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Caithness News Bulletins July 2003

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Seaview Hotel www.macmillan.org.uk  
Three Men Ready For Cycle Challenge 3 July 03
Lands End To John O'Groats

Colin Risbridger, Orkney (originally from Wick) and Gavin Mowat, John O�Groats, are to cycle the 1000 miles from Lands End to John O�Groats in support of Macmillan Cancer Relief with their friend and fellow cycling enthusiast Peter Stewart, from Perth. The boys say that they aim to complete the ride, which starts on July 12th, from Lands End, in a maximum of 14 days. The three intrepid cyclists will be assisted by David Stirling and Paul Begg who will man the support vehicle. 

Derek Hart, Area Fundraising Manager for the North of Scotland said, �We are thrilled that the Peter, Colin and Gavin are making this mammoth cycle ride to help us and we believe that it is the first time that anyone from John O�Groats has actually made the trip. Their enthusiasm and skill will mean that local people living with cancer will be able to receive much needed support. We are really grateful to them all. If you would like offer sponsorship, please contact local Macmillan Office on 01224 658800�

Gavin Mowat, middle, Colin Risbridger (left) and Andrew Mowat
(right).  Andrew Mowat is the manager of the Seaview
Hotel and is main sponsor for the trip

Macmillan Cancer Relief is helping people who are living with cancer.
In the UK four in ten people will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime and over a million people are currently living with cancer. Macmillan is a UK charity providing the expert care and practical and emotional support which is changing the lives of people living with cancer today.  "We raise funds for specialist Macmillan nurses and doctors who deliver the best in cancer care; build vitally needed cancer care centres, give financial help to those who need it most, and provide a range of cancer information both locally and nationally".

For cancer information and support, contact the Macmillan CancerLine (Monday-Friday, 9.00am � 6.00pm) by freephone: 0808 808 2020, textphone: 0808 808 0121 or email: [email protected] ; or log onto www.macmillan.org.uk .
For more information on fundraising for Macmillan phone Derek Hart on 01224 658800

Keep Up With The Cyclists

Home At Last
We arrived in John O Groats at about 6:30pm last night (Monday), after stopping of at Wick to see Colin's parents.  We were met in JOG by a party of about 30 or 40 family and friends.  We completed the trip in our target of 10 days.  All three of us were very tired and will be taking a break from our bikes for a while!

Day 10 Monday 21 July 2003
The lads will be cycling from Golspie to John O ' Groats today. They will be arriving about 6.00 to 6.30pm, must be the thought of a few beers in Seaview that has made them cover so much distance in such a short time.

Day 9 Aviemore to Golspie (109 miles)
Pete and James both got punctures
When Gav stopped to watch them repair the punctures he forgot to take his feet out of the straps on the pedals and consequently fell over, this gave them all something to laugh about.
The owners of the hotel they are staying in told them that there is nothing in John O' Groats but a sign post and a couple of hotels and it wasnt worth going there. Their faces fell when Gav told them he was from John O' Groats.

Day 8 Forth Road Bridge to Dalwhinnie (97 miles)
New cyclist James has joined the group, he has raised �700 in sponsorship.
Stayed in a hotel in Dalwhinnie

Day 7 Carlisle to Forth Road Bridge (112 miles)
Returned to Scotland at 8.00am, WAHEYYYYYY,
Rained all day again, getting used to cycling in the wet now.

Day 6 Garstang to Carlisle (82miles)
Really heavy rain in the afternoon, they really needed a boat instead of bikes.
First night staying in a Hotel.

Day 5 Shrewsbury to Garstang north of Preston (112 miles)
Hit Warrington at Rush Hour, did'nt hang about as they feared for their lives, there were some horrendous drivers on the go.

Day 4 Woodford to Shrewsbury (84miles)
Pete got a bumble bee in his bonnet, but did'nt get stung.
Spoke to bloke in burger van, Pete stuggled for the next couple of hours afterwards until he got to a toilet.

Day 3:- Tiverton to Woodford (95 miles)
Scorching heat up to 35 degrees in the valleys.
2 more punctures for Pete.
Getting up between 5 and 6 o'clock in the morning and cycling to about 1.00pm resting to get out of the sun then starting again about 5.30pm and cycling till about 9.00p

Day 2:- Liskeard to Tiverton (67 miles)
Pete had two punctures
Very hilly over Dartmoor, at least eight climbs equivalent to Berridale. Stray horses and ponies nibbling at bikes round about Dartmoor.

Day 1:- Lands End to Liskeard (82 miles)