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Caithness News Bulletins September 2005

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Energy Costs Are Rising  - A Chance To Build Your Own Solar Hot Water System
Grass Roots Renewables in Association with Caithness Renewable Energy Forum present a Pilot Solar Hot Water Workshop 1st and 2nd October 2005 with Kerr MacGregor, a specialist in this field.

This workshop gives people the chance to build their own working solar hot water system ready for installation in their home or workplace.

The workshop has very limited spaces (6 people) maximum. The cost for the event per person is �150 - this is to cover material costs to build each system.

If you are interested and would like to put your name down please email [email protected]  or [email protected] or call (01955) 605858

The location of the workshop will be the North Highland College in Thurso.  If we cannot accommodate you at this Pilot workshop owing to the pressure of numbers, please confirm if you wish you name put on a waiting list for a future event, when you will be given a priority space.

This workshop is sponsored by The Highland Council Economic Development Office in Caithness.