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Caithness News Bulletins May 2004

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CAITHNESS WALKING FESTIVAL         The Walking Festival Walks Information
15 - 23 May 2004

The first Caithness Walking Festival will open on 15th May with the Juvenile section of the Wick Pipe Band playing at Dunnet Head car park at 1:45 followed by tea and cakes at the Dunnet Head Information Point (the old Dunnet Head Tearooms). The Caithness Radio Amateur Society will be manning a special amateur radio station to promote the festival based in the information point, call sign GB0CWF. The aims of the station are to raise the awareness of the County as a walking destination and to promote healthy outdoor activity. The station will remain in situ until the end of the month.

Also at the centre, which is run by the Dunnet Head Educational Trust and generously supported by the Highland Council, are specialised walking magazines, maps and books as well as some great ideas on where to go walking in the County. The centre is open from 11am to 5pm daily until the end of August, then closed on Wednesdays during September.

The Caithness and Sutherland Outdoor Activities Group, who are the organisers of the festival, would like to thank their sponsors for their support of the event:

Highland Council
NHS Highland
Wick Pipe Band
Dounreay UKAEA
Dunnet Head Educational Trust
Castle Arms Hotel, Mey - organising a ceilidh for 22nd May 2004
TISO Outdoor shop, Edinburgh - brochures are being distributed from their stores http://www.tiso.co.uk 
VisitScotland � advice on promotion
Highlands of Scotland Tourist Board � distribution of brochures and posters and advice on promotion
Provision of a special events radio station by Caithness radio amateur society
Georgesons, Wick http://www.georgesons.co.uk
Creag na Mara B&B and Conservatory Tearoom
Station Hotel, Thurso
The Sheiling Guest House, Melvich, Sutherland.
The Hawthorns, Mey

The closing ceremony will also take place on Dunnet Head with the Wick Pipe Band playing at 5:45pm, followed by wine and cheese at the information point.

So, here�s hoping that we have good weather, and get out there and enjoy some of the best countryside Scotland has to offer!

The festival in 2005 will take place from 21st to 28th May!

Contact: 01847 851991 between 11am and 5pm to book for the walks (recommended, as some require transport to the start points and we have organised minibuses), or log on to http://www.walkcaithness.com  for further details.