Revealing the Vision of Caithness - An Arts Development Study of Caithness
Highland Council commissioned this Arts Development Study for Caithness through a steering committee in September 2002.  This is the most comprehensive and up to date look at the arts in Caithness showing what is already on the ground and looking at what might be possible.  A report was presented to the Caithness Area Committee of Highland Council in Wick on Monday 31 May. The printed version is 91 pages and all of it is reproduced here.   A summary is included if you want a quick overview.  Take a look and you might be surprised at the range of activities already in the county.

Calling Gala  and 2004 Event Organisesrs -
Get Your Programme on As Soon As Possible

2004 is well underway and the only programme we have so far received is for Wick Gala.  Here at the web site we receive lots of requests for information about Caithness Gals and other summer events.  We reply to them all but many more pick up the information about what's On from our Gala section where we have carried full programmes for the past couple of years.  So email your programme in to get it on the web site  - Its completely FREE.  Email to [email protected]   All events can also be added to our what's On pages by completing the submission form in the section for even more FREE coverage as event appear automatically on our front page every day.

Sutherland Biodiversity Plan
The Sutherland biodiversity plan sets the information about the county with plenty of suggestions as to how it might be assisted to remain one of the best wildlife places in Scotland.


Later Mail Collections At Lybster Post Office Improves Service To Customers
Royal Mail announced today that it has improved its mail collection service from Lybster Post Office� giving customers over six extra posting hours Monday to Friday.  Last collections will now be made at 16.30hrs Monday to Friday from the counter at Lybster Post Office� and the postbox immediately outside the office. The Saturday last collection time remains at 12.00 noon and Sundays are unchanged at 09.30hrs.
All other collection times throughout the area remain unchanged Message Board Registers 1000th Member
The Message board on is very popular and has just registered its 1000th member.  Of course many people pop in to read the messages who are not members and they come in from all over the world as well as in the north of Scotland.  What's the advantage of registering?  Well you then have access to post messages that allows you to give views on a variety of topics or start your own message thread on a topic you think is important or instantly worth telling everyone about.  You can also advertise in the Items for Sale section and all completely FREE.  If you have never looked at the range of items in that section you might be surprised at what is on offer.

Caithness Glass Through The Years Now On Show At Wick Heritage Museum

Sadly the Caithness Glass factory at Wick is no more.  A collection of the glassware through the years has been donated to Wick Heritage Museum and is now on show in an area recently improved by the museum committee members.

Hetty Munro's War Diaries (by Elizabeth Rintoul)
The following extracts from the War Diary of the late Henrietta Munro of Thurso come from the North Highland Archive in the Wick Museum.  Published in the 2004 Caithness Field Club Bulletin

A New Fossil Fish (by Jack Saxon)
Cornovichthys blaauweni was discovered at Achanarras Quarry in 1999 by a group from Aberdeen University.  It is about 150mm in length and is preserved as a shadowy image with some darker markings. These are interpreted as an eye and some 15 branchial chambers.

Some Rare Caithness Bees
Did you know that Caithness is home to some rare bees?  In this Caithness Field Club bulletin article Murdo Macdonald describes the places the Great Yellow Bumblebee is already known and how people can help if they discover other habitats.  Other species such as mining bees are also rare and help with locating them is sought.  These amazingly helpful creatures are under threat in many places and understanding their habits and where they like to live may give them a chance in the future.

Current Biological Recording Schemes
You can never have enough pairs of eyes when tracking nature.  Here Ken Butler in the latest Caithness Field Club bulletin gives details of recording schemes currently underway where the public can help with information.

Progamme ForJune At Lyth Arts Centre
Three dramatic productions in June featuring the work of both local drama students at North highland College in "From A Flagstone Floor" and two touring companies.  The touring companies bring different styles and perspectives in "The Memory Of Water" and "Bedazzled".  Later in June Lyth is home to another distinctive Jazz night with Daryl Johnson and Friends.  Lyth Arts Centre got back into performances with the re-opening of the refurbished and extended premises in May.  Head out for a relaxing evening with a glass of wine or cup of coffee before the show.  Only 90 seats so don't leave it too late to book at the theatre tucked away in the Caithness countryside.

Liam Henderson Tribute Football Match and Raffle - Prizes Pass 100 Mark
Latest updated list of prizes in this fast growing raffle.  With many great prizes and the list growing every week look out for the tickets to have a chance in this great draw with all funds raised going to East End Boys Club and Newmacher Colts reflecting Liam's love of football.

Caithness Sea Angling Association Competition
Having a walk on draw was great news for local angler Keith Farquhar, he walked to the furthest peg and landed 11 Bass for a total of 382cm making him the clear winner, in 2nd place was Graham Finn with 5 Bass and a Flounder for a total of 214cm and 3rd place went to Mike Bordon with 3 Bass with a total of 111cm.

70th Anniversary of Commercial Air Mail Services
The 70th anniversary of the first official internal British airmail service will be commemorated on Saturday 29 May at Kirkwall Airport in Orkney.   Captain Ernest Edmund Fresson OBE, the pioneer of flight in the North of Scotland, flew the first airmail service from Inverness to Wick and Kirkwall on 29 May 1933. Earlier in the same month he flew the first scheduled passenger service on the same route and in November of 1934 he operated the first UK air ambulance flight.

Last Chance To Hear
Mothers and North Action Group Head To Head With Health Board On Lesley Riddoch Show

Caithness Folk United Batter Health Board Chairman And Professor Calder - Listen Yourself - Who Is Right?
If you missed the programme you can hear it until the end of today (Thursday 27 May) on Listen Again at BBC Radio Scotland.  Follow the link and then select Lesley Riddoch Show for Friday. 

Wick Fifty Plus Club Gets Active
Twenty Two members of Wick 50+ Group took a trip to Fairburn Activity Centre, Muir Of Ord participated in a weekend of activities including archery, canoeing, aerial runway, treasure hunt, mountain biking and team challenges.


The Highland Council�s Chairman of the Land & Environment Select Committee, Councillor Richard Durham today addressed Moray Council�s Environmental Services Committee at its meeting in Elgin.  Councillor Durham said: �We are asking that our neighbours in the Highlands & Islands consider their position in regard to GM crops.  We would be delighted if you were able to add the name of Moray to the list of areas that is seeking GM-free status.�
Rob Gibson MSP Welcomes Moray Council Decision
Rob Gibson SNP MSP for the Highlands and Islands has welcomed Moray Council's  decision to join the European GM Free Zone, and is calling for Orkney, Shetland and Western Isles Councils to follow suit.

Halkirk Stock Judging and Slave Auction Results
Stock judging results and great total from the Slave Auction - with �1025 raised

Canisabay & Crossroads Essay Winners Visit Dounreay
Once again this year, UKAEA Dounreay sponsored the children�s essay competitions as part of the Science 03 Festival held in Caithness in March.  The prize-winners in the primary section were Canisbay Primary School and Crossroads Primary School primaries 6 and 7.


Following a trial period in schools, The Highland Council will now be solely dishing up organic carrots within all their catering establishments. This follows a change in purchasing policy to ensure organic produce is on the menu.  Members of the Education, Culture and Sport Committee were told that TIO, who supplied the carrots for the trial, have been awarded the contract to supply organic carrots and MacLeod Organics have been awarded the contract to supply organic fruit and vegetables.  The Council's procurement contract worth �2.5 million for all foodstuffs, including fresh fruit and vegetables.....

Grey Coast � North Highland College co-production on tour in Caithness and Sutherland
Four young Caithnessians, coming to the end of their first year as drama students at North Highland College in Thurso, will take to the road this weekend as their new play, From A Flagstone Floor, begins a week-long tour of theatre, hotels and village halls around Caithness and Sutherland.  Helen Mackay, Jacqueline Barclay, Iain MacDonald and Calum Greig wrote the play and will be performing it for communities across the north under the banner of the Thurso-based Grey Coast Theatre.  The unique co-production between college and theatre company opens this Saturday night, 29 May, at Britannia Hall in Dunnet, where the action is set.  See page for other performance dates and venues.

Good Turnout For Macmillan Challenge Walk At Wick
The Wick Committee of Macmillan Cancer Relief had a good turnout when 45 people arrived for their annual walk on Tuesday 25 May.  The walkers started at Caithness General Hospital, then up Newton Hill, Down by Milton, back to Hospital.  Raising funds and keeping fit - good combination and many will be back again next year.

South School, Wick - May Newsletter  - Falling School Roll Means Composite Classes
Due to the drop of the school roll in August, we will be reduced to 6 classes in the school. At present the school roll stands at 166 pupils and in August it will be 145.   Jamie Stone MSP will officially open the Zebra crossing outside the South School on Friday 28 May at 1.30pm.  The new crossing was installed as part of the "Safer Routes To School" programme.

North Action Group Preparing More Campaign Action - See Latest Release
NAG members heard of the death of a baby in Bishop Auckland during a rushed transfer to Darlington 12 miles away from a mid-wife led unit recently established.   The activities lined up include a demonstration at the Scottish Parliament, Petition , More Leaflets, Joining the new national group formed in Perth who may fleld health candidates in future elections, speaking to the STUC in Edinburgh, Lobbying MSP's, New Database of mothers babies and families experiences of travelling to Raigmore.  
NAG More Determined Than Ever Following Baby Death Transfer From Midwife Led Unit In Bishop Auckland.  

Scottish Parliament NAG Demonstration On 17 June May Be Bigger than Expected
NAG members have heard from people in other parts of Scotland who will join them in Edinburgh outside the Scottish Parliament.  To maximise coverage and let people in the rest of Scotland know what is happening in Caithness NAG are considering an advertising campaign in Scotsman and Edinburgh Evening News in advance of Edinburgh Demonstration.  At least 15 made up of NAG members and supporters are already due to travel from Caithness to Edinburgh.  Others have already flagged up support.  UKAEA staff agreed to attend the protest in Edinburgh and they will come from both Caithness and Harwell.  If you intend to come along to the demonstrations planned for 10.30 am at the Grass Market and 11.00am outside the building at the Mound please get in touch with NAG.  If not sure you are welcome to turn up on the day.  Contact is being made with a range of organisations with north Scotland connections inviting them to join NAG on the day.

NAG Funds Rising Steadily As Community And Business Join Forces
The NAG meeting last night heard that funds continue to pour in from individuals and business as the total raised to date passed the �5000 mark.  With several events now being organised to add to funds NAG members have been strengthened in their resolve as both individuals and business have relieved the committee members of most of this normally arduous task.  Few issues can have seen funds come flowing into a cause more than the Caithness Maternity issue.  Funds are important and are now allowing the NAG committee to increase activities way beyond the boundaries of the north.  NAG members are under no illusions that funds will be sufficient and thank the community at large for its quick response to funding the campaign so far.  Bigger bills can be expected for items such as advertising in the national press and taking legal advice if that becomes necessary.  But so far everything indicates that the local community are totally behind the NAG campaign.

NAG Dance at Waterfront 4 June Could Be Huge
NAG members are promoting a dance after being offered the free services of local bands and the Waterfront nightclub.  Tickets are �4 and are available from Music Shops in Wick and Thurso and Shearer's DIY, NAG members and at the door on the night.  NAG hope to sell at least 600 tickets but it may be safer to get one in advance even though the venue can hold a thousand.  Ticket sales are already going well and the dance could be one of the biggest this year.  Three bands have offered their services for the night free of charge  -Half Canned, Ruff Diamond and Radio Active.  Sales may well exceed the numbers as already some folk are buying tickets who may not attend just to support the cause.  Either way it looks as if sales will be big.  Bill Fernie will be there taking photographs for the web site so why not be seen at one of the biggest fund-raisers of the year.

RSPB Walks 2004 At Forsinard And Elsewhere In Caithness
Forsinard is actually in Sutherland but as it is so close to Caithness and a great place to visit we thought you would like to know about this years programme of walks.

Scottish Socialist Party 500 Euro Notes Handout European Election Campaign Across Highland
The Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) hopes to increase its share of the vote significantly by highlighting the payments to members of the European Parliament and that any of its members elected will restrict their payments to that of a normal skilled worker.  Their Highland campaign continued at the weekend by handing out facsimile 500 Euro notes to voters.  The SSP are campaigning on three main themes  - the Euro gravy train - fighting to close the wealth gap -  an end to Bush and Blair's war for oil and profit in Iraq.  European Election Pages

Anyone For A Stroll With The Annual Macmillan Cancer Walk Up Newton Hill, Wick?
Wick Committee of Macmillan Cancer Relief are holding their annual walk tomorrow night Tuesday 25th. Leave at 7.00pm from Caithness General Hospital, up Newton Hill, Down by Milton, back to Hospital

Volunteers Week 1 - 7 June
If any groups in Caithness or Sutherland  have special events on let us have details photographs etc to add to the web site.  Events, presentations or any other activities planned for the week can easily be shown on at no cost to the organisation.


Caithness Quilters  - Two Dates At Halkirk
The  next meeting is on Tuesday 25 May 2004 at 7.30pm in the Ross Institute Halkirk when we will be making a fun mat for our sewing machines under the guidance of Committee member Ann Cullop.
Next a Talk on Japanese Quilting by Beth Nelson from Montrose on Friday 28 May 2004 at 7.30pm in the Ross Institute Halkirk.   Everyone is welcome to either of these evenings.

Wick High 1966 Reunion Reaches 149 and Counting - Get Your Tickets Now
If you have not got your tickets yet get moving as the deadline is 30 May for the reunion in July.  Colin Richard needs to know the numbers to put the final planning into place so help him out and send the money for your tickets.   Looks like another huge reunion in Wick during Gala Week.  Anyone with any old school pictures can email them to [email protected] to place in the Schooldays section and linked in the Reunion page.

Annual Caithness Motorbike Rally Happened Last Sunday

Are You Disabled  - Visiting Inverness? Need A Motorised Scooter Or Wheelchair?
Shopmobility Highland used to be in the Eastgate precinct.  They have now relocated to Level 2 in the Falcon Gallery Car Park.  The Charity have motorised scooters and wheelchairs which are loaned out at no charge between 9.30 and 4.45 Monday to Saturday.   Registration is quick and you get a card with the Inverness and Dingwall phone numbers.

Isabella Fortuna WK499 - Past Present Future
If you walk round Wick Harbour you will see one of the most interesting boats in the north of Scotland.  Built and registered in 1890 as the "Isabella" at Arbroath she is the last of her class of sailing drift net fishing boats.  In 1919 she had an engine fitted and no longer depended entirely on sail or the crew to row.  The Wick Society who run Wick Heritage Museum acquired her in 1999 and set about restoring her.  She was launched and was damaged but after significant work was out again in 2003.  A new mast is currently being made and is to be fitted shortly.

Bill Fernie - The St Kilda Experience
Many years ago Bill Fernie spent 12 weeks working on St Kilda.  What was to have been a summer job turned into one of life's great experiences.  A chance to see and live on a remote archipelago.  Interest in the group of islands 50 miles or so west of the Outer Hebrides has remained over the years and more recently two different people have visited Caithness giving talks and lectures.  One Donald S Murray teacher and poet offered the collection of photographs used in his lecture tour.  Bill walked most of the places shown in the photographs on the main island of Hirta and also managed to get over to the island of Dun opposite Village Bay.  Bill was ferried over by a small army rubber dingy and left for several hours to take a closer look at the island and the vast numbers of birds especially puffins where a huge colony lives.

George Clark Retires After 32 Years With Council
Friends and colleagues gathered at the Thurso Refuse Collection yard on Friday to mark the retirement of George Clark. George was the longest serving binman in Caithness. He first started employment with the Thurso Town Council to eventually serve nearly 32 years in the post. George was presented with money from his supervisor James Chalmers

Possible New Wind Farm At Durrran
DP Energy Ireland Ltd has announced its intention to carry out research into the possibility of siting 26 80 metre turbines with 60 metre rotors at Durran.  The site would be on Durran Mains and Tister.  A meeting of Bower Community Council on Minday24 May will hear more about the proposals.  An information day is to be held at a later date at Bower Hall.

Caithness Renewables Energy Forum
A new group is being formed to promote renewable energy in Caithness.  Individuals and organisations with an interest in green energy will form the new group.   If anyone is interested in joining the group they are invited to a meeting in Thurso High School on 29 June at 7.30pm.  A constitution will be proposed.  Register interest with Joan Allen at the ERI on 01847 889585.  Check out details at the web site

Prizes Continue To Pour In For Liam Henderson Tribute Raffle
The Raffle being in run in conjunction with the football tribute match is growing fast.  The prize list looks like being one of the biggest ever for raffle in Wick and that is saying something.  More prizes are coming in almost every day.  Watch out for tickets on sale and grab them while you can.  All proceeds will be split between East end Boys Club, Wick and the Newmacher Colts reflecting Liam's love of football
Latest Prize List    Get in touch with the Henderson's if you want to go to the tribute match in Newmacher.  Accommodation is being organised now.

Lesley Riddoch Show From BBC Radio Scotland At Wick Featured Caithness Maternity Issue

Mothers and North Action Group Head To Head With Health Board On Lesley Riddoch Show
Caithness Folk United Batter Health Board Chairman And Professor Calder - Listen Yourself - Who Is Right?
If you missed the programme you can hear it for the next seven days on Listen Again at BBC Radio Scotland.  Follow the link and then select Lesley Riddoch Show for Friday.  The programme heard from Health Board chair Gary Coutts and Professor Calder who produced the report with recommendations about Caithness Maternity.  Hear local mothers, midwife Margaret Hart, Convenor David Flear, NAG Chairman George Bruce, Councillors and NAG members Graham Smith and Bill Fernie, Wcik Community Council chair and NAG member Aeliix Miller, Martin Duffy NAG member plus others.

North Action Group Edinburgh Maternity Protest Support Grows From The Capital
the North Action Group are taking the maternity protest to the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh on 17 June.  Support is coming in from people in Edinburgh who have Caithness connections but the numbers look set to increase as local trade unions are sending supporters from Caithness and Harwell.  UKAEA is granting time off to a few members to attend the protest as NAG members set out to lobby MSP's  If you are in Edinburgh and want to join the NAG demo at the Scottish Parliament at The Mound get in touch with any NAG member.

North Action Group Members Will Again Attend Health Board Meeting on 1 June
NAG members are determined to let no opportunity to show that people in the northern Highland cannot be ignored and will once again send a delegation to the board meeting on 1 June at Assynt House, Inverness.  The feeling is that NAG members are prepared to travel  the miles to Inverness and Edinburgh so that mothers to be and their families do not have to go over 100 miles from Wick or 130 miles from North West Sutherland if maternity services are down-graded.

Telford Street, Wick  - New Housing Open Day

BBC Radio Scotland presenter opened the new housing complex at Telford Street, Wick on Friday.  The open day was also a showcase for other projects in the pipeline for Pulteneytown and as part of the Telford Bi-centennial celebrations.  The regeneration of Pulteneytown is well and truly underway with several other schemes being developed to include new business premises, renovation and rebuilding of the Blackstairs and possible development of the former Fountain Forestry buildings for a new Arts Centre.

Poetry, Music Dancing and Bell Ringing Kept Telford Street Lively On Opening Day
A range of local entertainment kept things lively at the opening of the new housing project in Telford Street in Wick.  A kipper barbecue gave the impression of being back to the original times of the houses first being built.  Second time round the buildings now contain new homes with all the modern comforts.

Telford Street Houses Get Low Energy Bulbs
Director of Pentland Housing Andy Wakeman had a surprise presentation of a supply of low energy bulbs for each of the new houses to ensure the new tenants get off to a good start in keeping their energy costs down..

Diver Certificates For Young Folk In Ambitious Art Project By Wick Youth Club
Telford Street will also shortly see the delivery of a very ambitious art project that has been building towards a presentation of underwater filming by a group from Wick Youth Club.  Over the past 6 months young people have been training in both diving and filming to make an underwater film to be shown at locations near Telford Street on or in the buildings on plasma screens.  At the Telford Street Open Day they were presented with their diving certificates from the course they had to undergo.

SNP Attack Finne Over EU Demands To End Livestock Improvement Scheme
"Finnie should back crofters and face down EU state aid rules threat" - GIBSON & MATHER
Highlands and Island SNP MSPs Rob Gibson and Jim Mather are calling for Ross Finnie to protect crofters, instead of trying to intimidate them with the threat of a possible EU clawback of cash for the Crofters Commission bull hire scheme.  Said Rob Gibson...'Deputy Environment Minister Allan Wilson claimed in Wednesday night's debate that 'categorical' legal advice from DEFRA threatens to end the 103 year-old Livestock Improvement Scheme as he claims it break EU state aid rules.

Caithness Voluntary Group's New Offices Add To Pultenytown Regeneration
New Offices for Caithness Voluntary Group will be called Telford House after being opened on Thursday evening by Paul white of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations.  Ex councillor Bill Mowat who has had a long association with CVG introduced Mr White and said the opening was the culmination of a long held dream to gain new premises for the organisation.

Telford Street Housing Project, Wick - Official Opening Celebrations Today
Lesley Riddoch will open the new housing at 10.00am and everyone can have a chance to see the newly refurbished buildings.   There will also be a chance to see the exciting Art project that has been ongoing over the past few months with Wick Youth Club.  In the afternoon there will be music and dancing and from 5.00pm a barbecue.  Take a look and see that Pulteneytown is making a comeback.  This project is just the first of several beginning to happen and a tangible start to the ongoing Wick Project.

Telford Street Project Leads The Way In Pulteneytown Regeneration
BBC Radio Scotland presenter Lesley Riddoch will officially open a joint housing and community arts development in Lower Pulteneytown, Wick on Friday 21 May. The �1.5 million project, supported by Executive agency Communities Scotland has provided 16 new affordable homes for the town enhanced by a community arts project. This transformed the former herring gutting and curing houses of Telford and Miller Streets, which had lain derelict. The buildings were made famous by Scots engineer, Thomas Telford who created the model town, harbour and the world�s first industrial estate in Wick in 1811.

Caithness Dialect At Telford Street Connects The Houses To Their Past

See Telford Street Houses Yourself On Friday 21 May - Opening At 10.00am
Lesley Riddoch will open the new development where all the houses already have been let.  In the afternoon there will be dancing and other entertainment between visiting the houses.  In the evening you will have another chance to look round when a barbecue will be running from 5.00pm  - yes there will be kippers on offer. So take your chance to look round Telford Street - An old street now brand new.

Inside The Telford Street Houses

Pulteney House, Wick & Bayview, Thurso Part Of �6 Million Upgrade For Council Care Homes

Highland Councillors have approved a major programme of refurbishment for their care establishments for older people. This investment, which will be in excess of �6 million over the next three years, will ensure that care homes will meet emerging national standards set by the Care Commission and reflected in the Disability Discrimination Act. The Highland Council provides more than 300 places across the Highlands. Many of the units are domestic in scale and thus provide a homely atmosphere for residents.

Stroupster Wind Farm  - Public Exhibition Wednesday 26 May 2004 2.00 - 9.00pm
Auckengill Village Hall - National Wind Power will show their plans for a new wind Farm At Stroupster



ERI Students Visit Dounreay
Nine students from the Environmental Research Institute recently visited Dounreay to learn about the decommissioning at the site. The students had a tour of the site, a tour of the Prototype Fast Reactor and a breifing with Mark Liddiard, Dounreay's Environmental Programme Manager. They are pictured here with Richard Cammish, Area Waste Co-ordinator & Project Supervisor and Robert Falconer, Trainee Project Supervisor during their tour of the Prototype Fast Reactor.

Lesley Riddoch Show Comes To Wick On Friday 21 May
Lesley Riddoch will hold her show from 12.00 - 2.00pm in the car par at Safeways Wick.  She will be chatting to a range of local people on a variety of topics and no doubt maternity will be a major talking point.  If you miss the programme follow the link to the Radio Scotland web site and then look for the Listen Again button to hear the programme which remains on the web site for seven days.

Exchange of ammonia gas between ocean and atmosphere: From direct measurements to global budgets
The exchange of gases between ocean and atmosphere plays a crucial role in biogeochemical cycling and in regulating climate. In this seminar, Martin Johnson will review the theory of gas exchange between the ocean and atmosphere with a focus on ammonia. Data from fieldwork in the north-east Atlantic area will be presented along with global air-sea flux budgets for past, present and future scenarios. The implications of anthropogenic purturbations of the global nitrogen cycle will also be considered.

"Flowers Of The Forest" - A Guided Walk At Achvarasdal Woodland, Reay
22nd May 2004  2.00 - 4.00pm - Achvarasdal Woodlands - led by local guides. The theme is, "Flowers of the Forest", but there is plenty of other wildlife and historical interests too. A check list of possible flowering plants will be issued, and you will be invited to tick sightings of buds, flowers or seed/fruit.


Joanne B Kaar - Artist At Dunnet
Joanne B Kaar is a renowned artist based at Dunnet Head, on the north coast of Caithness.  This ever-changing coastal landscape provides a constant source of inspiration for her papermaking, bookbinding and collages which are highly acclaimed.   As well as frequent exhibitions across Scotland and beyond, Joanne runs regular workshops for all age groups and abilities across the country and is often commissioned by schools and community groups to help them create inspirational environments. Always eager to share her expertise and skills, Joanne�s books on papermaking and bookbinding have been published by the Guild of Master Craftsman.  Check her web site at

Ruthwell Cross By Joyce Polanski
Joyce Polanski gives a brief outline of the Ruthwell Cross to be found within the Parish Kirk of Ruthwell in Dumfries-shire and is protected by the Ancient Monuments Act.  Plaster casts of the cross have been made and set up in museums in Edinburgh, Glasgow and London.  A picture is also on the page.

Excavated Finds and Treasure Trove in Scotland By Alan Saville
Ever wondered exactly what happens if you discover treasure in Scotland. In this Caithness Field Club article Alan Saville who is Head of the Treasure Trove Secretariat , which is located at the National Museums of Scotland explains the system here. The Treasure Act does not apply north of the border, where by contrast the concept of �treasure trove� is still enshrined in common law.

The Huna Vampire By Geoff Leet
Geoff Leet has uncovered this interesting item which was reproduced in the 2004 Caithness Field Club Bulletin.  He said "It seemed sensible to reproduce more widely this interesting and little known article from the Dentists Record of 1952, regarding the findings of examination of an ancient skull found at Huna".
Note - As the 8 pages are jpeg reproductions of the original they may take a couple of minutes to load unless you have Broadband.

North  Unemployment Continues Downward Trend As Thurso Leads The Way
The latest report from Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise shows that unemployment is continuing to fall to ever lower levels.  Meantime Wick has remained at the same level as previously whilst Suttherland as a whole has increased slightly.  Overall, the number of people unemployed in Caithness and Sutherland fell from 926 last month to 876. The revised unemployment rates in the Sutherland, Wick and Thurso 'Travel to Work Areas' respectively are as follows: 4.8% (5.2%), 4.6% (4.6%) and 2.5% (2.8%).

Pictures From the Ardrock Concert In Caithness
Down and Out                         Duress                                       Estrella

Harvest                                                                Jude

Plenty Of Action and Fans At Ardrock

Canisbay & Dunnet Day Care Centre - Public Meeting - Progress Report On Stage Reached
The Canisbay & Dunnet Day Care Centre committee are holding a public meeting and their AGM in Dunnet Hall on Tuesday, 25th May 2004 at 7.30 pm. Planning permission for the proposed building has been obtained and the plans, together with a progress report will be on display.

European Elections 10 June - Want To Vote By Post Or Proxy?
The poll is between the hours of 7.00am and 10.00pm on Thursday 10 June 2004
Applications to vote by post or by proxy, and other applications and notices about postal or proxy voting, must reach the appropriate Electoral Registration Officer by 5pm on Wednesday 2 June 2004.

Miller Academy Photo
Karl Stephen send this photos of his class - Primary 7/3 from 1976/77.  One or two names needed to complete the list so if you know any of the missing ones please send them in.



Fyrish Monument - Above The Cromarty Firth
Fyrish monument was built by Sir Hector Munro and is a folly that created some employment on the state.  The monument partly commemorates the capture of the Indian town of Seringapatam in 1781.  It resembles an Indian gateway.  It takes two hours to walk up the track and back at a reasonable pace.


Entrance To The House Of The Northern Gate

Heritage Exhibition At North Highland College, Thurso 17 May - 21 May
North Highland College has a heritage exhibition the library.

Wick College - Adult Learning - Find Out More Morning - Wednesday 19 May
On Wednesday (am only) NHC Wick College is open to the public for questions relating to any aspect of adult learning ranging from basic literacy issues to degree provision.  Why not pop in to see what is on offer.  Building near Camps car park, Wick

Ever Thought About Getting Into Radio?  Why Not Join Radio Remedy In Wick?
The local hospital radio service has its AGM at the conference room in Wick General on the 9th June at 7.30pm. They are always looking for new volunteers to visit patients for requests, or present a programme. (Training will be given) Anyone interested is invited to attend.  To find out more about Radio Remedy contact Jean Maclennan Tel 01955 602302 or e mail [email protected]

North Action Group  - Inverness Protest At Raigmore Hospital
North Action Group took the protest over Maternity and other services at Caithness General Hospital to Raigmore Hospital on Saturday.  North Action Group joined forces with the group protesting about the handing over of the scanner to a private company to run for profit.  The NAG protest attracted media interest from newspapers and Moray Firth Radio in addition to mentions on Radio Highland on Friday.  Lots of motorists tooted their horns in support as they passed by the demo.

North Action Group Also In Perth On Saturday
Chairman of the North Action Group, George Bruce and committee member Martin Duffy represented Caithness at a Scotland wide gathering of protest groups in Perth on Saturday.  The meeting was called to exchange views and find out whether there was a need to form a national organisation to bring together the many groups facing downgrading or closures of their local hospital services in Scotland.  George Bruce was interviewed by BBC TV Scottish News and the item is expected to be on at 12.30pm on Sunday.

First Minister Jack McConnell Passes Buck Back To NHS Highland Health Board
In an interview on Moray Firth Radio on Sunday 16 May the first Minister said it was the responsibility of the Health Board to balance the consultants and experience required at different locations.

North Action Group To Increase Public Awareness Nationally With Edinburgh Demo
North Action Groups plans to lobby Members of the Scottish Parliament on 17 June are now in place.  A group from Caithness will demonstrate outside the parliament at the Mound in Edinburgh from about 11.30am till after first Ministers Question Time.  This will be followed by meeting any MSP's who care to speak to the group and a press conference.  A new leaflet has been prepared by North Action Group and will be distributed in Edinburgh and other places as NAG attempts to ensure that the plight of Caithness mothers and babies is known nationally.  

Want To Join The Edinburgh Demo?
Supporters of Caithness Maternity Protest living in the central belt of Scotland are already indicating they will be joining the group from Caithness on the day.  Expats, Students and others living in and around Edinburgh have indicated they will be at the Mound for what is already looking like a much bigger demonstration than Saturdays in Inverness.  A bus will leave Caithness on 16 June to take demonstrators to Edinburgh.  North Action Group will cover all costs from the fast growing fighting fund being generously supported by local people and businesses.  If anyone would like to join the protest in Edinburgh they can travel with the group or meet up in Edinburgh.  Contact Bill Fernie [email protected] if you will be there or wish to book a place on the FREE bus.

Maternity Demo In Inverness FREE bus From Thurso and Wick
North Action Group have organised a FREE bus to Inverness on Saturday and you are invited to come along and join the protest for about an hour.  There are still plenty of seats available.  Bus leaves from opposite Skinandis at 9.00am and Safeways , wick at 9.30.  the demo will take place near Raigmore from as near to Noon as the bus arrives.  After that you can go shopping until 4.00pm when the bus will leave Inverness and return to Caithness.

Bed And Breakfasts, Hotel, Accommodation Provider?
Are You In the Business Index

We think we now have one of the most comprehensive listings of places to stay in Caithness  - Bed & Breakfast, Hotels, Caravan Sites, Holiday Homes.  With the 2004 tourist season underway make sure you are entered in our Business Index.  It's FREE but for a higher profile you can buy a circulating banner ad.
the Business index is undergoing a make-over but new entries will be added shortly.

More Funding Ideas For Local Voluntary Groups And Charities Click Through For More Details
Esmee Fairbairn Foundation �26 million in grants and loans to charities and not-for-profit organisations throughout the UK. Arts & Heritage, Education, Environment and Social Development
Barclays will fund projects up to �25k on a local or regional basis in five areas Education, the Environment, the Arts, People with Disabilities and Social Inclusion. 
The partnership between the Lottery funded Countryside Communities scheme and the new Carnegie Commission for Rural Community Development, set up by the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust (CUKT), will see �6.2 million ploughed into helping strengthen rural communities, providing them with practical support to shape and influence sustainable change.
SCOTTISH SCREEN'S TARTAN SHORTS Filmmakers in Scotland are invited to apply for for funding under the Scottish Screen's "Tartan Shorts" initiative. Three awards of up to �65,000 are available.
The Answer Is Out There - And the Money Too - FILL IN THOSE APPLICATION FORMS

A new cattle breed arrived in Caithness this week, with the birth of two French Bazadaise (pronounced. Baz A Day) cross calves. The calves were born within 24 hours of each other at Achalone, Halkirk under the watchful eyes of Isobel Mackenzie and Alistair Sutherland. The calves were after the Bazadaise AI Bull Polux. The calves weighed in at a healthy 38kg.

Kenneth Sutherland Takes Top Award
Halkirk Young Farmers Club held their Summer Stockjudging at the following venues�
Messrs Manson , Skaill, Messrs Ronaldson, Westerseat and Messrs Gunn, Carsgoe.  Official Judges over the two evenings were Mr Johnnie Campbell,  Mr Charles Angus and Mr Don Miller.

Wick High 1966 Reunion Ticket Money Now Due
The reunion is in July but organisers need to know the numbers and have the tickets paid for.  A cut off date has been set for 31 May so get your money sent in right away to be sure of your tickets.

Fishing Industry News Now Updating Daily
We have now added a better news feed to the Boats and Fishing section.  the news feed takes the latest storied from the Scotsman newspaper in the Fishing & Sea Related page.  A link has been added to the left hand column on this page in the NEWS section.

Catherine Stihler - Euro MP Visits Dounreay
Euro-MP Catherine Stihler visited Dounreay on May 11 to see the progress being made to dismantle and clean up the former experimental reactor establishment.  Mrs Stihler toured the site with UKAEA environmental programmes manager Mark Liddiard before visiting the decommissioning trials and test facility at Janetstown near Thurso. There, she was briefed by UKAEA's international collaboration manager Dr Peter Thompson on international being forged with industry and educational establishments in the UK and overseas. She also toured the facility with Paul Hosking, Alstec's lead engineer for the Alkali Metal Residue Recovery alliance at Dounreay.

Canisbay Playgroup At Dounreay Visitor Centre
Children from Canisbay Playgroup recently had a day out at Dounreay's Visitor Centre where they saw a display by two of UKAEA Constabulary's police dogs and had the opportunity to sit in police vehicles.  A good time was had by all.  The children are pictured here with some of the parents, PC Willie Dunnett with Storm,  Marie Mackay of Dounreay Communications (right) and Visitor Centre guides Carol Spencer (2nd left) and Louise Gibson (2nd right).

New Technology To Assess Stroke Patients At Caithness General Hospital, Wick
Through the New Opportunities Fund cutting edge technology has been purchased by Caithness General Hospital.  biometric E-Link system is a computer based system being used by Occupational Therapists to assess stroke patients and measure progress with their treatment.

CAITHNESS WALKING FESTIVAL  15 - 23 May        The Walking Festival Walks Information
The first Caithness Walking Festival will open on 15th May with the Juvenile section of the Wick Pipe Band playing at Dunnet Head car park at 1:45 followed by tea and cakes at the Dunnet Head Information Point (the old Dunnet Head Tearooms). The Caithness Radio Amateur Society will be manning a special amateur radio station to promote the festival based in the information point, call sign GB0CWF.

Scottish SPCA Thurso and District Branch Dog Walk Success
On Sunday 9 May 2004 The Thurso and District branch of the Scottish SPCa held a fund raising dog walk which was a great success and raised �1250.  At the branch meeting on 9 May 2004 Chairman Iain Pollock said " A really successful event this will help the finances no end - our sincere thanks to all those that took part and to every one who contributed"


Lybster FC Sale Of Work Boosts Funds
Lybster FC wish to thank everyone who donated, contributed or helped in any way to make the Sale of Work on Sat 8th May a success. The sum of �855.55p was raised on the day. The money allows the team to, hopefully, maintain the excellent start to this season and proceed to do really well in the rest of the year.

Causeymire Wind Farm Produces Its First Electricity
National Wind Power has announced that the first generation of electricity from Causeymire Wind Farm, Dale Moss near Spittal, Caithness has taken place.  The first electricity has been generated by the first of 24 turbines that Causeymire Wind Farm will consist of when completed. Each turbine is capable of generating 2.3 megawatts (MW) of electricity, enough to power over 1,200 homes each. 


Liam Henderson Tribute Football Match Raffle
The raffle to be held at the same time as the tribute football match in Aberdeen has already received massive response from Caithness and elsewhere.  The raffle to be drawn in July already must be one of the biggest raffles ever raised in Caithness.  Donations are pouring in to Mr and Mrs Henderson.  The money raised will be divided between East End Boys Club, Wick and  the Newmacher Colts based in the small village outside Aberdeen where Liam had chosen to live and reflecting his passion for football.  There is still plenty of time to donate a prize or make a donation to the fund.  McAllans who have agreed to display the raffle prizes nearer the draw are going to need a much bigger window. will be updating the prize list weekly from now on.  This one is going to be huge so get ready to buy more tickets.

Any More Volunteers For The FREE bus For The Maternity Demo In Inverness
The North Action Group would like to get more volunteers to join the demonstration in Inverness and are offering a FREE bus from Thurso and Wick on Saturda.  Bus leaves Thurso (Skinandis) at 9.00am and Wick at 9.30am (Safeways)  The demo is at Noon or as near as possible at Raigmore near the sign at the entrance to the grounds.  the demo will last about an hour and then time will be available for shopping etc and the bus leaves Inverness from the old Scala cinema at 4.00pm.  Contact Bill Fernie to book a place 01955 604648 or email [email protected]   The Edinburgh demo list is also now open for volunteers.

Wick Gala 2004 Provisional Programme Biggest For Many Years For 50th 24 - 30 July
The 50th Wick Gala programme is now provisionally in place.  With just a few events to be confirmed and perhaps one or two more to add.  This will be the biggest gala programme for many years and includes a reunion of all gala queens and attendants.  A packed programme this year includes Scottish Music, Irish Music, Jazz, Art Exhibition and lots for children to do throughout the week.  All that on top of the usual float procession to start and fire works display with barbecue to end the week.  There is a plain white copy of the programme to print out for your wall or diary.  Some events may be subject to slight time changes as the time gets nearer.

Murkle Man Turns His Birthday Into Record Breaking Fund Raiser For Charities
 man Colin Mackay decided to have a 40th Birthday party with a difference recently, where he asked for no presents, but people gave donations for a charity auction and raffle.   The party, which was held last month at the Weigh Inn, was attended by several hundred people, and raised a phenomenal �13,575.  The money was divided up between five local charities. MacMillan Cancer Relief, Leukemia Research, Riding for the Disabled Association, Enable and REACH all receiving an impressive �2715 each.

Give Blood On Tuesday 11 May In Wick
Tuesday 11th May 2004 WICK, Assembly Rooms 2.00pm � 4.00pm and 5.00pm � 8.00pm

Brough Woodturners Trip To South Africa
Brough based couple Liz and Michael O� Donnell, have just returned from a six week trip to South Africa, where they were showing their skills to the locals.  They were invited by the Association of Woodturners of South Africa (AWSA) to attend their annual congress in Durban, to demonstrate their distinctive style of woodturning and decorating to the locals and other visitors to the congress.  Michael, who left Vulcan 30 years ago, to concentrate on his woodturning, turns all his bowls using mainly local sycamore, and Liz, a primary school art teacher until recently taking early retirement, is responsible for the eye-catching decorative artwork.

Scottish Herring Sailing Drifters At The Model Boat Show
Amongst the many model boats on display at the Pentland Model Boat show on Saturday was a collection of Scottish Sailing Herring Drifters.  More in this section later.


The Highland Council has elected Councillor Sheena Slimon, the representative for Badenoch West, to be its depute chairman of Housing and Social Work Committee, with special responsibility for housing matters.  Councillor Slimon succeeds Councillor Garry Coutts, Beauly and Strathglass, who resigned from the Council on Wednesday 5 May on being appointed Chairman of the NHS Highland Board.  Councillor Coutts was also the Council�s nominee on the NHS Board.  The Council has nominated Vice-Convener Michael Foxley, Ardnamurchan and Morvern, to take his place on the Board.

Fund Raising Dances In Wick and Thurso For North Action Group
A number of bands have volunteered their services to raise funds for the maternity campaign.  NAG members along with others are organising dances the first of which will be on 4 June in the Waterfront Wick.  Tickets will be on sale shortly.  Raffles will be run in conjunction with the dances and anyone who would like to donate prizes is asked to get in touch with a member of the North Action Group.  Pentland Ferries has already offered a return ferry trip for a car to Orkney.

Donations To the Campaign To Save Maternity And Other Services Still Coming In
North Action Group would like to express their thanks to the latest batch of donors who have sent cash and cheques into the committee co-ordinating the campaign. with the campaign gathering pace their will be more need to expend money on leaflets, banners and travel to Inverness and later Edinburgh to confront MSP's and the Health minister right at the parliament building. 

North Action Group Planning Edinburgh Protests
NAG members are determined to ensure the campaign keeps on moving by being seen at the heart of Scottish Government.  A demonstration is being planned for June and another shortly after the opening of the new parliament building at Holyrood.  Any Caithness folk who can spare two days to join the group in Edinburgh should contact a committee member.  Anyone already in Edinburgh will be welcome to come along an join the group as they lobby MSP's on their own doorstep at the Mound and Holyrood.  More details will be released later.

North Action Group To Offer Transport To Join Inverness Maternity Protest
At last weeks meeting the North Action Group agreed to offer a free bus to enable people from Caithness to join their demonstration about possible downgrading of maternity and other services.  A bus or buses depending on numbers will leave Caithness at 9.00am from Wick and Thurso to form a protest in Inverness.  Anyone wishing to go to Inverness can contact Bill Fernie 01955 604648 or email [email protected]  to book a place.  North Action Group are having a large banner professionally made to ensure maximum visibility on future demonstrations.  Demonstrations are also being planned for Edinburgh when the group will take the arguments to MSP's and demonstrate outside the Scottish Parliament.

Mey Personified By Tommy Geddes
Mey a small village on the north coast of Caithness is here remembered from the 1930's onwards by Tommy Geddes in the Caithness Field Club Bulletin. 

A Brief History Of Foyers By The Late Gordon Wilson
Well known for his walks and research into Caithness and Sutherland but the enquiring mind of the late Gordon Wilson delved into many other parts of Scotland and this article on Foyers near Loch Ness was published in the latest Field Club Bulletin

LEADER + Funding by Wendy Anderson
Leader funding is money available  from European sources for many community projects but do you know what it covers.  This useful short item in the Field Club bulletin might just make your group think about applying. 

Achavanich - A Re-assessment by Leslie J Myatt
Another article from the 2004 Caithness Field Club Annual Bulletin
Leslie Myatt takes another look at this stone circle and sets out the case for upgrading to help the public understand the site and perhaps add to the visitor experience at one of the hundreds of archaeological marvels of Caithness that are now mainly passed by.  Read the item and then follow the directions - 1.5km along the road leading from the A9 at Achavanich to Lybster is a setting of standing stones whose name variously goes under the title of Achavanich, Achkinloch or Loch Stemster.

Miller Academy Class From 1962
Another Miller Academy picture from the centenary pictures.  This  one sent in by Doreen Stephen is of the class she was in for only a short time.  Consequently there are quite a few names she cannot remember.  Can anyone help out with the names of the others.


25 Wind Turbines Proposed For Camster
Powergen Renewables is set to apply for permission to erect 25 wind turbines at Camster.  With the potential to make 50MW of generating capacity or enough to supply up to 35,000 homes with power.  Leaflets have been arriving at homes throughout the county inviting people to exhibitions in Watten and Lybster.  Exhibitions Watten Village Hall - 11 May 12:00 - 8:00pm  Portland Arms Hotel, Lybster - 12 May 12:00 - 8:00pm

Allan Cup At Thuso Bowling Club
A great days bowling at Thurso saw Andrew Buttress lifting the Gents Allan Cup following a convincing 21-9 win over Ronnie Bain.  Ronnie never managed to get a look in as Andrew dominated with pin-point precision bowls that thrilled the gallery.


Pentland Model Boat Show 2004

Caithness Field Club 2004 Bulletin
The latest Bulletin from Caithness Field Club is being added to the section.  As always the Bulletin provides a record of the activities of the Caithness Field Club in the previous year and includes articles on a variety of topics.  More articles will be added as they are prepared.

A Quick Look At Stornoway
A few pictures of Stornoway from our trip to Lewis in the Western Isles last week



Take A Look At Caithness Gardens This Year
Gardens in Caithness and Sutherland have some spectacular shows of flowers and plants in the grounds of some of the old large houses.  The gardens are open for certain days or by arrangement and funds are donated to charities.   Northern gardens get going later than in the south but catch up fast in Caithness as the days draw out until the end of June when daylight lasts almost right through the night.

Exhibition Of Model Boats
Saturday 8 May 11.00am - 5.00pm - Pentland Model Boat Club in the royal British Legion Club, Thurso



Thrumster SWRI Charity Auction
Wednesday 19 May 7.00pm In Thrumster Hall.  In aid of Maggie's Cancer Caring Centre 

Wick North School Annual Fair
Here is a date for everyone's diary. Wick North School are  holding their annual May Fair at the school on Saturday 29th May from 2 - 4  pm. There will be all the usual stalls, delicious teas, raffle and the  Bouncy Castle plus a new event - a Pet Show. An art competition will run  before the Fair and all the entries will be on display. the children will have pictures portray their teachers.   Last year's cash went to playground improvements. We now have seats with planters, a raised bed, a picnic table, trees and lots of playground toys and games.  This year the school intend to use the money raised for the school  library.

Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise (CASE) has helped three new businesses aimed at the tourist trade get off to a good start.  The trio of new enterprises - a mini bus tour guide service; tea room and hand craft business and a cycle hire business - have all been supported through CASE's business start-up scheme.  Dane Miller from Wick has secured a financial package totalling �4,100 to help him establish Caithness Tour Limited.  The business is offering visitors guided tours to places of interest in Caithness and the North Sutherland coast using an eight-seater mini-bus.

SNP MSP for the Highlands and Islands has called for an end to nuclear discharges into the Sea to safeguard Scotland's beaches. Leading the debate for the SNP in the debate on Thursday 6 May on beach quality Mr. Gibson said.... "My biggest concerns centre around the illegal and excessive disposal of waste at sea. Our beaches in Scotland receive more nuclear pollution from Sellafield than from all of Scotland's nuclear installations put together.

Recent population projections suggest that, if current trends in migrations, fertility and mortality continue, the total population of Highland will decline by 4% by 2017.  There will, however, be variations across Highland, so that whilst the population of the Inverness Area will continue to increase, other areas such as Sutherland could experience a more rapid decline. The age structure of the population will also change, with a continued decrease in the younger age groups and a significant increase in the number of people aged 65 and over.

Reay Golf Club Latest Now on E Big H Web Site
Reay Golf Club reports, fixtures, photographs, etc - can now be found, also, at 

Recent Retirals At Dounreay

Lybster FC Annual Fund Raising Sale - Saturday 8 May 2.00pm
Funds are needed annually to ensure that the club continues to function and to cover running costs through the season.  The sale includes a bottle stall, baking, bric a brac, games and a raffle.  All contributions ,donations and, in particular, customers on the day are greatly appreciated by the committee.
If anyone wishes to contribute in any way to the sale please contact the named person on the recently distributed flyers or come to the Community Centre on Saturday between 10am and 1pm.

Caithness Waybaggers - Walking At Braemore

Callanish - Isle Of Lewis - Western Isles Of Scotland has been to Lewis and here is the start of some photographs taken on last weeks trip.  Beginning with the stones at Callanish we will follow later with a few views and other parts of Lewis.  


Bowls World Champion Alex "Tattie" Marshall Drops In For A Few Ends In Thurso
Thurso Bowling Club members were delighted when current World Champion and World number 1 bowler, Alex "Tattie" Marshall arrived at Thurso Green for a few ends.  He had a very enjoyable evening and commented on how impressed he was with the standard of the green.

Latest South School Newsletter
More news and diary dates from South School, Wick

Robina Gray Celebrating Her 100th Birthday
Five generations gathered to celebrate the birthday of Robina Sutherland Gray at Westminster Seaview Nursing home.  Mrs Gray was married for 60 years to her late husband William.  She was born at Wellington Street, Wick.  she and her husband had five children and she has 23 grandchildren, 38 grand children and two great-great-grand children.


North Primary 5 Launch New School Newspaper "The Northern Yarn"
The pupils at Wick North Primary school have launched their own newspaper "The N0rthern Yarn".  the venture is part of a mini-enterprise scheme and funds raised will be used to purchase more publishing software and equipment.  the paper will be on sale at the May Fair on 29 May.  The pupils are already preparing to get more items into print starting with a book of poetry, rhymes and limericks.

Wick Players Head For Finals Of Scottish One Act Play Festival 
6th -8th May  2004  Eden Court Theatre - the festival starts on Thursday night with wick Players presenting The Best Warm Beer in Brooklyn by Jason  Milligan on Saturday 8th May 2004 at  7pm.  Wick Players has had great success in recent years with a string of winning performances.  So good luck everyone in this play which has already had great reviews locally.

Highland Council convener, Alison Magee has joined the board of Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise (CASE).  Appointed to the post of convener last May, Mrs Magee is The Highland Council member for Sutherland Central.  Mrs Magee - a first class honours graduate of Cambridge University - lives in Lairg and was elected to Sutherland District Council in 1988 before joining The Highland Council in 1996, following reorganisation.


Caithness Junior Fiddlers Farwell Concert
Caithness Junior Fiddlers will be appearing at their farewell concert in Thurso High School Hall on 15th May at 7.30pm Their final concert also coincides with the release of the C.D. "25 Years of the Caithness Junior Fiddlers."

The Gaelic CD set 'Seinn o ho ro Seinn', produced The Highland Councils M�iri Mh�r Gaelic Song Fellowship in October last year, has been so successful that it has sold out within six months and a second run is now ready for distribution.  The set, a double CD of 40 of the most popular Gaelic songs with the sung and spoken versions, also includes a book of lyrics and translations. All schools in the Highland area received complimentary copies.

Salsa & Merengue
Learn Salsa, Cuban style. Come with a partner or by yourself to Dounreay Sports and Social Club (Viewfirth), Thurso.



Secretary of State for Trade and Industry Patricia Hewitt today accepted the resignation of Denis Tunnicliffe CBE as Chair of UKAEA.   Mr Tunnicliffe is resigning his position in order to take up his role as a working peer.

Caithness Branch of the Multiple Sclerosis Society AGM
AGM of the Caithness Branch of the Multiple Sclerosis Society will be on the 15th May at the Nerve Centre, Rotterdam Street, Thurso at 2pm.  Anyone interested is invited to attend.   Jamie Stone is the speaker on the subject 'My life and why I went into politics'.   Refreshments will be provided.

Inspiration to go in every school in Scotland
TAG Learning wins competitive tender worth �350,000 with Learning and Teaching Scotland
TAG Learning has won a competitive tender worth �350,000 to supply mind-mapping software to all Scottish Schools. Learning and Teaching Scotland has taken the decision to put the visual learning tools, Inspiration and Kidspiration, in every school in the country beginning in May 2004, under the terms of a contract funded by the Scottish Executive.

The recent Auction sale in the Portland Arms to raise funds for the Lybster Senior Citizens Christmas Party produced the excellent sum of �2024-84p.  This marvellous total exceeded all expectations on the night and the committee would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone and anyone who contributed in any way whatsoever to help make the evening such a success.  Special thanks to auctioneer Peter Mackay and his assistant, on the night, Robert Gordon for ensuring that the whole auction ran so smoothly.  Various items from a night's Dinner Bed and Breakfast in various hotels throughout Scotland, to a bag of pancakes, all came under the hammer! Electrical gadgets to household goods to a sheep trough! It was all there.  Variety was indeed the spice of life on the night.