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Caithness News Bulletins July 2003

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Broadband Pages    
The Importance Of Broadband Recognised By Iceland and Faroes
The importance attached to being linked to Broadband services has been highlighted in Caithness by the new cable passing through Caithness from Edinburgh to the Faroes and Iceland.  �30 million has been spent partly building a link for the cable in Caithness.

Farice the joint venture company responsible for the project celebrated with local Caithness folk at Dunnet by supplying a champagne reception following a celebratory dinner on Thursday night.   The Italian vessel Pertinacia was anchored in Dunnet Bay after landing the cable.  The new subsea cable is extremely powerful and has the capability to carry 720 gigabits a second nearly 150 times higher capacity than the existing cable.   The cable is the first international cable to be landed in Scotland since 1962.  the new Castletwon substation is linked to a telecoms hub in Edinburgh.

Local firms John Gunn & Sons, G & A Barnie and McBains, Hanson Associates were all involved in the project.

Caithness folk are wondering if these far flung islands think this is a worthwhile investment just how long it will be before the northern highlands will have connection to such services.  Or will Broadband be up and running in the Faroes and Iceland whilst Caithness, Sutherland and others Highland areas languish with the old technology.  Originally Shetland was to have been included in the project but this had to be dropped.  Perhaps the Icelanders and Faroese will "Gie Us a wee shottie o the cable later".  Still it might be odd to be asking to use a cable that passed right through the county