River Helmsdale Flooding
Not in Caithness & Sutherland
Helmsdale Index
Sutherland Index
New Aberdeen-Amsterdam Route Takes Off
number of international passengers jetting
out of Aberdeen is set to increase following
the launch of a new direct bmi regional
route to Amsterdam. This week saw the
UK�s most punctual regional carrier commence
a new service that departs for Amsterdam
three times daily Monday to Friday, once on
Saturday and twice on Sundays. Operated by
bmi regional�s all jet fleet of Embraer
aircraft, the flight schedule is
conveniently timed to meet the needs of
Aberdeen�s growing numbers of business
passengers and is designed to allow for a
full working day in Holland�s capital.
Flying Index
UKAEA Donate New Goal Posts and Gates To
South School, Wick
via their apprentices have donated two sets
of goalposts and two new gates for the
football field to South Primary School,
Wick. Some of the apprentices were on
hand today to make a formal hand over of
their handiwork with two of the school teams
decked out in their strips.
Mad March Walk - South School, Wick

A sponsored walk to raise funds for the
school and the money will definitely not be
held in the school following this weeks
South Primary School Index
Schools & Education Index
Non-native Mink Removed From Uists -
Next Areas To Be Tackled Will Be Lewis and
The removal of non-native American mink from
the Uists has been successfully achieved by
the Hebridean Mink Project, and trapping and
control will officially end today. The
population of mink on South Uist, North Uist
and Benbecula has been eradicated, thereby
helping to ensure the future of
internationally protected ground nesting
birds. Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) has
confirmed �30,000 has been approved for
further work in Harris to halt the spread of
the voracious predator which is alien to the
Western Isles and the UK. This three month
extension of Phase 1 of the Hebridean Mink
Project will employ three trappers and will
also prevent the spread of the mink back to
Mey and District Gardening Club Bulb Show

Last Day To Enter Book Competition To Win Free copy of Highland Clearances
Cost of Decommissioning Up Rises Again
The publication on 30 March 2006 of the Nuclear Decommissioning
Authority�s (NDA) approved Strategy sets out for the first time how the UK
will tackle the clean-up of its historic nuclear facilities including the
UKAEA site at Dounreay in Caithness, and the Magnox Electric Ltd sites,
Hunterston A in Ayrshire and Chapelcross near Dumfries. The NDA will
establish a Nuclear Skills Institute and a National Nuclear Skills
Academy. A delivery arm of the Academy will be located at Thurso.
Tackling nuclear legacy poses formidable challenge - Financial
Activities Plan
Keep the kids interested during the Easter Holidays In Thurso
Note - We are currently transferring all nurseries , playgroups
and out of school groups to their own new section. If your group
has more information or you would like changes or additions please get
in touch. the new section has it own index and news section where
we will gradually being adding new material and linking in all of the
existing groups as they are moved.
New Index
30 March 2006
Two Ambitious
Thurso Teenagers Win Places On Youth Theatre Course
talented Thurso teenagers are on their first step of the ladder to
becoming the next big screen legends. The girls have achieved a place
with the Scottish Youth Theatre in Glasgow, on the esteemed Summer
Festival Foundation Course. Donna Douglas and Eilidh Williamson, both
aged 14, have been awarded a placement, having successfully completed a
gruelling audition in Inverness, beating off hundreds of other hopefuls
for a place on the popular course. Donna, an active member of the Thurso
Players for four years, said: �We are so excited and proud to have both
been accepted.
MV Youth Volunteering Awards For Highland Hospice
Hospice shops in Wick and Thurso honoured their young volunteers this
week by hosting a reception in the Thurso shop. Five volunteers achieved
the top award of a MV Gold certificate for completing more than 200
hours volunteering, while another achieved Silver for 100 hours, with
another gaining the Bronze for 50 hours volunteering. The awards were
presented by Catherine Patterson development officer for Volunteering
Highland and in attendance were other volunteers and shop manager for
Highland Hospice, Johanna Geddes.
Latest Volunteering Opportunities
Volunteering Highland is currently offering opportunities of various
kinds in Caithness with the following groups - Thurso Beyond 2000 -
Enablelink - Homestart Caithness - HomeAid Caithness
Halkirk Gets Kerbside Recycling
Following on from the success of the
Kerbside recycling collections which began last April in Wick and Thurso,
The Highland Council has decided to expand the service to include another
350 households in Halkirk on the garden waste collection service. Each household on the route in Halkirk
has recently been supplied with an additional brown wheelie bin and a
Kerbside recycling calendar giving the collection dates. The new recycling
collections will start on Friday 14 April 2006 and will operate on a
fortnightly basis. The normal refuse collection will be unaffected.
Recycling Centres
Environment Index
Million Highland Schools Contract Is Biggest
Ever In The North
The Highland Council today (Thursday 30
March 2006) signed an agreement confirming
the biggest building programme to be
undertaken by a local authority in the
Highlands, including Scotland�s first
purpose built Gaelic school. Alpha Schools
(Highland) Ltd, a consortium of Morrison PLC
and Noble Fund Managers, will begin work
next month on the first three of 11 new
rural and urban community schools to be
built over the next three years under the
second Highland Education Public Private
Partnership as part of the Council's
ambitious 21st Century School Improvement
Programme. Turf cutting ceremonies will be
held at the site of a new primary school to
meet the rapidly growing population at
Inshes, Inverness, Dingwall Academy and
Portree High School over the next few weeks
following the signing of the bond launch and
financial close of the contract, which has a
capital value of �134 million
Project Ability In Thurso
Clyde and Pentland Firth have met in an arts
project held in Ormlie Centre in Thurso. The
event was organised by Jennifer Ironside of
Key Housing and ran in conjunction with
Project Ability who are a Glasgow based
visual arts organisation. Three artists,
accompanied by four artists who have
learning disabilities travelled north to
Thurso for three day workshop and to meet up
with seven of the service users of Key
Photo Gallery From The Project
Balloon Race At Lybster School
Primary School finally got their 'Great
Balloon Race' going today. It was postponed
during the Easter Fayre on Saturday due to
extremely wet weather! Today however the
balloons took off into a clear blue sky and
headed swiftly towards Camster and hopefully
further afield. All the balloons carried a
ticket which we would encourage anyone
finding it to return, as the person who
returns the ticket from the balloon that has
travelled the furthest will win �20 in prize
Signs Of Spring 2006 On And Around St John's
Latest bird sightings from this bird
place in Caithness
Latest Update For Wick
High 54-56 21 July 2006
Latest update
from Janis Paterson - List growing for the
reunion venue and band booked, see who is
now confirmed and get your tickets ordered
soon as date is start of gala week.
Main Index for all current and
previous reunions.
29 March 2006
Salt Cellars At Wick Harbour - Art
Project Involves Wick School Kids and Metal

School children from all the Wick schools
have been involved in a unique art project
to create gates for the old Salt Cellars
that have lain derelict for years. The
Wick Society have taken over the salt
cellars and the art work of the children
portraying parts of Wick's history has been
drawn and is now being made into metal gates
by Ian Sinclair. The gates will be
back lit to show up the designs on the
gates. They will be ready in and in
place in June.
Youth Club Volunteers Wanted
All Youth Clubs in Caithness are currently
struggling to attract adult helpers for both
direct work with young people and management
committee members. Can you spare a few
hours a week?
Highland Council Look Set To Oppose Giant
Pylons - The Herald
The story in today's Herald focuses on
the vast opposition to the proposal to build
a line of giant pylons from the north of
Scotland to Stirling. John Rennilson,
Highland council's director of planning and
development, has recommended to
councillors that they reject the proposal
due to the visual impact, potential health
issues. More than 17,000 people have
written to the Scottish Executive to object
to the proposals. Highland Council alone has
received 8100 objections to the scheme, and
just one letter of support.
Council Welcomes Benefit Fraud Inspections
As More Cases Referred For Prosecution
The Highland Council has renewed its
commitment to tackling benefit fraud in the
wake of two inspections from the Benefit
Fraud Inspectorate. "New claim
processing meets the target set by the
Department for Work and Pensions and the
Council has stepped up its anti-fraud
activity with a number of individuals having
been referred to the Procurator Fiscal. A
high priority is given to prevention and
detection of benefit fraud."
Pipework Arrives For Wick's New Heating System And Digging Has Begun
Heat And Power company swung into action with the arrival of all of the
pipework for the job. the pipes currently sitting in Huddart street
will soon be going into the ground as work has begun already digging the
trenches in Nicolson Street. At the same time the site for the new
building to house the main plant and equipment has begun at the rear of
the distillery. Over the next few months the Pulteneytown area will
see the pipework spread round all of the streets and begin to join all of
the houses signed up for the new system ready to have constant heat at a
fixed price next winter. the new plant will also produce electricity to be
fed into the national grid. Caithness
Heat and Power Index
Org Records Set To Break Again In March
Message Board Alone Heading For One Million Page Downloads This Month
The forums on the Message Board are taking Caithness.org into new
territory. The numbers for the forums alone are heading towards a
million page downloads for March. The whole web site is equally on
yet another upward surge as the visitor numbers are already over 600,000
with three days to go. The hit rate for the past 12 months is a
staggering 162,350,131 with three days yet to be added. As always thanks
to you all for looking in.
Wick High Under 15's Football Team Launch Their Own Web Site
with success of an 11- 1 victory last week this powerhouse on the footy
field have launched their own web site. Go for it boys. Here
at Caithness.org we are all watching for great things in the Scottish
Shield. And congratulations again on an amazing game. Mind the
next one will not be as easy so keep training. Links now added to
the Under 15's football web site in
Wick High and the
Football Links
28 March 2006
New Face of
Caithness Visual Arts
"FaceNorth" visual
arts residency run by
Northlands Glass and
Lyth Arts Centre is now up and
running and going from strength to strength. The residency, funded by the
Scottish Arts Council and Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise agency,
offers the opportunity for local community groups with little or no arts
skills to engage with professional artists Kate Williams,
Shelagh Swanson
and Alistair Pender over the coming months. Fused glass, time based
artwork and mixed media assemblage are the three main areas the artists
are concentrating on.
Campaigners In North Skye Look At Caithness & Belford Hospital Campaigns
As Guide To Gesto
West highland Free Press is currently highlighting the feelings of people
in North Skye to plans by NHS highland to sell off a hospital gifted
to the people of Skye. Campaigners aim to register interest in
buying Gesto Campaigners fighting NHS Highland plans to close and sell off
Gesto Hospital in north Skye intend to register their interest in buying
the building and surrounding land, the Free Press has learned. The
campaigners are looking to the success in Caithness and the Belford in
Fort William as models for a potential increase in action to prevent the
Skye And Lochalsh Links
Free Stuff -
The Caithness.org Equivalent of Freecycling Is Taking Off
A range of items have already been recycled via the Free Stuff section of
the message board and items passed on to new owners who have use for the
them. the idea is one of the fastest recycling ideas spreading
across the Internet. One of the biggest is
www.freecycle.org and although we
have not set up rules for ours so far we would tend to emulate their
ideas. For example when giving away animals owners may want to be
careful about who potential owners of pets or other animals might be.
Safety is also something to be aware of if inviting people to pick up
items from your home and we would advise having another person around when
pick ups are arranged involving strangers. It looks to be going well
and several items have been removed after successful give aways.
Don't dump it - Give it away. Charity shops will usually not
accept electrical goods but you can give them away - even if broken as
another person may fix it or use the parts keeping it out of landfill.
North Highland Forest
NHFT publishes a newsletter packed
with information and until they begin
publishing on an upgraded web site at a later
date we will publish it via Caithness.org
The March Newsletter is now online and is 18
pages of information on funding schemes and
anything connected to forestry in Caithness
and Sutherland including forestry walks and
much more.
Wick Set To Be Retail Capital Of the
North As New Shops Near To Opening
Wick Retail Park - Seven Shops Nearly
is racing ahead now as signs begin to go up
and Homebase, Argos, Superdrug and New Look
begin to get ready for an Easter opening.
Work inside and outside is moving on fast.
The old drystane wall along the edge is
being rebuilt and new lay-by steps and ramps
going in.
Work Started In June 2005
Structure Starts Going Up November 2005
Tescos Prepare To Race For Pre Christmas
Opening In Wick A Meeting In Nethercliff
Representatives From Tesco held a
meeting today in the Nethercliff Hotel, Wick
and spoke to local people to hear their
views about shopping in Wick and how Tescos
might affect the area. As one of our
message board people has reported they gave
out the following information -
The new store is planned to open here in
December and will be looking to employ
between 175 - 300 new staff. The minimum
wage being nearly �6 per hour. There
will be a drive-thru car wash and cafe at
the new store as well as everything else
Tesco usually offer including clothes,
electrical items, fresh food deli's etc..
The store itself will be slightly bigger
than the one in Dingwall and will probably
be open from 6am - 12 midnight. Petrol will
cost the same or less as the lowest price
within a 3 mile radius. And the petrol
station may well be open 24 hours.
See what they are saying on the Message
Board and add your comments
Pension Strikers Were Also Out In Thurso
were out on the picket line at North
Highland College today
joining with their co-workers up and down
the UK. With nearly 200,000 local
authority employees in Scotland the strike
will have had a substantial affect on may
services.. Throughout the UK there are
almost 2 million workers potentially
affected by the proposed pension changes
although a much smaller number might
actually be affected by the new rules.
Low paid workers and female workers in
particular due to their higher numbers
working for councils are perhaps more
affected as they carry out many of the jobs
in care homes, schools canteens,
classroom assistants and many other
categories. Not all council workers
have long years of service and may only be
entitled to modest levels of pension often
just a few hundreds or �3 - 4000 per annum.
Despite the problems facing the government
most employees affected feel they are being
unfairly treated compared to other public
sector workers who are not facing the
changes to reduce pension rights.
Caithness Orchestra and James Ross
final concerts of our 25th anniversary
season take place this week, on Wednesday 29
March in Wick Old Parish Church and on
Thursday 30th March in Thurso High School
Hall. Both concerts start at 7.30 pm
and should be finished by 9.15 pm. Prices
are �5 for adults, �3 for concessions and �7
for a 'family' ticket, ie an adult plus
children. The programme includes Beethoven's
5th Symphony and pieces by the Russian
composers Tchaikowsky and Borodin. For many,
however, the highlight is the first
performance of a new piece by Wick born
composer and performer James Ross, written
to a commission by the Orchestra under the
auspices of Highland 2007.
Determination To Win Fight To Keep Pension
Rights On Wick Picket Line
on the picket line were who members of both
Unison and the TGWU at the main Caithness
council offices in Wick today expressed
their disappointment that their pension
rights were under attack from a Labour
government. They felt that many of
their members were low paid or women who
mostly would not build up many years of
service with average pension in many cases
of less than �4000. The feeling was
that the government was hiding behind a
smokescreen of European regulations and that
if necessary they were determined to repeat
the action. Future action is yet to be
decided by may well be more selective
attacking in particular services like
finance that brings in revenue to local
authorities. Inconvenience to today
could well have other affects as people
turned up today to pay rent or arrears and
in some cases fines from court appearances
where today was the final day for payment
which might lead to other charges being
Scottish Infantry Regiments Consigned To History
Royal Regiment Of Scotland (RSS) Appears
The end of an era happens to day as the
six remaining Scottish infantry regiments of the
British army are merged into one. The
government has ignored all the campaigns to
save them. The six existing regiments
being amalgamated as battalions of the super
regiment are the Black Watch, Argyll and
Sutherland Highlanders, the Royal Scots, the
Royal Highland Fusiliers, the King�s Own
Scottish Borderers and the Highlanders.
Local Authority Strike Over Pensions Hits Caithness
strike today by up to 200,000 local authority workers is hitting many
services in Highland. The strike is due to the decision to abolish
Rule 85 whereby workers can retire early if their age and years of service
are over 85
See Unison for a fuller explanation. Other government
workers such as civil servant and teachers are not affected as the
government says the rules are different in their schemes.
What's Been Hit By the Strike? - There may be other services
affected not on this listing.
Halkirk Young
Farmers Won National 5-a-side title
A team from Halkirk YFC won the Scottish Association of Young Farmer's
National 5-a-side football competition on Sunday 26th February at the
National Competitions Weekend in Oban. A total of 15 teams took part. The
format was two leagues of seven and eight with matches played for 7
minutes. Halkirk were joined in their group by Bell Baxter, Brechin, Inver
Ross, Thornhill, Lanark, North Argyll and Bathgate. After finishing the
group stages unbeaten with 24 goals scored and only 2 against, Halkirk
played Dunlop in the semi-finals and won 4-1 to reach the final.
27 March 2006
Free and
Simple Job Ads - 29 Job Ads Currently in the Jobs Section
No CV's needed to be entered. No need to sign up for anything. Just
plain and simple job ads. Employers can advertise for FREE
and people seeking jobs can reads the ads - SIMPLE.
Why make it complicated?
Coaching Success
For Kayakers
Three kayakers from
the Thurso based Pentland Canoe Club have successfully passed their
Scottish Canoe Association Coach Level 2 Award. Simon Copsey, Andy Ford
and Martyn Sutherland were assessed by one of Scotland's leading kayak
coaches, Jas Hepburn from Speyside.
Dounreay Bulletin Online - Issue 24
Demolition of Former Reactor Workshop - Dounreay to Seek New Authorisation
from SEPA - Shaft Isolation Work Gets Underway - Dounreay's Old Boiler
House is Decommissioned - Surveyor Detects Contamination
Dounreay Features in Radio 4 Programme - Sharing Knowledge with Kazakhstan
- Tory Party Conference Hears of New Modern Apprenticeships in Engineering
- and Decommissioning - PFR Plant Receives Commendation Following OGC
Review - Awards for Dounreay Employee - Dounreay Trainees Win Award for
Voluntary Work
Press and Journal Sale
Commenting on today's announcement that The Aberdeen Journals business,
which includes The Press and Journal and Evening Express newspapers, is to
be bought by DC Thomson owners of the Sunday Post and The Courier.
MSP Mary Scanlon said, "I am delighted that the ownership issue of The
Press & Journal and the Aberdeen Evening Express has been settled, because
I know that change can sometimes be difficult for staff.
First Photos Of New Music Link Media Project In Wick
exciting new music tuition programme Music Link Media is now up and
running with a programme of tuition already taking place. Lots of young
people are already signed up to take part in lessons on all aspects of the
music industry from playing through to sound and filming. The tuition is
free and instruments and equipment of all sorts is available. Even music
that is often expensive is available through the project. Caithness looks
likely to keep on producing musicians for some time yet
The Music Link Media
Northern Constabulary�s Chief Constable gave a key note speech at a major
conference today aimed at reducing violence in Scotland. Chief Constable
Ian Latimer spoke of the devastating effect violence can have on
communities across the country. The conference � �An Alliance for a Safer
Future� � was organised by the Violence Reduction Unit. Opened by Justice
Minister Cathy Jamieson MSP, the aim of the conference was to put violence
reduction on everyone�s agenda. The person who is
statistically most likely to become a victim of violence will be a young
man aged between 16 and 20, and the perpetrator is also likely be a young
man in the same age group.
Highlands and Islands Labour MSP Maureen Macmillan has written to Deputy
Justice Minister Hugh Henry over the difficulty in accessing civil legal
aid being experienced by women in parts of the Highland, who have been the
victims of domestic abuse or are undergoing a marital break-up. Mrs
Macmillan said, "I have been approached by local Women's Aid groups and
Scottish Women's Aid who have raised their concerns at the lack of access
to civil legal aid in Skye & Lochalsh and to a certain extent in Caithness
and Sutherland.
Casper Out Of School Club Launches New Newsletter
The Casper Club in Castletown have launched a new newsletter and we have
the first edition online. Casper provide out of school activities
and run a Breakfast Club and take care of children on those inconvenient
days when the school is closed for teacher training and so on. Their
services have recently increased and they now have a number of staff in
place offering their services. Check them out if you live in the
Castletown area.
Other Nurseries, Play Groups Out Of School Clubs.
We are in the process of improving the pages for these groups and moving
them to a new section with a clearer lay out and will notify updates for
all the groups on the
new nursery index page We will be moving all of the groups to
this new section so if your group has changes to make in contact details,
times or other items about the group get in touch with
Viewfirth Photos Gallery
Viewfirth Club, Thurso closing soon we have been asked to set up a
Viewfirth photo gallery and following the request this is the first photo
sent i for the new gallery. If you have photos of Viewfirth you
would like to share send them to
Caithness Country
Music Festival - Have You Got Your Tickets Yet?
14 - 16 April - Halkirk - One of the fastest growing festivals in the north is right here in
Caithness. The Caithness country Music Festival is set for its third
extravaganza of country music. The line up is the biggest yet
starting on Friday evening on 14th April carrying on until Sunday Night.
Day Tickets are �25 or single shows �15 or the best deal is a weekend
ticket for everything at �60 with special rates for bus parties and
children. This is one of the success stories of the far north and
looks like they are going for another one this year.
Help Caithness General Staff Team Fund Raise For Cancer Research In Race
For Life
Many of the staff at the Accident and Emergency and Outpatient departments
in the Caithness General Hospital are taking part in this years Race for
Life. All of us are involved in the fundraising for the event for Cancer
Research. It is a charity three mile run for cancer research. It
takes place on May the 7th in Inverness. They are all training very hard
as many of us have rarely broken walking pace before now!! We hope to
raise money for this very worthwhile charity as most of us know someone
who has been affected by this disease. they have a number of fund
raisers in the pipeline. Prize Bingo at the Francis St Club on 4th April
at 8pm, all prizes generously donated by local proprietors. Baking and
Bottle stall in the hospital canteen on 21st April at 10am Easter Raffle
being drawn on Easter weekend. Tickets are available from the hospital
reception...loads of great prizes. ways you can help - Sponsor them via
www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/sheenamacleod Sponsor them via
sponsor forms located at the hospital reception. Fill their tins
during the three legged pub crawl on April 22!! Come along or donate
to our fund raising events. All donations gratefully received...just hand
in to the reception in Accident and Emergency or Outpatients...or to any
of our staff. The team send their thanks for joining them in funding
research into cancer.
26 March 2006
Old Hall Watten
And The Chapel Of Dunn - A Caithness Field Club Outing
extremely interesting morning looking at the Chapel of Dunn and the
crypt below.
The chapel is near the Old Hall, Watten.
Geoff Leet noticed what appeared to be an early Mill Lade and a closer
examination of the area did indeed reveal a dam and a reedy area that
usually denotes a pond. Following the likely route of the Mill
lade did not help to find a mill although it seems likely to have been
close to the bottom of the slope at Old Hall. the main group went
to look at the Standing Stone. Moving on to the near the main road
the group saw a Telford Bridge that lies near the present bridge that
takes traffic today over the stream pretty well unnoticed by most folk
passing through Old Hall near the caravan site.
Caithness Field Club
25 March 2006
The Vault
At Old Hall Church And Birds Of Watten
A Caithness Field Club outing in the morning of Sunday 26 March.
All Welcome. Find out more about local history and nature on
strolls through the Caithness countryside. Meeting at Wick and
Thurso stations at 9.40am and then at Brown Trout Watten at 10.00am.
Bingo Every Thursday Night In Thurso Starts On Thursday 13 April
Thurso Town Improvements Association are starting bingo in Skinandis
nightclub every Thursday night at 7:30pm from Thursday 13th April.
There will be a 10 Card, 3 Card, LoFlyer and Hi Flyer Jackpot Rollover
game every week plus a Free Flyer every week throughout April and May.
Admission will be open to anyone 18 years old or over. Beginners and
experienced players are welcome.
Campbell throws down gauntlet to Labour by backing anti-nuclear stance
- Scotsman
THE Liberal Democrats' uncompromising stance over the formation of
another Holyrood coalition with Labour was bolstered last night when Sir
Menzies Campbell wholeheartedly endorsed the Scottish leadership's tough
anti-nuclear policy.
More Jobs Posted Today In The Jobs Section Employers Cut
Your Job Ad Costs
A wide range of posts from teaching, medical , office, stores, seasonal
ranger, part-time, maternity cover and more. Employers can place
job ads completely FREE of charge. All that is required is to join the
message board, reply to our automated email system and you can be up and
running with your job ads any time 24 hours a day at no cost.
Nearly 3000 people a day now look into the Caithness.org Message Boards.
Quick- it takes about two minutes to post an ad once you are set up.
Good Response. Fix your own closing dates. Change ads any time.
Repeat them if necessary. Best of all you will receive no invoice
to pay. Its FREE as your job ads are worth more to us in building
traffic to the web site - simple as that.
Radio Remedy's Quiz
Radio Remedy Music Quiz March 2006. � Winner of the Music Shop �15
Voucher: Fiona Campbell of Thurso.
Radio Remedy
is a voluntary group that runs radio programmes in Caithness General
Hospital for patients and staff. If you are interested in trying
out your DJ skills give them a call.
Highland Will See New Winter Vehicles On Roads
brightly coloured spreaders and ploughs will be appearing on our roads
as Schmidt has won a major order for spreaders and ploughs to tackle
Scottish winters.
Scotland TranServ, winners of the �27m a year highways
maintenance contract for North-West Scotland, has chosen Schmidt to
supply salt spreaders, snowploughs, snow blowers and road verge grass
cutting equipment in one of the largest single orders for British
highways products. Whatever the weather, Scotland TranServ will be
endeavouring to keep traffic moving throughout the North West Unit from
Wick and John O'Groats through Skye, Fort William, Oban, Argyll, Perth
and Loch Lomond. The area covers over 1300km of highways and 1300
structures, including the Skye bridge.
An Element Of Colour - Caithness Floral Art Club
Eileen Barraclough from Shipley braved the
snow on her journey north to get Caithness Floral Art Club off to a
flying start for 2006 with her demonstration entitled An Element of
Colour. Using a wide variety of plant materials both in foliage and
flowers she showed how colour can lift the spirits and enhance our
lives. Eileen had plenty of useful tips about preparing plant materials
for use, even showing how to plait a Kentia palm.
Wick Academy v Keith Match Is Postponed
"A 7am pitch inspection showed large areas of lying water on the
lower half of the pitch. Attempts to fork the ground proved fruitless
and the match was called off at 7.15am."
Spoilt For
Choice In Great Egg Case Hunts In The Far North
Suddenly we have rash of egg case hunts and unfortunately for anyone
interested the rangers have organised their own on the same dates as
those already organised by another person and being advertised here.
You will just have to make your mind up which ones you prefer and which
beach you would like to have day out on. Great to have choice.
15th and 16th April are the dates
Some Notes On The History Of the Rabbit In the North
This item by George Watson was first published in the April 1979 edition
of the Caithness Field Club Bulletin
Memories Of Lyth School
Written by Ann M P McLeod (Dunnet)
in honour of the only Lyth School Reunion ever held. The reunion took
place in the Lyth Community Hall on 23rd August 2003.
The Viewfirth Club Is Closing - Do You Have Photos
Of The Club and Its Activities
One of the members of the Viewfirth Club has suggested we might set
up a gallery of photos for the club as it gets ready to close its doors
for the last time. If you have some old photos of inside or
outside the club house or events that took place there send them to
The Viewfirth Club in Thurso was set going by UKAEA when it first came
to Caithness as a social club for the many new employees. There is
undoubtedly some bitterness that UKAEA is now selling off the ground
with the building and the present club is not in a position to buy the
land and building which is in need of serious renovations.
Although it may be unrelated it seems to many that the Viewfirth Club is
being decommissioned well ahead of the NDA's push to decommission the
actual Dounreay site. It seems that the NDA has a socio-economic
remit but not a social one. Certainly membership had dropped over
recent years but with all the new work involved in decommissioning
perhaps a little investment might have saved it from its fate.
Thurso will shortly have one less place for recreation and all the
activities that used to flow through its rooms - dances, children's
Christmas parties, social evenings, meals and much more. The
building and its football ground look set to become another housing
estate. The local kids will have to wander further to kick that
Dunbeath Castle -The Sutherlands & Sinclairs of Dunbeath
An article by D B Miller first published in the Caithness Field Club
Bulletin of April 1979
Movements Through Caithness and North East Sutherland
This item by G Crittenden was first published in the Caithness Field
Club Bulletin of April 1979
An item by the late Jack Saxon in the
April 1979 Caithness Field Club Bulletin
24 March 2006
Cello Is alive And Kicking In The Highlands
a unique music day, over 70 young musicians from Highland primary and
secondary schools gathered together to play en-mass in celebration of
the Cello. Beginners, intermediate and advanced players from
Thurso, Wick, Skye, Fort William, Ullapool, Tain, Fortrose and The Black
Isle, Dingwall, Dornoch, Drumnadrochit and Inverness met up form the
first time at Ness Bank Church Hall in Inverness. The day culminated
with an afternoon concert involving all participants and featuring an
arrangement of the Wallace and Gromit theme tune.
Wick High V Braeview Dundee - Bank of Scotland Scottish Shield
Competition - Quarter Finals

In the quarter finals of the under15s played today the score was Wick
High 11 Braehead Dundee 1.
Work Set To Start
On Wick High School Synthetic All Weather Pitch
Work begins next week Monday 27th March, 2006 on a �584,000 floodlit
synthetic sport pitch for Wick High School. Funding for the development
has been provided by The Highland Council's Education Culture and Sports
Service. Construction of the pitch will be carried out by Malcolm
Construction Services Ltd. and it will be due completion by late summer
2006. The pitch will be developed as a multi-sports use playing surface
for use by the school and the community by arrangement through the
By Highland Council Staff Will Close Many Services On Tuesday 28 March
Services provided by The Highland Council will be disrupted on Tuesday
28 March as the result of industrial action taken in protest at
Government plans to change pension rights. Whilst main offices may be
open many services will be closed ranging from libraries, swimming
pools, rubbish collections, Recycling Centres closed, no bulky uplifts,
day care services, nurseries, public toilets, certain ferries operated
by the council. There will be no burials or cremations. All
primary and secondary schools are expected to be open. However, the
industrial action taken by ancillary staff, such as janitors, catering
and cleaning staff, and classroom assistants and drivers will impact on
the level of service provided at schools. Not all services are
affected in every area and you need to check with the listings or the
Highland Council web site for more up to date information in a changing
situation. 20 out of 37 service points will be closed in including
Thurso and Wick.
County Snooker Singles 2006 - Last Chance
For Entries Today
When? : Saturday 25th March 2006 � 10.00am Sharp Where?
: Starts at 10.30am sharp after draw- In the Viewfirth. Entry Fee -: �4
Contact Derek Johnston on -: 0774 568 9630 to enter. Names to be in by
Friday 24th of March As Viewfirth club is closing at the end of
the month this will be the last chance to play in a major local
competition at that venue. So if you want to involved in a
historic match contact the organiser today to compete tomorrow.
Photo Phenomenum On Caithness.org Message Board
For those of you who have not yet ventured into the depths of the Caithness.org Forums a thread on photo sharing is now reaching massive
proportions. Started by one of the posters as place to share
Caithness photos via another web site Photobucket you can now view what
is fast becoming one of the great collections of Caithness photos with a
few others thrown in. This thread has many photos linked to
it and at time of this item 766 responses now stretching to 39 pages packed
with photos. This thread alone looks set to become easily the
largest ever on the Forum and one of the best examples yet of sharing.
Take look - its interesting, amusing and will take you on yet another
journey around Caithness from our Orgers perspective.
Scamp In Pets Corner
is another Caithness cat who was taken in by Balmore animal centre out
past Thurso and rescued to end up in a good home. Scamp is a
Turkish Van but due to the lack of confirmed pedigree cannot be entered
in shows as such.
Pets Corner
Pets corner has number of sections
Pets Gallery
Unusual Pets Gallery
Doggies Gallery
Moggies Gallery
Farm Pets Missing
Pets Section Missing
Pets Gallery
Send photos for inclusion to
bill@caithness.org Missing Pets can be posted -
all FREE
The Radioactive Fishes Of The North Of Scotland
This article by the late Jack Saxon examines the radioactive fishes from
the Devonian period. This is yet another example of the huge
knowledge he had on his favourite subject - fossils of Caithness and his
ability to theorise and draw information together from a variety of
sources. the article was first published in the Caithness Field
club Bulletin of April 1979.
23 March 2006
Halkirk And Pennyland Kids Build Living Shelters
and Pennyland primary schools have been busy building Willow bowers and
domes as part of their school grounds projects. The living willow
structures use straight lengths of willows which act like cuttings and
root to form trees thereby producing leafy shelters and play areas for
the children. The project was funded by Scottish Natural Heritage
as part of their school grounds project. And Mike Ellis and the
countryside rangers assisted the children in building the domes.
Gibson Presses Finnie Over HomeAid Short-term Funding Problem
Highlands & Islands SNP MSP Rob Gibson has written to the Environment
Minister Ross Finnie, asking that he provide interim funding to keep a
important Caithness and Sutherland scheme running. Mr Gibson has written
to Mr Finne requesting that money be found for
HomeAid based in
Thurso. HomeAid recycles essential goods such as
electrical appliances and furniture and supplies them to low income and
disadvantaged groups in the community. However the service faces a
cash short fall of around 8-6 weeks while it waits the outcome of it's
bid for funding from the Highland Council.
Caithness Area Council Meeting To Cover Many Topics Next Monday In Wick
The agenda for next weeks meeting of the Caithness Area Committee shows
a sample of the many topics that the local area committee is involved
in. Community Planning is at the hear of council work these days
and if you are not familiar with the terminology a quick glance at three
items on the agenda will give readers an idea of part of what it is all
about - See items on
Community Regeneration Fund,
Initiative At The Edge - south East Caithness,
Community Safety. A report on the budget for
Integrated Children's Services illustrates the activities
being pursued to have more seemless services for children and young
people. A report on a new service
Caithness Intensive Support & Vocational Training Unit based
at the recently refurbished Airport House (Formerly the Pearl Assurance
building) highlights how councillors and staff have developed a
completely new service in the county to help address the needs of young
people facing difficulties in the education system.
Rosebank Park, Wick will shortly have a major refurbishment
with resurfacing of the tennis courts, major work on the bowling green
and the crazy putting and other work. This activity is being led
by Pulteneytown People's Project in partnership with the council.
Live Music Now
Brings James Ross Back To Caithness
three highly successful previous tours in Caithness community venues,
Wick born accordionist, pianist and composer James Ross is back with
more live music for Wick and Thurso audiences. As part of the
charitable scheme, founded by the late Yehudi Menuhin in 1977, James
will present eleven performances between Monday 27 and Friday 31 March.
The community performances also coincide with the premiere of James' new
composition for The Caithness Orchestra, which takes place on
Wednesday 29
March in Wick and
Thursday 30 March in Thurso. James had his
first CD produced by Greentrax Records earlier this year.
Another is due out shortly.
More Snow Photos Prove Caithness Has Gone Digital With Cameras

5.52pm - MISSING PERSONS - ULLAPOOL - Names Released - All Three Men Found
POLICE can confirm the details of the three men reported missing earlier
today who have all been found safe and well.
David Radcliff, (66), Birchwood Drive, Paisley - retired
Robert Houston, (69), Broadwood Park, Alloway - retired
Campbell Pearson, (68), McInnes Gardens, St Andrews � retired
It is anticipated that after being seen by medical services to assess
their general health that they will return to the Caledonian Hotel in
Ullapool at some point this evening.
Young Caithness
Footballers - A Chance Not To Be Missed
Young Footballers throughout the area are urged to lace up their boots
in preparation for the SFA and Ross County FC�s Easter coaching
programme that visits Wick and Thurso during the school holidays.
Regardless of ability, both boys and girls have the opportunity to be
coached by some of the most qualified and certified coaches in the North
of Scotland who aim to develop the potential of all participants, whilst
ensuring the emphasis is on fun and enjoyment. Cost �20.
Head to the
Sports Pages for more details or the
What's On
An hour and half each day for three days in Wick and Thurso and open to
boys and girls.
Farmers Unhappy With Chancellor As "Chelsea Tractor" tax Attacked
By Countryside Alliance
The Countryside Alliance has warned that higher taxes on high-emission
cars and 4x4s will negatively impact rural Britain, and is likely to
have a negligible effect in urban areas. Under Gordon Brown's
proposals, vehicles with high carbon emissions will be penalised with a
higher tax. While many sports and estate cars will fall into this
bracket, most four-wheel drive vehicles, which farmers and the rural
population are dependent on in their daily lives, will also fall into
this higher tax bracket.
Caithness Rocks Again As Crimson Tide Launch
New Web Site
bands look as if they are taking the web by
storm as another local band Crimson Tide
ratchet up a gear with their own marketing
via their new look web site
Crimson Tide Following hard on the
heels of Estrella who launched a few days
ago the local "Battle of the Bands" In
Caithness is now heading ever upwards. The
line up of talent in Caithness bands has
always been strong and currently their is a
huge range of musical ability and variety
around. Crimson Tide have also put
four tracks online and these are
to be found via their web site.
Following the CD release Crimson are
definitely on the rise.
The Executive will reform the obscure and
outdated system of allowances for
councillors to reform local democracy, Tom
McCabe said today. The Minister for Finance
and Public Service Reform was speaking as he
responded to the report by the Scottish
Local Authorities Remuneration Committee.
The Executive has accepted the vast majority
of the the recommendations, including the
new salary for basic councillors of �15,452
and a mandatory role description and
personal development plan.
Political Info & News
There Will Be A Stamped For this Student Job -
Summer Ranger Post - 3 Months
Possibly one of the best student summer jobs in Caithness is working
with the Rangers. So if you have a background with the environment or
natural history as one of your subjects at college or university this
could be the job for you. You have until 31st March to get your CV
in to Highland Council or contact Mary Legg one of the Rangers for more
information. Out and about in Caithness involved in all sorts of
activities and getting paid for it - lucky for someone. It could
be YOU. If you son or daughter is away at college or uni let them
know about this job if they have the correct experience.
Ranger pages to see what they do.
Scottish Agricultural College Aberdeen 29th March 2006, 10am-12.00
Places will be limited - please let them know ASAP if you wish to
In summary, the UTC Purecell 200 produces 200kW electrical power and 270
kWthermal. It takes sewage from 8,000-1000 people to fuel it This
equates to of 5mWe for a city the size of Aberdeen, 125MW for Scotland.
Sorry it is far away from Caithness but we thought perhaps there might
someone in Aberdeen with time to spare to check it out.
Caithness Heat And Power
Cheaper Flights Opening
Up The Highlands - �99 Return Inverness - Leeds Bradford
Strong Demand for New Inverness - Leeds Bradford Air Link
With one month to go until a new air link takes off between the
capital of the Highlands and Yorkshire passenger demand is proving to be
strong. The level of advance bookings is high for Eastern Airways'
Inverness - Leeds Bradford Airport service which starts operating on
Monday 24 April. The service is Eastern's third route from
Inverness, joining their well established Birmingham and Manchester
operations, and will operate six days a week, Monday to Friday and
The Big Snow In Caithness Of 1955
of the snow photos flowing in recently prompted Gordon Doull to dig out
these photos of what he describes as "Real Snow" from the big freeze in
Caithness in 1955. The photos show Reisgill Bridge and Main
Street, Lybster. Just reminds us to keep taking the flask and
blankets in winter just in case you ever get caught in another one of
these storms.
Early Caithness Photos
Snow Gallery Feb Mar 2006 If you have more photos of
the Big snow in 1955 and would like to add them to this gallery send
them to bill@caithness.org
Another Day Another Gecko
may be more Geckos around than you thought and living in the north.
Another photo of a pet gecko sent in this time by Heather Holden -
entitled "Gecko - The Face of Evil" Looks pretty cute to us.
send pet photos for the galleries in
Pets Corner
to bill@caithness.org
Field Bulletin - April 1979
With only a few years left to go in this great collection of articles we
now bring you April 1979 thanks once again to Janet Mackenzie of the
field club for preparing the information for the web site.
Editorial with an item on the Early History of Wick Heritage Museum
The Vegetation Of the Isle Of Stroma - by Ken Butler -
Interestingly we have been able to link to a few photographs of plants
supplied by Ken Butler himself over 20 years later for Caithness.org so
thanks to Ken twice.
22 March 2006
Budget Special - 22 March
Chancellor Gordon Brown delivered his budget today. although there
was not anything dramatic there was as always lots of detail. Here
are all the points in the budget with tax and NI rates , details of a
range of schemes with funding attached that might be of interest to the
voluntary and youth sectors. No change on the duty on spirits but
beer and cigs get increases - 9 pence on 20 cigarettes. Child
Benefit rates marginally up. Beer up 1p and wine 4p per bottle.
Petrol prices up but not until September. Road Tax duties up if
your car pumps out too much CO2 - larger vehicles will suffer worst.
Joseph and
His Technicolour Dreamcoat
photo sent in by Hugh Macdonald has many of the people in P7. This
is the first photo for the section set up for the
Thurso High 1978 Reunion being held on 29 July this year. Send other
photos for the reunion to
bill@caithness.org for inclusion here. Many reunions have now used
our FREE Reunion pages to let folk know about a reunion and to keep folk
posted on developments - much faster than writing to everyone all the
time and making it more likely folk far away will find out about the
event. Reunions
21 March 2006
Lunch Time for The Birds In Caithness
of the photos that almost got away in our big email crash this morning
but quickly sent again by Brenda Herrick. The photos are still
coming in from the last snow early in the month. It has been
snowing again in Caithness and the north today but not as much as three
weeks ago.
Snow Gallery Starts Here
Thurso Youth
Club Football Section Visit To Inverness Caley
youth club football section under 11s and 13s were recently taken to
Inverness Caley . The Inverness coaches did a training session with them
before they headed to the game - Inverness v Kilmarnock with a score 3 -
3. A great time was had by all.
Hillhead Primary School, Wick - March Newsletter
of the world�s most challenging nuclear clean-up jobs is underway with
the hydraulic isolation of the Dounreay shaft. This follows the decision
by Highland Council to grant planning permission to build a raised
working platform, drill up to 400 boreholes and inject grout to rocks
and effluent discharge tunnel all in the vicinity of the Dounreay shaft.
This major step in the project will allow the contents of the shaft to
be isolated from the surrounding environment by physically restricting
water movement to and from the shaft. Once complete, the grout curtain
will provide reassurance against leakage, eliminate any lingering doubts
about the shaft being a source of particles in the marine environment,
and create a stable environment for waste retrieval in the future.
UKAEA History
Photos Flooded In all Day After We Lost Our Emails For the last few
Weeks Today
Wow - What a response. the photos have not stopped
all day after we announced Bill had lost the last three months email.
and asked for items to be resent. Still flowing in but if an item
not resent has not yet appeared please send it in again and we will try
to catch up again. The backlog is still building up but at least
it is all in today's date. It has been a revelation to the power
of the web to see it all arrive back today after losing it this morning.
Thanks to you all for taking the time to resend. You all make a
superb team.
Stroma Church and Manse
Heatherbell Number 53
two photos have been sent in by Sheila Moir to add to the growing Stroma
collection. Here is the Stroma church and Manse many years ago.
The house is Heatherbell number 53 on our map and the house where Andy
Moir Sheila's husband was born. More Stroma photos still coming
can confirm they have located missing father and son Colin and Douglas
Payton. Officers received information that the 49-year-old father and
his 11-year-old son may be in Switzerland and following inquiries they
were traced to an address in the country earlier this afternoon. Liaison
in currently taking place with Swiss authorities to ensure Douglas can
be reunited with his mother as soon as possible.
Progress Report 21 March 2006
South East Caithness Development Group has made considerable progress
since its inception in February 2005. The Development Group was set up
following the area of South East Caithness, which encompasses the
community councils of Berriedale and Dunbeath, Latheron, Lybster and
Clyth being given Initiative at the Edge status in October 2004.
Communities in South East Caithness are set to benefit from the
initiative aimed at tackling the problems which face many rural areas in
the Highlands. The South East Caithness Development Group is an
Initiative At The Edge project and have progressed a number of ideas
since it commenced including tennis courts at Dunbeath, Improvements to
Lybster Hall, Footpath work, Investigating community ownership of
forestry, a woodchip scheme, a wind turbine scheme, improved transport
facilities and more. They want more ideas from the local
In aid of CROSSROADS Caithness. Providing respite for carers. All funds
raised goes to help people in Caithness. Entries on the day from
2.00pm. More details in Pets
Highlands and Islands Labour MSP Maureen Macmillan is welcoming the ban
on smoking in enclosed public places in Scotland, which comes into force
on Sunday 26th March. Mrs Macmillan said," This is a highly significant piece
of legislation which will make a tremendous difference to the health of
Scotland. The facts make for stark reading - over 13,000 Scots die every
year from smoking related diseases - the equivalent of 250 a week or 35
a day; non-smokers exposed to passive smoking in the home have a 25%
increased risk of heart disease and lung cancer; more than 17,000
children under five are admitted to hospital in the UK every year
because of the effects of passive smoking. The human toll of these
premature and avoidable deaths and illnesses is considerable.
And the winner of the first ever Scottish Food Scholarship is
Caithness Chef Kevin Sutherland
After a gruelling day in the kitchen competing under the watchful eyes of
Scotland's Michelin star chefs, the winner of the first ever Scottish Food
Scholarship was announced last night as Kevin Sutherland of The Balmoral
Hotel, Edinburgh. Presenter, Viv Lumsden, started the
evening's proceedings introducing all of the eight finalists before
announcing Kevin Sutherland, from Latheronwheel, Caithness as the winner
following the Awards Dinner held at the Corinthian in Glasgow last night.
Kevin was runner up in the Young Chef Young
Waiter competition in London in October
Council Appoints First Two Officers To
Two officers have been appointed by The
Highland Council to "police" the ban on
smoking in enclosed areas, which takes
effect in the early hours of Sunday morning.
Ian Wilson, Fort Augustus, and David Mackay,
Fort William, who are former police
officers, will be seen throughout the
Highlands to assess compliance of the new
smoking regulations; offer guidance and
advice and if necessary; and, if necessary
carry out enforcement action, including the
service of fixed penalty notices.
Their efforts will be supported by existing
environmental health staff, who will include
smoking enforcement during other visits,
e.g. food safety or health and safety
inspections. The Scottish Executive has
awarded the Council funding for the posts to
allow appropriate support to be put in to
place to enforce the smoking ban in public
premises. The Council currently enforces
health and safety at approximately 4,500
premises. Of these, approximately 1,500 are
pubs and restaurants. In addition to these,
the Council is responsible for enforcing the
smoking ban in premises such as factories,
where health and safety enforcement is
currently the responsibility of the Health
and Safety Executive. The smoking ban
comes into force on Sunday.
The Munros & Muirs At Staxigoe Braes

Lost Photos Now Piling In After Email Losses
- Lets Get Back To the Snow Again
to those of you have already responded to
the request to resend items lost in our
email today. the photos are piling in
and we will get on to as many as we can
before any further troubles. If any
items not sent again have not appeared and
were sent in the past weeks back to 4
January please send again. Lots have
arrived in already but there are more still
lost. Thanks
Articles Items Text Etc For Web Site -
Send Again As Emails Lost Lost
If you have sent items for Caithness.org
that have not as yet appeared please send
the item again as all emails between 4
January and 20 March have been erased by a
virus. And be warned not open anything
you are not sure about in your own email or
get that email saved somewhere else in case
it all gets erased.
Photos Sent To Caithness.org Between 4
January and 20 March All Lost
If anyone sent photos for Caithness.org
in the period 4 January - 20 March can
you send them again as the emails have all
apparently been deleted before Bill could
get to them
Leopard Gecko In Pets Corner Today
of the more unusual pets in the Corner
today. This Leopard Gecko lives in
Wick with a few mates at Hilary Wilson's
house. Send your pet photo to
bill@caithness.org for inclusion in the
Pets Galleries.
We will post items with photos if available
for Missing Pets FREE of charge
Pets Corner
Housing Stock Transfer
Roadshow In Caithness Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday This Week
The potential transfer of the Highland
council stock to a housing agency is perhaps
the biggest thing to affect council house
tenants for many years. The council has
organised road show to deliver information
and have people on hand to answer questions
about how the transfer might affect them.
In Caithness the road show will visit
Castletown, Lybster , Wick and Thurso. in
Caithness the road show will first arrive in
Thurso on 21 March.
See the list
for full details of times and places.
20 March 2006
It Was Exam Time Recently At Karen Cameron's
Ballet School In Thurso

A special meeting of The Highland Council is
being held on Wednesday to consider further
its draft Highland Renewable Energy
Strategy. Once Councillors consider the
material already produced by a Working Group
and hear from interested parties at the
meeting, a report detailing proposed changes
to the Strategy will be discussed at a
special meeting of the Planning,
Development, Europe and Tourism Committee on
19 April. The minutes of this meeting will
then be presented for Council approval at
its meeting on 4 May, after which time the
approved Strategy and Planning Guidelines
will come into force as a material planning
consideration. Mrs Angela Craig of Caithness Windfarms Information Forum
a campaigning group against wind farms is to
speak to the councillors along with several
others from a variety of organisations.
New Affordable Homes For Thurso At Mansons Lane
Work is underway on a development to bring 24 new affordable homes
to Thurso, with support from Communities Scotland, the Scottish
Executive�s housing and regeneration agency. The �1.4 million development in the town�s Mansons Lane by Pentland Housing Association will bring a much-needed boost to
affordable homes in the area.
Sixteen of the properties will be for both social rent and eight will be
for sale through the Executive�s new shared-equity scheme, Homestake,
which aims to get those on a low income onto the property ladder. It is hoped the development of the brownfield site close
to the town centre will help address the demand for affordable places to
Father And Son Colin and Douglas Payton Missing From Golspie
father and son who have been reported missing from their home in Golspie
remain outstanding at this time and Police inquiries continue to
establish their whereabouts. Colin Payton (49) and his son Douglas (11)
have not been seen since Thursday afternoon and Police would like to
hear from anyone who may have information regarding their whereabouts.
The man is described as 6ft, of medium to heavy build, with a moustache
and cropped light brown hair. He has very distinctive, bulbous eyes.
More Properties For Sale On Caithness.org Than Ever and Adverts Are
Still FREE
As more and more folk selling their property in Caithness head for the
Caithness.org property pages and number of folk clicking on is rising
fast. In a couple of minutes you can add all your information and
a photo of the property and it cost you �nil. Currently over
90 houses and plots for sale and changing all the time. Also
rented properties always going in and that is also FREE. Why pay
more when so many folk looking at property are now scanning web pages
from all over the world. Almost 45000 visitors check the Business
Index every day - almost 60,000 a month. Whether you are looking
to buy or sell a property check out our property pages.
Halkirk Man Found Dead In
Thurso River
Constabulary have confirmed a body recovered from a Caithness river is
that of a missing pensioner. James Cormack, 65, of Bridge Street,
Halkirk, was reported missing on Sunday. His body was found in Thurso
River 11.15am on Monday 20 March. Police said there appeared to be no
suspicious circumstances. The coastguard and a helicopter from RAF
Lossiemouth were involved in the search for Mr Cormack after he failed
to return home from a walk.
Cultural Awareness In The Work Place - Free Workshop For Employers
Employers in Caithness and Sutherland are to be given an opportunity
to raise their awareness of employing and working with overseas
nationals or those from culturally diverse backgrounds. The
'Cultural Awareness in the Workplace' workshop has been developed by
'Improve', the skills council for the food and drink sector, and will
provide practical advice and guidance on topics ranging from legislation
to a wider understanding of the growing number of religions and cultures
and is relevant to all sectors of the business community. The workshop,
which is free of charge, will take place in the New Weigh Inn on
Thursday 30th March, from 10am � 1pm.
Snow Photo Gallery Starts Here - if you have not seen the
earlier ones yet
The new Head Teacher of the 860 pupil Wick High School is Alister Traill,
the current Depute Head Teacher at Thurso High School. He will take up his
post after the Easter school holidays. Alister Traill began his career as
a teacher of Geography at Fraserburgh Academy and then held the post of
Principal Teacher of Geography at Wick High School for sixteen years
before his present post in Thurso High School. His interests include
sports and travel.
South Primary School, Wick Latest Newsletter
months newsletter contains a reminder about nursery enrolment and
details about the Science festival for the pupils. School finishes
on Friday 31 March for the Easter Holidays.
South School Main Index
Education and Schools Index
Festival Starts Tomorrow - Its FREE but Have You Booked Your Seats
science festival gets underway in Caithness tomorrow with series of visits
to local schools. In the evenings there are talks and demonstrations
that will be of interest to children, young people and adults. Here
is chance to meet a few scientists and ask questions. The events are
always interesting and fun so if you have not already booked give them a
call and reserve a seat - its FREE so don't be disappointed.
Panoramic Views Of Sutherland
19 March 2006
Loch Calder Opens For 2006
2006 season started at Loch Calder on 15
March and anglers looking for some of the
best value fishing around should head over.
At �2.50per week or �5 for the whole season
this is superb value. Boats are
available for hire separately and lessons
can be booked. If you live outwith
Caithness why not spend a week in Caithness
trying the various lochs or organise a party
and hire a boat. The far north has
plenty to offer with a wide range of
accommodation from comfortable
Bed and Breakfast places to
Hotels in town or countryside.
Leading angling and trout author Lesly
Crawford lives in Caithness and you can
contact her for lessons or check out her web
Highland Wild Trout Angling to
see her range of trout books packed full of
information and tips on how to get the best
from fishing in the north.
Another Moggie For Pets Corner
is snowy who lives at South Head, Wick.
Send Pet photos for the galleries to
Pets Corner for missing cats, pet
photo galleries and links.
Caithness Girl Natalie Oag's Holiday In
Madeira Ends In Modelling Assignments
girl Natalie Oag was enjoying dinner on the
first night of a week long break in Madeira
when her holiday plans were turned on their
head. She was spotted by highly rated
fashion photographer Hossain Mahdavi,
part of the Photo Training Overseas group.
Hoss was needing a model for his classes,
and although he had someone lined up, he
decided Natalie was exactly what he was
looking for. After a few short discussions,
Natalie had been signed up to do 4 sessions
with Hoss, doing fashion shots indoors and
on location.
Kirriemuir Memorial Stone For Bon Scott Former
Singer With AC/DC
Latest information regarding the unveiling
of the memorial stone to Bon Scott which is
to take place in Kirriemuir on Saturday 6th
May. The stone, which is a 3' x 2' Caithness
slab, will be unveiled at 1pm in Cumberland
Close (across the road from the museum).
Open to all.
Bon Scott Tribute Pages
Highland Labour MSP wins
concessions in Animal Health & Welfare Bill
Highlands & Islands Labour MSP, Maureen
Macmillan has persuaded Ministers to bring
forward an amendment at Stage 3 of the
Animal Health & Welfare Bill which will
require the Executive, before exercising
their power to slaughter animals to prevent
the spread of disease, to publish a
statement outlining the reasons for their
The Sunday Papers
Dounreay nuclear store is leaking -
Sunday Herald
The town that was eaten by Tesco -
Sunday Herald
As Caithness looks set to acquire a Tesco
and an Asda in addition to Homebase, Argos,
New look and others this article in today's
Sunday Herald on a fourth - biggest yet
Tesco for Inverness will no doubt create
some debate.
Racing pigeons �face bird flu cull�
- Sunday Times
A damper on the local pigeon racing scene as
the new season is about to get underway.
Earlier This Week
Jobs go in shake-up at Dounreay -
Caithness Cultural Trust - Final Meeting To Wind
A decision was taken at the last meeting of
the Caithness Cultural Trust to wind up the
organisation. the final meeting will
present last accounts and confirm that all
outstanding bills have been paid and
formally end the trust. The meeting
will take place at the Amherst Centre in
Malcolm Street, Wick at 7.00pm on Thursday
23rd March.
House Number 11 On Stroma
photos were taken in 2001 and the number
refers to the map numbering and not the
number of the house if it had one.
Stroma Index
18 March 2006
The Snow Gallery Still Getting Bigger

We still have a small backlog of snow photos
to add and here are the latest ones
Links In Watervole Report Now Fixed
Apologies to anyone who tried to read report
"The Distribution of the Water Vole in
Caithness" a few weeks ago. Some
of the links to the report did not open the
correct pages. The links are now fixed
and should open the correct sections of the
Latest Newsletter From Mount Pleasant
Primary School, Thurso
Final Research Published on Radioactive
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
has published the final report on research
into the potential effects of fragments of
irradiated nuclear fuel (particles) at
Sandside Bay on human health. The research
commissioned by SEPA and carried out by the
Health Protection Agency (HPA) provides
information on the potential radiation dose
that a person may receive, should they
encounter a particle and the probability of
this occurring. Particles found on Sandside
Beach to date are relatively low in activity
and any affect on human health is likely to
be short term. Should a particle be detected
on the beach with higher activity than those
discovered, there is the potential for
short-term visible effects to occur through
skin contact. However, the report also
reveals that the chance of coming into
contact with a particle of activity greater
is extremely low. The diverse range of work
commissioned by SEPA on particles is now
Nurse shortage forces closure of Glencoe
Hospital - Scottish TV
Spiralling house prices in the Lochaber area
of the Highlands has made it difficult to
recruit nurses but what happened to local
Attention Poultry Keepers - You May wish To See
This Consultation By The Scottish Executive
Consultation on the Avian Influenza
(Scotland) Order and Regulations 2006
If you keep poultry you may wish to comment
on this proposed legislation before it
becomes law.
Edinburgh Chemist (Originally From Wick)
Makes Her Mark At Westminster
From News & Events Edinburgh University
A University of Edinburgh scientist has
contributed to an exhibition at the House of
Commons which highlights some of Britain's
leading edge technological research. Fiona
Mackay, from the University's
School of
Chemistry, was one of 160 science,
technology and engineering researchers who
presented their work at the SET for Britain
reception today. Fiona, originally
from Wick, presented research work recently
published in Chemistry: A European Journal
which deals with Photoactivated
Chemotherapy. Fiona is a final year PhD
student who is part of Professor Peter
Sadler's research group which has developed
light-activated platinum drugs which can
kill cancer cells and minimise the unwanted
side effects of chemotherapy.
Estrella Rocks
- Another New Web Site Launched
on the rise the guys in rock band Estrella have launched a new web
site. Ever increasing gig commitments have forced them to relocate
to Aberdeen - at least for now. The new web site looks to have
all the ingredients filling up pages with the usual photo gallery to
a download section that will hopefully see the odd mp3 or two being added
soon. With a new EP in production they are keeping themselves busy.
It will hit the shops later in April. Click
Estrella Rocks
into your favourites and see how things get moving in coming months.
17 March 2006
The Highland Clearances Trail by Rob Gibson
Highland Clearances Trail was originally published by Highland Heritage in
1981, when Inverness Tourist Office banned the booklet from its stock,
stating that it was �unsuitable for tourists�. Today Luath Press has
published a much enlarged version with five times as many entries as the
original pamphlet. It is now an invaluable guide to the reality of the
Clearances and their shattering effect on Gaelic culture.
Win A
FREE Copy In Caithness.org Competition
Closing date 31 March 2006
16 March 2006
McGrigor Calls For Executive Rethink On Tail
The Scottish Executive must rethink its planned ban on tail docking,
according to Highlands and Islands MSP Jamie McGrigor.
Following a meeting at Parliament with Scottish Gamekeepers Association
Chairman Alex Hogg on Wednesday, the Conservative MSP, who has previously
bred spaniels, has written to Environment and Rural Affairs Minister Ross
Finnie urging an exemption for working dogs. Jamie McGrigor said "Many constituents across the
Highlands and Islands have contacted me with their concerns over the
possible banning of tail shortening for specialist breeds of working dogs
such as spaniels, terriers and pointers.
Casino Night Fund Raiser - Saturday 22 April
raising night organised by Thurso Round
Table for local charities at the Weigh Inn,
Thurso. Entrance is by ticket. Tickets
are �12 and include a finger buffet and �5
worth of chips. Cash prizes based on
the highest number of chips won. See
What's On for contact details to
obtain tickets.
PROJECT WORK STARTS - �3.5 Million Project
Will Create New Jobs
the Thurso Town Hall now closed to allow the
refurbishment to begin, the enabling work
for the Caithness Horizons project is
scheduled to start very soon. The contents
of the main building and the artefacts from
Thurso Museum have been safely packed up and
transferred to an off-site store, and
cataloguing the collection will begin
A New
Bird Watching Web Site - St John's Pool and a
Bird Watching News Page
Smith and Stan Laybourne have got together to create new birdwatching
web site at St John's Pool. Caithness.org is collaborating with
them and has set up a new Birdwatching section to host the latest
birdwatching news and to highlight additions to the new web site.
Anyone can send in items or contact Julian or Stan via the new web site.
If you would like to send in details of unusual birds then contact
Julian or Stan at the email addresses provided. You can also add bird
photos to the Caithness.org photo galleries by email them to
14 March 2006
Could This Be Tesco Wick Next Year?
photo sent to us might be Tesco near wick next year if we have more snow
similar to the days we had last week. In actual fact it is the 24
hour Tesco at Craigmarloch near Cumbernauld.
A senior Highland Councillor highlighted the
Council's commitment to meeting the
aspirations of parents, who want day care
alongside pre-school education provided in
the one centre. Councillor Margaret
Davidson, Chairman of the Highland Joint
Committee on Children and Young People, told
Committee members that the Council should
set a target of August 2008 to implement a
strategy that would serve the Highlands well
for years to come.
Children's Services Information
Free Signs For Highland Land Managers!
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) is offering
1000 free signs and information packs to
farmers and other land managers to help
make access part of their day-to-day
operations. The signs are examples of how to
provide information for the public that's
consistent with the Scottish Outdoor Access
Code and are part of new help and advice on
access for land managers. Activities covered
on the 10 signs include lambing, young
livestock, land management operations,
woodland management operations, shooting,
working farmyards, farm traffic, fire risk,
field margins and wildlife breeding sites.
Land managers can use the signs to advise
visitors about activities and hazards and
allow the public to decide what action they
should take.
Pulteneytown Academy School, Wick - Latest
Caithness Science Festival 2006 - Book Now
As Places Limited
This is the fourth Science Festival
organised by �Science 03� a local group who
re-started the Caithness Science Festival in
2003. In addition to the workshops and shows
featured below a lecture programme will
commence in September/October. The
organisers expect upwards of 3000 to attend
this year. There is no activity in
Wick High School as in previous years.
This year all events are FREE but need to be
booked in advance. All events are open
to pupils and parents of all ages. the
Science Festival will be in schools but also
has public events. All the shows and
workshops feature professional presenters
Tuesday 21st March in Pulteneytown
Academy Wick (7-9pm)
Mr Boom�s Polyhedral Workshop and The
Body and Bones Show
Wednesday 22nd March in the Private
Function Room Mackay�s Hotel, Wick (6.45 -
8.45 p.m.)
Earth Sciences Workshop and Fun Maths
Thursday 23rd March Mount Pleasant
Primary School, Thurso
Mr Boom�s Polyhedral Workshop and The
Body and Bones Show
Earth Sciences Workshop and Fun Maths
Airport Firemen Win Top Aerodrome Award In
Members of the Airport Fire Service in the
Highlands and Islands have come top of their
class in the UK industry's prestigious
annual awards. The performance of
fire-fighters from Highlands and Islands
Airports Limited at the Serco International
Fire Training Centre at Teesside will be
recognised at the college's annual awards
ceremony in early April. Wick Airport in
Caithness has landed the top aerodrome award
for 2005 while Sub Officer Steve Fordyce
from Sumburgh Airport has landed the title
of top watch commander. Fire-fighters from
across the UK and over 70 countries
internationally attend practical and
classroom-based training and revalidation
courses at IFTC.
Asthma UK Wants Your
Views On Asthma Services
Asthma UK is planning to come to Wick and needs some help to gather
views on Asthma Services.
Murkle Bulb Show 2006

West Caithness Bulb Show 2006

13 March 2006
Perseus and Cassiopeia 21 February 2006
Gordon Mackie has sent in a photo of the constellations of Perseus
and Cassiopeia. The Milky Way runs through
these constellations, so a sweep with
binoculars will not disappoint. One
particular area to check out with binoculars
or a small telescope is marked on one
version of the photo - this is where The
Double Cluster (NGC 869 and NGC 884) can be
found. In clear skies it can be spotted with
the naked eye, but its true glory is only
revealed with optical aid. Have a look.
Coming Up In the Night Sky - Lunar
Eclipse - 14th March 2006 - Solar Eclipse �
March 29th 2006
inside the Caithness Night Sky for more
Even More Cars Now In the Classifed Ads
vehicles for sale section is growing fast
and the selection continues to grow daily
and with motor bikes, commercial vehicles
and a spares section. Check here for a
Caithness And Sutherland Enterprise
Approvals - February 2006
Amongst the latest grants are -
Matthew Walsh, Thurso, RGIT Offshore
Survival, �573
Dunbeath Community Centre, Dunbeath,
redevelopment of tennis court, �11,390;
Wick Players, Wick, creation of drama centre
at Moray Street, �4,941
Paul Steven, Wick, 'Wick Paintball Centre',
Angela Levack, Wick, childminder, �3,600;
Elm Tree Filling Station, Wick, Rural Petrol
Station Scheme assistance, �26,600
Prescription charges to increase by 15p
The cost of an NHS prescription will rise by
15p to �6.65 for a single prescription item
from 1st April. The cost of prescription
pre-payment certificates will also increase,
rising by 75p to �34.65 for four months and
by �2.10 to �95.30 for 12 months.
The Dounreay Stakeholder Group meeting will
hold its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday
15th March at 6.30pm in the Pentland Hotel,
Thurso. Following the AGM the DSG meeting
will commence at 7.00pm and will include
reports from the admin & procedures,
environment, socio-economic and site
operations sub-groups including the
proposals for consultation on the site end
point. Members of the public and media are
invited to attend and there will be an
opportunity to raise any issues or
Castletown Primary P5/6 Insect Art Project

See the sketches, check out the panels and
the artists at work. Local artist
Joanne B Kaar well known for her paper making
has worked with many groups and local
children here and around the Highlands.
In this project the children of P5/P6
created panels showing a variety of insects
after first drawing them. The panels
were displayed on the school walls.
Maybe they are still buzzing around if you
are passing Castletown school. Well
done kids.
Castletown School Index
Education Index
12 March 2006
Busy Wedding Fayre At Portland Arms, Lybster

Wedding bells were in the air today at the
annual Wedding Fayre held in the
Portland Arms Hotel, Lybster.
Many wedding related businesses were on hand
to show what they can offer for anyone
thinking of getting married. From cars
to cakes there was a stretched
limo, rolls royce, mercedes and
other vehicles for inspection.
Photographers were on hand to take books and
John Baikie was filling his 2006
diary fast so if you want him you better
contact him soon. Beauty therapists
Katrina Sutherland and
Katie Polson were there showing
what they can offer in the run up to the big
day. Wedding dresses, wedding cakes,
stationery and
jewellery were vying for
attention with bits and bobs to video people.
Florists from Brora made the trip north
along with picture framers. The
Wedding Fayre is going from strength to
Send your wedding pictures to
Panoramic Views Of Caithness In The Recent

11 March 2006
G. Watson - From the Caithness Field Club Bulletin - Oct 1978
This anonymous description of Scotland is one of the few
early Scottish document to have survived the pillaging hands of Edward I
when he rifled the Scottish archives in 1291. The author, thought to be
Geraldus Cambrensis, obtained some of his information directly from
Andrew, who was Bishop of Caithness from 1150 to 1185. This provides an
approximate date for its composition.
- J. K. Butler
The first mile of the Thurso riverside, stretching from the sea to the
southern end of the Salmon Pool, is a fine recreation area for the town,
and at the same time has the remnants of a very good northern river valley
flora, which could be completely lost if it is not better appreciated.
This detailed description will be useful to people who walk in the area,
and may help others to realise its value.
- Mrs. E. Beaton
Catching Up On The Snow Show
some folk in the north were out building
snowmen a few others were taking the chance
for some serious hill walking training on
Cnoc nan Cuilean south of Tongue. Bob
Kerr and John Cuthbert will be attempting
Mount Elbrus, the highest summit on the
European plateau. John Cuthbert
was testing out some new equipment that will
be used on that expedition.
10 March 2006
The Prospects For Beekeeping In Caithness - D. Furneaux
Another article in the Caithness Field Club
Bulletin Series -
Bulletin Articles List
Atlantic - FOREST? - Thursday 16th March at
7.30pm in Mackay�s Hotel, Wick
unique collaboration in poetry & music
between two sons of Caithness. Gordon
Gunn & George Gunn with Brian MacAlpine on
keyboard will perform this new work - a
'love poem for the planet' - for the first
time. Also John Aberdein reads from 'Amande's
Bed' - 2005 Saltire Society/Royal Mail
Scottish First Book of the Year Award.
Thought provoking and entertaining - a
combination of diverse Caithness talents
live -
Don't miss it.
Planning Applications - Caithness Highlights
ASDA Planning Application Now In To Planning
Office In Wick
Dental Training Unit At Wick A Step Closer
As NHS Highland Apply For Building Warrant
Planning Application For A Wind Farm At
Achairn Farm - Three Wind
Turbines to be heard at the planning
committee meeting on Monday 13 March.
This small project has several local
supporters including the Tannach community
council and three objections on the grounds
of no national wind farm policy.
Householders in the Highlands are being
warned to be on their guard against workmen
and itinerant traders known to be operating
door-to-door offering to carry out house
maintenance and repairs. Highland
Council's Trading Standards Officers are
aware itinerant traders are making cold
calls in the Highlands, offering free
estimates for roof repairs and roof cleaning
and charging grossly inflated prices which
are said to include large discounts.
Lost Cat At Durran
A stray black and white cat turned up at my house a couple of nights ago.
He is fully house trained and I would say not a year old yet. He's very
friendly and cute!. I think possibly he's been dumped, but maybe someone
has lost him.................more
Housing Stock Transfer Roadshow Coming To A Place
Near You
The potential transfer of the Highland council stock to a housing agency
is perhaps the biggest thing to affect council house tenants for many
years. the council has organised road show to deliver information
and have people on hand to answer questions about how the transfer might
affect them. In Caithness the road show will visit Castletown,
Lybster , Wick and Thurso. in Caithness the road show will first
arrive in Thurso on 21 March.
See the list for full details of
times and places. Highland Council Caithness Area chairman of
Housing and Social Work, Councillor Bill Fernie said "I would urge council
tenants to go along to the road show and pick up information and ask
questions on how the transfer might affect them. Housing Stock
Transfer opens up many opportunities not least of which is that the
Scottish Executive will wipe out the debts on the Housing Account allowing
for a renewed opportunity for the new Association to build badly needed
homes in Highland."
Highland Councillors will be asked to consider three fall back options if
there is insufficient interest from the independent sector in providing
160 bed spaces currently provided at seven Council-owned residential homes
or if the costs are not affordable. Caithness Care Homes are not
affected by the current negotiations.
Bayview Care Home in Thurso was recently reopened after refurbishment
Community Woodland in Wick has seen dramatic improvements over the last
couple of years thanks to the combined efforts of the Highland Council's
Planning and Development Service and Friends of Newtonhill Woodland
community group. The upgrading works have boosted the visitor numbers to
the site and have been well used by school groups and community groups.
Last year, the woodland attracted over 21,000 visitors.
Efforts to keep improving the woodland are on-going and the latest project
is to create a pond suitable for pond dipping with school groups and to
enhance the habitat for wildlife.
"missing" link in the riverside path in Wick
has been completed and now locals and
visitors can fully and safely enjoy walking
along this popular route.
The new short link, 35 metres long,
joins the existing flagstone section of the
path which leads down from the Bridge Street
bridge before connecting up with the
riverside path alongside the Riverside car
park. The new section has been kerbed, lit
and surfaced to match the existing path
alongside the river. Local councillor,
Bill Fernie said: "This is another link in
the ongoing efforts to improve the Riverside
area of Wick. The link has also made the
rough parking area to the side of the
supermarket safer and more pleasant for
pedestrians to use."
LANDFILL SITE - Safety Checks To Commence Tuesday 14 March
Residents in Castletown are being advised that works on the former
landfill site in the village will commence on Tuesday (14 March). The
works are being carried out under The Highland Council�s duty to
investigate land which may be contaminated and ensure that any necessary
remediation is carried out. Works seek to measure the generation of
gases (methane and carbon dioxide) within the landfill, and establish
whether these gases are present at the southern boundary of the landfill
site. From this information a risk assessment will be carried out by
specialist consultants to establish whether there may be risks to
neighbouring properties. The works will consist of the construction of
approximately 30 gas monitoring boreholes across the landfill site.
These will be constructed using a mechanical drill powered by a small
BMA demands more pay to ease shortage of
consultants - Herald
Caithness maternity unit gets a mention in
this story about consultant recruitment in
today's Herald but
Action Group still await sings of
any advert for obstetricians to staff the
maternity unit and replace the current
locums in post. NAG decided to remain
in existence following NHS Highland decision
to keep a consultant led maternity unit at
Caithness General following over two years
of protest by local people in the north.
Despite the months ticking away their has
been no sign of any advertising of the posts
as yet. North Action Group took the
view that until posts were filled the
campaign to save the consultant led unit
could not be completely over. The
group remains on stand-by with everything
still in place for further action. The
local community were totally behind the
campaign and the committee still retains a
very healthy bank balance thanks to many
local contributions. The NAG watch
Careers Convention At Wick See Over 600
careers convention at Assembly Rooms, Wick
saw over 600 people go along to see what was
on offer from colleges, universities and
9 March 2006
Welcomes Overwhelming Amount Of North Rail
Petition Evidence
SNP MSP For the Highlands and Islands Rob
Gibson has welcomed the huge response made
by transport groups and others to the
petition from Association of Caithness
Community Councils for an upgrade of the Far
North Rail Line. Holyrood's Public Petitions
committee has continued its scrutiny of the
North Rail Petition submitted by the
Association of Caithness Community Councils
since it was submitted by the Association of
Caithness Community Council in November last
year. Yesterday (Wednesday 8th March) the
Committee announced that it was sending the
seven commissioned pieces of evidence and
145 other submissions for comment by the
original petitioners.
From Today's Papers
Greens say "ditch nuclear" -
Shetland News
ELEANOR Scott, Green MSP for the
Highlands and Islands, has urged government
ministers to heed calls from experts and the
public to ditch nuclear and press on with
developing renewable energy technologies.
Hospital drops fast food 'reward' -
NHS Highland to stop awarding Macdonald's
vouchers as awards to "Brave " children.
Er ....was no one in the NHS listening to
the long running McLibel Case
running since 1990 right into the European
Court a few weeks ago - the case that made
more folk question what they were eating
than almost anything done by NHS, Government
and more put together.
8 March 2006
FReeCycling Beginning To Take Off On Caithness.org
Gradually spreading round the web is one of
the latest innovations pointed out by one of
the Orgers on our Message Board. An
easy and free way for folk to recycle items
they no longer want or can use by offering
them FREE on web sites. In some places
it has caught on in a big way. Anyone
who has no interest in selling an item they
can advertise it for FREE on the boards on
this and a growing number of other web sites
around the globe. Alternatively if you
want some cash for items you have no further
use for you can place it in the
Items For Sale and once again it
is FREE. It's easy and all you need to
do is register on the Message Board. Await
you confirmation and reply to the email you
will be sent to confirm your password etc
and then place your ad using the New Thread
button in the appropriate section.
Recycling could hardly be easier.
Give Items away or sell them its up to you.
Check It Out
You can also donate items to charity shops
or in Caithness to
Homeaid a recycling group with a highly
practical philosophy.
Mary Ann's Cottage Near Dunnet - Another
Great Winter Scene
small croft house is in to the public in the
summer months so this is a scene that not
many people will see but would have been
well known to Mary Ann, her family and other
crofters and farmers in the area. The
house is not a museum but rather a snapshot
of life in a croft as it was left pretty
much as Mary Ann left it having spent her
whole life there. The croft house was
built by her grandfather and you can check
it out
Here. Well worth a visit to soak
in the atmosphere and see the full
magnificent setting looking across to
Dunnet sands
88 Properties for Sale Now Showing In Our
Property Section
One of the busiest sections in our Business
Index is the property section. A no
nonsense listing of properties with details,
photos and contacts for further information.
For sellers of property the service is FREE
and anyone can add a property at anytime via
the submission form - we may call you back
to check out the ad. The beauty of our
system is that once it is in the property
can remain for as long as it takes to sell.
What's the catch. None.
More and more property sellers are using
Caithness.org because it works. Check
it via Google. Enter the most obvious
search terms "Caithness Property" and see
what you get back. Take down the
details and then check out who is offering
FREE advertising. Then check out their
web site stats - some of ours are listed
Is nuclear the answer?
The latest report by the
Development Commission has been published.
Carmichael pledges to fight nuclear
- The Shetland News
Nuclear power: splitting the LibDems and
Labour - Sunday Herald
Civil Nuclear Power - the debate
at House of Commons on 17 January 2006
7 March 2006
Highland Tenants Invited To Have Their Say
Tenants in Highland Council houses will this
week receive copies of a newsletter
"Highland Tenant Update" updating them on
the proposed transfer of Council homes to a
new 'not for profit' organisation called
Highland Housing Association and informing
them of a roadshow, which gets underway on
Monday 13th March. Bill Fernie
Caithness area chairman of Housing and
Social Work said "All tenants should try to
take advantage of the roadshow that will
give the chance to get information and ask
questions on how a the transfer of housing
to an association might affect them and what
advantages there will be for the community
as whole as well as to the individual."
Two separate vehicles will be touring the
Highlands beginning simultaneously in
Cromarty and Nairn on Monday 13 March and
then touring round 47 Highland locations
finishing in Dingwall on 30 March.
More Used
Cars In The Wm Dunnet Section
The used car section
of our forums is increasingly popular and now that we have opened it up
to local car dealers anyone looking for a car can quickly see some of
what is on offer. As Dunnets increase the range on the website the
choices will grow. So if you are looking for car Caithness.org is
the place to keep checking.
Vehicles For Sale Index
Geese At March Road, Wick

years after it opened, the Waste Receipt Assay Characterisation &
Supercompaction Facilty (WRACS), recently processed its 30,000th drum of
solid low-level radioactive waste (LLW). The facility, built to the
latest industry standards, takes steel drums containing LLW arisings
from site operations, x-rays them to check their contents, and assays
them for levels of radioactivity. It then compacts the drum and loads it
into secure bulk containers for interim storage on site. WRACS processed
it 20,000th drum in August 2004, shortly after re-starting operations,
following the fitting of a new compaction unit.
And Still They Come Those Caithness Snow Scenes
can we say. Well the answer is "yes" we will keep adding all these
wonderful photos until you all get fed up sending them. A few more
yet to come unless you know better? Thanks to everyone who has
sent them in so far.
MSP hopes new website will encourage people
to "Get in Touch"
MSP Jamie McGrigor hopes his new website will mean more constituents
will get in touch. Launching
www.jamiemcgrigormsp.com ,
the Conservative MSP said the site would make it easier for him to
update people across the Highlands and Islands with his latest news, as
well as making it easier for them to raise issues with him.
Writing In The Snow - The Web Cam At Helmsdale
couple of folk spotted the person writing in the snow in front of the
webcam north of Helmsdale and sent in screen captures. For all of
you tempted to leave other messages etc watch your back as traffic comes
down that road at high speed. Remember the Orgers are watching
Whaligoe In Snow
Newtonhill, Wick
Tom At Lybster
The Odd Couple

More Snow photos inside
- All This And FREE Beer At The Pentland Hotel
the success of their last themed evening, the Pentland Hotel are having
a "Burger Night" at the "Princes Street Diner". With a selection of
homemade American-style burgers, appetisers and desserts on offer.
Enjoy a complimentary Budweiser with every burger.
Manage a band - Make a CD - PA Rigging - Join A band - Design a CD Cover
Design Posters - Sound Engineering - Write your own songs
If you are in S3 onwards come along any time between 6pm & 10pm on a
Thursday night -Beginning Thursday 9th March 2006 - Wick Youth Club
Lower Dunbar Street, Wick - Also Liquid Blue playing live!
6 March 2006
Wick Airport

Georgemas Junction
Nethercliff Snowballs
Lifeboat Exercise
Snowplough A836

Clearing Roads Round Lybster
Sledging At Newtonhill, Wick

Check Todays School Closures Here
Several Schools in Caithness are once again closed due to the problems
caused by the weather.
Looking Across Caithness From Mayfield

5 March 2006
Sunday Papers
power: splitting the LibDems and Labour - Sunday Herald
US to clean up on UK nuclear mess - Observer
Fears Grow For Caithness Club - This Is North Scotland
Abigail's Igloo
Scott's Igloo
would have guessed there were so many Eskimos in Caithness. Well
done kids - and Mums and Dads and sisters and brothers. Maybe
another day to go of the snow if it does not thaw overnight.
Brig O' Trams
Man Of Wick
Sledging At Waas
Hector In The Snow

Rounding Up Sheep Near Halkirk
Eyers took her camera and went out with her Grandad Jimmy Falconer and
his dog Kyle rounding up the sheep in the snow near Halkirk
Igloo At Watten
large igloo has been built in Watten and has taken the kids 4 days to
complete and has 4 adjoining rooms and 3 exits. A small adult can stand
up in the biggest room. The kids have been having lots of fun! The igloo
was built by Cara & Jamie Mackenzie and Robert, Jack and Michael Beavan.
Snow Scenes Around Lybster
Rainbow Rascals Demo
Kids and parents from Rainbow Rascals took to the streets of Thurso on
Saturday to show their determination not to be amalgamated into the school
nursery mixing three and four year olds. Rainbow Rascals has been
greatly appreciated by parents who see it as vital resource in Thurso.
Councillors last week were presented with proposals by officials to
consider amalgamations of several nurseries in order to save an estimated
�33,000 per annum in face of a difficult financial position. A
special meeting of councillors will take place in Wick next Thursday to
see if an answer to the problem can be found. Parents and children
put on a special "Don't Dip In Our Pot of Gold" show. They
performed songs and games on the back of a lorry and handed out flyers.
The kids enjoyed themselves even when it was snowing.
Cats and Kids Out In The Snow

Rapidly Changing Scenes Caught At Halkirk
and Stephanie Eyers managed to get out between the snow showers to build
a snowman at Halkirk as can be seen by these photos sent in by their mum
Apologies From Ross Taxi's
Ross of Ross Taxis would like to apologise to his customers if he could
not reach them. As you can see from this photo he was snow bound
and resorting to a tractor to get moving again.
East Caithness Bulb Show Went Ahead Despite The Weather

A smaller number of folk made it to the East Caithness Bulb show this
year than usual due to the weather. A good show of colour
contrasted with the white all around outside. Betty Coghill a long
standing member of SWRI opened the show and handed out the prizes.
New Wick
Harbour Authority Launches Revamped Web Site And Newsletter
Wick Harbour Authority is the new body that controls Wick Harbour.
The former Wick Harbour Trust was consigned to history last July and
more modern set up came into being with a board of directors rather than
trustees. the more business orientated approach is reflected in
the make-up of the new board with members being more from the business
community than previously. The makeover of the web site and the
launch of a Newsletter is just the start pointing in the directions they
mean to go.
The first issue of the newsletter Harbour News is now online.
Chairman Willie Watt has outlined some of what is happening to revive
the fortunes of the harbour and acknowledges it will have to be a
community effort involving everyone including the council and CASE.
There is definitely a spirit of optimism in the air in Wick now and the
changes at Wick Harbour are certainly showing they are determined to
play their part in the towns revival.
Snowman At Tannach Is Number 200 Into The Snowy Caithness Gallery
snowy photos are still coming in for this gallery that is fast becoming
one of the larger galleries on the web site. thanks to everyone
who have so far sent in photos. If more of you want o see your
photos in the gallery for posterity send them to
bill@caithness.org Send
what ever you like - views of your area of Caithness, the family
out in the snow or the pets playing in the snow. Looks like you may have
day or two yet to get your photos.
Boys At John O'Groats And Jack The Crow
whatever next. Here is Callum playing with Jack a tame crow in the
snow and Jack looks as if he is posing for the photo. Great fun
boys. Lets see more of Jack in the snow if he is out today.
Thrumster - Can You Feel The Fresh Air?
St John's Loch - Mey And Dunnet

On With The Snow Show
Snow scenes from around Caithness are still coming in and we will be
adding more to the gallery today. Nothing from Thurso or Halkirk
as yet so if anyone has a few sitting on their computer send some in.
We are receiving emails about them from around the world and Caithness
expats are looking to see if their old place will be featured.
Stirkoke Snowman
Tain Near Castletown
Igloo At Hill Avenue
Ryan's Castle Janetstown

4 March 2006
Sarclet In The Snow
Joe and Chip

Scalesburn And North Baths Area Of Wick
Bright For A While At Dunnet

Out At Barrock They Are Building Igloos For When The Lekky Gets Too

Happy Birthday John Briskham 70 Years Old Today
Briskham celebrated his 70th birthday out playing with the grandchildren
in the snow at Yarrows. Happy Birthday John from Caithness.org
A day to remember - fantastic.
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Hai Class On Sunday Cancelled Due To
From Andrew Usher
Snow On and Off All Day - More Wick Photos - See The Heron Fishing

Bingo At Castle Arms. Mey Tonight CANCELLED Due to Weather
Caithness Junior Pipe Band In British Legion, Thurso Cancelled
Tonight Due To Weather
Nancy Swanson has been in touch to say this event has been cancelled due
to the threat of more snow. They hope to run it at a later date.
UPDATING YOU ON THE 8 O'clock Club Reunion
Everything is now in place, as the final touches are being put to the
preparations to welcome back former members of the Eight O'Clock Club to
Pulteneytown Parish Church for a reunion celebration on Friday April 7th
at 7pm. Caithness
Reunions Index
Geese At Scarfskerry

Giraffe Snowman
more snowy photos are still coming in. Here these girls built a
very tall snowman at Hiill Avenue, Wick. Stephanie, Kloe, Kara and
Stacey wil no doubt be out again today after more snow overnight and
this morning and forecasts still saying yet more on the way. Send
you photos to add to this growing gallery to
bill@caithness.org . We
will try to add them as soon as we can.
More Snow Overnight and More On The Way - Here Is Wick Early this

Cancelled Events - Lets Us Know And We Will Post Messages Here
Email bill@caithness.org or
phone 01955 604648 to let folk know about events cancelled tonight.
Jam Club In Wick Youth Club - Cancelled Again Tonight Due To Weather
Robert Doull has notified us that the Jam Club that usually runs
from 7.00pm - 8.30pm in Wick Youth Club has been cancelled to save
anyone travelling due to the threat of bad weather conditions
Brodie McHaggis Goes Under The Hammer For
Local Charities AT Moray Firth Radio Now
on Brodie McHaggis. He is quickly capturing
the hearts and minds of those who have
followed him through his first adventure and
they are asking when they can read his next
adventure. He's turning into a right wee
star! Brodie continues to create more mayhem
in his second book, which is due out later
this year. A copy of "Brodie McHaggis and
the Secret of Loch Ness" will be auctioned
at the MFR Charity Auction 2006 which runs
from 3-5 March. The First Edition Book is
number 299 of 300. All other copies have now
been sold by Chloe Publishing Ltd. A unique
framed copy of the book cover illustration
will also be auctioned with the book. The
picture has been signed by the Author, Helen
Campbell, and has been dedicated to the MFR
Charity Auction. It is the first of its kind
and is the only one in existence.
Hundreds Of Items in the Auction For Charity
Castletown Quiz Cancelled Due To Weather - From Neil Buchan
Castletown Heritage Society
The Castletown Heritage Society Inter-Club Quiz Night scheduled for
Saturday 4 March has been postponed due to the snow forecast for the
weekend. The event will be held later in the month on a date to be
advised. We apologise for any inconvenience, but as many teams were to
travel from outside Castletown we felt it was prudent to postpone the
3 March 2006
A Few More Snow Scenes From Caithness

South School Wick Nursery Taster Day -
NOW - Wednesday 8th March
(Postponed from 1st March 2006 due to bad
weather) - 10.30am � 11.30am
Come and meet the staff and try out some of
the exciting activities on offer!
Enrolments take place week beginning Monday
20th March 2006
Achvarasdal Woodland Near Reay
scenes in Caithness are still coming in and
the more the merrier.
This latest batch are from local Ranger Mary
Legg well known for the many walks she
organises around Caithness and sometimes
Achvarasdal community woodland is
well worth a visit at any time of the year
so enjoy these glimpses or take look inside
to see how it is in summer.
If you want to contribute a photo email to
Thurso Bay With A Sprinkling Of Snow

Snow Around Lybster Harbour

More Snow Scenes From Caithness Today

Caithness.org Is Nominated As Site Of the
Month At Rural Gateway
Pulteneytown Parent & Toddler Group -
Cancelled This Afternoon due To Weather
Message received From Kerry Gunn -
Secretary for the above group that they
decided to cancel todays session due to the
bad weather forecast. The group is held
within the Church Hall, Argyle Square, Wick
from 1330 - 1500 hours. See blow for
other cancellations notified to us today.
Records Still
Being Broken And Bigger Than Ever In 2006
Caithness .org Breaks One Million Visitors
In First Two months of 2006
Caithness.org Has More than 50,000 Visitors
in First Two Days In March
February 2006 Keeping the Spiral Ever
Hits : 11,690,655
- Visitors : 553,304 - Page Views :
January 2006 Taking Records Ever
Hits : 13,471,831 -
Visitors : 585,400 - Page Views : 3,505,968
Caithness.org seems to be continuing
it seemingly unending run of record breaking
as yet again for the past two months the
numbers climbed even higher than anything
yet seen. The totals are
remarkable and beneath the totals lie some
amazing stats. For example the
new Arts section is getting over 70,000
visitors a month looking at 180,000 pages
both news and look ups for contact
All Caithness Schools Closed From 12.00
Some closed earlier today and some were closed from first thing.
Further heavy snow forecast and all Highland schools closed apart from Lochaber area.
Jam Club In Wick Youth club - Cancelled Tonight Due To Weather
Robert Doull has notified us that the Jam Club that usually runs
from 6.00pm - 9.00pm in Wick Youth Club has been cancelled to save
anyone travelling due to the threat of bad weather conditions
Many More
Winter Photos Via the Message Board As the Orgers Join In
One of the regulars
has discovered a web site to post photos up and a few folk have already
joined in to post their Caithness photos and link them to this thread on
the message board. Quite few snow scenes already in amongst other
nice pictures. Great stuff folks keep them going in. The Message
Board broke another record yesterday when 232 people were browsing the
boards all at the same time around 9.38pm. The Message Board is
soaring with nearly 3000 people a day now looking in on that section of
Caithness.org alone each day.
Sophie Rams�y Getting Some Skiing Practice At Clyth While School Is
winter scene for the fast growing collection of winter scenes that more
and more folk are sending in. Sophie looks as if she knows what
she is doing even though there are few chances to practice in Caithness.
Enjoy it while you can kids. Send your photos for this gallery to
Staxigoe Hall Whist Drive Cancelled Tonight
Tonights whist drive in Staxigoe Village Hall has been cancelled due to
the weather - from Emma Munro
2 March 2006
Castletown Quiz Cancelled Due To Weather - From Neil Buchan
Castletown Heritage Society
The Castletown Heritage Society Inter-Club Quiz Night scheduled for
Saturday 4 March has been postponed due to the snow forecast for the
weekend. The event will be held later in the month on a date to be
advised. We apologise for any inconvenience, but as many teams were to
travel from outside Castletown we felt it was prudent to postpone the
More Snowy Lybster Photos

Highland And Islands Enterprise Network Organisational Review
The Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) network is embarking on a
programme of organisational change aimed at improving its service to
customers and enhancing the agency�s efficiency and effectiveness. The
changes have been expected since HIE launched its new strategy for the
area, A Smart, Successful Highlands and Islands, in June last year. They
represent the most significant review of the Network�s structures since
the organisation was established 15 years ago. The most visible change
will be a reduction in the number of HIE�s local enterprise companies (LECs)
from 10 to nine. This will be achieved by merging three current LECs
into two new ones. One new LEC will serve the area currently covered by
Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch and Strathspey Enterprise (INBSE), plus
Easter Ross and the Black Isle. The second will serve the area currently
covered by Skye and Lochalsh Enterprise (SALE) and include Wester Ross.
The present Ross and Cromarty Enterprise (RACE) office in Invergordon
will remain, under a new name, as part of the merged LEC arrangements.
Winter In Caithness Photos - We Have Now Caught Up But Send
More To bill@caithness.org

All Caithness Schools Were Closed Today By Lunchtime
The weather today once again gave all the children another wee
holiday in Caithness. Whilst main roads were opened snow ploughs
were running back and forward to clear drifting snow being blown from
the fields and higher ground.
Several Caithness Schools are already marked to remain closed on
Friday with some closing at lunch time as more snow is forecast
for tomorrow and the weekend. Wick High will close at 12.00pm.
Keep an eye on the council special web page for more updates.
Estate To Close Scalesburn To North Baths Path, Wick On Safety Grounds
It is with regret that Hempriggs Estate is announcing the imminent but,
hopefully, temporary, closure of the Wick pathway along the top of the
brae from Scalesburn to a point east of the North Baths stairway where
it meets the pathway from Lindsay Drive, along with the stairway
itself.Bruce de Wert, Solicitor of Georgesons, Solicitors, Factor of
Hempriggs Estate said: -- "There has been a succession of landslips
affecting this area over the years. We have tried to keep the pathway
open as long as possible but, in certain places, the next landslip will
undermine the path. The safety of the public is the Estate's prime
concern and, in that respect, there can be no half measures. The
Trustees hope that the closure will only be temporary."The Highland
Council is aware of the fears concerning this route and, with the
Estate, are exploring ways to fund a formal survey. It is anticipated
that such a survey could, itself, be an expensive project. The Estate
understands that the costs of remedial measures would be extremely high
and certainly beyond their budget.
1 March 2006
the schools were having a day off due to the weather conditions the kids
were out everywhere playing in the snow. This snowman photo has
been sent in from Thrumster.
the weather forecast is for snow all the way into the weekend so check
school closure page at Highland council tomorrow and Friday.
Adverse Weather Highland Schools Closures Web
Highland Coos Breakfast In Snow
Thurso Gets High Tide And Big Waves

John O'Groats
A9 In Caithness
Thurso Bridge And River

More Snow Forecast for Next Few Days In the Highlands - Here Are Some
Weather Links
Adverse Weather Highland Schools Closures Web
Site - check for school
closures here - all Highland
Many schools now closed in Caithness
Winter Emergency Numbers, Road Information etc
Live Eye Views Form Traffic Scotland
Northern Routes Affected By Weather
Take Care as changes come fast in the Highlands. Accidents
yesterday blamed on driving too fast for conditions
Looking Grey At Upper Lybster Yesterday Afternoon
snow is here for few days we are told. It was sunny on and off
yesterday between the snow showers that never really came to much in
Caithness. Today however there has been more snow overnight and
the skies still run between sunshine and short flurries of snow.
Send you photos for this winter gallery to
Low Income Households And Reduced Water Charges - Scottish
A new water and sewerage charge reduction scheme aimed at keeping down
the water bills of low income households is now in operation. Deputy
Environment Minister Rhona Brankin confirmed today that from April 1
some households in receipt of Council Tax benefit will see a reduction
of up to 25 per cent. Homes with two adults or more in receipt of
Council Tax benefit will now be eligible for a reduction (similar to
that currently available to single person households) as long as they
are not in receipt of other reductions.
Public Asked For Ideas On A New Name For NHS Highland - Argyle and Bute
Argyle and Bute areas recently came under the control of NHS highland
after the split of Argyle and Clyde after failure to balance their
budget and the health minister decided to abolish the health board and
put it partly to NHS highland and partly to Glasgow. NHS highland
are now seeking a new name and are asking members of the public for
their opinions on such a change. Suggestions must be received by 1
April 2006.
Block On Building Houses At Halkirk Due To Water
Problem Appears To Be Over
Scottish Water has for the first time in a long time not objected to an
application to build new house in Halkirk. Hugh Lockhart became
the first person to benefit fro the lifting of objections that Scottish
Water had put in to all applications in recent times due to the lack of
capacity at the waste water treatment plant. this was due to the
processing of septic tank waste that meant it operated at capacity.
The new treatment works at Thurso have now taken over that job freeing
up the capacity at Halkirk
Ulbster Arms Hotel, Halkirk Goes On The Market
Rumours that the well known fishing hotel the Ulbster Arms was to be
sold gained more credence when they appeared in the press yesterday.
The asking price is offers over �475,000.
"The Fraser Fifield Trio will play to a Sutherland based music loving
audience in an intimate venue, Timespan Art Gallery in Helmsdale, on
Sunday 5th March 2006 at 8 pm. This will be a family friendly event and
Tickets will be available at the door (�5 adults, �3 concessions, �10
families max 4 people, Children & Young People still at School �1).
Previous concerts promoted by The Highland Council in collaboration with
Timespan have included Spanish Guitar by Eduardo Niebla, Contemporary
Harp by Ruth Wall, Indian Classical Music... and they were all greatly
enjoyed by the public. If you would like to reserve tickets please phone
me, Roxana Meechan, Arts Development Officer for Sutherland on 01408
Archives From Front Page