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Archaeology  Index

Yarrows Heritagel Trust

Caithness Archaeological Trust


1 November 2001

18 October 2001

Caithness Archaeological Trust Web Site

20 February 06
Plans for 2006 are taking shape.

The young archaeologists started the year looking at Viking Food and Warfare at Spittal Hall - I must admit I enjoyed helping them make Beremeal Scones, and the trying out of different foods - though my Viking shield was put to shame when compared with the blood spattered work of the kids. The next few meetings are planned as follows.
25th MARCH: A STROLL UP DUNBEATH STRATH - TAKING IN THE PAST AND PRESENT INHABITANTS (Joint event with Caithness Critters - meet @ mill car park)


The return of Spittal Cairn & Broch Project. Continuing on from last year's successful season, John Barber will be back in the county to build. The overall aim of the project is to relive a community project carried out by our Caithness ancestors over 6000 years ago! The project hopes to involve as much of the community as possible. Ideally, we hope that people of ALL ages and strengths will help us in every stage of the project, from collecting the stone, right through to building the cairn. Though the exact dates aren't fixed the project will begin in the last week of June and continue for about four weeks. As well as the building of the Cairns and Broch we are also planning a demolition day to take place on 8th July. A date you will want to put in your diaries.

ALSO, the Broch Project Returns. Andy Heald will be leading a group from Nottingham University to further the research of Brochs while opening up for tours and the possibility of archaeological training. This year the team will be concentrating in the North East of the County. Again the exact dates are not fixed but the project will begin in the last week of June and continue for about four weeks.

There are also possibilities of excavations at Achvarasdal & Sinclair Girnigoe.

Plans for Scottish Archaeology Month (September), Doors Open Day (9th September), & Highland Archaeology Fortnight (30/9 - 15/10) are also underway. If anyone is interested in putting on an event please contact me at the Trust.

I look forward to seeing you all this year

Emma Sanderson
Caithness Archaeological Trust
Old School House
Tel: 01593731269

12 July 04
Building A chambered Cairn At Spittal Quarry

24 June 03
Following advertising, an open competition and interviewing a number of high quality applicants the Board of Caithness Archaeological Trust is delighted to announce that Dr Andrew Heald has been appointed as Archaeological Development Officer to the Trust.  Andy Heald, who was Director on behalf of the National Museums for Scotland and University of Edinburgh of last year�s excavations of the broch at Everley, said, �This is a great opportunity to work with the people of Caithness to promote their amazingly diverse, but little known heritage, which is of the highest quality.  Note - Andy Heald Left in 2005 and Emma Sanderson took over.

20 May 03
�Wonderful introduction to the outstanding archaeological heritage of Caithness.�
Seventy-five of Scotland�s leading archaeological experts and enthusiasts, the largest number to attend a Council for Scottish Archaeology Summer School for many years, have just returned home from Caithness after an outstandingly successful weekend. �The CSA Summer School has given all the participants a wonderful introduction to the outstanding archaeological heritage of Caithness� said Alan Saville, Curator of the Archaeology Department at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. He added � it is clear there is a growing appreciation and knowledge of the historic environment locally, which augers well for the future preservation and public enjoyment of Caithness�s highly important archaeological remains and landscapes � the equal of any elsewhere in Scotland.�

The itinerary was carefully organised by the Caithness Archaeological Trust with help from the Dunbeath Preservation Trust and the Caithness Field Club to show the visitors a cross section of sites throughout the County varying from Neolithic settlements to the remains of the archaeology of the flagstone and fishing industries in the nineteenth century. Few counties can boast of such quality and quantity of sites from pre history to the modern day in such a small area. The visits were backed up by evening lectures and discussions that included a number of people from the county. In addition the Caithness Area of the Highland Council hosted a reception at which four councillors and the acting area convenor were present. Wherever they went the warmth of welcome and hospitality they received impressed all the visitors.

David Lynn, Director of the Council for Scottish Archaeology, noted the economic benefits that the County had received from the visit and �many of us, as well as others, will return to further explore the huge wealth of archaeological and historic remains, so the benefits of archaeology to Caithness will continue and increase. It was a stunning weekend.�

Over 70 Archaeologists Arriving In Caithness 9 May 03
Record number for Council of Scottish Archaeology Summer School visit to Caithness.   The annual Summer School of the Council of Scottish Archaeology starts next Thursday 15th May and finishes on Monday 19th.  Not only is it their first visit to Caithness but also, with over seventy attendees, the largest that has been organised.  As well as archaeologists from the private sector, there will be practitioners from Historic Scotland, the National Museums of Scotland and the several Universities that are working on sites in the County.  The Caithness Archaeological Trust, with support from the Dunbeath Preservation Trust, has organised the wide-ranging programme..............................................

Trust Hold Inaugural Meeting
On Friday 7 February 2003 the trust held its inaugural meeting to consider a draft development strategy.
The board has six trustees - The Earl of Caithness, Arlette Bannister, Pat Buchanan, Nan Bethune,, Paul Humphries, and Islay McLeod and representatives from local organisations.

21 May 2002
Caithness Archaeological Trust Consultant

2 November 2001
Welcome to the new pages of the proposed Caithness Archaeological Trust.
Unprecedented activity and discoveries in the last couple of years have led to the conclusions by many individuals and groups in the county that more needs to be done to allow both local people and visitors to understand what lies in Caithness.  Many different periods can be discovered in Caithness  - the most recent being the amazing Mesolithic site on the Thrumster Estate showing the existence of man in the Caithness landscape back to the last ice age. 

There is a great deal of enthusiasm from several quarters for the development of the archaeological and historical sites in the county.  The main thrust of a new trust would be to assist with the research, conservation and promotion of the sites.  A steering committee will shortly be formed to prepare not only a constitution for the new trust but to lay out an initial strategy.  Two meetings have been held at which many groups and individuals attended.  There can be no doubting the good will and determination to get something done in this area that many feel has been neglected.  The advantages to Caithness and its people could be considerable if the resources were developed and promoted more than in the past.

This section will keep everyone informed of the progress being made over the next year or so.  The solutions and results will take some time to become evident but with a new body in place the chances are very much improved that there will be a mechanism to apply for funding and develop the resources that lie with the counties historical and archaeological sites.  The inclusion of the views of local people, landowners an farmers will be a major part of what the trust looks at. 
With the cooperation of the whole community it is hoped to improve the whole area and make many of the sites more accessible for both local people and visitors.  The economic aspects of the  various potential projects will clearly be one of the major aspects it is hoped that benefits will accrue to local people and businesses in any increased activity by way of sites opened up, conferences held, books and pamphlets produced promoting the area as a place of archaeological and historical importance previously known mainly to academics and enthusiastic local groups.