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Caithness News Bulletins September 2005

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Thurso Variety Show - Sunday 2nd October
As part of the efforts to help boost funds for the Thurso Hogmanay party, the H. I. T. committee are currently making final preparations for a Variety Show to be held in Skinandi's at 4pm on Sunday 2nd October. The event follows on from the successful film show by local historian Alan McIvor which raised �432.

Anna Campbell, manageress of the Thurso branch of MacKay's stores is lending a helping hand to organise the event. She said "I'm delighted to help the H. I. T. committee in their work towards the big event. It's a great community idea and one which I'm sure will be a great success". She continued "The committee have enough pride in their town to put on a Hogmanay party for the public, so it's only right they receive plenty of support.

A spokesperson for H. I. T. said "The forthcoming variety show is a demonstration of not one singular organisation trying to achieve something, but a group effort from within the local community and that alone counts for so much. We owe everyone taking part a huge thanks for helping us out with their time and effort. This Variety Show also lets the community know about some of the varied range of activities that there is in this small part of the country."

Part of the attractions will be displays from the Thurso Cheerleaders. Laura Taylor-Winn and Kirsty Henderson said "as far as we know we are the first cheerleaders that the county has ever had. Although we have only being going for nearly two months we are looking forward to taking part in the show. We have classes every Sunday which last for two hours starting from 4pm and cost �3. We would be delighted for anyone that's interested to come along and have a go".

Members from the Caithness Gymnastic Rhythmic section will also be showing of their talents. The group is one of only five in Scotland and extremely popular with the membership at its capacity. As well as demonstrations from disco dancers some of the ladies from the ever-popular Kaithness Kickers will be strutting their stuff for the event. Wilma Wade who teaches the classes at the Janet Street club on a Tuesday evening said "we can't wait to help out towards the event, especially with the money going towards a community event. It's a marvellous that an occasion for all the community to join in is being set up. The New Year's are starting to get repetitive so this will be a fine change."

Tickets for the event are available from MacKay's, Rotterdam Street and J. A. MacKay's, Grocers, Traill Street priced at �4 for adults and �3 for children with a complimentary glass of wine/soft drink and shortbread served.