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 Social Index Caithness General Hospital    
Radio Remedy
Caithness General Hospital

Jean MacLennan
31 Whitehouse Park, Wick
01955 602302

[email protected] 

Bob Johnson
126 Pennyland Drive, Thurso
01847 895128.

Messages can be left on the studio phone which is Wick 605555 and we'll get back to them. This is also our request line.

March 2006 Quiz Answers

About Radio Remedy
'The station has been up and running since the General Hospital took over from the old Bignold Hospital in about 1986. It is run exclusively by volunteers and there is always a need for new blood. The aim is to be on air seven days a week with programmes geared to the patients in the General Hospital to help minimise any isolation they may experience and to entertain.

We have a fairly well equipped studio and a large library of records, tapes and CDs as well as mini disks. We also have an internet connection so are able to report up to the minute news on any programme as it breaks. Any new volunteer is trained up for the tasks he/she is given.'