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Caithness News Bulletins May 2004

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The Gaelic CD set 'Seinn o ho ro Seinn', produced The Highland Councils M�iri Mh�r Gaelic Song Fellowship in October last year, has been so successful that it has sold out within six months and a second run is now ready for distribution.

Fiona Mackenzie, the M�iri Mh�r Fellow, based in Dingwall, said: "We have been absolutely delighted with how successful the CD set has become. At the beginning of the project, when I first discussed the idea with several other groups such as An Comunn G�idhealach, F�isean nan G�idheal, F�is Rois, and 'An Drochaid' Traditional Music Organisation of Skye, I did not really realise just exactly how big a market there would be for a resource such as this."

The set, a double CD of 40 of the most popular Gaelic songs with the sung and spoken versions, also includes a book of lyrics and translations. All schools in the Highland area received complimentary copies.

Councillor Andrew Anderson, Chairman of The Highland Council's Education Culture and Sport Committee said: "We are delighted that schools in Highland have been particularly receptive to the whole concept."

Fiona who has run workshops in some of the schools, to demonstrate how the CD can be used said:  "They have found it particularly useful as the prescribed songs for Mod 2004 are all included on the CDs so if they are unable to find either music or a Gaelic tutor, they can still learn the songs from the CDs.  They are all asking already when the next new set of songs will be recorded! This has been an ideal opportunity to make Gaelic singing accessible to many people who would otherwise have little chance of being able to participate."

Produced with funding from The Highland Council and the Scottish Arts Council, the CD is presented in a DVD style box.  The vocal recordings were sung by Fiona herself and the speech by Gaelic singer and F�isean nan G�idheal Director Arthur Cormack.

In addition to Highland schools having the CD, it has sold very well overseas, particularly orders from the USA and Australia, showing the level of interest in Gaelic song across the world.

Fiona added:  "The CDs have been distributed locally and throughout Scotland as well as on online sites such as Musicscotland.com and the Gaelic Books Council - in fact it has been in the Scottish bestsellers list since its release in October, which we are delighted about."

The CD is available through record shops, online at www.musicscotland.com   or www.gaelicbooks.net  , or from Fiona direct on 01349 863441.

The M�iri Mh�r Fellowship is sponsored by a partnership of Scottish Arts Council, Highland Council, FNG, RACE, SALE, Hi-Arts and CNAG.