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North School Newsletter Index

North School Index

Schools & Education

North Primary School


September 2005 Newsletter

Dear Parent or Carer,

The Wick Junior Triathlon
The Wick Junior Triathlon will take place on Sunday 11th. September at Wick High School. Competitors should gather for registration in the Wick High cafeteria at 1.00pm. Spectators should arrive for 2.00pm.
Thank you to all those taking part and the best of luck for your events.

School Car Park
The school car park is for staff and official school visitors only. Parents are not allowed to use the car park unless they have a disabled child when they are allowed to use the space provided.
In the interests of health and safety children are not allowed in the car park at any time and should only enter the school by the designated gates.
Let me thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

School Buddies
Children in P6 or P7 are entitled to apply to become Playground Buddies. If accepted, they are issued with a special Buddy Hat which they will keep as a reward for giving up some of their playtimes.
Being a playground Buddy is a very important and valuable job and is an important part of our anti bullying strategy. Buddies help school staff to ensure, as far as is possible, that the playground is a safe and happy place for all our children.
Buddies help children who are friendless and give them someone to talk to during breaks which otherwise might be a very unhappy time.
Buddies also look after children who have hurt themselves and make sure that they are taken to the support base where they will be given appropriate First Aid.
Over the last few years the help playground buddies have given us in the school has been invaluable and has helped, together with the work of the playground supervisors and the school Positive Behaviour Policy, to cut the incidents of bullying considerably.

Parents Evenings�
As you know the first Parents� Evenings of the new academic year will be on Thursday 15th. and Thursday 22nd. September. These meeting are very valuable and are an ideal way of getting to know your child�s new teacher and finding out what will be required in their new class.
Do not hesitate to discuss with the teacher anything which has puzzled you or anything which is concerning you or your child.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at Parents� Evening.

Breakfast Club
Our breakfast Club is going from strength to strength and about forty children on its books which is excellent, but I would like as many children as possible to benefit from this excellent club, so if you have not tried it yet why not give it a go?

Zoo Lab
All of the children had a very enjoyable time being introduced to some very interesting animals and finding out about their life cycles. The cockroach and the snake caused the most interest followed by the cute rabbit.

To enquire about school closures in times of adverse weather please phone:
� Highland Council Number:
0870 054 6999
� Enter the school�s own pin number when prompted: 042750

Holiday Dates
School Closes                   School Opens
Fri 6th. October                Mon 23rd. Oct 06
Thurs 21st. Dec                Mon 8th. Jan 07
Fri 30th. March                 Mon 16th. April 07
Thurs 28th. June              Tues 14th. Aug 07
Fri 5th. Oct                      Mon 22nd. Oct.
Thurs 20th. Dec.              Mon 7th. Jan. 08
Thurs 20th. Mar               Mon 7th. Apr 08
Fri 27th. June                  Tues 19 Aug 08

Yours sincerely,

Head Teacher.