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Caithness News Bulletins September 2005

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Dounreay News  

Four young secretarial trainees from Dounreay put their best foot forward at the weekend to raise almost �1500 for charity.

Claire Treasurer and Gail Steven, both 19, and Lindsay Banks and Lynne McWilliam, both 18, walked 20 miles from Thurso to Wick.

Their efforts won praise from Colin Gregory, head of the director's support office at Dounreay, who saw them set off on Sunday morning.

"It took us six hours to complete the walk," said Claire. "We left Thurso at nine o'clock and arrived in Wick at four o'clock but stopped in Watten for lunch and had several other stops."

The event was the latest in a series of fund-raising events organised by the trainees that has raised in the region of �2800.

"Our first fundraising event was 'Guess the Weight of the Christmas Pudding' when we raised money in fancy dress," added Claire.

"We also did an event at Easter for 'Guess the Bunny's Birthday' and 'Guess how many eggs are in the basket'. Our third event was a raffle that Maurice Edmunds, head of site services at Dounreay, drew for us. We were really grateful to ocal companies that donated prizes to the raffle."

The money raised will be divided between five good causes - Macmillan Cancer Relief, National Association for Colitis and Crohn's Disease, Asthma Society, Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland, and the Newton wing palliative care fund.