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Caithness News Bulletins July 2003

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Engender training for women -  aimed at  making a difference

�       Do you want to make a difference - to have your case heard and listened to?
�       Are you active in the voluntary or community sector in either a paid or voluntary capacity? 
�       Are you concerned about issues that particularly affect women experiencing social exclusion?

Engender's latest training course follows on from the highly successful Engendering Change - Making a Difference training courses.

Feedback on the courses:
"I'm more able to speak my mind"
"The course gave me the confidence to engage with decision makers"
"I have learnt to focus better"

Who is the training for?
�       women involved with small and medium sized organisations in the voluntary sector. 
�       women working with women experiencing social exclusion

What will the training achieve?  The training aims to provide women with an understanding of decision making processes, and how to make a case, influence, lobby and campaign effectively.

Approach:  The training will draw upon your experiences of trying to make a difference- both positive and negative.  You will be expected to identify a real area / issue where you want to make a difference before the course starts.

More about the course:  Each day covers different areas and you need to be able to attend all 4 days to get the most out of the training.

The next 'Making a Difference' (4-day) course will be held in Edinburgh on:
Wednesday 17th and 24th September 2003 and
Friday 3rd and 10th October 2003

We particularly welcome applications from groups who are under-represented in the decision making process.

Costs:   Training is FREE and there will be childcare and travel allowances.
Places:  Up to 14 places are available on each course

For application forms and further information contact: Lara Celini, Jeanette Timmins or Fran Loots at:-

18 York Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EP
Tel: 0131 558 9596

Email: [email protected]

We are also running a Political Skills 'Training for Trainers' course in June 2004.  If you are interested - please let us know.

This project is supported by the Community Fund of the National Lottery Board.