RFA Mounts Bay L3008 - One of The Newest Boats In The Flotilla
Visited Wick Today
The Royal Fleet Auxiliary Service (RFA) Mounts Bay L3008 was host to
invited guests at Wick today. The party went out on Wick Lifeboat
and met Captain Rick Taylor whose mother and other relatives come from
Wick. Captain Taylor said he knows Wick very well. the RFA
Mounts Bay is one of the newest ships in the Flotilla and at 16,000 full
load is much larger and more capable and twice the capacity of the ones
being replaced. The ship was commissioned in September 2006. She is
built to Class 1 Passenger specifications and can carry an Embarked
Military Force of 356 fully equipped troops although in emergencies this
can be increased to 700. RFA Mounts Bay has aviation capability to
transport and operate two Merlin size or one Chinnook helicopters and can
refuel them on deck and in-flight and can also enable operations by MV-22
Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft. The design includes a dock able to have
boats of various sizes dock right inside the vessel. Two upper deck
cranes can ramps can load and unload huge lifts of up to 30 tonnes each.
Landing craft can run right inside her and be loaded with troops and
equipment very fast with more craft coming on in turn. RFA Mounts Bay is
equipped with steerable electric powered propulsers and as a result does
not have traditional rudders like conventional ships. She is highly
manoeuvrable and can turn extremely quickly for ship her size. RFA ships
are support vessels for the royal Navy and the crew are merchant seamen
employed by the Ministry of Defence. However due to the fact they
may operate in war zones such in the Falklands they have the capacity to
be fitted with a number of weapons systems for protection. The ship boasts
state of the art galleys, kitchens, recreation, fitness suite and also a state of the art hospital with everything that might be needed for
emergencies with a ward split for male and female patients. Captain
Taylor presented shields with the emblem of the Mounts Bay to Bill Fernie
for Wick, Malcolm Bremner for the Harbour and Colin Richard for the
Lifeboat. Paul Cariss the deputy Lord Lieutenant was standing in for
Anne Dunnet who was accompanying Prince Charles today thanked the Captain
for his hospitality and the chance to see the vessel that is going on to
Leith. A few lucky young sea cadets from Wick were taken on board to
join the ship for the trip to Leith.
Funday At Ormlie With Music And Fancy Dress
Ormlie Community association are holding a Funday this Saturday 4th August
2pm to 4pm at the Ormlie Community Centre. A few highlights from the
day are Live music from Diesel 'n' Dust - Fancy Dress competition - Baking
stall, Bottle stall, Handmade stall, Raffle, Hot dogs - Get along and give
them some support
Crowning Of Gala
Queen Ceremony Switched
To Market Square, Wick due To Soft Ground At Riverside
Following advice on safety issues of erecting the stage on the ground at
riverside that has become saturated in the past few days the decision was
taken to change the location to Market Square. Floats and foot
walkers will still begin at the usual place. The route of the gala
procession will be as in previous years and not as had been recently
posted on a new route.
Games and Gala Day In Caithness Today -
Halkirk Games And
Wick Gala
Its a very busy day in Caithness today with the two main events being the
Halkirk Highland Games starting with the march to the field at Noon and
wick Gala starting at the Riverside at 6.00pm for viewing the floats,
crowning of the gala queen and then on to the big parade and this year
with ceilidh music in the Market Square. Halkirk Games and Wick Gala
make for just about the busiest days of the year in both towns and this
year is likely to be no different as both events are bigger than ever.
Wick heet de Dansers Schermer welkom
Wick had a treat today with a troupe of dancers from the Netherlands in
the Market Square. the lively music and colourful period costumes
brightened up the day that had just had a heavy downpour of rain at the
start of the performance. Luckily the sun came out and the rest of
the performance was in brilliant sunshine. The costumes are typical of the
fashion worn around 1850-1875. The gentlemen wear knee breeches with long
white socks, top hat and tails, gold or silver watch on a matching chain
as a decoration. The ladies wear a rich coloured costume, the most
impressive aspect is the head dress, jewellery worn in and around a lace
cap, and it is all authentic. The lace caps are hand-made, each with a
different pattern; they are dated from 1850-1900. Information from the
Schermer Dansers web site. The dancers then went on to dance
at the Riverside Home and Caberfeidh Court for the residents. They
will attend a ceilidh dance organised by "Taste of Tartan" this evening in
the Royal Hotel, Thurso. Keeping busy they will dance in the
Precinct, Thurso at 10.00am on Saturday and then at
Halkirk Highland Games
in the afternoon. They have had a busy day today as they also visited
the Wick Heritage Museum and the
Pulteneytown Distillery.
See The Schermer Dansers in action today in Wick - A Short Film
A Few Locals Join In With the Schermer Dansers In Wick
Regina Caelis Arrived At Wick Harbour Last Night Thanks
for George Campbell for these photos of the yacht "Regina Caelis arriving
at wick harbour last night. the yacht has been to Wick previously as we
had photos sent in to us by Martin Duffy almost two years ago
when she arrived on 10th August 2005 The 100ft Regina Caelis, which was built in 1936 and is
registered in Gibralter. The ship had extensive work carried out on
here at Buckie in 2005 before she sailed to Wick that year. Regina
Caelis is latin and seems to mean "Queen of the Heavens" but perhaps a
latin scholar can give more accurate translation? Photos of the
Regina Caelis are all over the web proving what an attraction for
photographers she is.
Click Here to see her at Buckie on 24 July
Alistair Weathers The Storm - Lybster 2007 Golf
Championship The recent club championship final at Lybster Golf Club was played in
weather conditions which made golf extremely difficult. In spite of the
driving wind and rain, the hardy spectators who braved the elements were
treated to some fine golf. John Munro, currently enjoying a good run of
form, could not repeat the feats of previous rounds and match the
performance of Alistair Young, who went on to win the Cormack Cup and
become 2007 Club Champion. The handicap championship was competed for on
the following day. Once again, John Munro had to settle for second place,
as Alan Larnach, the 2006 club champion, beat him to win the Portland Cup.
Holiday Club At Pulteneytown Parish Church Set For
Another Run
6th - 12th August Registration for the holiday club this year is
on Saturday 4th August 10.00 - 12.00 Noon. The club runs for a week
from9.45am - 12.15pm and the cost for the week is �5. For Hugh
school pupils there "Breakout" meetings in the evenings and several
afternoons. the theme of the week is "Waste Watchers" and activities
will be along environmental themes but as always fun is the name of the
De Schermer Dansers - Market Square Wick Today -
Friday 27 July 3.00pm
Dutch dance group. 29 performers in colourful costumes performing national
Also in The Precinct, Thurso at 10.00am on Saturday 28th July and then at
Halkirk Highland Games in the afternoon.
26 July 2007
Northern Lighthouse Board New ship NLV Pharos At Scrabster Thanks
to Gordon Douglas for sending this photo of the new ship NLV Pharos
commissioned in March this year for the Northern Lighthouse Board seen
here at Scrabster Harbour.
more photos of the MV Pharos
NLV PHAROS was built by Gdansk Stocznia Remontowa S.A. yard in Gdansk,
Poland and was specifically designed and built for the unique work carried
out by the Northern Lighthouse Board. The ship was officially named and
launched in February 2006, by HRH The Princess Royal and the Board
accepted the ship from the shipyard in March 2007. This is the tenth
vessel operated by the Northern Lighthouse Board to be named PHAROS, the
first being in 1799. The ship has an overall length of 84.20 metres and
breadth of 16.50 metres. The level of sophistication in its equipment is
second to none and boasts dynamic positioning, a large aft working deck
area, integrated bridge management system and forward helicopter flight
deck as PHAROS also supports land-based operations by helicopter or small
high speed water craft for operations in remote areas. All of which will
meet the high technical standards demanded by the Lighthouse Board for the
exacting operations conducted around our coast. The ship will work mainly
in Scottish and Manx waters (the area covered by the Board) servicing over
200 automatic lighthouses, 157 buoys and 40 beacons.
Dutch Dance Troupe
To Entertain At Halkirk Highland Games
Schermer Dansers from the Netherlands will make a great splash of colour
when they perform at this year's Halkirk Highland Games on Saturday (March
to the field begins at 12 Noon). The Schermer Dansers consist of a large
troupe in costumes from around 1850 to 1875. The dancers will perform in
Wick and Thurso on other days but will make big show of it at the games.
the pipe band this year will be the Pipes and Drums of the Scots Guards
Association. All the usual competitions are being held with the
heavies in evidence all day. children's races all have money prizes
from the running to the sack races. A full programme followed by the
Pipe Band in Bridge Street, Halkirk at 7.30pm and dance in the marquee
at10.00pm with music by Remix. Caithness.org will be there.
New Farm Breeds Section Growing - Latest Addtitions
Our new photos galleries to build a collection showing the different
breeds and examples of the superb animals to be found on farms in the
north of Scotland is already receiving photos as you can see by these fine
examples. We are looking for any photos with information that will
help let everyone see the range of breeds around in our area from
Shetland, Orkney, Caithness, Sutherland Ross-shire and Inverness-shire.
If anyone would like to contribute a photo email it to
bill@caithness.org and show the
world what superb animals are reared here.
Farm Breeds In The North Of Scotland Index
Marathon man Mark is a charity champion - Sunderland Echo
Another John O'Groats
To Landsend Run but this guy is doing a marathon run every day all the
way. Walking, hopping, pushing beds, playing the drums, dressed up in all
type of funny costumes - there seems no end to folk going one way or the
other the whole length of the country for charity.
Do You Have Questions About The Health Service -
Now's Your chance To Get Answers
Shona Robison MSP Minister for Public
Health Comes North Virtually
Public Invited To Take Part In Annual Review For the first time members
of the public are being given the opportunity to submit written questions
about NHS services, which will be answered on the day by the Health Board
Chair or the Minister. NHS Highland's performance will be reviewed in
public during a visit by Shona Robison the Minister for Public Health on
21st August. The minister will be in Inverness but a number
of centres including Caithness General Hospital will have a video link to
enable members of the public to ask questions. They have asked for
questions to be sent in writing by email in advance if possible and assure
every one will be answered if not on the day then by follow up on the NHS
Highland web site. So if you have question about services - for example
maternity, waiting times, Migdale Hospital rebuild delays, the scanner at
Caithness General, Lack of dentists to name but a few then get along and
ask your question. - It's a first for the new government and they want to
listen to go and ask.
About Shona Robison MSP
Sold Out Edinburgh
Festival Show Heads For Orkney and Banchory Unfortunately
the Sell-out show "Beowulf" is not coming to Caithness but it will have
performance over in Orkney if you happen to be there or even make special
trip over for this rare chance to see a performance of "Beowulf".
For the first time, this August Edinburgh International Festival takes a
Festival show on a short tour around Scotland as part of an initiative
from new Edinburgh International Festival artistic director Jonathan
Mills. The Edinburgh International Festival hit Beowulf - the medieval
epic story told by vocalist and performer Benjamin Bagby - will tour to
Banchory on Friday 10 August and Orkney on Monday 13 August. This
world famous epic may not be so close again so take your chance and head
over to Orkney to catch it.
An Adventure For Children Is Coming To Wick - Book
Your Tickets Right Away Saturday 29th July - An t-Sireadh-@Eu-Comasach (Adventurers
Unlimited) Children's Entertainment Riverside Children �2.50 (aged 8 and
upwards) Adults �1 Meet at Boating Shed BOOK YOUR PLACE Tickets available
from Blythswood Shop, Wick
Wick Man In Five Man Team For "24 HOURS" - 3 PEAKS Challenge Team For
Charity As
meningitis lies particularly close to home, Eric and Irene Macaulay and
their family Stephen, Ross and Suzanne of March Road Wick have organised a
fund raising event in support of the Meningitis Research Foundation. Ross
and four of his colleagues will attempt to run the 3 Peaks (ie Ben Nevis,
highest in Scotland, Mt. Snowdon, highest in Wales and Scafell Pike,
highest in England) and to complete all three within a 24 hour period.
This is not part of a bigger organised event. All five of them have
arranged leave for this, and will converge on Scotland from their present
work locations in various parts of the world to do it (America, Brazil,
New Zealand, France and England). They have one 24 hour period in which to
do it, 11th/12thh August 2007.
Caithness Highland Gathering and Games Will Not
Run This Year Due To Weather The meeting which was to have taken place on Sunday at John O'Groats
was cancelled due to the heavy rain overnight. The committee have
looked at longer range weather forecasts for suitable dates but dates that
might have been used also have indications that they will be wet days.
Therefor the decision has been taken by the committee not to have the
Gathering/Games this year.
25 July 2007
New Events For Wick Gala Week - Don't Miss Gala Night This Saturday 28
Children's Disco To Follow Braehead Fancy Dress Tuesday 31 July Braehead Fancy Dress 7.00pm followed by Children's Disco age limit 14. Entry 50p but children in Fancy Dress get in FREE - Spot
prizes, lucky dip and games. Also a chocolate Fountain and
Deal Or No Deal - Assembly Rooms, Wick Friday 3 August 7.00pm
Compere Philip Coghill from Halkirk will take participants through a local
version of the TV Game show to win up to �200. Get along and be
given a number that will be chosen at random to enter the game.
Admission �3 Children and concs �2 (wine and shortbread at the interval) Antique Road Show and Auction - Assembly Rooms, Wick Saturday 4th
Valuations Given 1.00 - 4.00pm followed by Collectables Auction at 4.00pm
- Valuations �1 per item Admission 50pence. Get along and meet the
Fat Sale At Dingwall Mart - 24 July 2007 Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., (July, 24th) sold 47 prime cattle and
208 prime sheep. Note - Caithness.org has now agreed to run Mart reports from
Dingwall and Highland Marts and we hope these are of interest to farmers
in the north. New Farm Animals Section - Now Set Up
We will also be setting up a section to build up sample photos of the
various breeds of animals sheep, cattle, pigs, goats etc that are reared
in Caithness Sutherland and Ross-shire. If anyone has photos of
particular breeds and would like to help us building these new galleries
please email them to
bill@caithness.org Acknowledgements will be added to each photo
stating the photographer and farm etc as requested by whoever sends the
photo. Alternatively photos can be left without this information.
If anyone has photos of animals from earlier periods that are no longer
reared we will add this to historical gallery in the same section.
Prize winning animal photos will also have a separate section if these are
received. The far north rears some of the best animals fed on grass
in the country and we hope this will help promote north of Scotland
livestock to a wider public.
Farming Index
Murkle WRI Baking
Flat Out For The Halkirk Highland Games On Saturday Murkle WRI ladies have started baking like mad for the teas at Halkirk
Games on Saturday. All profits will go to their chosen charity this
year which is a new ECG machine for the Rosebank wing of Caithness General
Hospital costing approx �3000. They also have Suzanne Mackenzie
doing guess the bottle of whisky and a lucky person will receive a bottle
of the chosen whisky. You will all be glad to know they have several to
give away so take look in at the WRI tent for tea and cakes at some point
during the games and see if you can win one of their bottles of whisky.
Highland Games - the biggest in the north. 2006 Halkirk Games Photos Find links to earlier Halkirk
Games HERE and
others on the Halkirk Games web site.
Sandside House Gardens Article In "The English Garden" Magazine Caithness
has some lovely large gardens and this article on Sandside House Garden
recently appeared in "The English Garden" magazine.
Sandside House
Gardens is open once again on 29th July 2.00 - 5.00pm with money
raised going to charities. Work is always going on in a garden and
new plants and the season make for an ever changing scene so why not get
along and see how Sandside House Garden is looking this year. Also open
12th August for the SSPCA when there will be an interesting Falconry
2008 Events - Notice To Committees and Organisers It is never too early to let us know about Galas, Shows and Highland
Games as many folk from the UK and around the world are planning trips and
want to know these dates to help plan their visits. We get requests
all the time asking for the dates of next years events and they often come
in right after this years event.Thurso Town Improvements
Association are first this year to get their
2008 Gala
dates in. If your group know the dates for 2008 send
them in now.Emails details of Caithness and Sutherland
events to bill@caithness.org
And don't forget to add all of your dates to our
What's On Calendar using
the submission
Dorothy Budge
Memorial Bowling Competition The
Dorothy Budge Memorial Bowling Competition was played on Sat 21st July at
the Rosebank Bowling green. Dorothy was a keen bowler and member of the
Rosebank Bowling Club. When she passed away, her family decided to mark
her memory by sponsoring an annual competition in her name. Players names
were picked �out of the hat� to make up the teams of two.
Seadrift Centre At Dunnet Officially Opened Seadrift,
the visitor centre at Dunnet that focuses on the natural heritage of the
north coast of Caithness was officially opened to the public on Monday
23rd July by Councillor Drew Hendry, Highland Council's Chairman of
Planning Environment and Development Committee. Managed by The Highland
Council's Planning and Development Service, "Seadrift" is the new name for
the recently refurbished visitor centre. The centre has seen a complete
makeover with �100,000 funding from The Highland Council, Scottish Natural
Heritage, LEADER+ and HIE Caithness and Sutherland. Located at Dunnet
sands about one mile from the village of Dunnet, Seadrift visitor centre,
is also used as a base for Highland Council's Rangers.
Viking Ventures
At Melvich And Another Chance For Kids To Join In At Dunnet Forest The Highland Council North Sutherland
and Caithness countryside rangers, with help from volunteers held a joint
Viking event - Viking Ventures - at Melvich, on Saturday 21 July. Nineteen people attended the event and had a
great time partaking in the various themed challenges to win sections of
Viking boat kits which were then assembled....There is another opportunity to join in the
fun as the event is taking place again but this time in Caithness
on Tuesday 7 August at Dunnet Forest. For further details and booking
phone 01847 821531.......... Ranger Pages
Highland Council's New Top Team Visits Dounreay Highland
Council's new leadership team visited Dounreay on July 20 to see how
Scotland's biggest nuclear clean-up project is changing the face of the
north Highlands. Recently-elected convener Councillor Sandy Park was
accompanied by the authority's new chief executive Alistair Dodds on a
tour of the �2.9 billion project to decommission the fast reactor
experiment. They met UKAEA site director Simon Middlemas and discussed
ways of closer working between the two organisations as the clean-up moves
forward at pace.
Red Cross send Scottish flood rescue team to Gloucestershire
A British Red Cross specialist flood relief and rescue team from the North
of Scotland has been sent to Gloucestershire to help the thousands of
people affected by the unprecedented and devastating floods across England
in the past two weeks.
The team of 10 Scottish volunteers and staff - from Inverness, Elgin, Kyle
of Lochalsh and Aberdeen - arrived in Gloucester early this morning
(Tuesday 24th July 2007) with four 4-wheel drive vehicles and two
specialist flood relief rescue boats. Red Cross Launch Flood Victims Appeal Update -
Mike Russell MSP Minister For Environment Invites You To A Public Meeting
In Wick
Wednesday 25th July 6.30pm - 8.00pm Mackays Hotel The new government at the Scottish Parliament may be on holiday but
the SNP ministers are getting out to meet the people during the summer.
Mike Russell is bringing a team of senior officials to Wick and other
places in Scotland. (check
HERE for other venues in Highland and Islands). Mike
Russell is keen to take questions and hear views within his portfolio
which includes agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture, rural development,
forestry, environment, natural heritage, land reform, water quality and
sustainable development. So if you have some questions on the future
of Caithness in any of these areas get along and ask your question.
To let the minister prepare more detailed answers email a question to him
in advance to
The meeting will be chaired by Highland Council convenor Sandy Park.
This is a rare opportunity to put questions directly to a minister to find
solutions to problems
affecting Caithness and the north of Scotland. There will be
representatives from councillors, community councils, voluntary sector and
so on but this meeting is also about meeting the people. We all know
Caithness and Sutherland has many problems to sort out from Dounreay decommissioning, particles, Wind Farms, Environmental problems
and so on relating to
them as well as future employment. Government departments
potentially running down in Caithness such as the inland Revenue in Wick,
Post offices, farming and fishery problems. Get your questions ready
but even if you only want to listen get along and show Caithness wants to
have this minister on our side. The minister is using up his
summertime to come and see us so get along and show it was worth his
Winning Halkirk Netball Team Of 2007 It
was a great netball season for the girls of the Halkirk School Netball
Team. The photo shows Halkirk netball team with the Chic Lobban memorial
trophy which they won for the west side of Caithness, and the Caithness
Schools Cup they won against Castletown. They are from back left, Lauren
Yuille, Laura Stewart, Joanne Armour, Jessica Dreaves, Eva Hymers and
Chloe Mackenzie. Front from left Rachel Gunn and Shannon Eyers. Well
done girls. Halkirk School
It A Twister? This
photo was taken by Angus Mackay on his way home last night. The
photo was taken from the Causewaymire looking towards Morven. Did
anyone else spot it? Plenty of unseasonal weather for July this
Crimson Tide
Play Skinandis, Thurso on Friday 27 July Supporting
Bands are "All Stitched Up" and "No Exit Wound"
"Crimson Tide are a four piece rock band described as switching
between soft gentle acoustics to brutal." Yeah whatever. But
they are good.
Final Pigeon Race Of the Season For English Club Was From Thurso -
Elimar Pigeons Norfolk & Suffolk
Oulton Broad's final race of the season was from Thurso,about 470 miles,
with the NRCC when 6 members sent 38 birds which were liberated on the
15th July, after a one day holdover, at 6:15 into a West wind. There were
no birds recorded on the day but all members managed to clock in on the
second day. In 1st and 2nd, on 696 and 688, was our great club secretary
Derek Bryant with two proven performing cocks. His first bird, '64, was a
2005 blue cock of Fauccineer lines while his second bird, '71, is a 2003
cheq cock of "Heinz 57" lines which among other prizes won at Perth. In
3rd, on 633, was Bob Sussams with a 2005 red hen of Kirkpatrick lines
through Robbie Thompson."
Festival Of Flowers And Crafts Celebrating 85 Years Of WRI In Caithness The Women's Rural Institute in Scotland is 90 years old and 85 years
old in Caithness. To celebrate these anniversaries the members of
the various Caithness WRI are coming together for Festival of Flowers and
Crafts at St Peters and St Andrews church in Thurso. The
event will be open Wednesday 1st - Saturday 4th August 10.00am - 4.00pm
and additionally on two evenings Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd from 6.00pm -
8.00pm. Entry is by donations only
Last Call For Entries For
Its A Knockout Competition - Enter A Team As part of
Thurso Gala week, Thurso Town Improvement Association are organising an
'It's a knock out' event on Sunday the 5th of August 2007 at the Dammies,
Thurso. We are inviting local
organisations and businesses to enter teams to take part in this excellent
funday event, along with raising funds for 3 local charities - TTIA,
Thurso Football Club and Scallywags Nursery, Dunnet. The winning team will
also have the opportunity to nominate �100 prize money to their chosen
23 July 2007
Extensive upgrade on danger road - BBC
Whilst we are on Helmsdale this item on the BBC confirms the �6 million
upgrade of the A9 road north of Helmsdale will begin in August this
First Minister Alex Salmond Unveils Emigrants Statue At Helmsdale
Today First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond MSP unveiled the
"Emigrants" statue at Helmsdale. Alex Salmond said, "Today's unveiling
of this remarkable new presence in the Highland environment marks an
important moment for Scotland. The impulse to create this statue came
from a desire to remember, but also to reconcile; to reflect on the
past, but to draw on it for the future's strength." The statue was
created by sculptor Gerald Laing for the Clearances Centre that was set
up to find a way to commemorate all the people of the Highlands who were
forced to leave Scotland. The flags at the statue represent the
countries where the emigrants mainly went - Canada, United States,
Australia and New Zealand but there were many who went to other parts of
the globe and a united nations flag is also flown. A large group
of people from many places as well as locally gathered for the ceremony.
Professor Eric Richards from Flinders University, Adelaide spoke of the
international contribution Scots had made to the world. Eilidh
Mackenzie from the Western Isles sang a haunting Gaelic song.
Another song was contributed by Rod Paterson from Dundee representing
Lowland Scots many of whom were also forced to leave their homeland in
times of adversity. Denis MacLeod, Helmsdale formally handed over
certificate of ownership to the Helmsdale Community accepted on their
behalf by Edward Mackay. Sutherland Schools Pipe Band then led a
procession to the community centre for more music by Feis Chataibh.
Speakers at the centre included First Minister Alex Salmond and Dr Jim
Hunter who has written several books on the clearances and Scots abroad.
Guests were then offered a superb buffet prepared in Helmsdale. A very
notable day.
Video Of Alex Salmond Speech and Unveiling of the Emigrants Statue
Video of Eilidh Mackenzie From Isle Of Lewis Singing "Teannaibh dluth
is togaibh fonn" Apologies
from Bill for the shaky picture as he was holding an umbrella in one
hand and the camera in the other.
Ousdale School Another
old school set of photos has been added to the Old Schools section
thanks to Robert Chalmers. The school at Ousdale is not seen from
the road as it is set in a forestry plantation. The school was built in
the mid nineteenth century. The School closed in 1928.
Does anyone have old class photos from Ousdale? Perhaps it closed before
photography? Old Caithness
Schools Index
22 July 2007
166th Caithness County Show 2007 - Photos Coming At Various
Times All Day Today
To view all of the show photos
START HERE All County Show Photos Now In
Caithness Highland Gathering and Games At John O'Groats Today
CANCELLED Due to more heavy rain overnight the ground is water-logged and the
organisers have decided to cancel the games due to have started at
The Sunday Papers
Is it worth it? 10 Harbour Terrace, Wick, Caithness - Sunday
Times What
it is: A large three-storey former tax office in downtown Wick, the most
northerly town on the east coast of Britain and once the herring capital
of the world. The 19th-century property, built in the town�s fishing
heyday, was originally the home of the chief coastguard, and Robert
Louis Stevenson stayed there when he sojourned in Wick as a trainee
engineer in the 1860s. He later described it as �one of the meanest of
man�s towns�. The stone building is laid out as offices, with four
rooms, a reception area and a lavatory on the ground floor; more
bathrooms on a mezzanine; five rooms and a kitchen on the first floor;
and three rooms at the top. It retains many original features, including
the central staircase and cornices. Wick is two hours� drive from
Inverness, or a 2�hr flight from London (not direct).
More details on the
Solicitors Web Site
This is a big land, Obi-Wan Who? - Sunday Times
started at John O'Groats and this item lets you know how Ewan
McGregor and Charley Boorman are getting on in Africa.
20 July 2007
Wick" Is Fast Becoming "New Wick"
An area on the outskirts of Wick on the south side has long been known
as "Old Wick". But perhaps this will need a rethink in the very
near future. Wick may still be heading the unemployment black
spots of highland but again can this remain the case for much longer.
New house building seems to be taking off at various places around Wick
and not least at "Old Wick". The site at Old Wick being developed
by M M Miller is for up to 78 new homes and the surrounding area has
already seen a slow build up of new houses. And has anyone noticed
the price rises in Wick house values? How can this be you might
ask? what is going on? Well quite lot actually...... Shops,
Shops and maybe even more shops on the way. Harbour Developments - New
pontoons the prelude to a new marina development next year. Coming
soon - New council offices and redevelopment of Market Square High
street site. A new nuclear archive to be based at Wick airport (up
to 20 new jobs). More housing developments at Papigoe and other
places. Many individual houses being applied for and the planning
department of the council in Caithness is seeing unprecedented numbers
of planning applications now running at the highest levels ever.
The announcement about a new contract for the Wester yard with 70 new
jobs for new pipelines for the Jura oil field can only add to the rush
for more homes in the area. "New Wick" may in a couple of years be
bigger than "Old Wick".
Theft Of Money From Loch Watten Hotel
POLICE are investigating the theft of a quantity of money from within
the Brown Trout Hotel, Watten between 19.57 and 23.40 on 19 July 2007.
It is suspected that the perpetrator(s) of this crime gained entry
through either the front or rear door of the hotel.
166th Caithness County Show At Wick Is Underway As Tent City Goes Up One
of the biggest Caithness county shows is taking place at Wick this
weekend as the tents and stands were being erected today in glorious
sunshine. the big day is on Saturday but many things are already
on display as everyone moves in on the site at Riverside, Wick and
Westerseat farm. An amazing hive of activity shows that these folk
have been erecting the show site for a long time. This afternoon
(Friday 20th July) the early rounds of the show jumping events were
underway. Over 1000 animals have been booked into the show this year
making it one of the busiest years for the judges. There is
something for everyone from the young to the not so young and you don't
need to be a farmer. All the usual events from sheep
shearing to sports for the children. Cooking demonstrations pipe,
band, Celebration of the horse display, vintage tractors, Children's
Corner farm animals. Lunches and teas on sale. Many more events
and displays. In the evening there is buffet dance in Mackays
Hotel with music by Kait Bain. Have a day out in Wick on Saturday
and check out the 166th Caithness County Show. check the town
centre shops, restaurants and cafes. Check out the offers at the Homebase complex. Check out the offers at Tesco before you go home
but have look at the smaller shops and you might be surprised at what
you can find in Wick. See you all there tomorrow........
Gazzillion Quid On Offer To Voluntary Groups and Charities - See Today's
Listing �����...
Today's additions to the funding for charities page will make your eyes
pop at what is available if your committee can get is act together and
fill in the application forms. There must be something for almost
every group that has charitable status in the listing today. Of course
competition for the grants is fierce but if you don't apply then you
cannot get the money. Committee members should read today's additions to
the page if you have project on hold or anew groups trying to set up.
If you are unsure what to put in your application or how to word it help
is available at
Caithness Voluntary Group where you can get more advice on what
to say and how to go about it. The money on offer in today's
listing is probably the biggest sums we have ever shown and from many
sources. Note - You need to note the closing deadlines if there
are any.
Dog Poisoning At Heathfield Road, Thurso
Police in Thurso are currently investigating a case of apparent dog
poisoning with in the Heathfield Road area of Thurso.
Marine Mammal
Medics Training With Assynt Mountain Rescue Team Four
members of the Caithness Marine Mammal Medics (BDMLR) joined Assynt
Mountain Rescue Team for a morning of training at Latheronwheel
recently. Members of the team where shown how to set up a fixed rope,
use a climbing harness, a descender, and climb a steep slope with a
Caithness Highland Gathering and Games
John O'Groats
22 July 2007 - 1.00 - 5.30
Wick Gala 28 July - 4 August 2007 A Massive Programme of events for young and old this year.Some new events this year. Note - Wick Gala is a week later this year than usual.
19 July 2007
& Highland Marts 4th Anniversary Show and Sale Of Store Cattle Sold
1,384 store cattle in the Anniversary show and sale. The Judge, Mr Alan
Turnbull of Meadowend, Clackmannan, chose a 510kg senior Limousin heifer
from J Munro & Son, Invercharron, Ardgay, which realised �760 to D Morrison,
No. 141 Burnside, Kinlochbervie as his Overall Champion in the Conanvet
sponsored singles show. The Reserve Champion award went to a 600kg senior
Limousin bullock from Gaich Farms, Lower Gaich, Dulnain Bridge, realising
�810 to T H Stevenson & Sons, Balmacolly Farm, Bankfoot.
"Quality kinds from Caithness met a strong demand." See
German Wire-Haired Pointer Enjoys Days Out In The Far North This
latest addition to the Pets Corner shows that this German Wire-Haired
Pointer knows where to have a relaxing time visiting harbours and beaches in
the north of Scotland. He is seen here at Melvich Beach and Scrabster
Harbour. Ah well its a dogs life in Caithness.
'The Loch of Mey
Monster' Poem and Art Competition Exhibition at the County Show An exhibition of the winners and all the entries will be on show at the
County Show 21st July on; 'The Loch Of Mey Monster' stand, and there will be
an opportunity to vote for your favourite work overall. The overall winner
will have their work appear in the 3rd book in the 'Loch of Mey Monster'
series!! Also on show day there will be auditions for primary age children
to take part in recording 'The Loch of Mey Monster' song !
County Show - Saturday 21 July At Wick - Bigger Than Ever This
year the 166th Caithness County Show is being held at Westerseat, Wick.
Always a popular venue due to its being right next to the town and this year
looks like being no exception. The sloping ground helps it keep
relatively well drained compared to other places - a bonus in this very wet
year. A huge entry of over 1000 animals are on the lists competing for the
prizes. The Show begins on Friday evening but the big day is on
Saturday. 2006 County Show Photos2005200420032002
Sandside Estate Feature in Shooting Times & Country Magazine An
article on a shooting outing at Sandside estate appeared in the "Shooting
Times & Country Magazine" on 28th June. "Taking A Walk On the Sandside"
by Shooting Times editor Camilla Clark describes a day at a shoot on
Sandside speaking to keeper John Waters. Shooting Times
& Country MagazineSandside Estate
Take look round the beautiful gardens at Sandside on the open days with
proceeds to two charities for Crossroads on 29th July and SSPCA
on 12th August. Vintage and classic cars will also be on show
outside the gardens.
Highland Airports To Be Hit By Strike
Action On Monday 30th July 2007
Talks today to avert industrial action by members of Unite at Highlands and
Islands Airports Ltd have failed after the trades union rejected the
company�s offer to go to conciliation and mediation with ACAS. Offers by the
company�s senior management to address staff at all HIAL�s airports on the
issue of pay and to work with the union on achieving greater flexibility in
pay deals for future years were also rejected. Unite members will now stage
24 hours of industrial action on Monday 30 July and every subsequent Monday
until resolution. This action will cause major disruption to air services in
the region on 30 July which will effect circa 4,000 passengers. HIAL employs
320 members of staff across its 10 airports and head office at: Barra;
Benbecula,; Campbeltown; Inverness; Islay; Kirkwall; Stornoway; Sumburgh;
Tiree and Wick.
No rethink on wind-farm stance despite �silent majority� claim -
National Wind Watch Baillie Wind Farm Ltd for turbines at Stempster Hill and Bardnaheigh Hill
Item by Ian Grant published in the John O'Groat Journal and National Wind
Watch web site Community representatives in west Caithness have refused to rethink
their opposition to a wind farm planned for Stempster. They deny they are
out of step with local opinion and insist their stance would not preclude
them seeking to maximise community benefits from the development were it to
get the go-ahead. The chairman of Caithness West Community Council, Bill
Brown, spoke out in response to a claim that the body was acting against the
wishes of a �silent majority� in the area. Wind & Alternative
Energy IndexHighland Wind Farms So Far As At May 2007
Action Involving Highland Mental Health Officers
The Highland Council employs 41 Social Workers with a mental health
qualification, who provide a Mental Health Officer service, including to the
Mental Health Tribunal. In recognition of new duties required by The Mental
Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 which came in to effect on 5
October 2005, the Council approved a re-grading for 19 main grade MHO staff.
This amounted to an extra �2,370 per year or �45 per week. The trade unions
have made four requests, including one that all MHO qualified social workers
should receive an extra �5,000 per year which they claim is in line with
salaries paid by other Scottish local authorities. This request was rejected
by the Council's Appeals Committee, who recognised that 19 main grade MHO
staff had been given a salary increase of �2,370 before ruling that the
grading issues relating to duties of promoted members of staff would be
addressed through the job evaluation scheme........more
Labour's Highlands and Islands regional MSP, Peter Peacock has
raised the issue of Wick centre in the Scottish Parliament. The
North MSP sought an assurance from the Scottish Executive that it
would consider a small towns regeneration fund as a priority for
extra funding and consider giving local authorities more powers to
deal with empty buildings and dereliction and, where necessary,
compulsory purchase of key buildings to secure town centre
improvements. Town centre trusts could act as a vehicle for
environmental improvements, that many small towns seek.
and Jazz At The Mill Theatre, Thurso with Landermason Northumbrian
based duo Landermason will be performing at Thurso's Mill Theatre
next week as part of their extensive UK tour, promoting their latest
album release, 'The Reason'. The song-writing duo of Fiona
Lander (vocals, piano, saxophone, whistles, clarinet and recorder)
and Paul Mason (vocals & guitars) have developed a unique sound
displaying their undoubted talents as musicians. The music they
perform is mostly self penned and is an impressive mix of
contemporary folk and jazz. Uplifting melodies and superb harmonies
feature with thoughtfully crafted songs, along with skilful
arrangements that showcase the various instruments played. You can
catch Landermason at 8.00pm on Thursday 26th July at the Mill
Theatre, Thurso.
The Daftenders -Kirsten and Nicola Cycle Landsend to John O'Groats Raising Funds For BBC Children In Need Kirsten
Dallas (Kirsten's Mum, Patsy is from Caithness) and Nicola Whyte will be
cycling from Land�s End to John O�Groats to raise at least �2000 for BBC
Children in Need. Kirsten, whose just 16 years old, attends Thetford
Grammar School and has been awarded a share in the school�s Peter Large
Travel Scholarship. Kirsten has decided to use the money to help cover
the costs of undertaking this big adventure, therefore ensuring that all
sponsorship money raised can go to BBC Children in Need. The marathon
begins on 23rd July and Kirsten will be cycling with Nicola Whyte........
Only Days Left to Get
Tickets For The Liam Henderson Memorial Football Match Raffle
the now annual football match played alternately each year at Wick
or Newmacher is this year being played in Wick on Saturday 21st
July. Lots of activity surrounds the football match with
players and supporters travelling from Newmacher. Junior
football competitions and fun at the Bignold Park before the big
game in the afternoon. The huge raffle held alongside this
growing fundraiser for sports groups in Wick and Newmacher will be
drawn on Saturday night 21st July. There will also be an auction for a
list of prizes. If you have not yet got your tickets for the
raffle get them soon. Tickets will be available on the street in
Wick n Saturday morning
Mark Your
Calendar for the Great Perseid Meteor Shower In August
If you are interested in seeing showers of meteors then mark your
calendar to watch out in August particularly on 12/13th when the
night sky will be moon free. If all the present cloud has
cleared away Caithness skies make for very good views due top the
lack of light pollution.
Latest Additions To Bees, Bugs and Butterflies
Found In Caithness Once
again Dunnet forest is proving to be a great place to see a wide
range of beautiful moths and butterflies. Gordon Mackie sends
these - Meadow Brown Butterfly, Magpie Moth and Frillary Butterfly.
Several others were spotted including the Common Blue but they were
too quick to get a photo.
17 July 2007
Localised Sudden Downpours Affecting Parts of Highland
From 1400 hours this date - Tuesday 17 JULY 2007 - Northern
Constabulary have received numerous reports of flooding throughout
the mainland force area. It appears that there have been very
localised, sudden downpours of rain causing serious flooding in
certain areas.
Areas affected have included: The A832 road between its junction
with the A835 road (Gorstan junction) and Achnasheen, near to
Lochluichart village. Easter Ross was particularly badly affected
with flooding and minor road collapses in and around the Ardross,
Struie and Edderton areas - Part of the roadway near to Achandounie,
Ardross, collapsed. Various parts of the roadway on the B9176 Struie
road - leading from Ardross to Easter Fearn, near Edderton, The A836
road from Easter Fearn through Edderton to the Dornoch Bridge
roundabout on the A9 has also been badly affected by water and a
minor landslide. The main A9 Inverness to Perth road at that part
known as the Slochd is also currently affected. Currently vehicles
are being escorted through flood water by Police. This is causing
slight tailbacks/delays for drivers. more
Viking Ventures!
At Melvich Beach - Saturday 21st July 10.30am. Book
In Advance and Meet At Melvich Beach car park.
Have a great fun day as two teams compete in the various challenges
to win sections of 2 Viking long boats and let�s see which of the
teams can assemble their boat first. Events include physical and
mental challenges all with a Viking theme. All materials are
provided but bring along your thinking caps and lots of enthusiasm.
Will best suit kids from 8 � 14 yrs (any younger kids must be
accompanied by an adult) �2 per child. This event is run as a
joint event with the North Sutherland ranger, Caithness rangers and
Course Gives Overview of Whole Seafood
A unique training course that educates
participants in all aspects of the seafood
industry is to be piloted in Inverness in
August. A small Highland training company,
the Fish Industry Training Association (FITA),
has partnered with fisheries colleges in
several EU nations to develop a new
opportunity that is a first for the UK: the
Mare Nostrum Project. Its aim is to pilot
learning modules that will form a short
qualification in fisheries development. The
one-week course will run from 20-24 August
in the Highland capital.
Buy A Lettuce, Some Rocket And Support A
Developing Project At Wick A tiny project - HEAART - that could
become larger offering employment to people
with learning difficulties is attempting to
prove it can work at the former Wellington
Centre at the industrial estate, Wick
(not far from Tesco) They have some
vegetables growing for sale and are open
Monday - Thursday 10.00am - 4.00pm.
The point is you can get the odd lettuce or
other veg as it is ready but the main point
is you can support this fledgling project to
grow into something much larger offering
support o people with a range of problems.
Bill Fernie was up for look today and there
are one or two things ready mainly salad
crops but it is not easy for them to sell
them as publicity is expensive and they are
running on the proverbial shoestring.
Applications are being prepared for funding
and the Highland council is supporting them
by giving them the building rent free for
the first year. Take a look and buy
some salad stuff.
Renewable Heating Systems Piloted In
Highland Council Properties The Highland
Council has installed eight ground source
heat pumps in eight of its properties as
part of pilot project to evaluate the
suitability of renewable energy technologies
in tackling fuel poverty. The pilot, which is being
managed by the
Energy Saving Trust on behalf of the
Scottish Executive, is being run across
Scotland and will eventually involve
participation by local authorities, housing
associations and private householders.
Ground source heat pumps (GSHP) extract
solar heat stored in the ground and release
the heat at a higher temperature in the
house usually through underfloor heating or
a radiator circuit. The heat is extracted
from the ground using a "collection loop"
which is lengths of plastic pipe buried in a
borehole or trench. The pipe is filled with
an antifreeze mixture which circulates
through the pipe absorbing heat from the
Laurandy Day Care Centre Car Boot Sale At Back Bridge Street Club,
Wick Laurandy Day Care Centre, Wick provides an excellent range of
services to the elderly and their families but as a charity they must
raise a certain amount of their own funds. Pop in on Sunday 22nd
in Back Bridge Street Club at 11.00am to support them and may be pick up
a bargain.
The Rocket Man Launched InvernessFest With A Bang! Sir Elton John's first ever appearance in the Highlands wowed a crowd of
over 18,000 fans yesterday (Sunday 15 July 2007) at Tulloch Caledonian
Stadium in Inverness. The Rocket Man's performance
launched InvernessFest, a new two week festival in Inverness as part of
Highland 2007, Scotland's year of Highland culture. InvernessFest takes place in and around Inverness until
29 July and incorporates the InvernessFest Club located in a beautiful Bon
Vivant mirror tent in Falcon Square, and InvernessFest Fringe a
celebration of the many cultures found in the Highlands today.
5 Copper Tanks Stolen From Grant Street,
Police in Wick are appealing for witnesses to a theft that occurred on
Grant Street, Wick between 1500 hours and 1600 hours on Wednesday 11th
July 07. During this time, people have entered the building and stolen 5
Copper Tanks. Any person with information please contact Duty Officer at
Wick Police 01955 603551. Information can also be left anonymously by
using CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555111
Latheron Show On Saturday Head down to West Clyne Farm for the Latheron Show on Saturday.
Local Produce Tent - Dog Agility - Terrier Racing - Highland Dancing -
Dog Show 2.00pm - Parade of animals 2.00pm - Pipe Band - Baby show
3.00pm - Tug o war - Horse Sports - Flower Tent - Vintage Machinery -
Donkey Rides - Home industries Tent - Balloon Race - Tea - Coffees and
much more.
Barn Dance at night at West Clyne Farm.
John Munro Wins Lybster Open Competitors in the Seniors Open at Lybster Golf Club on Wednesday were
subjected to blustery conditions, which made scoring difficult in the
Stableford-format competition. The winner was John Munro from the host
club, with a very respectable 36 points. This also secured the Connon
Plate, presented to the Lybster G.C. member with the best score on the
day. The runner-up was Ian Fraser of Thurso Golf Club, with 33 points
and a better inward half from former winner, and Lybster member, Jimmy
Dunbeath Castle Gardens Open Day Sunday 15th 2.00 - 5.00pm The walled gardens of Dunbeath Castle are open once again on Sunday.
Finders crossed for nice day and the chance to take stroll around.
Bands - Why Not Enter 'The Ultimate Chill' Best Band Competition At Wick? The Ultimate Chill - Dundee's premier music, arts and dance festival and
this year the festival is opening up their Best Band Competition to
entrants from all over Scotland. Demos with contact details should be
sent to Best Band Competition, The Workshop, 205 - 207 Hilltown, Dundee,
DD3 7AF by 27th July. Alternatively, the festival is offering bands who
don't have demos the chance to record them live. The fourth, and last of
these 'open auditions' will take place at the Youth Centre (The
Clubhouse) in Wick on Thursday 19th July. Anyone wishing to participate
should email andy[AT]pmuk.org for more information and an audition
FOR WEEKEND ELTON JOHN CONCERT NORTHERN Constabulary and organisers of this Sunday�s Elton John
concert at Tulloch Caledonian Stadium in Inverness have issued traffic
advice to concert goers. Police and organisers would like to remind
those attending the event, which is expected to attract 18,000 people,
that there is no parking at the stadium unless you are the holder of a
VIP or disabled car pass. If it is possible to get to Caledonian Stadium
by foot Police and organisers would encourage them to do so to reduce
traffic congestion and parking issues in the area around the stadium.
Caithness.org says "If heading over the Kessock Bridge at
Inverness on Sunday get past the bridge long before the concert-goers
begin to arrive or expect delays"
Caithness Ranger Walks -
Wildlife Detectives - Children�s Nature Group Tuesday 17th July, 11am.
Find out what other creatures use the forest and the dunes. Meet Dunnet
Forest car park at 11am.
Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. - �1 per child Broubster Forest - Guided Walk - Thursday 19th July
This forest is great for its views over Caithness and there is also
plenty to see in the path side ponds.
Meet Janet Street, Thurso 2 pm. Boots necessary as wet in places.
Allow 3 hours.
Booking essential. - Contact HC North Caithness
11 July 2007
Hospital scanner delay concerns - BBC
Health campaigners said they were furious at a delay in the delivery of
a CT scanner at Caithness General Hospital in Wick. NHS Highland's board
approved the purchase of the equipment last year.
Police Looking For Information on Petty
Crimes In Thurso Vandalism At Bayview Terrace, Thurso
Vandalism Incidents In Holborn Avenue and Holburn Avenue, Thurso
Vandalism At Cruives House, Mount Vernon, Thurso
Information wanted on Naver Scout Hall, Thurso Theft
Witnesses Wanted After Window Smashed At Nicolson Street, Wick
Police in Wick are appealing for witnesses to an incident of vandalism
whereby a window of a dwelling house in Nicolson Street, Wick was
smashed between 2045 and 2100 hours on Tuesday 10th July 2007.
10 July 2007
BBC Antiques Roadshow At The Castle Of Mey
Michael Aspel and the Antiques Roadshow team were at the Castle of Mey
on Saturday to check out the antiques brought along by the public despite
the wet weather. Luckily the team had also brought along large marquees
for protection.
Thurso Still Waits To Hear If Gaelic MOD
Will Come To Thurso In 2010
Undoubtedly the arrival of the Gaelic MOD brings a bustle to any town.
If Thurso is successful in the bid to host it in 2010 it is not just
Thurso that will be busy but the whole county as several thousand folk,
choirs, musicians and singers of all ages and their families arrive to
compete in the competitions.
58 Degrees North T Shirt Putting Wick On The Nautical Map Once Agsin A
stylish "T" Shirt was designed for the recent Wick Harbourfest.
The design features a stylised sailing ship with the words "580
North" Wick, and the nautical flags for the letters WICK. A few of
the remaining stock have been placed for sale in the Blytheswood shop in
High Street, Wick at a price of �9.99.
New Pontoons At Wick Harbour Are A Big Hit Already
it looks as if the pontoons are looking to expand and it is great that
the expansion to a new marina will be in the main harbour in 2008.
The recent
Wick harbourfest showed the possibilities and the yachting folk have
not been slow in taking up the berths.
Another Part Of High Street, Wick Gets A Face-lift Another
part of Wick is getting a facelift as Gunn's of Lybster machinery moved
in to remove everything that is left of an old building where the TA
Recruitment caravan used to stand. the paving stones where the
caravan used to stand had become an eyesore. It was decided to
remove everything from the site and put it back to grass matching the
area next to it. Work should be completed in a couple of days.
Councillors had been asking for action on this and other sites for some
time. It was decided that the best time to carry out the work was once
the road works in the centre of Wick were completed.
Partnership Announces Inward Investment Appointment Roy Kirk has been appointed to the post of inward investment manager
by the Caithness Regeneration Partnership. The role has been created to
assist Caithness and North Sutherland's economy through the effects of
the Dounreay nuclear plant's run-down. Mr Kirk was selected by a panel
made up of the three lead agencies in the partnership, Highlands and
Islands Enterprise (HIE), Highland Council and the Nuclear
Decommissioning Authority (NDA). He will become a HIE employee. He takes
on the post from his current position with Scottish Development
International - the Scottish Executive's inward investment and trade
promotion arm. The Caithness appointment is part of an action plan
agreed by the partners and will be complemented by a further
co-ordinator post together with administrative assistance.
Riverside Replicas Selling Last Wick Made Caithness Glass Pieces Caithness Glass has made comeback in Caithness. Riverside Replicas the
well-known furniture and gift shop at Riverside Road, Thurso has
acquired a quantity of stock made at the Wick factory. In addition it
has an extensive display of items of Caithness Glass making it the
biggest supplier in the far north. Caithness Glass manufacturing stopped
a couple of years ago at the Wick factory. Now the world famous glass
can be found once again in Caithness with many pieces to suit almost any
taste. Collectors will be making a bee-line for the Wick made items but
many coming to it for the first time will see items suitable for
presents and anniversaries.
Cat Missing - Macleod Road, Wick Simba is a ginger and white tom from Macleod Road, Wick. Hes been
missing since 29 June 2007. Very friendly cat. Sometimes goes to the
new bungalows near Coopers Corner. Anyone seen him please contact
Casper Club Summer 2007
Registered Childcare Provider, Casper Club in Castletown is offereing a
sizzlingly fun-packed Summer 2007 Programme. This year as ever, we intend
to make the most of the �life outdoors� season and have lots of outdoor
activities including Day Camping, Den Making, panning for Gold at Kildonan,
Outings to the forest, playparks, swimming pools, the �Castle of Mey� with
it�s new Animal Centre and the �Simply Unique�, �Tea Cosy & Peedie Farm�
in Mey. Summer wouldn�t be summer without the chance to play on the beach
with fun games, sandcastle competitions, picnics and BBQ�s. We have the
use of the Community Education Department Minibus for Outings, which the
children have nicknamed �The Balamory Bus�!
Kids Bored - Nothing To Do? If
you have not already see posters or information there might still be time
to get involved in the many activities being offered by the council's
Education Culture and Leisure department this summer. Also many
local groups and churches run activities for children during the summer
months. For
Activities In All Highland Areas Click HERE
Deadline To
Apply For This Exciting Opportunity To Learn How To Make Short Films
Extended To 31 July WHAT'S
YOUR HIGHLAND LIFE? Tell Your Caithness Story BBC
Scotland are coming to Thurso in August 2007 to run storytelling and
audio visual workshops. You can tell your story � and share it with the
world � through 'Highland Lives', a BBC Scotland /
Highland 2007
project running this summer throughout the Highland region. The
workshops will help you illustrate your story about Highland life
through video or audio slideshow. The finished pieces will be shown on
the BBC Highland Lives website �
http://www.bbc.co.uk/highlandlives Stories on the website
will reflect the modern-day reality of life in northern Scotland. Taking
part is free but you do have to apply in advance. No one's too old,
although the project is for over-18s only. It doesn't matter whether you
have technical experience or not. Your story is what's most important.
8 July 2007
Malawi Volunteers Return After Ten Weeks Of
Voluntary Work In Caithness
Watten Church Aims To Help Them All With Their Education - You Can Help The Global Xchange team of Malawians and Scots who were with us in
Caithness for ten weeks have now left for Ekwandeni in Malawi to spend ten
weeks there in voluntary work projects. This will complete their Global
Xchange project between the two countries. Our Malawian friends will
be able to go on to college courses, thanks to the generosity of so many
in Caithness who have funded them for a first year at a college of their
choice in Malawi. A fund for their college education has been set up by
Watten Church
of Scotland, and any further donations will enable the young people to
extend their study courses over the subsequent years. Amazingly �75
can pay for education for a whole year for student in Malawi. So small
amounts might be capable of changing lives dramatically for these young
people who came to Caithness.
Liam Henderson Memorial Fund 2007 Raffle Prize List Growing
The 2007 Liam Henderson Memorial Fund looks set to be given another
boost as the annual raffle prize list continues to grow. Make sure
you get your tickets as soon as possible as the draw is only weeks away.
Major New Shopping Development Next To Tesco, Wick Likely Be
Controversial Whilst consumers may be delighted to hear that a major new set of
shops has been planned by developers Scapa Properties, next to the Tesco
Store at Wick it is likely to attract objections from other retailers.
Several new shops by major national retail chains are the likely tenants
if the new shopping centre gets the go ahead from the planning
committee. Well Caithness folk do you want more new shops near Wick or
will it be too detrimental for existing businesses?
Head for the Message Board with
your views
Building At Miller Street/Bank Row, Wick Also Gets Major Facelift The
work at Lower Pulteneytown has been going on steadily for the past four
years as part of the Highland council run regeneration scheme with
grants from the Heritage Lottery scheme and other funders. This
project on the building at the corner of Miller Street and Bank Row is
being run by Pentland Housing and will create one shop/office and flats.
With a
new marina to follow the pontoons into Wick Harbour next year and
the Memorial Garden across the road going and with the BBC's Beechgrove
Garden team coming in August to help with the work and make a TV
programme this is fast becoming a sought after area of Wick after many
years of decline. Others areas of Lower Pulteneytown already
improved include
Telford StreetIt all
Started In December 2000 Several of the streets in Lower
Pulteneytown have had pavements relaid in the past few months using
traditional Caithness Flagstone more in keeping with the buildings than
brick or tar. If you have not been there for a long time the
changes are amazing and ongoing. Anyone remember all those letters
in the Groat just few years ago about the state of Wick. It has
taken a few years but it is changing for the better and more work is
Transformation At Williamson Street, Wick The
transformation of Williamson Street in the shape of Silver Darlings
Close in Lower Pulteneytown is making a huge difference to the look of
the street. The work is being carried out for the
Highland Housing Alliance and we understand that all of the
properties have already been sold reflecting the upturn in confidence
now flowing around Wick. Williamson Street Index
Wick's New Town Heating System Reaches Caithness General Hospital The
new wood chip heating system for parts of Wick run by the Caithness Heat
And Power company has been working its way through the streets of
Pulteneytown and South Wick for over a year and has now reached
Caithness General Hospital. The benefits of having a fixed monthly
charge for unlimited heating and hot water are attracting more and more
enquiries to the company that was set up by Highland Council almost two
years ago.
Caithness Heat And Power
Wick Pipe Band Fun Night Postponed Until Next Saturday Due To
Rain Did Not Stop Play At Thrumster Fun Day
Thrumster Fund Day went ahead despite the non-stop rain today in
Caithness. Even the rounders went ahead although the teams had
plenty of wet weather gear on.
Have You NEVER Been In The
ORG Forum? - Its Getting Bigger and Busier Every Day
In the past 6 days 1 - 6th July the Caithness.org forum/Message Board
alone had 46,849 visitors looking at 255,339 pages. In the past 12 months
visitors to just the Caithness.org forum looked at over 15 million
pages. On Saturday 29th June another record was broken in the
Forum when the highest number of folk 462 were in there at the same time
at 9:30am. The forum is averaging over 8000 visitors a day.
What's in there? Well just about anything from one of the biggest local
classified ads sections in Highland to ongoing threads about a
huge range of topics - some serious and some not. Ask questions about
Caithness and some one will probably be back with the answers incredibly
fast. In fact ask a question about almost anything and the collective
community will probably answer it and perhaps the odd wisecrack.
the audience is global and many expat Caithness folk are in there.
And there is also chat room with quizes run live on many Sunday
evenings. Huge numbers of photos being posted on many topics.
and and and - take a
look You can just read items or join in anytime by signing
up for password - its FREE and its growing faster than we can believe.
Over 1.3 million visits to the Forum in the past 12 months will easily
be beaten in coming. For comparison the whole of Caithness.org is
now averaging over 1 Million visitors a month looking at over 6.5
million pages or over 27 million hits per months. Thank goodness we
don't print it all out.
Funding For charities And Non Profit Organisations - And Today We
Show Billions On Offer We keep saying it - "The Money Is Out there for charities and
non-profit organisations" but you have to fill in the forms.
The ones highlighted today are offering staggering amounts of money.
Does your group's project or activity qualify for a small or large grant
or award.
Is your group involved in Culture, Social Enterprise/Business, Improving
Health, Nature or Biodiversity then check these latest funding
programmes to see if your ideas or projects qualify -
Culture Programme - Call For Proposals To Be Announced In July
Bridges Ventures Announces New �75 Million Investment Fund
GSK Impact Awards
First Call For Proposals Under The New Life + Programme To Be Launched
In Autumn 2007
Christmas In July At Sainsburys For Mey Selections Suppliers Local
Farmer and chairman of Mey Selections Danny Miller was once again
beating the trail to Sainsbury's in London to highlight the growing
range of high quality food products from the north of Scotland that
willbe available for stores in time for Christmas. Suppliers from Mey
Selections brought Christmas to Sainsburys HQ in July. Led by Tracy
Waters, the Mey Selections team put on a fabulous show in its very own
Mey Selections stand prepared especially for journalists and buyers at
Sainsburys. Dermott Slade, development chef from Dunbia, was there to
show and cook samples of beef and lamb cuts from the Mey Selections
Gourmet Christmas offer. The stand also displayed the brand's oatcakes,
honey and oat biscuits, shortbread, Barrogill whisky marmalade,
preserves and chutneys, honey, and Mey Selections Barrogill whisky. The
stand and products were on display for two days and over 240 journalists
were on the invite list. Sainsburys order for Christmas delivery of
these products has a retail value of over �250,000....
Prize Winners At Wick High The
annual prize giving ceremony took place at Wick High recently. Jenny
Sinclair was awarded the dux medal and Fraser Macleod was runner-up.
Donald MacBeath deputy principal of North Highland College presented the
prizes. Jenny Sinclair piled up the points by being 1stin Biology and
also won the James H. Rosie Memorial Shield, 1st in Chemistry, 1st equal
in English, 1st in Maths and taking the medal presented by wick and
district Round Table as dux of wick High School for 2006/07. Well
done to everyone. Rector Alister Traill praised the pupils for their
efforts and outlined some of the improvements ongoing at the school
including the introduction of school uniform after the summer. Donald
MacBeath who presented the prizes announced a major partnership by the
north Highland college and Wick High school with the introduction of
several vocational courses for pupils of the school to be delivered by
the college.
Fly-fisher overcomes 'trick' conditions at Dounreay - Fish & Fly
One UK fly-fisher has managed to overcome difficult angling conditions
to establish a six-point lead at the apex of the Dounreay Fly-Fishing
Association table. Tony Chalmers has managed to prevail over a number of
other hardy competitors who participated in the day's events on June
22nd at Loch Watten in Scotland.
5 July 2007
North Wholesaler Has Its Ear To The Ground One of Wick's longest-established businesses has proved it has its
ear to the ground by introducing a ground-breaking, high-tech
computerised system that automatically guides staff to the right area of
its warehouse. The system at Sutherland Brothers Ltd has been assisted
with a �24,000 grant from HIE Caithness and Sutherland and allows staff
to hear instructions through headphones which help them select the
correct item to add to customer orders. The north wholesaler has
embraced the latest technology by introducing the integrated 'voicepicking'
system in a bid to improve efficiency and become more competitive.
Do you like food ? - Do you want
to support local producers? - Are you a local producer ? WE
NEED YOU to help us set up a non profit making community based business
to link those who produce the food to those who buy the food . Help to
keep the money in the community , reduce food miles and get great food
into the bargain. WANT TO FIND OUT MORE - Meeting 10th July @ Family Centre Wick @ 7
.30 pm
Caithness Food For Thought
Working with the Community for the Community
New Active Schools Co-ordinator Recently
appointed as the new Active Schools Co-ordinator for the cluster of 11
schools in East Caithness, based in Wick is Garry Macleod. In the coming
months he will be establishing a number of sport / physical activity
programmes using local volunteers where possible, these will take place
during school holidays and also curricular / extra curricular time
during school terms, targeting local children.
Interested in becoming a volunteer?
Dounreay Bulletin - Issue 7 In
This Issue
Local Communities Benefit from Dounreay Communities Fund
Changes at the Top - Ground Contamination Investigation Continues
Product Development for New Waste Handling Facility
Minisiter Heads North to see Dounreay Decommissioning at Work
Particle Field Trials - End of an Era and Looking Towards the Future
Reactor Drilling Success
Changes to the Approach Road at Dounreay
YOUR HIGHLAND LIFE? Tell Your Caithness Story BBC
Scotland are coming to Thurso in August 2007 to run storytelling and
audio visual workshops. You can tell your story � and share it with the
world � through 'Highland Lives', a BBC Scotland /
Highland 2007
project running this summer throughout the Highland region. The
workshops will help you illustrate your story about Highland life
through video or audio slideshow. The finished pieces will be shown on
the BBC Highland Lives website �
http://www.bbc.co.uk/highlandlives Stories on the website
will reflect the modern-day reality of life in northern Scotland. Taking
part is free but you do have to apply in advance. No one's too old,
although the project is for over-18s only. It doesn't matter whether you
have technical experience or not. Your story is what's most important. Closing Date For Applications For Thurso Workshops Is Friday 6th July
Local Ranger Features In
Highland Naturalists Exhibition Local
Ranger Mary Legg is one of 30 naturalists featuring in a three month
long exhibition at SNH headquarters in Inverness. Leading figures from
the Highlands� natural history community gathered at Great Glen House in
Inverness recently to celebrate 300 years of recording the area�s nature
and wildlife. The event was the launch of Scottish Natural Heritage�s (SNH)
Highland Naturalists exhibition and website � one of SNH�s key
contributions to the
Year of Highland
Culture 2007 events programme. The exhibition, officially opened by
Highland Council Convener, Sandy Park, tells the stories of people who
have passionately studied and recorded the area�s landscape and wildlife
with images, writings, sounds and artefacts. It is now on display for
free public viewing at the SNH headquarters in Inverness over the next
three months.
Nature Index
4 July 2007
Old Thirsa Piccys - Fast Growing Thread On the Forum Looking For More
Old Photos One of
the most popular and fast growing threads in tthe Caithness.org Forum
right now is "Old Thirsa Piccys" where folk are posting photos of Thurso
from an earlier time and others are chipping in with details and
information. If you have any old photos post them to one of the
photo sites and then take them back into the forum. If you are not
sure how to post photos and draw them back to the forum email them to
bill@caithness.org to be placed
in an old Thurso gallery on the web site. Bill will then link them to
this forum.
National Whale and Dolphin Week In Caithness A
report by Colin Bird
The Annual Seawatch Foundation National Whale and Dolphin Week started
on Saturday 23rd June. Even with the poor weather the planned watch at
the caravan site in Thurso went ahead with a single Porpoise seen in
Thurso Bay. Sightings were made earlier in the day by Karen Munro who
saw a Minke Whale, Porpoise, and some unidentified Dolphins. During the
watch I received a call from Dave Nicolson over at the Whaligoe steps
who saw 3 big cetaceans quite possibly Minkes, one had been seen at
Sarclet, Thrumster during the afternoon. But the star of the weekend
was not a cetacean but a fish, a Basking Shark. Very few of these
creatures are seen off the East Coast of Caithness they prefer water
temp between 8-14c.
Dounreay Workers Beach Clean At Dunnet Dounreay
workers recently carried out their annual clean up of Dunnet beach,
as part of the site�s Environment Week. About 50 people converged on the
beach armed with gloves, plastic bags and sun lotion, and spent the
afternoon collecting and bagging the rubbish that had accumulated on the
beach, which were then collected by the site�s facility managers Johnson
Controls. The weather was kind, which made the work much easier. By the
end of the day, two lorry loads of rubbish had been removed from the
beach, making it a nicer place to visit. The workers were rewarded for
their efforts with a barbecue, kindly laid on by Thurso Town
Improvements. Mary Legg, the Highland Council ranger, said she was
delighted with the work that was done and thanked those who had helped
with the clean up. There were also some positive comments from
holiday-makers who were staying at the caravan site!
3 July 2007
Memory Loss Information Day Thursday 19 July 2007
Mackays Hotel, Wick 10.00 am - 4.00 pm
Do you think you have a memory problem or know someone who has? Drop in
anytime. Refreshments will be provided. A wide range of leaflets
and brochures available. Cathy Mackay, Thurso & Wick Services
Manager, Alzheimer Scotland and Hannah Mclean, NHS Community Mental
Health Team will be available to answer any queries or concerns you may
have in confidence. Or if you prefer to contact us by Telephone: Cathy -
01955 609193 Hannah - 01955 606915
Bruce Duncan said: "Northern Constabulary and other Forces across the
United Kingdom are being kept up-to-date with developments in the
Strathclyde area. "We are working with them and our partners to help
ensure that contingency plans are in place for any eventuality. "We also
aim to provide the right balance between maintaining awareness of the
continuing terrorist threat, and providing the right level of support to
re-assure all communities that they are being protected. He added: "The
Force will be putting additional resources in place to reassure the
public, including additional resources at Dalcross Airport, Inverness.
Flying Index
Caithness Arts July/August Newsletter The newsletter from Caithness Arts usually goes out by post but for this
latest edition Caithness.org is hosting it. The latest edition has a
number of items on what has happening in the Arts in Caithness and what is
coming up. Also we have the
Caithness Arts own What's On for you to print out and use as handy
reference over coming weeks.
Archaeology Opportunities For
All Ages This Summer In Caithness
Just a note to remind you of all the dates for the summer. There are lots
of opportunities for all you budding archaeologists out there to get your
hands dirty and be involved in some real archaeology. Everyone is invited
to either visit or come along and get involved whatever your age. In the
past we have had visitors aged a few months to ninety. We hope you can
spare a few hours to come and join us . Look out for our special open days
in the local press, Caithness.org and the CAT website NOW UPDATED !
Vehicle Restrictions At Wick Airport Due To Heightened Security
Due to heightened security measures currently in place, vehicular access
to the Terminal Building at Wick Airport is not available. All vehicles
are requested to use the main car park. Special needs passengers who may
require assistance are requested to contact the airline they are flying
with to make appropriate arrangements. Passengers are encouraged to use
taxis or be dropped off by car during this period of restricted access.
HIA apologises for any inconvenience these measures may cause passengers.
Yesterday 2 July 2007 Was The Busiest Day Ever On Caithness.org Monday saw the records tumble once again on Caithness.org as the hit
rate soared to new heights easily breaking the one million barrier only
done for the first time last July. Yesterday the stats were - Hits 1,203,564 Pages 446,242 Visitors 44,037 Already it looks likely that July will maintain its seasonal position
as the busiest month of the year on the web site. June saw records
broken but with only two days gone July is soaring. This is mainly
due to all the local events photos that have been posted in the past few
days. However other sections such as Arts and, What's On, Forum and
Business have all seen a rise in traffic.
Rosebank Park, Wick Re-opens After �125,000 Refurbishment
Wick's Rosebank Playing Fields were officially re-opened on Saturday by
Pulteneytown People's Project chairman David Dunnet. Lord Lieutenant Anne
Dunnet introduced the Cormack family as they dedicated the newly
resurfaced tennis courts and games area to former keen local tennis player
David Cormack. Margaret Cormack unveiled a plaque in his memory. A
committee consisting of Councillor Katrina MacNab for PPP, the Lord
Lieutenant Anne Dunnet, Councillor Bill Fernie, UKAEA and the Rosebank
Bowling Club originally got things going after a donation to PPP by UKAEA.
PPP decided to put �25,000 into the pot to get things rolling and other
fund-raising was undertaken under the direct supervision of Katrina
MacNab. The park opened with the triples bowls competition underway
on the improved green and new tennis courts and crazy putting all looking
in tip top shape. Already tennis and other games have seen an
increase in participation. The bowling green is now at competition
standard. The day had a festive feel to it with stalls and bands
playing. Wick is gaining in confidence as activity levels increase
across the town and at the harbour where only a few years ago this would
have seemed impossible.
Fernie Is New Chairman For Highland Opportunity Limited Councillor
Bill Fernie, Highland Councillor for Wick, was recently elected as Chair
of the Board of Directors of Highland Opportunity Limited and Councillor
Helen Carmichael who represents the Aird and Loch Ness Ward was elected as
Vice-Chair. Highland Opportunity Limited is a Highland Council company,
limited by guarantee, with a Board of Directors drawn from the Council's
elected members. It is the Enterprise Trust for the Highlands providing
discretionary financial assistance, professional business support, youth
enterprise services and European connections to small and medium-sized
enterprises. It has a particular interest in helping new and developing
businesses. (For more about the company see
About Highland Opportunity Ltd) The company currently has
28 staff (9 Core, 5 European Business Services and 14 in the Working For
Families Project).
Rock School In
Thurso For 3 Days - Book Your Place If Aged 13 - 18
A great chance for any young musician or singer to find out how its done
and make the best of hidden talent. ROCK SCHOOL - THURSO - 3 DAYS - 11-13
JULY. This is a chance to get tuition from professionals. Whether
you play in your bedroom or are in a band, you are interested in sound
recording - production - promotion, you can sing, or just want to have
some fun with other like minded people then call Maureen on 01847 805218
to book your place, you must be aged 13-18 - places are limited.
Castletown Gala Also awaiting attention are the official Opening of Rosebank Park,
Wick and photos from today's Banger Derby. Meanwhile Bill will be
out at the Triples Bowls competition now running very late due to the rain
today. 64 triples took part in the competition once again being held
in Caithness on Saturday and Sunday. they have excellent sunny
weather on Saturday but its been wet and misty today and play was held up
for 45 minutes in a heavy downpour. thing back on track but
competition may not finish until 9.00pm tonight.
Castletown Gala photos will begin to appear with luck about 8.30pm but all
of them will take longer to prepare.
Lybster Gala
Thanks to Marshall Bowman for taking the photos of Lybster Gala while Bill
was over at Castletown Gala
June 2007 Sees Busiest Ever Month On Caithness.org
Over One Million Visitors In June
Hits 27,032,833 Visitors 1,051,280 Pages 6,538,266
Daily Average Hits 710,090 Visitors 35,040 Pages 217,938
Caithness.org is heading for an annual hit rate of over 300 million per
year - err...WOW!!! Thanks to all of our visitors and contributors