N E W S F E E D S >>>

Chest, Heart & Stroke
North Highland Branch

National Advice Line For Patients And Carers 0845 077 6000

Health & Welfare

CHS Contact
Alison Brownie
VSS Coordinator (North Highland)
Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland
65 North Castle Street
Edinburgh EH2 3LT
Tel: 01847 896493
Email: [email protected]
Web site: www.chss.org.uk


By giving practical help to patients with speech and communication problems following a stroke, the North Highland Volunteer Service aims to restore confidence, improve the quality of life and rebuild morale.

There is a home visiting service and weekly stroke group meetings in Wick, Halkirk and Thurso.   These weekly meetings provide a structured programme of activities as varied as art/craft, bowling and puzzles.

There are also regular outings throughout the year for stroke patients and their families.

Tuesday       2pm - 4pm
Pentland View
Nursing Home

Monday 11.30am
Bowling alley - All Star Factory

Monday 1.00pm - 3.30pm
Ross Institute

Wednesday  2pm - 4pm
Laurandy Centre

The North Highland VSS needs volunteers to help with all aspects of its work.  If you have a few spare hours each week why not join us as a volunteer driver, group helper or home visitor.
Please contact our local co-ordinator Janice Falconer TEL 01847 895158 for more information.   

News From Highland Stroke Services
13 May 2004
New Technology To Assess Stroke Patients
Through the New Opportunities Fund cutting edge technology has been purchased by Caithness General Hospital.  biometric E-Link system is a computer based system being used by Occupational Therapists to assess stroke patients and measure progress with their treatment.  For further information please contact Patricia Sinclair Tel 01955 880353

Swallowing Screening
Stroke patients with a swallowing problem (Dysphagia) require hospital admission .  To determine whether swallowing is a problem, it is essential that an appropriately trained health care professional carries out a screening procedure.  This is usually carried out by Speech and Language Therapists.  Due to a local and national shortage, however, a programme is now underway in Highland to train nursing staff.  This has just been completed for staff in Raigmore Hospital and will be rolled out to other sites.  This is part of a wider project to help implement the protocol for management of dysphagia.  For further information or advice contact Iris Clarke Tel 01463 705424

Stroke Nurse Project
The Stroke Nurse will support patients for up to one year post-discharge.  They will also take referrals for patients who have not been admitted to hospital.  there are currently three stroke nurses in Highland, including new posts in Lochaber and Caithness.  this project which is managed by chest Heart and Stroke Scotland (and part funded through New Opportunities Fund ) will also have a Highland-wide remit providing telephone support to patients in remote areas.  To make a referral please contact -
Claire Boden or Trich Greenford
Tel 01955 880369

Jo McQuilton
Fort William
Tel 01397 700728

Christine Mackenzie
Tel 0845 4507070

Multi Disciplinary Teams
Tel Veronica Macdonald 01397 702481
East Highland
Glenda Scobbie 01349 852 496
North West Sutherland
Maureen Driscoll 01971 521114

FREE Information Booklet
A free information booklet called "Reducing The Risk Of Stroke" is available from the nurses on the Helpline number 0845 077 6000

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland Web Site