to his web site and enter your details to be included in the draw to take lace on 10 July.

New Women's Aid Centre For Caithness & Sutherland
The new centre will be built in Green Road, Wick and planning permission has been obtained.  This artists impression shows what the new centre will look like when completed.  The project is being developed by Pentland Housing, Thurso and will have 3 family flats (one wheelchair accessible) and 2 bedsits.  The centre will be managed by Women's Aid Caithness & Sutherland.

Partnership And Joint Investment The Way Forward Says Kirk
Achvarasdal and Other Church Of Scotland Homes -Talks Start.  Discussions between the Kirk and local authorities to resolve the future of 10 homes for older people will commence this week with the Kirk putting partnership at the top of the agenda.  In its discussion with local authorities, the Kirk will pledge new capital investment of £5 million to improve the quality of those services that remain open.  Following the decisions taken by The Board of Social Responsibility on 20 June 2003, the Board is now focusing all its attention on resolving the future of the 10 homes identified for closure unless solutions are found to the financial problems they face.

Employees still Productive over 65 says Croner Survey
How Will The Highlands Aging Population Take The Latest Government Policy?
The majority of UK businesses support the government's bid to increase the retirement age to 70, says a new survey by Croner.  With concerns being aired about the capability and productivity of older employees, Croner, the UK's leading supplier of business information, advice and support, reveals that 64% of companies believe employing people over the age of 65 does not have a negative impact on the performance of the company. 18% of today's population are over 65. By 2014, it is predicted that there will be more over 65s than under 16s, with 65 year-old men expected to live a further 17.5 years, and women a further 20.

Pulteneytown Peoples Project
Fun day on Saturday 5 July 1.30pm  At South School, Wick
We have organised dancers and majorettes have small side show stalls, bouncy castle, huge trampoline, sports for kids, barbecue, tea coffee etc and usual baking and raffle stall. We are also looking for donations of baking, raffle prizes and bottles Anyone can put them into the house at 44 Murchison Street, or tel 606950 or 605039 to get it picked up.  The money made from this fun trip is used to subsidise the summer school and outings for people in the community. Anyone wanting to help on the day would be most welcome.

Portskerra, Sutherland - New Play Park Opens
The Jubilee Recreation Park in Portskerra was  formally opened on Wednesday 2nd July in a ceremony attended by the  pupils of Melvich Primary School, parents, teachers, members of Melvich Community Council and representatives of the funding bodies.  Myrtle Gillies, Chairman of the Community Council told those present that the Council  had been striving.

Three Men Ready For Cycle Challenge - Lands End To John O'Groats
Colin Risbridger, Orkney (originally from Wick) and Gavin Mowat, John O‘Groats, are to cycle the 1000 miles from Lands End to John O’Groats in support of Macmillan Cancer Relief with their friend and fellow cycling enthusiast Peter Stewart, from Perth. The boys say that they aim to complete the ride, which starts on July 12th, from Lands End, in a maximum of 14 days. The three intrepid cyclists will be assisted by David Stirling and Paul Begg who will man the support vehicle.  From 12 July we will be following their progress with daily updates right from the road.

The City of Inverness Partnership is delighted at receiving the go ahead for its plans to spend £3.1 million over the next three years on a programme of improvements, including four major projects aimed at making a real difference to the appearance of the city and how it functions. The Partnership, a grouping of eight key agencies,  successfully produced a Vision Statement to draw down the funds from the Scottish Executive’s Cities Growth Fund.

More Pictures From The Successful Farice Cable Saga

Reay From The Sky

Sandside House

The sinking of the Cyprus-registered cargo ship, Jambo, off the Summer Isles on Sunday, highlights the dangers of tankers and hazardous cargos sailing near the Highland coastline and the need for stricter monitoring and control of shipping movements in the Minch.  The Highland Council’s Vice-Convener, Dr Michael Foxley, is relieved that the 190ft long cargo ship was not carrying a recognised hazardous cargo but is concerned that the area might not be so lucky should another vessel get into trouble, run aground and sink.

Janette Pollock Head of Watten School (1979 - 2003) Retires
Janette Pollock the head of Watten school since 1979 has retired.  In a packed Watten Hall a large number of local people, parents and teachers past and present came to say a few words in what turned out to be a series of presentations, songs and, poetry set for the occasion including a remake of "Div Ye Mind" with Janette as the main character.  Happy Retirement Mrs Pollock.

The Importance Of Broadband Recognised By Iceland and Faroes
The importance attached to being linked ot Broadband services has been highlighted in Caithness by the new cable passing through Caithness from Edinburgh to the Faroes and Iceland.  £30 million has been spent partly building a link for the cable in Caithness.

Normandy Veterans Association Visits Caithness
Dounreay was delighted to welcome members of the Normandy Veterans Association Highlands & Islands Branch while they were enjoying a tour of the Highlands recently.  Mr James Tait, Chairman and Secretary of the Association said 'we were thrilled to be made so welcome by the visitor centre staff and everyone in the group enjoyed their tour immensely'.  The group were given a guided tour of the Dounreay Visitor Centre on Monday 30th June before returning to Orkney in the evening

Caithness Heritage Fair - Preparations Well Ahead - Still Time To Get involved
Another successful Heritage Fair is the aim of the group headed up by Community Education and you still have time to ask for a stall at the fair - closing date 7 July.

Stubbing Out Smoking In The Workplace - A Brief Guide For Employers by Alan Lewis
There’s no doubt that smoking habits in the UK workplace have changed quite dramatically over the years. Once it was common place to see an office worker hunched over his desk puffing on a cigarette, or a bus driver taking his fares with one hand and flicking ash out of the window with the other. Not anymore. As well as becoming socially less acceptable in public places such as restaurants and bars, smoking is being slowly stubbed out of the workplace.

Where The Visitors Are Coming From And How A Few Reach The Web Site
The global Caithness Community continues to expand and apart from local Caithness and UK based visitors with folk from 110 countries in June. 1 July 2003 saw visitors from 52 countries coming on to the web site.  The top 15 countries were - United States, Australia, Netherlands, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, Denmark, Belgium, Japan, Trinidad and Tobago, Finland, Spain, Iceland, Italy.

Castletown Gala Programme
Castletown Gala starts on Saturday 5 July and runs until 11 July

Duncansby Head Walk With The Rangers
Thursday 3 July 2.00pm At Duncansby Lighthouse lasting 2 to 2.5 hours - to see the seabirds and stacks.

Blar nam Faoileag Nature Reserve
Wednesday 9 July 2003 - Guided Walk Walk in flow country threading your way through the lochans and see the variety of bird life.  Meet 2.00pm at Loch more Grid Ref (084 461)  3 hour walk 3 miles on bog requiring reasonable level of fitness.  To book phone 01641 571 225.

Dunnet Bay 2003 Kite Courses
Full details on the course and booking form now up and running.  Six different courses to choose from all subject to numbers and instructor availability so book early to ensure they happen.  the instructors teach in different places and will go where bookings occur so don't leave it too late.

Another Thurso Aerial Gallery

Check Out Reay Golf Club
Want To Play This Northern Course?

Flying Over Dounreay

Horse Power Round Orkney
Visitors to Kirkwall are 'chomping at the bit' to experience the town's newest tourist attraction.  Horse power will help visitors view the sights of Kirkwall from the comfort of a luxury carriage driven by South Ronaldsay farmer, Geoff Linnitt.  Geoff - a member of the Orkney Carriage Driving Association - decided to offer the tours as a way of diversifying his farm business.   Geoff and a pair of ponies will take visitors from Hatston Pier.

A new awards scheme for writers in the Highlands and Islands was today (1 July 2003) in response to a study that reveals a lack of a support structure for the industry.  HI~Arts has pledged its assistance as a first step towards tackling the findings of a writing development study, which shows that the area's writers are suffering from fragmented support and advice and are frustrated by the lack of outlets for their work.

The closing date for comments is 30 September 2003.  UKAEA Dounreay today invited members of the public to have their say in the options  for disposal of radioactive solvents and oils that are a legacy of fast reactor research and development at the Caithness site.  Launching  the  second  stage  of  a  pilot for public participation in the Dounreay Site Restoration Plan, site director Peter Welsh said it was a new opportunity  for individuals and organisations to communicate directly with UKAEA about how the site is decommissioned and its environment restored.

New Bungalows At Halkirk For Sale
Also a new shop for sale a mile from Thurso

Helicopter Trips At Latheron Show 12 July
Latheron show will be the place this year to see round part of the county from the air when they have a helicopter doing short flights for about £15.  If you want to get up and take a few aerial photos then put 12 July in your diary for a quick trip on the east of Caithness. Bid For Two Five Minutes Flights For Up To Five People.  The Latheron Show organisers auction for two flights for up to five people  If you want to bid for a ticket email Helen Budge at [email protected] with your opening bid.  The latest bid price will be posted here on the web site until the final bid on 10th July.

Traffic Dips - But June Was Still Second Highest Ever Month
June Hits 5,233,303 Visitors 114,957
12 months to 30 June - 2003 Hits 51,960,500  Visitors 1,068,939
May broke all the records by a big margin and June has slowed slightly but still recorded the second highest ever month.  Thanks to everyone for looking in.


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