Highlights Of Two Caithness Sevens Games From Yesterday
The Caithness Sevens web site has two sets of highlights from football matches played yesterday online.  the games are Sharks V Lybster and Comm V Young Guns.  Local  & National Football Links

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP Maureen Macmillan has raised the issue of supermarket lorries using the A9 to supply major supermarket outlets in the North. Speaking in the Scottish Parliament. Mrs Macmillan highlighted the decision by Wm Morrison, who have recently taken over and refurbished a store in Inverness, not to continue using the Freight Facilities Grant operated by their predecessor Safeway. The grant gives funding to companies to remove their goods vehicles from the road and use rail transport instead.

Thurso Variety Show - Sunday 2nd October
As part of the efforts to help boost funds for the Thurso Hogmanay party, the H. I. T. committee are currently making final preparations for a Variety Show to be held in Skinandi's at 4pm on Sunday 2nd October. The event follows on from the successful film show by local historian Alan McIvor which raised �432.


Wind Farm Application At Flex Hill, Bilbster Gets Community Councils Support
An application to erect three wind turbines will go before the Caithness Area Planning, Development, Europe and Tourism Committee on Monday 3 October.  Local Farmer Donald Miller has the support of Watten Community Council and Tannach and District Community Council.  Scottish Natural Heritage are objecting on visual amenity grounds only.  The RSPB are objecting on similar grounds to SNH. Several other agencies have been consulted and have not lodged any objections.  An objection has been received from a Thurso resident on the grounds that the Highland Council does not have strategy in place.  The committee will make a site visit before debating the issue at their meeting on Monday in the Assembly Rooms, Wick.  Full agenda for the Caithness Planning, Development, Europe and Tourism committee
An application for wind turbines at Lieurary was turned down at the last meeting of the committee on 12 September.

The Wag Of Forse - One Of the Biggest Archaeological Sites In Caithness
The Wag Of Forse is unique as one of the largest archaeological sites in Caithness showing signs of settlement over a very long period with a variety of types of buildings both next to and having been built on top of earlier ones.  An extensive field system is clearly visible marked out by large stones.  Great views all round.  the site is one listed for visit during Highland Archaeology Fortnight

SPOTLIGHT ON FLY-TIPPERS - Who Is Dumping Illegally In your Area?
Illegal dumping and burning waste will be in the spotlight next week when Scotland's green watchdog takes part in a week-long clampdown on fly-tipping.  From 3-10 October, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) is targeting businesses and individuals who flaunt the law by illegally disposing of their rubbish as part of the Scottish Fly-tipping Forum Enforcement Week.  Following the success of a similar seven day crackdown in August, during which 161 vehicles were stopped and 35 notices were issued to waste carriers who couldn't provide paperwork or proof of registration, SEPA officers will once again be teaming up with police and local authorities.

Members of The Highland Council's Planning, Development, Europe and Tourism Committee this week (Wednesday, 28 September 2005) agreed to apply for funding which could, if secured, assist in the regeneration of Wick, Pulteneytown Conservation Area.  If successful, Historic Scotland Conservations Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) funding will help Highland Council to conserve the historic environment of Wick Pulteneytown Conservation Area and in part will directly contribute to the wider economic and social regeneration of the area.  Members heard that of Highland's 29 designated Conservation Areas (3 of which are in Caithness, Thurso, Wick Pulteneytown, and Lybster) that Wick's best meets Historic Scotland's criteria and should be in a strong position for CARS funding on a national level.

PPP - AGM 2005 - Building For More Success
The Pultneytown People�s Project goes from strength to strength as was shown at their AGM held in South School on 28 September 2005. Indeed the very name should be plural now.  The Pultneytown People�s Project is fast producing projects that are getting things done that show what can be achieved once you begin to use the resources of local people to improve and regenerate their area.


Latest Newsletter From South School, Wick

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) Head For A Scottish Fossil Code
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH)  will launch new Scottish Fossil Code discussions today on the Scottish Fossil Code, which will provide guidelines on how to collect fossils in a responsible way without damaging them or the areas where they are found. The launch is part of Scottish Geology Festival and will be held at Petershill Wildlife Reserve near Bathgate, an example of a site which has experienced considerable damage from irresponsible fossil collectors using crowbars and sledgehammers. Small-scale fossil collecting is a popular hobby and amateur collectors quite often uncover rare and very important finds. But Bathgate is one of a number of important geological areas in the country, including Skye, Caithness, Ayrshire and Lesmahagow in South Lanarkshire,
The unique fossils of Caithness were made more well known by local man Jack Saxon who died recently.  He was a renowned expert and promoted the Caithness fossil places whilst actively pursuing the protection of fossil places such as Achanaras.   Caithness Fossils Section

E BigH Gets A Makeover
One of our growing number of Caithness sports web sites has had a makeover.  The site currently mainly reports on Football, Badminton, Squash and Golf but hopes to add more.

Get Your Web Site Listed On
Make sure everyone can find your web site by getting it listed on  Our growing list of local activities as reflected in the web site listing keeps getting bigger but we need you to tell us about new sites.  Business can get a link on thier FREE business page and this also gets another automatic link in the Business Web sites page  Non business web sites are listed in special page in the ever growing links section and this is also linked from the front page - Down below on this page left column.  If your group does not have web site make sure your page on is kept up to date by emailing updates from time to time to [email protected].

Caithness Sports Council Awards Small Grants
Caithness Sports Council award small grants to Caithness sports groups under the following categories - Start-up, Excellence, Coaching, Travel. In addition they may make discretionary awards.  Details and forms are available on the web site.

The Stone Circles Of Caithness
This new section begins with some stone circles suggested by the walk on Sunday led by Nan Bethune of Dunbeath Preservation Trust for Scottish Archaeology month.  Inspired by the walk it has presented an opportunity to go to some of the stone circles in Caithness with someone who knows where they are and can say something about them.  Most of the Caithness stone circles are hardly ever visited by anyone and lie for the most part undisturbed.  Fascinating places they pose many questions but do at least make for an interesting hour or two visiting them.  The best known is Achavanich and is most visited as it lies right next to the road.  Others are not so well known but have their own beauty and mystery.  We will add to the list as we begin to gather more photos of this little known aspect of Caithness at least to the casual visitor.  Archaeologists have long known about these places so why not take look next time you fancy a stroll out and about in the county.  Get the map out and go walking........

Lybster Senior Citizens Christmas Party Auction Sale
Saturday Evening 8th October at 7.30pm
The Annual Auction Sale on behalf of the Lybster (and surrounding area) Senior Citizens Christmas Party will be held in the Portland Arms. This sale has over the last 15 years or so raised monies which have paid for the annual Christmas Party for the local senior citizens. In past years a number of celebrities, such as the late Scottish football icon Jim Baxter, have given of their time in the north to help. This year the fund raising is being assisted by a donation from the Moray Firth Radio Trust but it is imperative that as many as possible support this year's event to help continue this fine tradition. Anyone with items for the auction can bring them to the Portland Arms on Saturday 8th during the afternoon or at the start in the evening. Items of all types are looked for from "scones to settees" and "pancakes to pianos". Local committee members can be contacted to help uplift any items, if necessary.

Ormlie Group Takes Home Zone News From Thurso To Edinburgh
Ormlie group who took part in the Home Zone Scotland Network conference in Scottish Executive, Edinburgh on Monday 26 September 2005. Ormlie's presentation went down particularly well, in particular the speech by Diane Holmes on left of picture who spoke about her life in Ormlie before the regeneration project began.
Ormlie Community Association

UKAEA has notified regulators and the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority of an incident that occurred on 26 September 2005 in the Dounreay Cementation Plant, resulting in the shutdown of the facility.  The facility receives batches of dissolved spent fuel, or raffinate, from the historical reprocessing of research reactor fuel. The liquor is treated and solidified with cement in 500-litre drums inside a heavily-shielded suite of cells. Once set, the drums are moved into storage as conditioned intermediate-level waste.

AN appeal has gone out for more volunteers to ensure that Caithness Citizens� Advice Bureau can keep up with the demand for its services.  Bureau manager Duncan Mackay says he would like to hear from anyone interested in joining the team. And he points out that, as well as helping others, volunteers themselves can benefit by building up new skills and experience.  Caithness CAB provides advice on a wide range of topics from its offices in Wick and Thurso, while bureau staff also undertake regular outreach visits to north Sutherland.  Mr Mackay explained yesterday: �CAB offers advice and information services to people who need help with all kinds of problems. The service we provide is free, independent, impartial, confidential and available to everyone that needs it.

London Calling
The olympics for 2012 may only recently have been awarded but already the publicity is beginning to extol the virtues of the city.  Westminster is pushing the advantages of its meeting and conference centres and here are a couple of great photos of the city sent to us to help promote that aspect of the area.

Renewable Energy Strategy For Highland Council - (A Pdf File)
The Highland Council is today considering a draft Renewable energy Strategy setting out what needs to be looked at for anything in the renewable energy sector including wind farms.  The Highland Council is today considering the new proposals and the proposal and recommendations are Here.
Draft Renewable Energy Planning Guidelines
are also included for the committee meeting today.

Back Up And Running After Attack At Server
Apologies for the break in service at the web site.  The server run by the company where and our other web sites are located was attacked and took everything down.  They have been working ever since to get things back up and running.  We are also now catching up with things.  If anyone has sent email to us in the last couple of days please send it again as some email may have been lost due to the server problems.

This year's Highland Archaeology Fortnight, which takes place between Saturday 1st - Sunday 16th October, will have more than 160 events taking place across the Highlands -  a record number.  The festival, which celebrates the archaeology, history and culture of the Highlands, is now in its 12th year with a packed programme of guided walks, talks and special events for people of all ages to enjoy.  Co-ordinated by The Highland Council's Archaeology Unit, the festival's events are organised by a wide range of community groups, interested individuals, museums and professional bodies such as Historic Scotland, Forestry Commission Scotland and the National Trust for Scotland.

Homebase and Other Shops Racing Ahead As Steel Work Goes Up At Wick

Caithness Field Club Bulletin April 1977
Another of the early Field Club Bulletins that is full of interesting information on the history of Caithness.  A couple of the items have appeared in other places on the web site but are now included in the full listing in the Field Club Bulletins section.  Once again thanks To Margaret Mackenzie for preparing the text and diagrams from the original printed version.  Printed Bulletins are issued annually to all members and a membership is worth it just for the Bulletin alone but getting out and visiting many of the sites mentioned in them is even more interesting.  Caithness Field Club
Ackergill Tower - The Keiths and Dunbars of Hempriggs
The Short Career Of Pirate John Gow
BADRYRIE - An abandoned crofting community in Latheron
Life On A Caithness Farm In 1862
BADGERS - A Tentative Survey
An Unrecorded Stone At Broughwhin
Chapel And Burial Ground At ch'na H-uai Kinbrace
Two Possible Prehistoric Quarries in Caithness
Caithness Monuments - Harold's Tower

Cormorants Enjoying The Sun Yesterday at Wick Harbour

Caithness Field Club Bulletin - 2005 - The Final Half Of the Articles
The Pilkington Family in Caithness
Caithness Cetaceans
Historical Letter No 1
Hetty Munro's War Diaries
A Letter from Robert Burns to Sir John Sinclair
A Botanical Local Change Project
News of Caithness Archaeological Trust
Highland Archaeology Week October 2005
The John o' Groats Legend: Fact or Fiction?
Snippets and Stories about The Royal Hotel, Thurso

Victress Landing Rock Salt At Wick Harbour

Motorists in Caithness and Sutherland are being warned that part time 20mph speed restrictions will be introduced at three more schools in the north, for childrens' safety.
The new speed limits come into force next week (Monday 3rd October, 2005) at Lairg and Gledfield (Ardgay) Primary Schools in Sutherland and Hillhead Primary in Wick. These additions bring the total number of schools benefiting from part time speed limits to 7 each in Caithness and Sutherland and in Highland to 36 at present.

Runners Brave the Rain To Raise Funds For Day Care At Dunbar Hospital - Lots of Photos
Wick to Thurso Road Relay today (Sunday 25th September) in aid of Dunbar day care room and Palliative care beds Town and County.

Staxigoe Football Tournament 2005
The Staxigoe Football Tournament is growing each year.  This year seven teams are competing for the cups.  Harrold butchers are sponsoring the competition and provided the cups and trophies.  the group have also been awarded a grant by the Liam Henderson memorial fund towards the building of a new hut at the football ground and the club extend their thanks for that grant.  The club are still fund raising towards the hut that will allow them to keep equipment at the ground.  the competition started at 11.00am today and we hope to have results in later this evening.

Titchmarsh plans a facelift for Mey - Times Online
THE Prince of Wales has chosen Alan Titchmarsh, the celebrity gardener, to help develop a memorial garden at the former home of the Queen Mother. The heir to the throne set Titchmarsh the challenge of giving the grounds of the Castle of Mey in Caithness a make-over, while also transforming them into a tourist attraction. Among the planned features are a series of engraved Caithness stone slabs, marking significant dates in the life of the Queen Mother, two stone viewing towers and a �40,000 visitor centre.  Mey Castle Section     Castles

HSE launches campaign as workplace falls top 40,000 and reach almost 4,000 in Scotland.  The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) today launches the Watch Your Step campaign to highlight the serious impact falls have on both the injured party and UK businesses. In Scotland alone, falls account for almost 4,000 serious injuries each year (3,727 in 2003/04) and in over 90% of cases the injured person is absent from work for at least one week.  Falls are the most common cause of workplace injuries and the number recorded has increased each year for the last five years. Last year, they topped 40,000 (42,260) and cost the economy approximately �800 million, of which �500 million is directly borne by UK businesses.

On Friday 23 September 2005, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) served an enforcement notice on UKAEA Dounreay after it breached conditions in its authorisation to discharge gaseous radioactive waste.  A team of inspectors from SEPA carried out a week long audit of the site in June and found 28 problems.
Order served over waste rule breach - The Scotsman

David Lockhart Does DIY on a Global Scale - Soulshine
This item from Soulshine a Canadian music news web site is currently featuring an item on local man David Lockhart from Halkirk who is beating a digital path to the top music companies around the world



Heart patients miss out on life-saving scanner - The Scotsman
This story about the new CT scanners in the Scotsman that might save the lives of people with heart problems will ring out to people in the far north where we still await the deliberations of NHS highland over the potential for a CT scanner at Caithness General Hospital following their failure to take up the offer of the money from a hotel chain charity to gift them a scanner and all of the equipment.  These latest scanners are more expensive but give much more detailed information.  It remains to be seen whether NHS Highland will drag on and on with their deliberations over the CT scanner that could allow much earlier intervention for example in cases of Stroke where early diagnosis can get correct medication going quickly and result in better recovery outcomes for patients.

The Captain Field - North Sea Central

Sutherland Street, Helmsdale

Thrumster Against Nursery Closure - Campaign Update
The group fighting to keep a nursery at Thrumster primary school have been having a series of meetings over the past few weeks.  they have been lobbying politicians and are continuing to do so.  a public meeting has been arranged for everyone to hear the latest and meet with Jamie Stone MSP at the Smiddy Inn on 30 September at 6.30pm

Despite the poor weather on Saturday afternoon (17 September 2005) , a group of hardy volunteers took part in the annual beach clean and monitor at Keiss beach. The clean-up was organised by Rangers with The Highland Council's Planning and Development Service as part of the national Beachwatch event, the most extensive monitoring programme in Europe for coastal and marine litter. Members of the Caithness Critters and the Caithness Countryside Volunteers braved the elements to help rid the beach of unsightly and dangerous litter.

Traditional Music Workshops At Wick  - 5 November
the traditional music workshops have quickly gained a reputation and places fill up fast.  The next one is on 5 November and a wide range of talented tutors is once again aiming to make for another great workshop day.  So if you are interested in improving your playing and would like to join in this.
Full details and application form on Gordon Gunn web site

Caithness Big Band In The Redwood, Thurso - Cancelled due To Unforseen Problems
On Saturday 24th of September the NCJB have their usual afternoon gig in the REDWOOD. There is no admission charge. You don't even need to buy a drink so take a break from your shopping and pop in to relax for a bit. The atmosphere is intentionally casual.

Homebase Begins Recruitment Drive For New Store In Wick
The foundations for the new Homebase store on the outskirts of Wick are moving fast and it looks like the company are beginning to lay the foundations of the workforce as adverts are appearing in the press for staff.  Around 40 posts from Store Manager, Sales Manager, showroom Consultant to Team Leaders and Store Personnel are all on offer with the top salaries in the range of �35k to �12k at the lower end.  The closing date is 12 October.  There are full time and part time posts  If you have not seen the local paper and are interested there is Homebase in Wick enquiry line at 07908 428 672. the firm intend to hold an Open Day as part of the recruitment for the store.  Suddenly the job market in Caithness looks buoyant with several firms advertising for staff including Icetech Freezers Ltd who have taken over the Norfrost operation at Castletown.  Icetech are hiring now for Production operators, Mechanical Maintenance Fitters, Electrical Maintenance Fitter, Injection Mould shop Technician, Fork lift Driver and Secretarial - Applications in writing with CV.  Dunnets (Ford Dealers) are looking for a management sales executive and trainee sales personnel.  Applications for Dunnets are also required in writing with CV.  Lidl's Stores in Wick and Thurso are offering Store Management opportunities with pay levels up to �35k.  Travis Perkins has taken over Thurso Building supplies and is looking for an assistant branch manager and counter sales assistant.  Travis Perkins has over 900 branches in the UK.  For folk working in retail in Caithness there would appear to be more opportunities for a change than for many years and for others a chance may now be here to move to Caithness.  With other shops in the new complex at Homebase, Wick yet to announce more opportunities seem likely in coming months.

Ocean Yatzy - North Of Rio, Brazil
Robert Jack sends us this photo of the rig he is currently working on. Ocean Yatzy is a DP drilling semi working down in Brazil. This was her just before we left ship yard last year which was just south of Rio. We work just North of Rio now.
If you have not yet seen the growing galleries of oil rigs where Caithness folk are working Start Here.
If you would like to send in photos of rigs you have beare on arehave been on send them to [email protected]

MS Society Present Sign Copy Of Harry Potter Book To Raffle Winner
At the committee meeting on 21 September 2005 a signed copy of the latest Harry Potter book was presented to the winner of the raffle Jimmy Johnston by Mary Inkster.  The Caithness branch of the MS Society would like to extend their thanks to the people of Caithness for their continuing support of the organisation.


Get Out And See Some Caithness Archaeology
Last Week Of Scottish Archaeology Month In Caithness

The events are free so why not get out to one or two of the last events of this month.

More Blades At Wick
Wind Turbine blades at Wick are getting more common.  However there are those in the county who would like to try to stop the influx getting any bigger.  Another anti wind-farm web site in Caithness setting out to SAVE The Scarabens view has been set up.  Wind Farce presents information on how the anti wind farm lobby see the problem of increasing wind farms and the threat they pose to the Caithness landscape views.  Not everyone agrees but they are not so likely to put up support web sites as people are who oppose.  the jury is still out on wind Farms but one thing is for sure Caithness has a lot of applications in the air.

Changing Face Of Keiss
The building over looking Keiss Harbour has had a makeover since we last took some photos and you can see the new windows and repointing work that has now been done. Looks like it will be around for a very long time after its upgrade.


Ormlie to Speak at National Home Zone Conference
Ormlie Community Association has been invited to speak at the annual Home Zones Scotland Network Conference on Monday 26 September 2005 in the Scottish Executive building, Edinburgh. This will be the second time that OCA has given presentations at the prestigious conference, as Colin Punler, ex-Chairperson was given rapturous applause at the first conference in 1999. Lorna Simpson, OCA Company Manager and Diane Holmes, Ormlie resident and volunteer will speak at this year�s conference.

Initiative At The Edge Annual Conference In Lybster - Delegates Went To The Knotty
Lybster in Southeast Caithness is the venue for this year's Initiative at the Edge (IatE) annual two-day conference which was opened yesterday (Tuesday 20th 2005) by Allan Wilson MSP, Deputy Minister for Enterprise and Lifelong Learning.  IatE was established in 1998 to develop a community led, multi agency approach to regenerating selected areas designated as the most economically and socially fragile in the Highlands and Islands.  The Deputy Minister and delegates headed for the harbour at the end of the day for knotty demonstration game.  After a tough game by two teams a few delegates took up the challenge.

Dancing With Flowers  - Caithness floral Art Club - September 2005
A most entertaining evening was enjoyed by the Caithness Floral Art Club when Lynda Fraser, from Carlisle, gave a demonstration called Dancing with Flowers. 
First a Polka from the King and I evoked the exotic from Thailand, next a waltz from the musical Carousel executed in delicate colours. Dancing among the chimney pots with Bert and the children from Mary Poppins was followed by the BBC�s Come Dancing complete with glittering orbs. Scottish country dancing with a touch of tartan made a vibrant impact before the finale, a Floral Dance complete with maypole.

The Enablelink project is a voluntary project for young people with learning disabilities, which will help make connections between young people in mainstream high school. The young people within mainstream high school will foster friendships and make connections, and eventually take young people with learning disabilities out in the community to join new clubs/activities or go to their home and spend time together. This project has been initiated by Enable the largest organisation in Scotland for people with learning disabilities. In its first year it has been brought to Thurso and now in its second year it will be brought to Wick.

Keiss Nursery Action Group � Notice of Amended Meeting Time
Due to scheduling of events at the Keiss Village Hall, a new time has been set for the public meeting on the future of Keiss Nursery.  The meeting will now take place on:
Wednesday, 12 October 2005 at 6.00 pm.

Congratulations To John and Margaret MacLean on Their Golden Wedding Anniversary
John and Margaret's daughter Barbara MacLean Waterson asked us to congratulate her parents, John and Margaret Maclean of Tullochlea,Bruan by Lybster on their Golden Wedding today 20th September 2005. Well kent faces in local circles, with the kirk and WRI amongst their respective interests they will be celebrating shortly with family and friends.  Have a great day folks.

Scottish Archaeology Month  - Still A Few Caithness Events in the Programme
This year once again Caithness features with a big number of events over September.  If you are interested in finding out more about what is is around in Caithness then why not head out for one of these FREE events.
Four North East Caithness Brochs Tour
Caithness has about 180 Broch sites and one Sunday as part of Scottish Archaeology Month a tour of four led by Alan Humphries of Caithness Archaeological Trust led a party to four - Keiss Habour, Whitehill, Keiss Roadside and Nybster brochs.  These broch were all excavated by Tres-Barry in the nineteenth century when he lived at Keiss castle - all of them being on his estate.  John Nicolson carried out the work on his behalf.  Alan impartd some of his theories with some of the factual information known about these brochs

Four young secretarial trainees from Dounreay put their best foot forward at the weekend to raise almost �1500 for charity.  Claire Treasurer and Gail Steven, both 19, and Lindsay Banks and Lynne McWilliam, both 18, walked 20 miles from Thurso to Wick. Their efforts won praise from Colin Gregory, head of the director's support office at Dounreay, who saw them set off on Sunday morning.  "It took us six hours to complete the walk," said Claire. "We left Thurso at nine o'clock and arrived in Wick at four o'clock but stopped in Watten for lunch and had several other stops."

Thurso Town Hall Horizons Project A Step Closer - Heritage Lotttery Puts In Almost �1,000,000
The Heritage Lottery Fund has officially announced its intention to support the Caithness Horizons project with a contribution of nearly �1 million. This is the second largest single payment the organisation has ever awarded to Caithness.  On receiving the good news, which followed a crucial meeting with the HLF officer last month, the board members and key project players are absolutely delighted with the outcome. Commenting on the award, Paul Cariss, Chairman of Caithness Horizons, said: "This is fantastic news and guarantees the project's key objective to provide a high quality multi-functional facility that both the local community and visitors can use, enjoy and be proud of. Credit must go to our Director Tina Wrighton and Robin Lingard our Project Co-ordinator, who assisted by the project team, submitted the final application to HLF after many months of hard work and dedication."  Along with guaranteed capital and revenue contributions from The Highland Council and UKAEA, both Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise and Scottish Natural Heritage have also confirmed their funding contributions, conditional on all additional funding being in place.  An application for European Regional Development Fund grant is still awaited.

Are You An Employer In Caithness - Advertise For FREE In Our Jobs Section
If you have a vacancies section on your own web site let us know about it and we will add a link in Caithness Jobs Links Page  Adding vacancies is easy as you do it yourself and once you have your password you can post jobs and remove them in minutes.  Why is it FREE?  Easy.  Once you or a member of your staff is set up you place and remove the ads yourself.  You ad will also be linked on the front page when it first appears and remains on the site until your closing date or your remove it.

Hearing Dogs For Deaf People  - Charity Auction
Do you have a business service or product we can auction to raise money for this worthy cause.  We are planning to run an Online charity Auction on and need your help!  If you can help with donations or want more information call Adam on 07845 822523.  Overord Media, and North Of Scotland Newspapers have teamed up to offer publicity for the companies involved through local press, radio and the Internet.  Give Adam A Call
If you are looking for the event later it is now liked on the left column of this page.

Liam Henderson Memorial Appeal - The Auction List
The Liam Henderson Memorial football match in Wick raised over �18000 this year and money is still coming in.  The organisers Janice and John Henderson would like to thank everyone involved for prizes and donations and to all who attended the match and helped out in any way to what was once a gain a massive response.

Ex Caithness Director Of Education Dies - The Courier - Tayside & Fife
Roger Stewart who was Director of Education in Caithness in the mid to late 80's has died suddenly whilst on a week end break in Glasgow. He was Director of Education in Fife (his home territory)

Charity Race Night Raises Over �1000
A race night held on Friday evening at the Waterfront Wick in aid of local charities is expected to have raised over �1000 once the final count up is done.  Wick Christmas Lights group and BT charities based at Manpower, Thurso combined for the night and organised the race evening where groups and individuals bid to buy horses in each race and everyone can buy tickets on each race. Willie Mackay compered the evening and filled air with constant banter and jokes.

Caithness Disability Sports Club Hold Multi Sports Event In Thurso
Councillors Alistair MacDonald and Bill Fernie attended the Caithness Disability Sports Club Multi Sports Day on Saturday and presented the shields and medals top all the competitors.  the councillors also handed over a voucher for a day out at the Viking Bowl for the club members some of whom won medals at a recent Scottish Disability sports event representing Highland.  The club currently operates in Thurso but is keen to get more folk with disabilities actively involved in sports wherever they might be in the county.  Highland council supports highland disability Sports and employs the organiser and funds the committee arrangements.  Transport is one of the Caithness group's big problems and although the main organisation has a mini bus but it is based in Inverness.  The club is still in its infancy and the Caithness organisers are keen to keep expanding and can always use more help.  Well done to everyone who competed on Saturday.

Miller Family History - Photo Album 8
We continue the growing family history of the Miller Family with another set of photos from Maureen Materi in Canada.  Mainly Helen Miller in this section with her husband and daughter, Mrs More and her sister-in-law.



Rugby - Caithness 17 Highland 5

Caithness won through against a tough team.  Training and talent showed today as Caithness notched up a third win of the new season.  A well deserved win that had to be fought for.  Gone are the days of huge score lines of last year but the Caithness team showed that even with a couple of their main players not available they have a depth of talent in their ranks.  The game flowed well with a referee who kept a firm grip on the whole game making for a match that kept on the move providing some great sporting entertainment on a rather damp afternoon.   Caithness  now stand at the top of the league

Calling All Caithness Highland Council Tenants
You Are Invited To a Meeting In the Band Room, Thurso Town Hall
Thursday 29 September 7.30pm

The meeting is to try and form an independent tenants association with the following aims...........

Want To Learn Something Interesting this Winter?
Aberdeen University run a variety of lectures and courses and offer access to a range of opportunities from Degree courses to summer schools.  Details of the Caithness and Sutherland information just published is here for you to choose.  For other areas of Highland including Inverness contact Aberdeen University at the number on the page for a full brochure. Property Pages Increasing Fast
If you have not checked for while take look at the property. The photos are now back online and the number of properties is increasing fast.  With Rental section and Business for sale section there is no reason not to get your property online.  Check out the growing number of properties regularly as some of them go fast.

Caithness Rugby Club Take On Highland At Millbank On Saturday
It is early in the season but the Caithness Rugby team have already set off with determination and stand just a point under the Highland team.  After a cracking season least year to move up a league the 27 - 5 win against Falkirk set them on the right course once again and a win against Glenrothes last week kept the points flowing in the right direction.  See the game against Highland at Millbank, Thurso on Saturday at 3.00pm

The latest group of young people from Caithness to be trained at Dounreay today received their indentures of apprenticeship and certificates of training.  The awards, covering apprenticeships in engineering and technician disciplines, scientific training and secretarial skills, were presented at a ceremony in the Pentland Hotel, Thurso.  A total of 13 young people completed the training programmes. Twelve have now found employment with contractors at Dounreay.

Latest Newsletter From Pulteneytown Academy
This newsletter is once again emphasising how parents and others picking up children should use the car park to ensure the safety of the children.  5 miles an hour in the school car par - yes 5 miles an hour.  Everyone should note this and along with the new 20 mph limits at all schools being introduced aim to cut out road accidents involving young children.

Ascot Race Night Tonight In Wick
BT Retail Charity Fund Raisers and Wick Christmas Lights fund have combined to hold a race night tonight Friday 16 September at the Waterfront in Wick.  Admission is FREE and it all starts at 9.00pm and doors open at 8.30pm.  Organisers hope that folk will dress up for the races and there will be a prize for the Best Ascot Hat.  Several charities locally will benefit from the night which promises to be great fun.  Apart from the races there will be a raffle , Stand up Bingo and a whisky wheel.

New Leaflet On Caithness Maternity Issue From North Action Group
North Action Group continue to fight to retain a 24/7 consultant led maternity and gynae service at Caithness General Hospital and this week they launched another phase in their campaign.  The new leaflet makes the case yet again and shows the growing support from the medical community with many quotes from GP's and obstetricians.  The leaflet will be delivered to all houses in Caithness and north Sutherland thanks to the continuing financial support from many local groups, businesses and individuals.  The back of the leaflet can be folded over or cut out to make car or window sticker.

Wick Scouts On a Bike Trip About 1930
This latest picture added to our early Caithness pictures was sent in by Frieda Murray.  It shows George Henderson with a group of Wick scouts on a bicycle trip around 1930.  Old photos of Caithness are in several places on  Quite a few can be found in the Early Pictures Section which has links to several other sections for more.  Another section for early photos is the Old Postcards.

Parts For Another Wind Farm Arrive At Wick
The latest shipments of parts for a wind farm have begun to arrive at Wick Harbour.  This time the parts are heading for Dunbeath.  Love them or loathe them many more applications are in the pipeline for Caithness.  The Caithness area planning committee turned down the latest one on Monday at their meeting after a site visit.  An application by Scot Renewables based in Orkney for wind farm at Lieurary was rejected based mainly on its high visibility from all points of the compass.  Residents in the area were delighted with the outcome.

Keiss Nursery Action Group Keeps Up The Pressure
The latest report from the Keiss Nursery Action Group covers what has happened in recent weeks.  They have had meetings with a number of people and are preparing for a public meeting on 14 October at Keiss Village Hall.  They have also been carrying out research to find out how many children might attend the nursery over the next few years and according to their figures the nursery will potentially be above the often quoted magic figure of 10 considered to be the number that makes a nursery viable. Message Board Makes New Record - 116 People on the Boards at once
At 11.18am yesterday there were 116 people browsing our message boards all at the same time.  This breaks the record that had stood for several months.  The number of registered uses has not reached 2049 who have the ability to post messages.  One of the busiest parts of Caithness org the section is perused by many hundreds of people very day looking at cars for sale, items for sale or reading some of the almost 30,000 messages now on the boards.  The items wanted section is growing and the jobs section is growing as more employers send in jobs.  New items in the main section appear on this page but much more in other sections does not.  If you have never been in to the Message Boards take look and see how others are saving money on free classified ads or just debating issues or asking for information or answers to questions of all sorts.

The Media Circus Hits Genealogy
Gordon Johnson takes a look at what modern media can and cannot do to help your family history search.


UKAEA, on behalf of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, has awarded a contract to Jacobs Babtie as prime consultants for the next stage of the proposed new low level waste disposal facility at Dounreay.  The contract involves working with UKAEA and stakeholders to prepare the planning application which will be submitted to the Highland Council, applications that will be required by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and documents that may be required to comply with the terms of a nuclear site licence. Jacobs Babtie will be assisted in producing these comprehensive documents by Galson Sciences Ltd.

North School Latest Newsletter

MSP Mary Scanlon Backs Planning Law changes
Mary Scanlon MSP today welcomed the Executive's White Paper on Planning, and it's proposed aim to simplify and speed up the planning process in Scotland whilst also allowing wider, and hopefully fairer and more meaningful consultation.

MSP Jamie McGrigor Wants To Help Anyone
Waiting Heating Upgrades For Work Under Warm Deal

During my recent Summer Surgery Tour of the Highlands and Islands, it was brought to my attention that some people are experiencing delays in receiving new heating systems or insulation work which they applied for under the Scottish Executive's Warm Deal or Central Heating programmes. Some people may have even paid for the work in advance yet are still waiting for the work to be carried out.......

Ormlie Wins Play Award
Ormlie Community Association won the Nancy Ovens Award for Play in the following category - Outstanding Contribution to Play. The award ceremony was held in Coatbridge, Lanarkshire on Friday 9 September and the awards were presented by Patricia Fergusion, MSP Minister of Culture Sport and Tourism. Two young people for Ormlie - Jodie and Cassandra McPhee gave individual speeches on the play area and how it has been of benefit to Ormlie and the wider community (written by themselves!). They were a credit to Ormlie.

Caithness And Sutherland Enterprise Approvals For August

The People of St. John's, Wick: a congregational history by Gordon Johnson
Gordon Johnson has now completed and published his history of the congregation of St. John's Episcopal Church of Scotland, Moray St., Wick. Entitled "The People of St. John's, Wick: a congregational history", Gordon was a professional librarian and part-time journalist in Aberdeenshire who retired to Caithness 5 years ago, and was asked by the Vestry to research and compile this history. Rather than the usual description of the church, etc., he opted for a people-centred history of the congregation and clergy, digging out stories from church records, local newspapers, and census records, along with tales from church members. People mentioned range from a Chief Constable of Caithness, a sheriff, and harbour masters, to a local cafe proprietor, a plumber and a dyer.

Caithness Kayak Club Get A New Web Site
Hey folks did someone switch a web site tap on somewhere in Caithness?  With this the third new web site in Caithness we have mentioned today it seems like something is going on.  As before it will be listed in various places and in the Caithness Web Sites list we run in the links section.  Anyone want to make it four new web sites before the day is done.  So if you are interested in the local Kayak Club head over and take a look.  A few photos and a couple of videos to watch.  We hope the bandwidth can stand it.  Well done guys and keep the photos coming.

Midwife �did not have access to specialist back-up� - The Herald
Ms Riach told the inquiry nothing more could have been done to save Chloe but admitted midwives at Inverclyde Hospital did not have access to specialist back-up. She said: "You don't have access to consultants after 5pm or at weekends and the nearest consultant-led unit is the Royal Alexandra at Paisley.
Report on the fatal accident enquiry at Greenock's Inverclyde Royal Hospital in the Daily Racord today -  when a midwife claimed she did not have the skills to prevent the death of a new born baby and no consultants were available.  North Action Group in Caithness continues to campaign to retain the consultant led service maternity and gynae services at Caithness General Hospital and sees this as an example of what might happen if 24/7 cover is not available to mothers in the far north with over 100 miles to Raigmore hospital in Inverness with transfers taking between three and four hours by road.

Caithness Critters Winter Programme Ready
The highly popular nature group run by the Caithness Rangers has prepared their winter programme.  The group now have places available for new youngsters to join.  Caithness Critters has been so popular that member ship is almost always full but places do regularly become available as children get older and move on.  Under Ranger supervision they take part in a number of outdoor activities in Caithness.  With visits to woodlands, beaches and hills it is fun and educational.  Contact Martina Swanson at the Wick Ranger office for more details.

Invitation To Horse Riders For Saturday From Caithness Riders Access Group
 Some CRAG members are meeting up for a ride in Rumster forest this Saturday, parking at the Paddock (the road signed to the Outdoor Centre), riding at 11am. Please feel free to bring your horse and join in if you wish.

Pulteneytown Parish Church Gets A New Web Site
Caithness has definitely got the web site bug and there seems to be no slow down in new sites being set up.   The new sites are being added to appropriate sections and our Caithness Web Sites listings.  the new web site has information about all the organisations in the church and their newsletter is online

Wick Dounreay Club Gets A New Web Site
Wick Dounreay Club now have a new web site where you can find out more about the club and what is on offer there in the way of entertainment, fishing competitions and more.

Latest Newsletter From Mount Pleasant School, Thurso

New Freezer Company Rises From The Ashes
John G Russell (Transport) Limited announced today (13 September 2005) the completion of the purchase of the assets of Norfrost Limited. The combination of a business loan package from Highland Opportunity Ltd., coupled with grant support from Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise enabled the organisation to put together a financial package that was acceptable to the administrators KPMG. In doing so they have formed a new company, Icetech Freezers Limited to operate the freezer manufacturing facility, in which local Directors have acquired a minority interest.

Celebrating The New Blackstairs

Wick celebrated the new Blackstairs on Saturday night with the recreation of the Lowrie painting based on the steps.  Onlookers were encouraged to take up a position of one of the matchstick figures in the original painting.  A few folk changed over for a second photos and we.  Perhaps they will be as famous in another 100 years.  We have thrown the dig effects at the pictures to come up with some others.  the Caithness Big Band entertained as did the majorettes as the party moved to Argyle Square with lantern procession and a the MAASK group singing Matchstick Men.  More music a burger, mulled wine with photos of old wick being beamed onto a white cloth made for pleasant Saturday evening in Wick.

Doors Open Day In Caithness
A number of places in Caithness are open to visitors today as part of Doors Open Day.

Shearer Family Gathering Photos
The Shearer family held a reunion in August with family members from all over the world attending.  Here are a few of their photos.



Energy Costs Are Rising  - A Chance To Build Your Own Solar Hot Water System
Grass Roots Renewables in Association with Caithness Renewable Energy Forum present a Pilot Solar Hot Water Workshop 1st and 2nd October 2005 with Kerr MacGregor, a specialist in this field. This workshop gives people the chance to build their own working solar hot water system ready for installation in their home or workplace.

Photographs Now Back In Action On the Business Index
Due to recent server move our photo additions to the business index has been out of action but is now back in working order.  Anyone who would like a photo added to a property for sale can now forward one.
In addition rented properties can now be added in the same way as properties for sale.

UKAEA has exported the last batch of nuclear fuel elements ever to be manufactured at Dounreay.  Eight elements have been delivered safely to SCK of Belgium, bringing to an end the supply of nuclear fuel elements made in Caithness to research reactors around the world.  Approximately 10,000 uranium elements were manufactured at Dounreay between January 1957 and March 2004.

Motorists in Sutherland are being warned that part time 20mph speed restrictions have been introduced at two more schools in the area, for childrens' safety.  The new speed limits came into force this week at Melvich and Gledfield Primary Schools. These additions bring the total number of schools benefiting from part time speed limits in Sutherland to 6 and in Highland to 33 at present. These part time speed limits at Melvich and Gledfield come at the same time that drivers in the Highlands are being warned that if they speed in the vicinity of Highland schools then the penalties will be tough.

The Highland Council today (Thursday 8 September 2005) unanimously agreed to bridge the �250,000 funding gap in the exciting new tourism, leisure and community project at Thurso Town Hall and the Carnegie Library.  The additional cash support takes the Council's contribution towards the �3.6 million project to �934,000.  The funding package is now in place to enable Caithness Horizons, promoters of the Thurso project, to bid for a �500,000 grant from the European Regional Development Fund.  Caithness councillors are delighted at the support given to the project, which is supplemented by an increased contribution towards the running costs of the new facility from 2008/9.

Scottish Parliament Debate Of Interest To Crofting Areas Like Caithness On Wed 14 September
Debate on the subject of S2M- 3219 John Farquhar Munro: Future of Crofting
Text of motion: That the Parliament recognises the importance of crofting to the social and economic life of the Highlands and Islands and wishes to see the continuation of sustainable crofting communities; shares the concerns of crofting communities, such as those in Skye and Lochalsh and throughout the crofting counties, regarding the threat to crofting communities from the lack of action by the Crofters Commission over the decrofting of land and sale of crofts, and from absentee crofters and dereliction; believes that crofting tenancies should not be sold on the open market which is currently allowing local people to be outbid by those with no understanding of, or long-term commitment to, crofting and the crofting community, and further believes that if this continues it will, in a generation, lead to the end of crofting in everything but name.

O�Neill Highland Open incomplete despite some great surfing
The O�Neill Highland Open took place this weekend at Brimms Ness Bowl as the rest of the country went flat! Although the final was not completed there was some seriously good surfing including some sick barrels in very shallow and hollow conditions.  The cr�me of British Surfing made the 700 mile trip up to the town of Thurso for what has been for the past few years the best event on the tour. Although they were not greeted with the ideal conditions Thurso can offer, the event highlighted the class and talent present in the UK.

Pulteneytown Academy School - Latest Newsletter

Ocean Majesty At Scrabster Yesterday
The cruise ship traffic continues to build up at Scrabster with the arrival yesterday of the Ocean Majesty.  the ship has 470 passengers aboard and many went to the Castle of Mey.  The ship is on a round Britain cruise arrived from Aberdeen around 08:00 and departed at 17:30 for Tobermory.  This traffic is due to the new deep water pier at Scrabster and looks set to grow in coming years.

Cocktail Party & Auction At Mey Raises Good Total - �4000 Expected
The Cocktail Party and Auction at the Castle of Mey on September 2nd in aid of the Canisbay & Dunnet Day Care Centre funds, got off to a great start with the Caithness Junior Pipe Band creating a wonderful atmosphere by playing the guests in.

Latest Newsletter From Hillhead School, Wick


Highlands and Islands Labour MSP Maureen Macmillan has welcomed a �250,000 funding commitment from the Scottish Executive to tackle suicide in the Highlands and Islands and other remote and rural areas. Recent suicide statistics show that people in Scotland are twice as likely to kill themselves as in the rest of UK.

Caithness GP's Agree To Take Part In Maternity Action Team Meetings
The co-chairs of the Caithness and Sutherland Maternity Action Team, David Alston and George Bruce, today commented: "The latest meeting of the Maternity Action Team took place on Friday 2nd September 2005. Members welcomed representatives of Caithness GPs to the Team and agreed that they should be represented on the various sub groups." �Reports were received from the sub groups and the Team majored on a possible service model, which had been discussed by the combined Obstetrics and Gynaecology Sub Groups.  The Team agreed that this model, along with other proposed potential models, should be tested as to their relevance to the current situation.  A report on the results will be provided to a future meeting of the Team.�

New Phonics Scheme for Gaelic
Gaelic pupils starting school this session will have access to a brand new Phonics scheme which it is hoped will greatly help in the teaching of reading. The new scheme, Facal agus Fuaim, has been written by Gena MacLean and Donald John MacLeod of Highland Council and published by St�rlann N�iseanta na G�idhlig, the National Gaelic Resource Centre. The importance of phonics in the teaching of reading in all languages is now widely recognised and teachers have warmly welcomed the publication of Facal agus Fuaim,

Large Spider Found In House At Shebster - Can Anyone Identify What Type It Is

Ocean Warwick Was Swept 66 Miles By Hurricane Katrina
The Ocean Warwick owned by Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc was swept away by Hurricane Katrina and ended up on Dauphin Island, a vacation and weekend retreat off the Mobile County coast.  Photos from Danny Jack who Said "250 feet of each leg along with the drilling derrick are now missing and the rig was washed up on a beach 66 miles away from it's original location".


Exhibition Celebrates 10 Years Of North Highland Archive
The exhibition features a selection of items from the archive and the work of local artists.  See it at -
St Fergus Gallery, wick 5 - 10 September
Band Room, Thurso Town Hall 12 - 17 September
Lyth Arts Centre 19 - 24 September
Dunbeath Heritage Centre 25 September  - 1 October
More information phone North Highland Archive 01955 606432 email [email protected]
A genealogy workshop is also being held 10 September 10.00am - 1.00pm.

Hundreds Of Tons Of Rock Now In Place To Protect Shore Road, Wick
The contract to protect shore Road at wick has now been completed and hundreds of tons of rock are now in place.  the rock is laid out to break up the waves that can and did batter the shore road side of the harbour in stormy weather.   In a separate contract the North Pier has been reinforced and had rock armour placed on the outside of it.  It is hoped that this will break the force of the waves thrown in with particular severity in some years.   The funnel shape of Wick Bay has always made it particularly bad in certain combinations of high tide and wind in winter and spring in some years.  No doube many will be looking on when the next big storm hits.

Guide Dogs for the Blind And Caithness Canine Club Walk
A few members from two dog clubs got together for a fund raising sponsored walk again this year.  The walk took place round the footpaths at the Newton Hill Community Forest.  The Caithness branch of Guide Dogs For The Blind and Caithness Canine Club had a lovely afternoon for the walk.  Possibly one of the warmest days of the summer made for pleasant walking conditions.  2004 Walk

Sealed with a song: Charles' love for Queen Mother and Caithness - Scotland On Sunday 

Caithness Field Club Bulletin 2005
We have begun to add the articles from the 2005 Caithness Field Club Bulletin.  As you will see from the latest articles the field club continues to get out and about in Caithness and sometimes further.  the Bulletin is published once a year and is included in the membership subscription and is well worth joining for that publication alone. Here are the first few items with more to follow at a later date. 
Caithness Field Club Summer Programme 2005
Some Highlights of Natural History in 2004
Field Club Activities in 2004
A Surprising Co-incidence and an Apology
The Caithness Secret Army in World War II
201 BN News
More Big Cats
The Fungi in Dunnet Forest     
Main Bulletins Index 
Caithness Field Club Main Index

Ding-way Lin From Taiwan Gives His Impressions Of His Visit To Caithness

local artist Joanne B Kaar visited Taiwan recently and Ding-way Lin made a visit to Caithness.  Here are a few of his thoughts and photos of some of the places he has been in Caithness during his stay.

Training Event For Highland Meat Producers
The Highlands and Islands Local Food Network (HILFN) will be holding a training day on 14th September at Dingwall Auction Mart, aimed at all farmers and crofters who want to supply meat for local consumers. 
Those attending will hear from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), the Soil Association and environmental health representatives about the various considerations and benefits to producing meat for local markets.  Rachel Jackson, who has started up a small scale meat production and processing business on Skye, will also describe her experience.  In the afternoon, participants will visit a local meat producer who has recently taken the decision to move away from supplying supermarkets and focus on local markets.

Watten Young Farmers Raft Race Rescheduled for Sunday 4 September
Due to the rain and wind last Sunday the young farmers are now planning to hold the annual Raft Race and Slave Auction on Sunday 4th Sept at 2.oopm on Watten Loch.  The Slave Auction is where anyone can buy a Slave for 4 hours work - the work can range from washing cars, washing windows, gardening or just waiting on the master for 4 hours. The 4 hours can be used all at once or over a period this can be arranged between the slave and master.  Also at the Raft Race there will be a baking stall, bottle stall and

Staxigoe Hall Committee Buy Their Own Bouncy Castle
Kids From Staxigoe and Papigoe only can go along to Staxigoe Hall  on Wednesday 7th September 2005 between 6:30 - 7:30 to try out the new bouncy castle.  Staxigoe Hall Committee have recently purchased a bouncy castle with money which was donated by the Staxigoe Badminton Club.  The castle was delivered earlier this month and we are taking the opportunity to invite all local pre-primary and primary school children to come and have a bounce.  The bouncy castle is available for hire to the public for parties etc.

Highlands set to go full Blas after capital�s hectic round - The Herald
Head over to the Blas Festival web site for information on gigs, tickets and venues. Runs 2 - 10 September.
Caithness Events In Blas Festival   Sutherland Events
It is hoped that the next two years will see the Blas festival grow and funding is aimed at assisting this process towards Highland Year Of Culture in 2007.  Funding from a variety of sources is being targeted at each area of the Highlands.  If you are involved in a local group you may be able to obtain funding from Highland 2007 for events in 2005 to 2007
Julie Fowlis and North Highland Fiddlers - Wednesday 7th Lyth Arts Centre
Barra McNeils From Nova Scotia Friday 9th 8.00pm Wick High School
Gordon Gunn & Friends Friday 9th 10.00pm - Mackays Hotel   More Info and booking

West Highland White Terrier Missing - Have You Seen One?
Went missing on Thursday 18th August from around a house, 10 miles south of Wick,
Male West Highland White Terrier, 3 years old, neutered, of slim build, called 'Creagan.'
Two distinct characteristics are that he growls when being picked up/set down, and that he stands on his back legs and paws the air with his front legs when excited, frustrated or meeting someone new. Very, very missed. Any news wanted - good or bad. Please report anything to Wick Police Station on 01955 603551, or Wick Vet Surgery on 01955 602088.

Wick Anchor Boys First Night As BB's In Wick Restart
The Wick Anchor Boys have restarted and a good number of boys have already joined up for the weekly meeting in the BB Hall.  The group suffered from a lack of leaders but has now reformed.  If anyone would like to help the new group get in touch with them.  BB Wick

Drawn In - The Latest Exhibition At Swanson Gallery
3 - 24 September



Another Bat night At Castletown With The Rangers
Sunday 4th September  - Meet at car park south end of bay at 8.30pm
 Wear stout footwear and warm clothing.  Bring a torch.  children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.  No dogs allowed.  Walk is weather permitting.  More information Tel 01847 821531

Can You Identify The Lady Holding The Baby? - A Request From Fiona Mackay
The photo attached is of my sister Margaret as a baby but I don't know who the lady is holding her. I am assuming she is a friend of my late mother's.  My mum was Jane (known as Jean) Henderson, she married Anson Hugh Mackay, who worked as a telephone engineer for many years. We lived in Wick and then moved up to Tongue.


Prince Charles Lends His Support For Canisbay & Dunnet Day Care Centre
Cocktail Party and Auction at the Castle of Mey
The Cocktail Party and Auction at the Castle of Mey on Friday, 2nd September in aid of The Canisbay & Dunnet Day Care Centre has been given the royal seal of approval in the form of a Highgrove Garden book for the auction, specially signed by Prince Charles. There will also be a framed photograph of the Queen Mother and other interesting items include malt whisky, champagne, meals out, hand made furniture and other items, hampers, building labour, chef at home, scalpings, ferry voucher, tiffany lamp etc.
Telephone bids can be lodged on 01847 851227.
The small local group are attempting to raise almost half a million pounds to build the day care centre.  Many events have been held already and applications written to charitable trusts.  The group still have a long way to go but their total is growing and this latest event will hopefully boost the fund a little nearer to their goal.  About Canisbay & Dunnet Day Care Centre Group

Front Page Headlines Archive Index From 2000 Onwards