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South Primary School, Wick

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South School Newsletter
September 2005

26 September NEWSLETTER

Dear Parent/ Guardian,
I can�t believe we are into week nine of this session and the October break is looming upon us all! Please note that school closes on Friday 7th October at 3.10pm for two weeks and resumes on Monday 24th October for all staff and pupils.
MAASK will be operating during the first week of the holidays, please contact PPP for further details and costs.

New Appointments
Miss Campbell was recently appointed Principal Teacher at South School; this means that she has additional responsibilities within the school. At present this will be the assisting in the development of the Reading Project and the Behaviour Management policy.
Mr Gary Whitelegge has been appointed as our new janitor at South School. I�m sure you will welcome him into the school community and support him in his post.

Please ensure that you inform the school if your child is absent from school. You can do this by simply phoning and leaving a message for your child�s teacher. When your child returns then please send in a note to confirm the reason of absence. If your child is absent for more than three days without an explanation then the Area Manager will be informed.

Good behaviour continues to be rewarded with our weekly Golden Time. All children really look forward to this time and the variety of activities that they can choose from. Please continue to support the school�s behaviour policy and praise your child for their good efforts.
If your child has broken the Golden Rules then they will lose precious minutes and in some cases when the time has built up, they will be issued with a detention.

McMillan Coffee Morning
We are holding another Coffee Morning on Friday 30th September at 10.30 � 11.30am in the School Hall. We hope that you will support this worthy charity which unfortunately has touched so many families within our school and the wider community. Please come along with your friends, neighbours and families. A silver collection will be at the door.
All children can participate by bringing in a donation (suggested amount of 50p).

Parent Staff Association
The Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 4th October 2005 at 6.30pm. Please come along and bring your fresh ideas for fundraising. We need your support!

Walk To School Week 3rd � 7th October 2005
We are involved in this national campaign once again and please encourage your child to walk to and from school, where possible.
I realise that a few children travel to school by car but you could drop them off at the end of Roxburgh Road and allow them to walk the last little bit of the journey.
Nursery children MUST be accompanied into the Nursery class area with an adult.
The children are showing good habits of using the zebra crossing; please continue to encourage your child to use the safe place to cross at Roxburgh Road.

School Book Fair 3rd � 7th October 2005
Next week we are having a Scholastic Book Fair. These have proved to be popular with the children in the past and there is a wide range of books available for all children from Nursery to P7. All classes will have an opportunity to view the fair and I�m sure they�ll come home desperate to purchase one!
Please support this worthwhile event as the school benefits from book sales.
Karen and Tracy Bain (parent volunteers) are organising this alongside Mrs Sargent.

Gym Days
Please ensure that your child brings their P.E. kit with them every day. Mrs Mennie, the P.E. Specialist comes every third Tuesday but the class teacher will also teach this area of the curriculum. Your child needs to bring shorts and a change of t-shirt.
Can I please remind you that jewellery MUST NOT be worn for any P.E. activity including swimming?

Indoor Shoes
A number of children are not wearing indoor shoes; please ensure they have a pair in school and these are stored in their blue shoe bags when not on their feet!
Please put their name inside their shoes with permanent pen?

Lost property
There are a number of items which have been handed in over the past few weeks � mainly school sweatshirts!! Please name items of clothing with a clear marking, permanent pen is best.

School Uniform
It is fantastic to see the children proudly wearing their uniform on a daily basis; most children are wearing polo shirts, t-shirts and sweatshirts. It would be super to see them wearing dark trousers or skirts as well. The ripped style of jeans is not appropriate for school. Please discourage your child from wearing these � your cooperation will be appreciated.

The children are really eating well at lunchtime and enjoying the new menus. Copies of the menus were issued at the beginning of term and we are now back to Week 1. Can you please discuss the choices with your child to ensure they know what is being served? Lunches MUST be ordered before 9.10am each day at the Hall back door.

Pupil Council
The children have met twice already this term with staff representatives and discussed a wide variety of topics including the redecoration of the girls and boys toilets (newly painted and children�s artwork in place), tuck shop selection (cookies are only available on a Friday now!) and playground areas/games. All children can bring their views/concerns to the Pupil Council through their class representatives:
P2 � Becky Kelly & Darren Sinclair
P3 � Greg O�Sullivan & Cheyenne Warnock
P4 � Emma Caley & Michael Quilliam
P5 � Aalish Quilliam & Jonathan Kelly
P6 - Zoe Miller & Blain Mathieson
P7 � Erin Sutherland & Ben Gunn
(P1 will have reps. nominated later this session)
Staff Reps. are: Miss Campbell P6 teacher, Mrs Wilson P4 teacher, Mrs Smith � Support Auxiliary and Mrs Macleod � Classroom Assistant. Nurse Macleod has also attended to provide a Health perspective.

School Development Plan 2005/06
The School Development Plan is available from me if you wish a copy. I have detailed our priorities for this session below:

1. Raising Standards of Attainment in Reading throughout the school
2. Developing Better Behaviour
3. Continued Professional Development for staff
4. To achieve Health Promoting School status
5. To respond to recommendations from Nursery Integrated Inspection (22 Dec. 2004)

Reading Project
I hope your child has come home enthused with the new reading material in school. We have adopted the Highland Council Reading Project and a strong focus in reading is taking place in each class. The Oxford Reading Tree books are still being used in the early stages along with new core readers. In P4 � P7 core reading is taught and supported fully in school using a new range of books. There will be an opportunity next term for you to view these books and find out more about the project. Children in P4 � P7 will not be taking home their core book so there will not be reading to practise each night. Children receiving additional support will continue to have their reading to share with you. Home readers will be issued later this session and I will keep you fully informed. If you have any queries regarding this aspect then please contact myself.

Health Promoting School
Mr Colin Ferguson will be visiting South Primary School on Monday 3rd October to view our practice in this aspect. He will visit all classes and I�m sure he will speak to many children in their class setting, the playground and in the dining hall. Health Promotion is not simply whether we eat healthily or take part in exercise but looking at the needs of the children & staff in a supportive role. Children�s achievements as well as their part in the community are recognised and your support is appreciated. If you would like to meet Mr Ferguson then please come along on Monday 3rd October at 1.30 to share your thoughts.

Holiday Dates
� October Break � school closes on Friday 7th October and resumes on Monday 24th October 05
� In-Service days � Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th November 05 � school closed
� Christmas Break � school closes on Thursday 22nd December and resumes on Monday 9th January 06
� February Break � school closes on Wednesday 8th February and resumes on Tuesday 14th February 06 (Thursday 9th February 06 is an In-Service Day for Staff)
� Easter Break � school closes on Friday 31st March and resumes on Wednesday 19th April 06 (Tuesday 18th is an In-Service Day for Staff)
� May Day is on Monday 1st May 06 � School closed to both staff and pupils
� Summer Break � school closes on Friday 30th June 06 and resumes on Tuesday 15th August 06 (Monday 14th August 06 is an In-Service Day for Staff)

Many thanks for your continued support this term and please contact me if you have any queries concerning your child and their education.

Kind regards,


Pat Bowers

South Primary School
Roxburgh Road
Tel: 01955 603203 Fax: 01955 60945
[email protected]