Thurso Team Win Wilson Cup In A Golf Competition In Shetland -
Shetland Times A
delighted Thurso team with the Wilson Cup. From left: Dougie Thorburn,
Alan Swanson (captain), Jim Sangster and Brent Munro. DALE hosted the
Wilson Cup at the weekend and welcomed seven visiting teams from Whalsay,
Wick, Thurso, Reay, Lybster, Stromness and Kirkwall. Once more the
greenkeeping staff had prepared the course excellently and this was
obvious by the standard of golf played. On Friday evening the draw was
made and group A had Stromness, Whalsay, Wick and Thurso while group B had
Shetland, Kirkwall, Reay and Lybster. This meant that an all Shetland
final was a distinct possibility, with them having home advantage.
Saturday morning saw the first of the matches and Thurso got off to a
flying start with a five up and one up victory over Stromness, while
Whalsay narrowly lost out to Wick on the first play off
Busy Caithness Today With Events Across The County
Canisbay Show starts at 1.00pm Rosebank Park, Wick - Official Re-opening 1.00pm - after
refurbishment and renewals, new tennis courts, basketball/netball and
multi-purpose area enclosed, bowling green upgrade, crazy golf renewed
etc. Castletown Gala Week starts today 6.15pm Crowning Gala Queen and
Decorated Floats
Lybster Gala starts tonight at 7.00pm - Crowning of Gala Queen
and decorated floats Wick Pipe Band Week Starts Today 2.00pm - Market Square, Wick Family Fun Day at Royal British Legion, Thurso today 2.00pm Sunday 1 July
Wick Banger Derby - No2 Sibster, By Wick Starts at 1.00pm
Treasure Hunt for Castletown Gala Week From Castletown Drill Hall - 6.00pm Vintage Car Rally at John O'Groats 2.30pm - 4.30pm -
Parade of Vehicles at Lybster 12 Noon, Wick Harbour 1.00pm Click HERE For More What's
On In Caithness TodayHere
For What's On In July
29 June 2007
Police Seeking Information About Assault At
Castletown Harbour
Police at Thurso are seeking information about an assault which occurred
about 1400 hrs on Tuesday 26th June 2007, at Castletown Harbour,
Castletown, Caithness, whereby a male sustained a minor injury. If anyone
has any information please contact Police at Thurso on 01847 893222 or
Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
3 Hydro Runners Weighing 6 Tonnes Each Stolen
From Shin Hydro Station Between
1630hrs on Thursday 7th and 09:00hrs on Wednesday 13th June 2007. 3 x
Hydro runners were stolen from an outdoor storage point at Shin Power
Station, Lairg, Sutherland. The runners were removed from service
approximately 3 years ago and had been stored in an area where recent
construction work has taken place at the Power station. Each item weighs
approximately 6 tonnes, two are made of stainless steel one is bronze.
Council Warns On-line Buyers To Beware! Trading Standards Officers at The Highland Council are calling on
consumers to be on their guard when buying on the internet after a survey
highlighted that 40% of on-line business failed to fully comply with the
Law. A recent in-depth survey has uncovered a variety of problems for
consumers such as hidden costs and denial of cancellation rights.
Principal Trading Standards Officer Bob Jones explains: "We were receiving
increasing numbers of complaints about problems with internet sales and we
were also conscious that Highland consumers are particularly dependent on
internet sales due to the remote geography of much of the Highlands. We
decided to take a systematic look at the internet market."
Gates open at 11.00, racing starts at 1.00pm
25 June 2007
Come On Everyone Sign Help Village Halls Everywhere In Scotland - Sign
Village Hall Petition
Signatures are rising slowly at the Scottish Parliament web site but you
have until 27 July - 620 signatures today as at 2.00pm. Add
Your Name - It only takes minute and might help. Village Hall committees do a great job but they often struggle to pay
the bills and have special problems if the hall is old and they need to
raise capital for a new one.Get everyone to sign this Scottish
Parliament petition to get a serious look at things underway. Village
Hall Petition Sign The Petition
How you can help improve health services in Caithness
The North Highland Community Health Partnership is looking for people to
fill vacancies on the Caithness General Hospital Patients Council which
works with managers to raise standards. The Patients Council examines
services from the patient�s point of view and suggests changes to improve
care. Council members are also kept informed of developments so they can
advise on how patients will be affected.
Sea Cadets At Wick Harbourfest Photos
sent by David Munro show the Lord Lieutenant Ann Dunnet who opened the
Harbourfest on Saturday inspected the Sea Cadets. More photos to
come of different apsects of the day from a variety of people who were
there. Bill was on duty on Saturday morning so if anyone has photos
not already showing certain aspects of the day please fee fee to email
them to for
inclusion in this gallery of the day. Photos sent in will also be
passed on in the full size to the Harbourfest organiser David
Richard-Jones for inclusion in a DVD/CD record of the event. If you
have lots of good photos they would welcome a CD or DVD being passed to
the Harbourmasters office so that as much can be included as a record of
the event. Wick Harbourfest Photos - Start Here To See Them All
BALMORE OPEN DAY - SATURDAY 30th June 2007 - 1.30
- 4.00pm
Balmore Animal Welfare Centre, Dounreay
Events include - Scrufts Novelty Dog Show - CLASSES - Registration Fee �2
unlimited entry
1. Best Puppy (under 1 year) - 2. Best OAP (over 8 years) - 3. Best Rescue
Dog - 4. Best Trick
5. Best Junior Handler (Children under 14) - 6. Most appealing eyes - 7.
Waggiest Tail
8. Scruffiest - 9. Dog most like its owner (or vice versa) - 10. Judges
Various stalls
More Harbourfest Photos From Barry Scolley
thanks to Barry Scolley for more photos taken yesterday from on board "Sarosa".
thanks also to others who are sending in photos to add to the gallery.
bill will get to them as soon as he can. If anyone else has some
nice shots they can be added if they are emailed to the
harbour folk would also like to compile a CD of photos and if you can put
yours on a CD and pop them into the Harbour Office marked for the
attention of David Richard-Jones that would be great. Bill Fernie
will pass on any that are emailed to him for this collection for Wick
Heritage Society. David would also like any copies of video footage
is anyone has some to add to the DVD or CD and for the Wick Heritage
collection of film about Wick.
Head Over To
"Habeas Corpus" - The Latest Production At the Mill Theatre, Thurso Habeus
corpus is a comedy that starts a three day run at the Mill Theatre on
Tuesday evening. This is a farce of the traditional kind in that almost
everyone loses their trousers and finds reasons to run in and out of the
Doctor's Surgery without his or her clothes on. A few seats are still
available so why not have night out at a live performance. You can see
'Habeas Corpus' at Thurso's Mill Theatre at 8.00pm from Tuesday 26th to
Thursday 28th June. Tickets are priced at �7.00 and �5.00 and bookings can
be made by calling Neil MacDonald on 01847-896956.
Lybster Gala Night Is 30th June
24 June 2007
Caithness Needs CCTV Volunteer Camera Operators Would you like to play a key role in crime prevention? Volunteer
camera operators are required to monitor the CCTV screens in the process
of being installed in Wick. Specialist accredited training will be
provided. Jean Boyle of the Highland Council and Jennifer Baughan of the
Northern Constabulary have worked together to draw up a detailed CCTV
camera operator information pack. CCTV - Major Expansion Of Coverage
In Wick
The 2007 Latheron Show
The Latheron Show is taking place on Saturday the 14th July 2007 Again in
Occumster Courtesy of Mr & Mrs D Gunn. Numbers already are higher than
usual, and all entries have to be in soon.
For Highland 2007 the show has received funding to provide a CRAFT AND
PRODUCE TENT free for this year tables can be booked by phoning Secretary
David Mackay Parkside Lybster.
Sea At Pulteneytown Parish Church Argyle Square With Three Choirs
Tonight at 7.30pm
Join The Harbourfest Boat Crews For The Harbourfest
Celidh In Assembly Rooms Wick Tonight Lots of Scottish music and local bands, pipers, singers and much more.
22 June 2007
Wick Harbourfest
Starts Tonight Caithness
councillors will set things rolling with a welcoming reception this
evening in Wick Town Hall for the crews of the old yachts. After
that there is choice of entertainment in several venues including -
19.30 - 22.00 � Pipe band Ceilidh in Pipe Band Hall, High Street, Wick.
20.30 - Late � Entertainment in local hostelries � see map for venues.
Saturday sees the main day of the Harbourfest with a huge programme of
events around the harbour. The public will be able to go on board
many of the vessels. The "Boy Andrew" is expected to be in its home
port and also take part in the day by opening it up for people to look
round. Sunday will see the boats leave Wick bound for Lybster and is
expected to be a memorable sight with so many boats leaving port and
making fantastic photo opportunities in Wick Bay - lets hope the fog lifts
by then.
21 June 2007
Travellers Urged To Journey Together Drivers
in Caithness could be gearing up for changes in the way they travel, with
the launch of a new scheme to encourage road users to share car journeys.
JourneyShare Caithness helps you find others going your way before you set
off, aiming to put an end to the problem of people driving 20 miles to the
shops only to find their next-door neighbours in the same checkout queue.
It can also be used to share journeys to work and could be of particular
use to people commuting between Wick and Thurso, visiting Inverness or
travelling to and from hospital appointments. A poster campaign is helping
point drivers in the right direction, by giving advice on how to organise
a car-share via the newly-launched
JourneyShare website or by calling a dedicated helpline.
CCTV - Major Expansion Of Coverage
In Wick Work has started on an eight-week project to install nine extra CCTV
cameras in Wick. Locals are being urged to come forward and volunteer to
help monitor the cameras. The cameras will help Northern Constabulary and
the Caithness Community Safety partners to reduce crime and anti-social
behaviour in Wick. Installing a CCTV system provides a range of benefits
to all members of the community: reduced vandalism and damage to property
and increased feelings of safety and security. The extension of CCTV in
Wick started recently when GMR Henderson began the installation of the
foundations for the camera columns. Scotshield will provide a
state-of-the-art portable CCTV system. The Highland Council's Transport,
Environmental and Community Services Area Lighting Engineer, Robbie Gunn,
is assisting and overseeing this work. The Highland Council will assist in
maintaining the equipment.
Calling Young People With Good Ideas To Help Your Community In
Caithness YouthBank can provide small grants to fund young people�s good
ideas to benefit their local community. They are run by young people for
young people. There is another round of funding available, and
applications can be made for amounts up to �1200. Forms are available from
Wick and Thurso Youth Clubs, or contact
Closing Date for applications is 30th June 2007.
Highland Council
Administration Unveils Four-Year Action Plan
An ambitious four year action plan was unveiled today (Thursday 21 June
2007) by The Highland Council's Independent and Scottish National Party
Administration. The Programme, to be presented to the next meeting of the
Council on Thursday 28 June for consideration, sets out the
Administration's plans to create a greener and sustainable Council and
increase the prosperity and well-being of people living and working in the
Highlands. Equality and fairness will be at the centre of the way the
Council conducts its business. Convener Councillor Sandy Park said:
"Creating a green clean place for people to live work and play and
supporting a culture of enterprise is at the core of our comprehensive
Urgent - NHS Advice On Dentist Situation In Thurso On Behalf Of NHS
Highland NHS Highland was advised yesterday by the Bridgend Dental Care Centre
in Thurso that the practice was to de-register all of its NHS patients.
The practice has sent out letters to 650 parents/carers of children that
are registered with the practice to advise them that as of September they
would no longer be NHS registered with the practice but instead would have
the option of receiving treatment privately. It is extremely disappointing
that the practice has taken this action and in the absence of alternative
access with 'High Street' dentists NHS Highland is now to consider how its
Dental Teams within Caithness will ensure access to dental care for these
children. Parents and carers are advised to contact the NHS Highland
Dental Helpline Tel 0845 6442271 and the Helpline team will take their
details and ensure that these are forwarded to the appropriate dental
team. Parents are asked not to contact the Dental Clinics in Caithness
directly and those doing so will be referred to the Dental Helpline. If
parents are unable to get through on the Helpline no. they are asked to
leave their name and contact details on the answering machine.
European Web
Spectacular Will Take St Kilda Round The Globe - "St Kilda The Opera" A
major international music- theatre production to be performed in five
European venues simultaneously on 22 and 23 June 2007. Each show features
live contemporary and traditional music, film projection and live
satellite broadcast from St Kilda.
Bill Fernie who runs once spent 3 months on St Kilda and his
sister Avril is conducting the choir from Stornoway in Lewis as the UK end
of this European Opera. Lost of photos, sound etc on the web site set up
for this event. St
Kilda on
Listen to a Podcast about the event Click through to short
films of performers on St Kilda etc. Head for the web site over the
next two days for updates and performances live on the web. And yes
it was a memorable experience to have been there...................... get
taste of it on the St Kilda Opera web site. St Kilda - A European Opera is available on line at
Wick Harbourfest - Friday 22nd,
Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th June Handy Links and Information For Wick Harbour and Wick Harbourfest
Information A
huge operation is now underway around Wick Harbour as preparations for the
big harbourfest event are coming together - tidying up the harbour area,
safety barriers being delivered, bunting, stages built, sound systems,
wiring, teams of marshals both individuals and groups like Wick Rotary
instructed on their duties, communications equipment, telephones and much
much more.......... Handy details and contacts - Wick
Harbour Authority - for harbourmaster and harbour details
Harbourmaster, Malcolm Bremner, call the Wick Harbour Office 01955 602030
or 07798 640607
HarbourFest'07 Co-ordinator David Richard-Jones Email: Tel:
01955 603821 Harbourfest pages - for information - dates times,
events, parking etc Wick Heritage Harbourfest page The Moray Firth Flotilla 2007 See some of the boats coming to Wick Friday 22nd - Boats Arriving All Day
Evening programme of quayside entertainment for public and crews.
19.30 - 22.00 � Pipe band Ceilidh in Pipe Band Hall, High Street, Wick.
20.30 - Late � Entertainment in local hostelries � see map for venues.
11.00 - 17.00 � Wick Artist's Exhibition 11.00am daily till 25 June -
Assembly Rooms, The Big Day Is Saturday 23rd
Heritage boats open for visitors - market stalls open for trade
Official HarbourFest'07 Opening � Miss Anne Dunnett, Lord-Lieutenant of
Caithness with Wick RBLS Pipe Band and Sea Cadets in attendance
Full entertainment programme compered by Eric Farquhar with supporting
maritime and fishing heritage displays and demonstrations
Wick Lifeboat Day and Air-Sea rescue helicopter display
Real cooperage demonstrations � see a barrel being made from the raw wood
Practical blacksmith and ironworking demonstrations � hear the ring of the
Film shows of the Caithness Herring Days in the Herring Mart, courtesy of
Wick Heritage Society
Market stalls � local produce, handicrafts, art and crafts, etc etc
Day long refreshments and catering in the Old Fish Mart
Braehead Children's Funfair � train ride, bouncy castle, donkey rides &
Wick Primary Schools: Knotted Rope Art Exhibition Saturday Night - Wick Goes For Entertainment All Round The Town Harbour Fest Ceilidh in Wick Assembly Rooms � local bands with a
Highland theme.
Licensed bar - tickets �5 at door. Enjoy genuine Highland Hospitality!
Themed entertainment in local hostelries � music in several Wick hotels
and pubs
Local Bands To Play At
Harbourfest Ceilidh On Saturday 23nd June A mix of modern and ceildh music will resound around the Wick Assembly
Rooms to celebrate the boats and crews in Wick Harbour. Tickets are
�5 and a late bar has been organised. Special Service At
Puulteneytown Parish Church For Harbour Fest A special service is to be held in Pulteneytown Parish Church at
7.30pm on Sunday evening 24th June when Wick Choral, Melvich
Gaelic choir & The South School Children's choir + the Salvation Army Band
will be taking part in a supporting role to the harbourfest leading folk
in worship as they sing Hymn's connected with the sea.
Flotilla Route June 22nd: Boats Begin To Arrive At Wick
June 23rd: Wick - See above and
for details
June 24th: Boats Leave Wick from 10.00am onwards Heading for Lybster
June 25th: Helmsdale
June 26th/27th: Cromarty/Invergordon
June 28th: Buckie
June 29th: Portsoy
June 30th/July 1st: Portsoy Scottish Traditional Boat Festival
The Flotilla At Lybster Arrives Sunday 24th Departs Monday 25th - Full
Programme of Events
Lybster is also gearing up to receive the Flotilla on Sunday after it
leaves Wick. More music and dancing and other events are organised.
Lybster is also preparing to feed the crews in a big cooking operation
with many local people involved. Like wick Lybster has never seen so many
boats arrive on one day since the great Herring Boom.
The Ultimate
Chill - A Music Competition For Young Folk Aged 12 to 25 The Ultimate Chill is a competition open to musicians from the ages of
12 to 25 performing original compositions. They can be solo performers,
groups, choirs or marching bands and they can play any genre of music from
Rock to Hip Hop to Blues to Country. A local heat is being held at Wick
Youth Club on Thursday the 19th of July from 9.00 AM to 6.00 PM where the
performers will be recorded live with the best recordings/songs being
selected to go forward to semi finals being held in Edinburgh/Dundee in
late August. They then have the chance to go forward to the final being
held on 15th September in the Caird Hall Dundee.
Scorrie Strories - 'Ghost Walk' round Wick - Tuesday 26th June Hot on the heels of this weekend's major maritime event in Wick and
Lybster, with visits from the Moray Firth Flotilla, pupils from Wick High
School are preparing to make a unique creative response to their home
burgh's history and heritage, to be performed next Tuesday. The pupils are
members of an after-school drama club run by Eden Court's Caithness &
North Sutherland Drama outreach worker, David Hunter, who has worked with
many other local groups since taking up post two years ago. Along with
Highland Council's Cultural Co-ordinator in Schools, Christine Russell,
David was keen to create a project that would create links with Wick
Heritage Museum, which has a huge resource of artefacts, exhibits and
archive material relevant to the whole of the county, but particularly to
Wick itself. 'Scorrie Stories' will be performed three times as a guided
walk round Wick on Tuesday 26th June. Starting in the Market Square
(outside Wetherspoons) at 1pm/2.30pm and 4pm, the walk will end outside
Wick Heritage Museum. The charge will be �2 (�1 Concession) - all proceeds
will go to Wick Heritage Museum.
Halkirk Heritage Ready For Another Season
Opens 27th June until 16th August The
star attraction will be a very rare vintage motorcycle (1917 new imperial)
kindly loaned by John Bremner, Halkirk. The motorcycle is part of the
fantastic collection of John�s late grandfather, John A. Bremner, West
End, Castletown. The Halkirk vintage motor enthusiasts have put together
another vast display of car artefacts for your viewing pleasure. For a
village the size of Halkirk, the quality and quantity of vintage motor
vehicles and memorabilia is truly amazing. It is no wonder that motor
enthusiasts from all over the UK are green with envy when they see what is
tucked away in various local garages. Many new photos and other artefacts
will be on show for the first time this year......
20 June 2007
Hillhead Awarded Green Flag Hillhead Primary School has recently been awarded
the prestigious Green Flag Award making it the only school in Caithness
and the largest school in the Highlands to be named an Eco-School.
Eco-schools is an international initiative designed to encourage
whole-school action for the environment.
Over the past few years the whole school has been involved in making
Eco-Schools part of the curriculum. In addition last year Eco-committee
with the support of a Scottish National Heritage grant re-designed The
Square to include a bird table, sitting areas and planting areas for staff
and pupils to enjoy. This year's Eco-Committee has continued to develop
the square and encouraging people to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Close Encounter With Killer Whales In The Pentland Firth Last Night Killer
whales were seen very close up last night from John O'Groats Harbour.
Freddy Fermor and David Thomas went out in a small dingy to get a close
look. They were feeling a bit nervous as the killer whales turned directly
towards them! Luckily there are no known cases of attacks on humans by
killer whales as yet!!
Superferry "Norr�na" Puts Scrabster On
International Route Map The superferry Norr�na
owned by Smyril
Line was welcomed on Monday evening with bagpipes and champagne as
a new ferry service to Norway and the Faroe Islands became a reality.
This is Scotland's first mainland ferry service to these countries. The quayside welcome for the north Atlantic superferry
Norr�na at Scrabster, Caithness, marked the launch of the country's newest
mainland international service. Thousands of holiday-makers from the two Nordic states
are expected to arrive in the Highlands this summer using the weekly
service. Last night�s maiden sailing from the Faroese capital
Torshavn trip saw VIPs from the islands government among the 150 or so
passengers disembarking at Scrabster. The ferry is built to the
highest quality standards and is rated amongst the top cruise liners
offering passengers a fantastic stay on board. They were welcomed ashore by port officials to the sound
of the pipes and drums of Caithness Junior Pipe Band.
More Norr�na
Photos In The Forum
Viewfirth, Thurso Demolished The
building known as Viewfirth in Thurso was demolished yesterday Tuesday
19th June 2007. The building that was home to a social club for many
years was suffering from major problems that the club could not afford to
fix. Membership of the club had been falling for many years and
despite many suggestions nothing was able to halt the decline. The
building is now in the ownership of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
who have offered the site to the community if a suitable and viable
proposal can be made for using the site. A group has been set up to
find a workable proposal and have already had meetings.
HarbourFest Traffic Arrangements Wick
HarbourFest is expected to draw a record number of visitors to the Wick
harbour area and the organisers have announced plans to cater for the
traffic generated by the event. The whole of the harbour front, from the
mini roundabout at Martha Terrace to the top of the Long Shore Road
junction with Bexley Terrace, will be closed to traffic during HarbourFest
Saturday. In order to maintain access for emergency vehicles, there will
also be parking restrictions throughout Lower Pulteneytown. Two temporary
car parks will be bought into use � at the Bignold Park and The Glebe in
order to intercept HarbourFest traffic approaching Wick from the South and
North respectively. Blue Badge parking for the disabled will be located
in the car parks of the Wick Medical Centre and Wick Swimming Pool and
marshals will be available to direct cars. A free mini bus shuttle service
will operate from the car park to and from the harbour
front.................more Caithness General Hospital Car ParkNOT available for
Harbourfest due to heavy normal usage by medical staff and visitors and
cars likely to be asked at entrances for reasons for entering the Hospital
Car Park. Best Advice is to use the Special Car Parks At Bignold Park and
the Glebe.
Funding Extends Energy Project Till 2009 The
Renewable energy Project run by Ormlie Community Association has received
new funding of �89,126 that will mean they can take on extra staff and
ensure the project keeps going until March 2009. Louise Smith, Ormlie Community Association�s Project
Manager for Renewable Energy, said, �We are delighted to have been given
this opportunity to join the ranks of excellent projects that Scottish
Power�s Energy People Trust have funded as part of their commitment to end
fuel poverty. Our Energy SOS Project was established last year and has
grown from strength to strength thanks to the commitment of staff,
volunteers, partners and funders. It is one arm of the Caithness Energy
Advice Project, the other being energy efficiency and renewables research
in conjunction with Pentland Housing Association.
Latest Wind Farm Listing For Highland - May 2007
6 Operational, 2 Under Construction, 2 approved subject to legal consent,
36 others at various stages. 19 are in Caithness and 15 in Sutherland. 5
others have been refused planning permission. 3 are still under appeal.
Wind Farm Index
Pulteneytown Parish Church, Wick To Run New Free Course
"Christianity Explored"
This course will be free, making use of modern high tech methods in its
presentation. This is a 1st class opportunity for anyone to learn the
basics of the Christian faith. You won't be asked to read allowed, pray or
sing and you can ask questions. Interested ? if you are telephone 01955
603166 for information on the starting date, which has yet to be decided.
Latest Additions To The Bees, Butterflies and Bugs 2007 Gallery
The latest additions to the Bees, Butterflies and Bugs found in Caithness
gallery include a White Ermine Moth, A Painted Lady Butterfly, Forest
Cuckoo Bee and a Common Blue Butterfly. If you would like to add to
this years gallery just email photos to
From Westedale - Two Pedigree Border Terriers
Mr and Mrs Owen of Dale Farm Cottage, Westerdale have asked us to post
this notice regarding their missing dogs "They disappeared in the
space of 10 minutes from our garden at 4.30 on Friday afternoon, and have
not been seen anywhere since. We are really, really worried and upset,
no-one has handed them in anywhere, all the local farms and neighbours
know that they are ours, so I cannot imagine what has happened to them.
The bitch has got a bad back, and wouldn't manage to go far anyway."
Contact them on 01847 841259 or 07895 050166
Three Companies Raised In Caithness - From the Am Baile Web Site The 1st
Sutherland Highland Rifle Volunteers (SHVR) at Invergordon, June 1893. The
eight original companies of the SHVR were formed in 1859-61. Four of these
were raised in Sutherland (1st Golspie Company, 2nd Dornoch Company, 3rd
Brora Company and 4th Rogart Company), three were raised in Caithness (1st
Thurso Company, 2nd Wick Company and 3rd Halkirk Company) and one was
raised in Orkney and Shetland (1st Lerwick Company). These were
incorporated in the 1st Administrative Battalion Sutherland Rifle
Volunteers with headquarters at Golspie. says - If you have never found the
Am Baile
web site on Highland History bookmark it now its growing all the
time as more material is added from extensive archives.
Daytime Eclipse Of Venus -
Visible In Daylight In Caithness Very
observant people might have noticed a thin crescent Moon just visible in
the bright sun-drenched afternoon sky on Monday (18th June). Those that
looked even closer would probably have been surprised to see what would
have looked like a star beside it. This was the planet Venus, shining so
brightly that it was visible to the naked eye even in broad daylight.
19 June 2007
Miller Academy Fun Day Has A Sea Theme
Fun Day with a 'Sea' theme on Friday 22nd June from 10 - 2pm and
looking for coverage/publicity. The day will start with a Fancy Dress
Parade at 10am and culminate with a Balloon Release at approx. 1.45pm.
Check out the school's greenhouse made from plastic bottles as part of an
Eco Garden Project. Get along and support the school if you can.
Wick Harbourfest Weekend Will Be Busiest For Over 50 Years Street
Closures And Parking Help Set Up As Harbourfest Weekend Approaches The
council will be setting up special car parks and closing several streets
around Wick harbour to take account of the traffic likely to be coming
into Wick for the events over the coming weekend. Drivers can help
by parking well away from the harbour area or using one of the special car
parks that vehicles entering Wick and heading for the Harboufest will be
directed to. Streets in Lower Pulteneytown area are likely to be
full from early in the day so parking at the car parks or streets well
away will help avoid congestion.
18 June 2007
Harbourfest Friday 22, Saturday 23rd, Sunday 24th June The
biggest event in Caithness for 2007 is the Wick Harbourfest. Wick
harbour will not have seen so many boats arrive in the harbour for over 50
years. Many events are arranged over the whole weekend so check the
programme to see what might of interest to you. Whatever your
interest many folk will want to see the boats arriving on Friday and
departing on Sunday from 10.00am. Special car parks are to be set up
in places like the Bignold Park as theHarbour area and a number
of surrounding streets will be closed to traffic. Drivers of
vehicles heading for the harbour will be directed to the special car parks
by police and wardens as they arrive in Wick.
Ben Hope Sponsored Walk Raises �10,000 by 81 Walkers
On Saturday 16th June 2007, saw the tenth annual sponsored walk in aid of
the Assynt Mountain Rescue Team and Alzheimers Scotland - Action on
Dementia. The tenth sponsored walk was held at Ben Hope in
Sutherland. Ben Hope is Scotland's most northerly Munro and stands at 927m
above sea level. The weather remained favourable, despite some of the
weather forecasts, and the event was extremely successful. Participants
came from a wide geographical area, principally Caithness and Sutherland,
but some travelled from further afield including one walker Catherine
Miller who had travelled up from Wales to attend.
See More
Scottish Crofting Foundations Calls For Immediate Halt To Decrofting
As more people move to make money from sales of plots on decrofted ground
the Scottish Crofting Foundation has called for an immediate halt to
decrofting until things have been sorted out. This follows one
entrant who gained a grant three years ago of �3000 and now stands to make
over �200,000 from selling decrofted land.
Cyclists - Countdown to Etape Caledonia Next weekend sees one of Britain's most exciting cycling events take
place around the Perthshire highlands and lochs. The Etape Caledonia on 24
June, is Britain's only mass participation sportive ride to take place on
entirely closed roads. Cyclists from around Scotland and the rest of
Britain will be able to enjoy the breathtaking scenery in controlled
conditions only usually enjoyed by professional cyclists. There are two
routes on offer, both starting and finishing in Piltochry, and it's not
too late to enter! The longer 81 mile route takes in a climb of
Schiehallion, whilst the shorter 28 mile route cycles the beautiful Loch
Highlanders Urged To Provide Homes For Migrating Birds People in
the Highlands are being urged to take up the offer of free nesting boxes
by The Highland Council to provide homes for visiting swifts. Results from a
Highland Swift survey carried out in 2006
found that one of the factors affecting Swifts is a loss of nest sites due
to refurbishment and repair of old houses. To try and minimise the effect of this, sixty Swift nest
boxes have been built for this year�s swift survey. Householders in key
Swift areas are being invited to install a box on their houses. In
Caithness boxes are available from the East Coast Ranger in Wick.
BiodiversityCaithness Rangers
Caithness Floral Art Club - Dreams - June 2007 Carol
Grieves, from Brampton in Cumbria, shared some of her dreams with us.
Visiting castles, being a ballerina, finding a treasure chest, relaxing
somewhere hot by the sea and visiting the National Flower Arranging Show
were those she chose to illustrate with flowers. Club members then enjoyed
a piece of the excellent birthday cake celebrating 38 years. Caithness Floral Art Club Index
Special Service At
Puulteneytown Parish Church For Harbour Fest A special service is to be held in Pulteneytown Parish Church at
7.30pm on Sunday evening 24th June when Wick Choral, Melvich
Gaelic choir & The South School Children's choir + the Salvation Army Band
will be taking part in a supporting role to the harbourfest leading folk
in worship as they sing Hymn's connected with the sea.
Harbourfest - Friday 22, Saturday 23 & Sunday 24 June The
Programme With Final Updates - Boats To Sail Out Earlier Due To Tides and
Numbers Earlier
copies of the programme showed the sailout on Sunday at 11.30am, but the
time has been brought forward, starting at 10.00am to suit tides
and anticipated vessel numbers. Friday 22nd - Boats Arriving All Day
Evening programme of quayside entertainment for public and crews.
19.30 - 22.00 � Pipe band Ceilidh in Pipe Band Hall, High Street, Wick.
20.30 - Late � Entertainment in local hostelries � see map for venues.
11.00 - 17.00 � Wick Artist's Exhibition 11.00am daily till 25 June -
Assembly Rooms, The Big Day Is Saturday 23rd
Heritage boats open for visitors - market stalls open for trade
Official HarbourFest'07 Opening � Miss Anne Dunnett, Lord-Lieutenant of
Caithness with Wick RBLS Pipe Band and Sea Cadets in attendance
Full entertainment programme compered by Eric Farquhar with supporting
maritime and fishing heritage displays and demonstrations
Wick Lifeboat Day and Air-Sea rescue helicopter display
Real cooperage demonstrations � see a barrel being made from the raw wood
Practical blacksmith and ironworking demonstrations � hear the ring of the
Film shows of the Caithness Herring Days in the Herring Mart, courtesy of
Wick Heritage Society
Market stalls � local produce, handicrafts, art and crafts, etc etc
Day long refreshments and catering in the Old Fish Mart
Braehead Children's Funfair � train ride, bouncy castle, donkey rides &
Wick Primary Schools: Knotted Rope Art Exhibition Saturday Night - Wick Goes For Entertainment All Round The Town Harbour Fest Ceilidh in Wick Assembly Rooms � local bands with a
Highland theme.
Licensed bar - tickets �5 at door. Enjoy genuine Highland Hospitality!
Themed entertainment in local hostelries � see Full Programme for details.
Local Bands To Play At
Harbourfest Ceilidh On Saturday 23nd June A mix of modern and ceildh music will resound around the Wick Assembly
Rooms to celebrate the boats and crews in Wick Harbour. Tickets are
�5 and a late bar has been organised.
Art Exhibition For Harbour Weeekend Starts Thursday 21st June An art exhibition normally held in Wick Gala Week will this year be
held over Wick Harbourfest weekend at Wick Youth Club
Pontoons Ready At wick Harbour For Next Weekends Harbourfest
Many of the old sailing boats arriving at Wick Harbour next weekend will
be tied up at the new pontoons just installed. The Harbourfest will bring in one of the biggest events in
not only wick but in the north of Scotland this year. Starting on
Friday 22nd and running until the boats all sail out on Sunday afternoon
Wick will become busier than it has ever been in the past 50 years.
The harbour area will be packed with stalls , events, music, vintage
vehicles and much more. the whole harbour has been tidies up in
preparation for the arrival of the fleet of old yachts and a large
number of modern yachts who intend to sail with them all the way to
Portsoy over the following week calling at harbours all along the way
starting with Lybster.
Ryanair Handles 50,000th Passenger at Inverness Leading
low fares airline
Ryanair will handle its 50,000th passenger at
Inverness Airport tomorrow (Wednesday 13 June). The airline launched flights to Liverpool
in October 2006 and flights to Nottingham East Midlands in February this
year. Both services operate three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays.
Tomorrow's inbound flight from Liverpool, scheduled to arrive at
10.10am, will carry the 50,000th Ryanair passenger to use the Highland
routes. The milestone will be marked with the lucky passenger receiving
two return flights and accommodation for two nights in Inverness
courtesy of the airline and airport.
ASDA - Superstore decision deferred on Inverness outskirts
The Highland Council's Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey Planning
Applications Committee today (Tuesday, 12 June 2007) deferred decisions
for the development of an Asda superstore, petrol filling station, 5 small
retails units and associated works on land at Slackbuie Farm, Inverness.
Members of the committee decided to defer consideration of a report by the
Director of Planning and Development which recommended that the
application be refused. A motion for deferral was put forward by
Councillor John Finnie and seconded by Councillor Donnie Kerr on the
grounds that there was insufficient road / traffic information from the
applicant on the impact of the proposal on the existing road network. The
Trunk Roads Network Management Division had, the report highlighted, asked
for more information. The motion received 12 votes to 6.
The Planning Application Paper Dealt With By The Committee Today
Renowned Jazz
Guitarist Martin Taylor To Play At The Mill Theatre, Thurso On
Thursday 21st June jazz guitar maestro Martin Taylor will play at the Mill
Theatre in Thurso. On this occasion he will be joined, for part of his
set, by singer Alison Burns. Booking for this show has been brisk and more
than half the available seats have already been taken so, if you're
planning on going, book soon on 01847-896956 Tickets are priced at �10.00
and the show starts at 8.00pm. The virtuoso guitarist Martin Taylor MBE
first came to prominence in the late 1970's through his collaborations
with the legendary violinist Stephane Grappelli, and now tours the world's
concert halls with his dazzling live performances.
Fulmar Photos From Duncansby Head Thanks
to Samuel De La Haye for these photos of Fulmars at
Duncansby Head.
Duncansby Head is renowned for the sea birds crowding the cliffs at this
time of year. It is so packed with nesting sites it is often
referred to as
Sea Bird City Due to the Geo formation there are
excellent vantage points on one side looking across to the cliffs on the
other side - great for looking with binoculars and taking photos of
individual nest, birds or whole colonies. Bird
Watching IndexBird LinksNature IndexCaithness
Bird Watchers Forum
Jack Russell Needs A New Home - Can
You Help?
"We re-homed a Jack Russell bitch from Balmore Animal Rescue Centre in
August last year. Sadly in recent weeks she has taken an acute dislike to
our other dog ( a Collie Bitch) We have tried everything possible to
resolve this problem but following a consultation with a dog behaviourist
expert, we have had to conclude that Rosie (The Jack Russell ) needs to go
to a new home"
Pontoons Begin Installation At Wick Harbour And Signal A New Yachting Era
In The North A
new age is about to get underway for Wick Harbour. The installation
of the first pontoons has begun. the pontoons will make it possible
for yachts to be berthed safely at the harbour and offer services
previously unavailable to both visiting and yachts berthed for longer
periods. Even before the pontoons have been installed interest from
the yachting community from many parts of the UK has been intense.
It is is understood enquiries have been brisk even before it opens
and already the second phase scheduled for next year is attracting
enquiries. The pontoons should be available for the big
Harbourfest Weekend 22 - 24 June.
Wick Harbour
Authority See more about the Wick Harbour Marina Development
Polish Pupils From Krakow Visit Wick On Exchange Polish
young people were welcome to Wick on Monday evening at a reception in Wick
Town Hall. the exchange visit with Wick High sees the start once
again of a series of exchange visits between a school in Krakow, Poland
and Wick High that were once a feature of the school in years gone by.
At the reception attended by Wick councillors, the young people and their
teachers from Krakow and the host families there was a traditional welcome
by three pipers from Wick High and welcome from councillor Katrina MacNab.
Pupils from Wick will be visiting Krakow on a return visit. On
Tuesday the young people will take bus trip to see
Dunrobin Castle and they have packed week ahead of them seeing
round Caithness and the north of Scotland before they make the return
"Kapitan Glowacki" At Wick Harbour The
"Kapitan Glowacki" a Brigantine registered in Poland was at Wick harbour
today. The ship was built in 1946 and is registered to enter the
Baltic Tall Ships Race in July this year. To see how big an affair
that is for the ports involved see the
Stockholm Tall ships Race web site Great to see a sailing
ship in Wick harbour with shades of what is to come in a couple of weeks
at the
F7F Tigercat Landed At Wick For Refuelling
The site of this second world war American plane landing at Wick caught
the attention of two local folk with cameras handy. Paula Gent and
David Munro both snapped the aircraft landing, refuelling and taking off
again. The aircraft comes in for attention wherever it goes as it
can be found on other web sites as
Here and
Here and
Here and
and even more
Here and yet more
Here and keep going
Here and on to
Here Details from the
Airworthiness Approval Note Many more photos
Here This is one very famous plane we are discovering.
Here and
Here and an early one
Here and there are many many more if you hit Google with the
details. Wick Airport should have been selling tickets.
HomeStart Quiz Winner
Home-Start recently held a 'Chocolate & Sweetie Quiz', which finished on
June 1st. Total raised was �191.50. The winner was Mrs Sandra Munro
of Lybster, grand prize �50.
Fishing On Stormdrift At The Weekend We set of as the morning fog wrapped herself around us
and embraced us with her misty presence, this was coupled with
mirror-like seas. Our first stop was The Grounds which producing very
little apart from Coalies and a few sparse Mackerel � After assessing
the conditions I decided to take the lads east as we drifted along
Brigga the fog lifted and the scenery unfolded before us. Nick decided
to open the day with a
mini-species hunt and landed a bonny male Cuckoo Wrasse.
Home Team Wins Halkirk Gala Bowling Competition The
home team of Halkirk won the Halkirk Gala Bowls competition. The winning
team interspersed with the gala queen and attendants from the left are Jim
Falconer, John Swanson, Mike Sutherland & Davie Campbell.
Parachute Jump For Monday Club
Darren Sutherland, BT Thurso, is doing a charity Parachute jump on 16 June
07 to raise funds for The Monday Club local charity. Helen Campbell of
Brodie Books fame has donated a pair of doodled books for him to raffle as
part of his fund-raising. See
Caithness And Sutherland Provincial MOD - Thurso
The Caithness and Sutherland Provincial MOD was held on Saturday at Thurso
High school and a fine day of Gaelic singing and speech making was on
show. A ceilidh was held in the evening at the Royal British Legion
combined with the prize giving.
9 June 2007
Grasshopper Warbler At March Road, Wick
Local bird expert Julian Smith and others have now confirmed that what
Bill Fernie thought might be a Nightjar is in fact a Grasshopper Warbler.
Bill has recorded the sound of the bird at his garden last night for you
all to hear and put it up on Youtube in case you also have
one nearby but are unable to identify it. The bird has been out
around March Road, Wick after 9.30pm each night for the past few evenings
and carries on well into the early hours of the morning.
The RSPB web site on the Grasshopper Warbler says they are not
common in Scotland.
- Caithness Musicians & Bands Should Check This Out
HALF a million pounds is to be spent on creating business paths for
Scotland's up and coming bands, enabling emerging talent to tell the same
tale of success as artists such as KT Tunstall, Runrig and Franz
Ferdinand. The new Scottish Music Futures Fund was launched in Inverness
on 8th June 2007 during the HIE-backed goNORTH festival. The fund will
cover all kinds of music and is designed to consolidate a structured plan
to ensure the overall development of a business. The Scottish Executive
announced in February this year that �500,000 would be allocated as a
business development fund to help cultivate the music industry in
Featuring 100 Highland Dancers accompanied by live music from local
musicians and directed by Addie Harper.
8 June 2007
M�d Ionadail Gallaibh 's
Cataibh - Inbhir The�rsa Saturday 9th June 2007 - 9am
Caithness and Sutherland Provincial Mod - Thurso Special Guest Artist at this years Caithness and Sutherland Provincial
Mod taking place tomorrow, Saturday 9th June in Thurso will be Kenneth
Nicolson, double gold medallist from the Royal National Mod 2005 in
Stornoway. At the age of 22, Kenneth won both the Gold Medal and the
Traditional Gold Medal in the same year for the first time in the history
of the Royal National Mod. He has been asked to appear in Caithness at the
Grand Concert and Ceilidh to be held in the RBLS Thurso as an inspiration
to the young participants and to encourage them to go further with their
efforts in local and national Mod participation. Kenneth is studying
Gaelic and is currently on placement as a Gaelic Teacher in Stornoway on
the Isle of Lewis. A fluent native speaker, Kenneth hails from Ceos in the
Kinloch area of the island and has been attending the Mod since his junior
years. He is one of a series of Mod Gold Medallists to have appeared in
the Far North this year as part of the Ceol aig Tuath project - a series
of performances and workshops by Melvich Gaelic Choir raising the profile
of the language and culture of the Gael through music and song. Head Over to Thurso for some fine Gaelic singing on Saturday 9th June
Hey Folks - Help Get Something Done For Our Village Halls
Village Halls Village Hall committees do a great job but they often struggle to pay
the bills and have special problems if the hall is old and they need to
raise capital for a new one.Get everyone to sign this
Scottish Parliament petition to get a serious look at things underway.
Village Hall Petition Sign The Petition
261 Signatures at 8.30pm
SCVO has just launched a petition that the Scottish Executive should
recognise the important of village and community halls in rural Scotland.
The petition will run until 27th July 2007. If you don't already know
about this I wondered if you might like to draw the petition to the
attention of community councils and independent halls in your area? "Halls for All" asks
That a specific fund should be
established to provide capital funding to refurbish and modernise
village/community halls
That funding should be made available
to establish a Village Halls Support Service
That fair relief scheme for water
charges should be established for charities which would maintain current
exemption beyond 2010
That work should be undertaken
with appropriate partners to cut regulatory burdens and support the
interests of Hall Committees.
NUKEM Now Owned By French Company Freyssinet SAS - The Whitehaven
NUKEM Ltd has workers at several nuclear sites including Dounreay.
Freyssinet is itself owned by French construction giant, VINCI.
Winning Sisters At Caithness Music Festival Three
sisters, Lynsey, Joanna & Eilidh Harper in Caithness have shown their
musical talent by all winning the vocal solo competitions in their
respective age groups. A look through the photos already on the site
will show they have won other sections in addition to the solos.
Well done to all.
7 June 2007
Wick High Reunion 58 - 63 Friday 27th July
Jay and Elsie would like everyone to pay for their reunion tickets as soon
as possible to get the final arrangements in place for the big night.
So get in touch with them right away and make their life easier in the run
up to the night
Dounreay Bulletin - Latest Issue In
This issue -
Sharing our Knowledge - Seabed Investigations - DFR - Polish or Demolish
Dounreay Stakeholder Group - All Energy Conference
June Issue of Dounreay News - Dounreay Environment Week
Waste Manager Becomes Member of WATEC
SILO De-Watering Proceeds
"Petermas" A
Dramatic And Musical Re-enactment Of The Victorian Caithness Fair 18th
19th 20th June - 7.30pm Thurso High School
Tickets �3 and �1 - Pay At The Door
Don't miss "Petermas" - a dramatic and musical re-enactment of a day at
the Petermas Fair which was one of the highlights of the calendar in
Victorian Caithness. Written by drama teacher Lisa Grindall, the play
incorporates strands as diverse as the legend of the Selkie (creatures
that can transform themselves from seals to humans), the Ceilidh and the
Petermas Fair, to tell a tale of Caithness in the Victorian era.
The event will involve pupils from all the years in the school and will
include music (devised and performed by the music department and S1
pupils), dancing, piping, puppetry and acting. The event is part of the
school's contribution to the Highland 2007 initiative and will see
performances for local Primary Schools and the public.
MacMillan Cancer Care Walk Had Good Turnout Over
40 walkers took part in the annual walk starting from Caithness General
Hospital up Newton Hill, down by Milton back to Hospital.
Roadworks Allow Unexpected Pipe Band Practice In The Street Wick RBLS Pipe Band took advantage of the roadworks which caused the
overnight closure of High Street outside the Pipe Band Hall to hold a
practice prior to their visit to Germany. The practice provided an
unexpected treat for a large group of German tourists staying overnight in
the town. The band is off to Germany next Wednesday night to visit their
friends in the Bad Waldsee Pipe Band. The main event of their visit will
be an International Tattoo featuring pipe bands and brass bands from
Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the Wick band will be the only one from
Scotland. In addition to the Tattoo the band will also be playing at other
venues including a beer mug museum.........
Vocal Solo Winner Byrony
Munro won the vocal solo competition for P1 Girls at the Caithness Music
Festival. Byrony attends Hillhead School in Wick. Well done
Send your Caithness Music Festival photos to to add to this
gallery. The photos do not have to be winners. As long as they
entered the festival we will publish the photos in the Music Festival
Gallery - its the taking part that counts.
Rolls Royce At John O'Groats Deborah
Fermor sent these photos of the Rolls Royce at John O'Groats and her
family and said "The gentleman had asked if he could leave his old car in
the car park. We hadn't seen it and said yes don't worry there are plenty
of old cars round John O'Groats, leave it anywhere! Its only afterwards we
saw it was a rolls royce."
Silver Ghost Centenary Tour 1907 - 2007 Hits Caithness
The Centenary tour of Rolls Royce Silver Ghosts is visiting great places
all over the UK and spending a considerable amount of their time in the
Highlands. The ones pictured so far were at
MacKays Hotel
in Wick this evening. The drivers and passengers were heading off for
dinner at
Ackergill Tower See more about the tour
HERE. Have you snapped any of the cars - send your photos to
add to the gallery to
If you would like to add more photos to the Caithness Music Festival
Gallery just email them to
Have Your Say In Shaping Scotland's Water
Pentland Hotel, Thurso - 18th June - 3.00 - 5.00pm or 7.00 - 9.00pm Residents in the North Highland area are invited to help shape future
plans to protect and improve water quality at informal, open meetings on
18 June and 20 June 2007. Following the introduction of European
legislation, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) is
preparing a plan that will reflect the aspirations of all of those using,
managing and protecting Scotland's water environment. This plan, which
will be produced in 2009, will include measures to benefit rivers, lochs
and coastal waters in the North Highland area covering catchments draining
to the coast between Cape Wrath and Lossiemouth......
Environment Minister Launches
World's First Fossil Code Scotland
is pioneering a new approach to safeguarding the planet's ancient
fossil legacy with the launch of the world's first national Fossil
Code. The draft Scottish Fossil Code is launched for public
consultation today in Edinburgh beneath Arthur's Seat - the famous
extinct volcano and unlikely location for fossil finds - by
Minister for Environment
Michael Russell MSP.
Acid tanker 'ignored coastguard' - BBC
The Maltese-registered West Sailor ignored advice from the coastguard and
anchored in the Pentland Firth to carry out repairs.
4 June 2007
Latest Weddings Tracy
Sinclair and Gary Reid - The wedding of TRACY SINCLAIR and GARY REID
both of Bishop's Drive, West Gills by Thurso. Married at St Andrew's and
St Peter's Church, Thurso. Followed by their reception at the Weigh Inn
Hotel, Thurso . Photography at the Castle of Mey Sarah Grant and Robert Dunbar - The wedding of SARAH GRANT of
Mackay Terrace, Shebster and ROBERT DUNBAR of Fountain Cottages, Haster.
Married at the Portland Arms Hotel, Lybster where they also held their
Waybaggers 2007 - 2008 Walking Programme If
you want to get out and see some of the great places in the far north why
not take a day out with the Caithness Waybaggers and see - John O�Groats to Castle Geo - - Sandside to Melvich - - Ben Wyvis
Ben Hee - Glen Loth - - John O�Groats to Harrow Harbour
Broubster Forest Tracks - - Broadhaven to Reiss Beach
Berriedale to Ousdale
Invitation To Surprise
Celebration For Irene Mackay - Don't Tell Irene! But Can You Help?
1st Keiss/Canisbay Brownies: Celebration for Irene Mackay Dedication 1967
- 2007 If you were a brownie in the 1st Keiss/Canisbay we want to invite
you to a SURPRISE presentation for Irene Mackay for her dedication to the
Brownies since 1967. It will be held in the Keiss Primary school on the
13th June 2007 at 7- 9pm. We are hoping to make a scrapbook of the
memories and photos over the years (photos will be returned) so your
contribution will be appreciated. There will be tea, coffee and home
baking and a great chance for everyone to reminisce the good times at the
brownies. There is also a collection if anyone wants to contribute. Please
speak to other brownies that you know that was at 1st Keiss/Canisbay
Brownies and get them to come along too. But remember it is a surprise
Any questions and R.S.V.P either Joanna 611448
or Patsy Campbell 631321. From - We are assured Irene will
not see this message until after the event.
Waybaggers Walk At Ben Loyal As
part of the Caithness and Sutherland 2007 Walking festival Caithness
Waybaggers hosted a walk and climb to Ben Loyal. This took place on the
20th May 2007. We left Wick at 8.00 am in our hired mini- bus. It took
just under the two hours to get to Tongue. Here we met up with a further
10 walkers from the walking festival making a total of 18 altogether. We
headed down to Ribigill farm and started our walk from there. There is a
good track for the first 3 kms but this peters out at Allt Lon Malmsgaig
Hitch For School Uniform Measuring In Wick - Cancelled Until Next
Monday 11 June It had been hoped to begin measuring young folk for the new Wick
High School Uniform due to come in after the summer holidays but
supplier problems have meant that J Gunn in Wick have had to put it off
until next Monday. So if you and your children were looking to get
measured for the new uniform just hang fire for another week.
3 June 2007
Caithness Teachers Heading For Malawi - Update From Maureen Miller
I now have the details of the school I have been appointed to. It is
called Namingkango School in the
Magomero Zone of Dedza District in
Malawi. This school is in a very remote part of the country in the west
of the Dedza District. The head teacher of the school has been in post
for three years and has a school roll of 654 pupils in standards 1-8.
There are five qualified teachers, three teachers who have got a
certificate for having completed four years of secondary education, two
teachers who have completed two years of secondary education, and two
volunteer teachers.......................
Use Your Driving Skills To Help Get Folk Around
Caithness Rural Tranpsort provide wheelchair adapted transport to
clients who have mobility problems and have no access to any other form
of transport. We have been in operation since July 1999, and now have
297 clients and three vehicles. One based in Wick, one in Thurso and the
other in Dunbeath.......
Planet Spotting In June - By
Gordon Mackie As the
summer nights shorten over the coming month we'll be treated to plenty
of opportunities for evening views of the planets Venus, Saturn and
Jupiter, with Mercury also joining the show for a short while. These
planets are all visible to the naked eye and should be easy to identify,
but unfortunately they will be quite low in the sky so a fairly clear
horizon will be needed. Venus, Saturn and Mercury (& occasionally the
crescent moon) can be seen lined up in the north western sky shortly
after sunset and the giant planet Jupiter can be seen rising to low
above the southern horizon around midnight.
First Fish Of the Season Caught At Forss Christopher
Brocklebank Fowler and his dog Simba with the first fish caught on Forss
River this season. The fish weighed 9 1/2 pounds and was caught with a
Lazy Mediator. Another similar sized fish was caught the next day.
Latheron / Dunbeath Drop In and Chat!!
On Tuesday 12th June 2007 a drop in day will be held at Latheron
Community Hall from 1.00 pm. until 2.00 pm., and then at Dunbeath
Community Hall from 2.30 pm. until 4.30 pm.
There will be an opportunity to chat to representatives of a number of
organisations offering help to those living in these areas. Among those
present will be Frank McCaffery of Working for Families, offering
support and help to parents seeking either a return to work or to
sustain existing employment. Libby Cook from the Adult Basic Education
Unit will also be there to offer help with writing, spelling, numeracy
and general confidence building. Yvonne Hendry from Caithness Voluntary
Group will also be present to offer help and support to voluntary groups
and workers in the area. Please free to call in and chat if you think we
can help you. No appointment is needed.
1 June 2007
Fashion Show Tonight - Castletown Drill Hall - Friday 1st June at
6.30pm entry �3
In Aid Of Castletown Playgroup and Toddlers outdoor playpark fund
Castletown Playgroup and Toddlers in association with Tesco's clothing.
Fashion Show in Castletown Drill Hall tonight Friday 1st June at 6.30pm
entry �3 includes refreshments at interval. Modelled clothing will be on
sale at the end with proceeds going to Castletown Playgroup and Toddlers
outdoor playpark fund.