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Miller Academy Index

School Days Index

Miller Academy 1976 - 77 - Primary 7/3

Miller Academy Class 2 - from Lynne Gibson 15 June 05
Back Row
Miss Brown, Neil MacIntosh, Mark Smith, Alistair Rankin, Neil Wilson, Karl Stevens, Ewan Connel, James Sutherland, Scott Phares, Gordon Simpson, Jonathan Robb
2nd Back Row
Ian Brown, Charlie Munro, Sheila Wheadon, Isobel Swanson, Lesley Crowden, Marion Hare, Barbara Mackay, Marena Swanson, Shona Gunn, John Murray
2nd Front Row
David Wyatt, Nicola Thomson, Tracy Duncan, Avis McCoustra, Joanne Newham, Ann Kelly, Elizabeth Mosedale, Ian Mackay
Front Row
Frederick Trueman, Steven Davie, David Cassie, Mark Barnett (Chalmers), John McPhee

From Veda Mackay
Third Row Joanne Newman and the other one is Elizabeth Mosedale
Front row Stephen? Chalmers is actually Mark Chalmers

P7/3, Miller Academy, from 1976-77 - Picture sent by Karl Stephen 16 May 2004

First on the back row from the left is obviously our teacher, Miss Brown.

Then back row (left to right) is Neil MacIntosh, Mark Smith, Alastair Rankin, Neil Wilson, Karl Stephen,
Ewen Connel, James Sutherland, Scott Phares, Gordon Simpson and Jonathan Robb.

Second row from back (left to right) is David ?, Charles Munro, Shiela Black, Isobel Swanson, Lesley
Crowden, Marion Hare, Barbara Farquhar, Marena Swanson, Shona Gunn and John Murray.

Third row ((left to right, sitting) is David Wyatt, Nicola Thomson, Tracy Duncan, Avis McCoustra, Joanne ?, Ann Kelly, Elizabeth Mosely? and Ian Mackay.

Front row ((left to right, sitting cross legged) is Fred Truman, Steven Davies, David Cassie, Steven?
Chalmers and John MacPhee.

Apologies to those I'm not sure about (or spelled incorrectly). Its been a while. All except Elizabeth, I think, were only in the class for one or two years.  Steven Chalmers could be wrong as there is a Steven
Chalmers on FriendsReunited who is listed as leaving Miller in 1978.

I'd be delighted to hear from anyone in the class at [email protected].