Missing Councillor In Asda Controversy Responds
One of the missing councillors who was away on holiday and was not available for the planning meeting that decided on the Asda planning application has entered a posting on the message board to set the record straight regarding her absence and to make some suggestions to the public who may be wondering what they might do.  Read all responses in Missing Councillors thread

Launch Of Merchandise
For some time we have been receiving requests from the Orgers (folk who inhabit our Message Boards) to create some gear that they might have to show their connection to Caithness and /or the web site.  A few items are now available and more will be added shortly. To kick the whole thing off we are running a design competition  - see details inside with the winners to be decided by an online poll on the message board at the end of July.

ABSL Helps NASA Return To The Moon
ABSL has been selected by NASA to provide batteries to power its Lunar Reconnaissance (LRO) spacecraft. This spacecraft will be launched in 2008 and will survey the moon looking for new landing sites that can be used to set-up bases on the moon that will be used for further exploration of the solar system. The contract to supply the batteries is worth $1.7m.  ABSL has a long-standing record of success of supplying components to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). In March 2006, a Pegasus rocket launched the three NASA Space Technology 5 spacecraft that were powered by ABSL Lithium-ion batteries. ABSL has also delivered batteries for the THEMIS spacecraft, due to be launched later this year, and is currently designing the batteries for NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) spacecraft.

Asda Petition Still climbing As Total Reaches 2332 At 6.00pm
Links To all the Asda Talk etc on The Asda Debate

Departing Thrumster P7 Pupils Present School With New Bench
The staff and pupils at Thrumster School were delighted to receive the gift of a bench for the playground from Rebecca Mackay and Craig Oag who will be moving on to Wick High School on return to school in August.
Thrumster School Index


At the 2006 AGM
Chairman Owen Pugh was able to report another successful year for Crossroads Caithness in 2005 - 2006.  Whilst funding was always a problem they have been fortunate in receiving various grants and attracted a repayment from the Inland Revenue due to the good work of their staff in making back claim under Gift Aid.  The office bearers were all re-elected for another year on the committee but they are always looking for new committee members and if anyone is interested in the work they should contact the coordinator Susan Mileham.
Crossroads (Caithness) Annual Report 2004 - 05 (Word Doc) Crossroads Page

Council Agrees to Examine Extending Parking Charges
The Highland Council agreed on Thursday to proceed with car parking surveys during this summer at eight locations in the Highlands to establish if the introduction of car parking charges will help with traffic management. The Council voted 35 votes to 27 to support a motion by Cllr Charlie King, Chairman of the TEC Services Committee, that the Council should examine the feasibility of charging in Alness, Dingwall, Fort Augustus, Kyle, Nairn, Thurso and Wick. By undertaking a car parking survey this summer a comprehensive analysis could be made of the situation. Should traffic management problems by identified a detailed assessment would then be carried out. However, if no traffic management issues were found, no further action would be taken. The unsuccessful amendment, by Cllr Andy Anderson, proposed that a survey be carried out in Kyle only, as it was readily accepted that the community required a traffic management system.  The arguments by councillors from the outlying area councillors was mainly on the grounds that the surveys would waste resources.  Caithness councillors said that there was no traffic management issue that required fixing by introducing charges.

New Asda Page To Bring It All Together - The Asda Debate
As the debate rages on we have been asked to make it easier to find all the information, Message Board threads and the Asda Support Petition and so we have created this link page where we will update any new aspects or news we find on the topic. A new link can be found on the left hand column on this page.

Asda Petition Still Climbing with total Standing at 2262 at 11.00am Today
The lead story in today's John O'Groat Journal - "Silent Majority" in favour of Asda" following Thurso community council meeting.  Bob Earnshaw the vice-chairman expressed his views following the meeting where there was only one dissenting voice with the majority of the committee reiterating the views of the public expressed in many places already.  Mr Earnshaw is quoted in the JOG today saying "While I can understand the objections from the immediate residents, I feel the council through the area planning committee has failed to grasp an opportunity.  As with most planning application of this nature what is rarely heard is the silent majority who overwhelmingly support this plan"   Read today's "Groat" for the full story.

Wick Heritage Museum Launch Their Own Web Site -
The new web site covers many aspects of the Wick Heritage Museum and is intended to grow over the years. No doubt we will be highlighting new sections and updates as they are added.  Well done folks on another great addition to putting Caithness on the digital map. Wick Heritage Museum on

Canisbay Show On Saturday 1 July
The Canisbay Show will be on tomorrow at the Show Park in Canisbay. The crowning of the Queen will be at 1.00pm. We have record entries in the cattle, sheep and poultry. Attractions include American Truck, Caithness Junior Pipe Band, Karate demonstration, Dog Agility Demonstration, Tug O'War, Sheep Shearing Competition and JCB Handling Competition which is the only one of it kind in the north. All the usual indoor competitions. There will also be a pets corner which includes pigs, goats, pet lambs and miniature Shetland ponies. The Canisbay Show is the first one of the year in the north of Scotland.

Wick Pipe Band Week Stretches To To Nine Days 1 - 9 July
Check out Wick Pipe Band web site for the details of the events coming over the next week or see our What's On section highlighted daily on this page.

Asda Support Petition Stands At 2172 at 10.00pm
Several threads on the Message Board continue to attract entries.

Tulloch Joins Asda Row - Press  and Journal

Councillors Submitted A Notice Of Amendment On The Asda Issue Today In Inverness
Councillors Alastair Macdonald, Bill Fernie, David Flear and John Green from Caithness were today joined by Councillors from other areas in signing the application for a Notice Of Amendment to the planning application for outline planning permission which was turned down on Monday 26 June in Thurso.  The four other councillors who signed the notice of amendment were Richard Durham, Duncan Allan, Bill Fulton and Billy Barclay.  The purpose of the Notice of Amendment is to have the decision reversed at the full planning committee in Inverness on 16 August.

Convenor David Flear Suffers Dislocated Shoulder In A Fall At Council Meeting Today
Daid Flear the council for Caithness Central suffered a dislocated shoulder and a gash above one eye in an accidental fall today at the council chamber in Inverness.  Councillor Bill Fernie who accompanied the David to Raigmore Hospital by ambulance said "David has had a nasty fall and his shoulder has been put back into place by the medical staff at the hospital.  He has had x-rays to check that it is back in place properly.  He will be back home this evening to Halkirk driven back by councillor Alistair Macdonald whilst councillor Roger Saxon took his car back home."

Try A Walk At Armadale Bay Today With The Highland Rangers
Thursday 29th June. Enjoy a leisurely walk around the Armadale Bay area to see the varied range of flowering plants and seashore wildlife. We will make our way to the �dragon�s lair� to see if he is awake and roaring. Meet at Armadale community hall (NC 786644) at 2pm. Allow 2.5-3 hours

The Highland Council Beyond 2007 - Potentially Reduce Staff By Up to 540
Highland Councillors will be asked on Thursday to consider a far-reaching report from Chief Executive Arthur McCourt which recommends changes in management arrangements and staffing numbers to meet the challenges created by the introduction of 22 multi-member wards from May, next year, together with budget restraints, potential housing stock transfer and job evaluation. Mr McCourt's report recommends the Council should set a target of reducing management by 20% (40 posts) and staffing by 5% (500 jobs) before March 2009; reduce the number of Council departments ~ from nine to six - and deliver services in future at multi-member ward level.
Councillors will debate this matter and  a full agenda today  See the Agenda  The financial pressures facing the council can be gleaned from the Budget Working Group Paper  Revenue Budget Paper forecasts a further �20m of savings required for 2007/2008  Community Ownership Programme Progress relating to the stock transfer of council housing.  Chief Executives Proposed Changes For Council Services
Highland Council Response to the Strategy On Scotland with an Aging Population to Scottish Executive
Local Code of Corporate Governance These an other papers ion the agenda will be debated today at the Highland Council meeting in Inverness.

A PERMANENT exhibition entitled Scrabster: Then and Now has been officially opened at Scrabster mission by superintendent Murray Campbell. The fascinating exhibition features hundreds of photos encapsulating the history and present day-to-day life at the busy whitefish port. A smaller version of the exhibition was previously held on a temporary basis in 2004 but, due to popular demand, it has been expanded and made a permanent fixture at the mission.

Lottery Funding For New Highland Archive Centre
The Highland Council has warmly welcomed the �4.3 million grant awarded by the Heritage Lottery Fund towards the �10.2 million cost of a new Archive Centre which will house the archival heritage of the Highlands. A site has been chosen at the Bught, Inverness, adjacent to the all-weather pitch, and the Floral Hall. Councillor Andy Anderson, Chairman of The Highland Council's Education Culture and Sport Committee, said: "This announcement is of major importance to the Highlands of Scotland. Our archives are of world significance and now we will be able to showcase them in one brand new state of the art building. "The Archive Centre will be part of The Highland Council's celebration of Highland 2007, when Scotland will celebrate our culture. The intention is to start building during 2007, and to open in 2009, the Year of Highland Homecoming. The centre will form the "hub" in the Council's hub and spokes strategy for the provision of its Archive Service. Smaller area archive centres will be developed as spokes. One spoke is already established in Caithness, and another is currently being developed in Lochaber."

Asda Petition Still Climbing - 1850 at 11.15pm

Caithness County Netball Winners
The county Netball final was played at Pulteneytown Academy School between Wick Hillhead Primary and Halkirk Primary. Hillhead won the County Cup with a winning score of 15 - 12.  The photo shows the winning team with their coaches.


Silver Darlings Day At Lybster

MacMillan Walk at Wick Raised �1718.92
�1718.92 for our annual walk which we held on the 16th May.  The organisers are really delighted with this amount considering the weather on the night and would like to thank all who walked and contributed so generously.


BBC Runs Item on Hoax Names In Asda Petition
The BBC item on the petition has been changed to reflect that it is link from and not our petition running on the Asda planning application.  The organiser of the petition is removing any hoax names as they are found - including John Thurso and Caithness councillors.

Asda Petition Passes 1550 Sign Ups
The Asda Petition continues to attract more signatures.

Halkirk Heritage and Vintage Motor Society - Summer Exhibition
Saturday 1st July 2006 - Ross Institute, Halkirk
Grand Opening By John Thurso MP 2.00pm - Open To The Public 3.00pm - 5.00pm
The exhibition will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays 2.00pm - 4.00pm & 7.00pm - 9.00pm and on Saturdays 2.00pm - 4.00pm.
On show will be vintage vehicles, the story of Halkirk's Gerston whisky, The Skinnet Stone and you will be able to see the Ross Institute bedspread with 950 signatures.

Labour Candidate Opens Up Blog Web Site - Blogging in Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross
John McKendrick, Labour�s prospective parliamentary candidate for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross has launched a blog to help connect with as many residents of the far north as possible. He particularly hopes to reach out to more young voters. His first blog deals with the world cup and local sports facilities, where he reveals he supported England against Ecuador, but will not do so against Portugal this Saturday. He is asking local people to contact him on-line and start a discussion about what further sports facilities are needed in their local communities. wonders if he has thought about what might hit him with the current and other controversies.  Sign up for blogging and go get him Orgers...........

Pulteneytown People's Project - Fun Day  - Saturday 1 July 2006 1.00pm
It has come to the time of year again when Pulteneytown People�s Project hold their annual Fun Day at the South School. This year it is to take place on 1st July at 1pm in the park at the South School. This is our annual fundraiser where all the community come together and have a good day out.  Activities on the day will include Highland dancers, local bands playing, old fashioned races, face painting, football competition�..5 a-side kids come along and enter your team, trampoline, raffle stall, bottle stall, baking stall and a plant stall where you can come along and exchange a plant or buy a plant for 50p, barbecue, tea, coffee, home baking, hot dogs.

Asda Petition Signatures Soar To Over 1200 in 24 Hours
Signatures have poured onto the Asda support petition all day.  The message board is brimming with supporters comments and views of the main thread are now over 5200 again in less than 24 hours - a new record on the web site.

Asda Story On Press and Journal Web Site By Ian Grant
Readers can add their own comments on this story by going to the bottom of the page.  Another chance to let Scotland know how Caithness residents feel about this.

Online Petition To Support Asda Application Rockets on the Petition Web Site
As at 11.10am today the numbers signing the online petition is rocketing.  350 folk have signed and numbers are growing by the minute to make this one of the fastest ever petitions seen in the far northSince last night when this all got going over 2600 people have checked out Asda thread on the Message Board where overwhelming support and disgust at the decision is being expressed.  This is one of the fastest ever growing threads on as it only began last night.

Dive bids to solve wreck mystery  - BBC
The Caithness diving Club are to assist Archaeologist Simon Davidson, of Nottingham University in the examination V81, which was at the Battle of Jutland in 1916, was raised in 1937 after foundering off the Caithness coast 85 years ago.

ASDA Online petition reaches 100 at 12.15am On Tuesday

Who Voted For Or Against ASDA Outline Planning Application?
As there folk still asking who voted which way on the ASDA application at the planning committee in Thurso here it is again -
Voted Against the Application -
Thurso West - Roger Saxon
Thurso Central - Donald Mackay
Thurso East -  Tom Jackson
Wick Councillor - Graeme Smith (also used his casting vote against the application)
Voted To Accept the Planning Officers Recommendation To ACCEPT the Application
Wick West - Bill Fernie
Caithness Central - David Flear
Caithness North East - John Green
Caithness North West - Alistair MacDonald
Two Councillors Were Unavailable
Pulteneytown - Katrina MacNab
Caithness South East - William Mowat
The way the vote went
The vote was split 4 for and 4 against and chairman Councillor Graham Smith used his casting vote against the application.  The paper with the proposals can be found HERE

AA John O'Groats To Landsend Historical Vehicle Challenge

We caught up with the group of AA men driving a range of AA vehicles from John O'Groats to Landsend to raise money for the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital. The men are driving 250 miles a day from 24th to 29th June.  They are taking a few days of their annual holidays to make the trip and were in great spirits when we met them at Dunbeath.  If you would like to make donation to their cause go to donated in cash on the spot.

ASDA Support Grows as Online Petition Numbers Overtake Objectors Numbers In An Hour
The 72 objections to the Asda store outline planning application have been outnumbered in an hour of the online petition going up.  As at 11.10pm the online petition had reached 76 and is climbing steadily.

Caithness ASDA Supporters Have Started Online Petition Asking ASDA To Appeal
Disappointment at today's decision to refuse the outline planning application for an Asda Store has prompted folk who want it to set up a petition to ask ASDA to appeal the decision.  Signatures are already going in and the debate is ongoing on the Message Board.  There were 39 signatures as at 10.23pm.  Over 40 comments are already entered with people mainly expressing their disappointment at today's decision.  As stated below the councillors were split and chairman Graham Smith used his casting vote to reject the application.  Two councillors Katrina MacNab and Bill Mowat - were unavailable for today's meeting.

McAllan's Shop In Wick To Be New Tourist Information Centre
Clothing shop McAllan's is to be the latest tourist information centre at Wick.  The shop will provide space for information and staff will be trained to deal with questions from visitors.  the new service will start on 24th July

Asda Plan For Thurso Thrown Out - BBC

Caithness Renewable Energy Forum
Wednesday 28 June 7.15pm - Wick High School
Invites you to come and hear about RENEWABLE ENERGY
A presentation on renewables in Orkney, a discussion about Caithness projects and a showing of the recent prize winning Wick High School film �Energy in Caithness 2055� - All Welcome

Dounreay Director Sets Out Benefits Of Programme Acceleration
A workforce that can safely deliver the decommissioning and demolition of Britain's fast reactor experiment at Dounreay is a workforce that will be in demand worldwide for its skills. This is the message delivered today by Norman Harrison, director of UKAEA Dounreay, in a new publication setting out the benefits of accelerated clean-up of the site and the efforts being made to find alternative employment for staff whose jobs presently depend on this work........
The paper issued by Norman Harrison is entitled Delivering For The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
Mentioned in the paper by Norman Harrison is -
A Strategy For Caithness and North Sutherland
The document has been issued to all households in the area covered by the Socio Economic Strategy Group chaired by John Thurso MP.  The publics views are being asked for in this document.

Spittal Hill Wind Farm Public Exhibition
Wednesday 28 June - 2.30pm - 8.00pm - Watten Hall
the developer has set up web site with information about the project - See Spittal Hill Wind Farm
Wind Farms etc on

Reunion Date Approaches For Thurso High 1978
Thurso High School 1st Year 1978 Reunion - Park Hotel Thurso 29 July 2006 7.30pm
More details inside

Councillors Turn Down Outline Planning For Asda In Thurso
Councillors were split down the middle at the planning committee today in Thurso when they rejected the application for outline planning permission for a supermarket and a hotel and an amenity project and pavilion for the community.  All three Thurso councillors - Roger Saxon, Tom Jackson and Donny Mackay voted against the proposal along with Wick councillor Graham Smith who also used his casting vote to vote down the application.  Councillors Bill Fernie, David Flear, Alistair MacDonald and John Green voted for the proposal.  The planning officer had recommended accepting the application.  The paper with the proposals can be found HERE  There were 72 letters of objection and one letter of support.

Caithness Young Folk Attend Highland Youth Voice Weekend In Skye
Young folk from Caithness met up with others from across the Highlands for weekend at the Sabhal Mor Ostaig - the Gaelic College on Skye.  Bill Fernie councillor for Wick West was among other councillors, officials and others from a variety of organisations who make up the Joint Committee on Children And Young People for Highland council and the NHS Highland.  The committee meeting was held on Friday morning and then a few of the members met with Highland Youth Voice in the afternoon.  To see what the Joint Committee was discussing Go Here  To see what Highland Youth Voice is all about Go Here  The young folk were joined by a delegation of young people from Norway who had visited Aberdeen and Inverness before heading to Skye for the weekend.

Kay Gunn Retires From Watten School
Kay Gunn the head teacher from Watten primary school retired last week and was surprised to find the children and other staff had organised a farewell party.  The evening was full of songs, poems and presentations.  Parents and friends had also gathered to say a fond farewell to Kay who has been at the school for ten years and head teacher for the last three.  Musical talent was on show and Addie Harper and Gordon Gunn were on hand to play tunes with the children to make the evening a lively affair between presentations.
Watten Primary School Index   Caithness Schools & Education Index

Thurso Town Improvements - Strongman Competition Postponed -26 June
Thurso Gala is 5 - 13 August and is bigger than ever.  But not content to wait until then the Gala Committee have organised a strongman competition for 8 July starting at 12 Noon at the Ellen Bridge Car Park. the Strongman competition has had to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances

The Papers
Beware of the wolfman - The Independent
This story is about the owner of the estates plans to bring back wild animals such as wolves into the Alladale estate to help revive the areas tourism as he says the Ardgay area is dying.

Lybster Gala 2006 - 50th Gala
61 - 72                       73 - 84                   85 - 96                       97 - 100

Lybster Gala 2006  1 - 12

13 - 24                25 - 36                              37 - 48                            49 - 60

Dunbeath School 1936
Photo sent by Adam Macdonald.
If anyone knows names from this or any other photos send details to [email protected]
Main Schooldays Index

Reunion Pages


Balmore Animal Welfare Centre Open Day
Open Day and Scrufts Dog Show is to be held this Saturday 24th June at Balmore Animal Welfare Centre. 1.30pm - 4.00pm. Registration for the Dog Show is on the day and it costs �2 for unlimited entries. There will be various stalls and tombolas and a tea tent. There wil also be a demonstration by Kanmere Dog Training.  Go along and support the Scottish SPCA. the centre is on the road to Reay before you reach Dounreay.

Crossflame Youth Choir From Hickory, North Carolina At Wick Old Parish Church
The Crossflame Youth Choir from Hickory North Carolina sang at Wick Old Parish church on mid-summers day when the sun does not set in Caithness.  the young folk in the choir preformed magnificently in this series of concerts around Scotland.  Last night they were in Inverness and tomorrow night they are in Dornoch.  Their musical director Ron Sinclair has visited Caithness twice before following up his roots - once with his father and again with his wife.  and so the connections continue and he has introduce anther 70 folk to the land of his ancestors and a few others of the choir and their party.  A warm welcome awaited them at Wick Old Parish where the audience gladly joined in the choruses and tunes when invited by Ron.  The evening built up in tempo ending with lively gospel songs at the end.  A bit of sight seeing at Noss and Girnigoe before the group head off to Dornoch Cathedral for their next concert.  Good Luck for the rest of your trip folks and come back soon.

Halkirk Pupils Visit To Dounreay Visitor Centre
Halkirk Primary School recently enjoyed a visit to Dounreay's Visitor Centre. The children were given the opportunity to meet the Civil Nuclear Constabulary's police dog.
Halkirk Primary School Index


Dunnet Kids Are Ready For Mr Boom's Visit - Kids Get Dressed Up As Spacemen or Aliens
Tickets Still Available For Dunnet and Thurso Shows
The kids from Dunnet are ready for the visit of Mr Boom and hs very popular show beaming down to Caithness from the moon on 24 and 25 June - Thurso and Dunnet.  The visit has been organised by the committee of Dunnet Playgroup to raise funds.  Tickets are available from Jacqueline on 01847 851841 or Claire  on 01847 851454. Ticket are �3 for each venue and shows start at 2.00pm. Mr Boom originates from Caithness and he makes regular trips back whenever he can during his extremely busy schedule touring his one man show.  Mr Boom web site
A great show for the kids with Mr Boom's non-stop flow of jokes, songs and activities so get your tickets before the weekend.  If it's raining - no problem as it will be dry with Mr Boom
Children are encouraged to come along dressed as Spacemen or aliens.  The ticket price includes a party bag.  So get along and enjoy yourselves at the Mr boom concerts and help the Dunnet Play Group head towards their target of adding a play garden to the new premises at Crossroads school.

Wick Lifeboat Harbour Evening Latest Video On
The latest clips are from the Wick Lifeboat Harbour Evening held on Friday 16th June.  This latest one includes the Wick Pipe Band, part of the raft race and two of the majorettes one of which has a large dancing lifeboat man who joined in.
Photos from Wick Lifeboat Harbour Evening

Galas Shows & Games Coming Over the Next Few Weeks

South School, Wick - June Newsletter
South School Index

Thrumster PTA Walk for School Funds

Last Friday evening Thrumster PTA held sponsored walk and barbecue to raise funds for the school.  The barbecue was moved into the village hall due to the wet weather but everyone managed the walk around to Thurmster House and back.  Thrumster School Index

Thurso Lifeboat Tows Hebridean Warrior Back To Scrabster
Thurso lifeboat "The Taylors" was called out about noon today to go to the aid of a small vessel "Hebridean Warrior " who suffered engine failure.  The boats returned about 2.30pm.
Thurso Lifeboat web site
For more photos of the Thurso lifeboat and Hebridean Warrior over at Scrabster Weather Station

Caithness Horizons Hosts Stakeholders Workshop
Caithness Horizons recently held a stakeholder workshop to bring together all its funders, partners and local stakeholders. Paul Cariss, Caithness Horizons Chairman, welcomed everyone to the event and thanked them for their support so far and gave a presentation outlining the projects progress to-date. Paul's introduction was followed by a presentation by Bill McPherson, of MkW Design Partnership, on the detailed design plans.

Yet Another 1962 Miller Photo
Photo sent by Lex Ward whose wife Irene Webster is in the photo.  Is this the final 1962 photo?  If not send them in.
Miller Schooldays Photos

Main Schooldays Photo Index


Presto - Safeway - Morrison - Somerfield - Wick Reunion
5 August 2006 - Francis Street Club

This reunion is for anyone who worked at the store in Wick under any of its different owners.  Get in touch with the organisers as son as possible to help with arrangements etc.  A section is running on the message board for questions, comments, stories about former times at the store.  A photo section will be in place shortly and you can email photos for inclusion to [email protected] or take photos along on the night or send them to Linda Mackay at the store in Wick for display.

Emigrants Statue At Helmsdale
The Emigrants Stature at Helmsdale is well worth a look if you are in the area.  It is situated on the A9 at Helmsdale.  A story in the Scotsman explains why this statue was made and not the one planned for the top of the hill along with centre dedicated to the clans people who were forced to emigrate.  Six flags at the site show the countries where the people who were forced out went to.  How it was to have been
 Clearances Memorial Is abandoned - Scotsman
Helmsdale  Sutherland Index

2,500 Scottish Jobs Go In Salmon Farming
Figures released by the Scottish Executive on 15th June disclose that 1,500 production and processing jobs have been lost in salmon farming in Scotland since 2002 following the dominance of the industry by foreign-owned companies.  SFPG chairman Bruce Sandison wrote to First Minister Jack McConnell in May asking if the Scottish Executive (SE) had adjusted its assessment of job numbers supported by the industry in line with recent failures and amalgamations of farms in the West Highlands and Islands.

Lybster Gala Programme Sat 24 June - Monday 3 July
Silver Darlings Day  - 24 June at Lybster Harbour

Latest Birds Seen In Caithness
Red-rumped swallow This extreme rarity in Caithness (second record) was seen by most of the patrons of the Castle of Mey Arms in Mey for a short time around 2pm. It's finder was a visitor who also happens to be the Bird Recorder for Tanzania � where it's a regular garden bird for him!  Latest photos include a Marsh Harrier, Wood Sandpiper and a Barn Owl
Caithness Bird News Main Index  Bird Watching Forum
Caithness Bird Watching Photographic Compeitition

Latheron Agricultural Show  - 8 July 2006
The Latheron Agricultural Show committee has appointed its first lady chairman in their history.  Maureen Coghill, East Clyth becomes the first woman to hold the position of chair.  plans for this years show are well in hand.  A 200 club is open for new members to help support the annual show.  A Highland dancing competition will take entries on the day.  All the usual events including times horse jumping - see inside for more details.  Galas/Shows/ Games

More Halkirk Gala Photos From Folk Who Were There

Caithness Motor Show At Halkirk - Day Two Sunday18 June

the Caithness motor Show organised by Thurso Rotary Club carries on with day two today at the Riding Centre at Halkirk.  Apart from all the new vehicles including the latest Ford Transit van by Wm Dunnet Ltd. There is huge range of new vehicles on show.  A number of vintage vehicles are on show and the police are on hand showing you what happens when you are breathalised.

Halkirk Gala Night

Halkirk Gala 13 - 24     25 - 36                   37 - 48                       49 - 60

Halkirk Gala 61 - 72

Halkirk Gala - 73 - 84   85 - 96                      97 - 100

Halkirk Netball Team Wind West Side Of County Competition
Halkirk Netball Team won the netball league for the West Side of the county.  They beat Miller Academy 13 - 8 in the final game.  They play Hillhead in the County Final in Wick On Monday 19 June 2006.


The Papers
Skeletal remains of a baby thought to be over 100 years old have been found in the roof of a house in Lybster.

Wick Lifeboat Harbour Evening

Head For Halkirk Today
Its a busy weekend in Halkirk.  The Halkirk Gala continues with a coffee morning and the Children's Art exhibitions.  Today and Sunday sees the Caithness Motor Show at the Indoor Riding Centre.  Tonight the crowning of the gala queen and music from the Caithness Big Band and Wick Pipe Band and the parade of decorated floats.  Why not make a day of it and head to the motor show, have lunch in Halkirk.  Take a nice walk along the river if the weather improves, have tea and  then the gala in the evening.

Cross Flame Youth Choir At Wick Old Parish Church
7.30pm Wednesday 21 June
Cross Flame Youth Choir from North Carolina will be at the Wick Old Parish church with an evening of sacred music from Celtic anthems to American Gospel.  Musicians will also play a range of instruments.  The event is Free and there will be a collection for charities.  The choir will be at various venues in Scotland including the Methodist church in Inverness

Wick Lifeboat Harbour Evening Tonight
From 6.30 pm all the usual stalls will be open.  Bouncy Castle, Pipe band and lost more including the Raft Race.

Nybster Water Tower For Sale By Auction
A chance for someone to become the owner of this massive structure on the skyline of Caithness.  The water tower commands fantastic views across the county and over Sinclairs Bay was owned by Scottish Water and is no longer used.  SVA Property Auctions are putting it under the hammer in Glasgow on 28 June at 2.00pm at Quality Central Hotel.  Check their web site for full details.  Many other properties across Scotland at the same auction including a house in Orkney.  See the Water Tower in the distance from Stroupster

Winners Of Yarrows Heritage Trust Competition
Members of Yarrows Heritage Trust were in Thrumster Primary School to present prizes to the pupils who had entered their competition. Pupils were asked to create a picture of the area around the Old Station at Thrumster as they would like to see it. The children's pictures have been used to support the Trust's grant application for improving the Old Station at Thrumster. Prizes were presented to winners in the P1-3, P4-5 and P6-7 categories by Jamie Stone, MSP.  P1-3 First - Stewart Atkins  Second - Ben Miller  4-5 First- Gary Bremner  Second - Grant Anderson  P6-7 First - Rebecca Mackay  Second- Emma Taylor. Highly commended prizes went to Craig Gill, Andrew Mackay, Tom Taylor, Caitlin Harvey and Lynn Sinclair.
Thrumster School

Three New Obstetricians Accept Posts At Caithness General Hospital
North Action Group (NAG) was pleased to hear this week that three obstetricians who were offered posts at the maternity unit of Caithness General Hospital have accepted the offers of employment following interviews. Members of North Action Group said they would remain as group until staff had been appointed after their opposition to downgrading of the unit which began in 2003.  The group plan to hold meeting in the early Autumn to decide how to wind up the group and deal with the remaining campaign funds which flowed in non stop throughout the campaign from groups, businesses and individuals in Caithness and beyond.  This was the third time that the health authorities had attempted to convince people in the north that the unit should be downgraded and each time the campaigns were bigger than the previous one.

Trinkie Clean Up
The Sunny weather on Sunday meant that work got underway on the annual Trinkie Clean-up. The sign was once again, re-painted by Alex Patterson and other volunteers began the huge task of power cleaning the slimy green weeds before painting could take place. The glorious weather meant that there were many families at the Trinkie in eager anticipation of a nice swim. The committee�s funds are exhausted for this year after paying for the large repair of the wall in the �deep end� which required immediate attention. Because the cleaning process is dependant on the tides, plans for this year are to raise funds to enable the group to purchase their own power cleaning equipment which will mean they can clean the area with more flexibility.

Has The Time Come To Decide On The Old Brewery Once And For All?
Company Wants Publics Views On Old Brewery Site At Manson's Lane, Thurso
As a follow on from the affordable housing project O'Brien Construction Ltd designed at Manson's Lane, they are hoping to develop the Old Brewery Building into a further six social housing units. The Old Brewery is a category B listed building, built around 1798 in traditional Caithness flagstone rubble, which has been derelict and disused for many years. Unfortunately the building's listed status may well render their proposed project unviable making it likely that the building will remain as it is for the foreseeable future. Current estimates indicate that to restore the existing building with an internal steel support frame would cost in the region of �1.2 million, whereas to demolish and sympathetically rebuild it, utilising the original character and appearance of the building would cost 50% less at �600K and could easily be accommodated within Scottish Executive funding benchmarks.  Residents of Thurso read on and contact O'Brien Construction with your views.

First Aid Kits Donated To Thurso Junior Swifts Football Club
On behalf of Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, UKAEA/AMEC/CH2MHILL have donated three first aid kits to Thurso Junior Swifts Football Club. The football club is run on a voluntary basis, with 100 children ranging from five to fifteen year olds currently training with the club. Coach Sandy Christie is pictured here receiving the first aid kits from UKAEA's Marie Mackay during their training session at Miller Academy Primary School on
Tuesday evening. Looking on are the children of the under seven and under nine age group and coach Alan Murray.

The staff of the Manpower site in Thurso were given the opportunity of a free Health & Fitness Check at their workplace over the past two weeks. A Health Mobile Unit was on site (courtesy of Healthy Highland Men) and manned by Jean Macleod, Development Worker, HHM & Margaret Bremner, Scotland�s Health at Work (SHAW) Adviser for Caithness & Sutherland.

Hamish Budge From Hoy, Caithness Wins John Napier Memorial Drafts Competition
Local man Hamish Budge, Hoy won the John Napier Memorial Drafts Tournament held this year at The Commercial Hotel, Halkirk. The tournament was set up after John Napier left small legacy to buy a draft board every two years for the winner of the competition which is held in different place in Scotland each time. Competitors for this years competition came from Aberdeen, Orkney, Stonehaven and Rosehearty as well as Caithness.  There was some impromtu Scottish music from Addie Harper and others adding to the atmosphere in the bar for those watching the World Cup.

Reay 1955
Sent By Robbie MacDonald

Reay Schooldays Index

Main Schooldays Index

Thurso Woman Wants To Set Up Forum For Parents With Disabled Children
Recently in the press over her dispute with Highland Council regarding The Learning Support received for her five year old son with Cerebral Palsy, Allison Howie from Thurso is looking to connect with Caithness parents, carers and relatives of children with a disability to put together a Parents� Forum.

Assynt Mountain Rescue - Alzheimer Scotland Sponsored Walk Sat 17 June
Anyone interested in taking part in a sponsored walk for Assynt Mountain Rescuer and Alzheimers Scotland should get on to applying right away.  This year they will be going up Ben Hope.  See inside for full details

Children's Races At Halkirk Gala - The Movie
We are just getting started and using a normal digital camera.  If anyone has higher quality sequences of any of Halkirk Gala or the galas coming up just send us DVD and we will see if we can get it loaded up so everyone can see it.
Halkirk Gala Index  
Galas - Shows - Highland Games
Other Videos In

An Enchanted Birthday - June 2006
Caithness Floral Art Club celebrated its 37th birthday with a demonstration by Rosalind Walker from Driffield. Her title Enchantment gave her plenty of scope to indulge in delightful flower combinations that were enhanced by her choice of containers. She brought with her some of the newer varieties of roses available from florists and a lovely selection of Hostas from her own garden. After completing her arrangements Rosalind cut the birthday cake that was then enjoyed by all those present. Caithness Floral Art Club

Public invited to comment on Council Performance
The Highland Council is writing to 9,000 residents this week inviting them to have their say on Council services. Chosen randomly, the residents will receive a Performance Survey questionnaire asking their views on their contact with the Council and satisfaction with services and inviting their comments on how best the Council can serve their local communities. The survey is conducted every year and the information received is used to plan improvements to service delivery.

Halkirk Gala Five-a-side Football

Yesterday's Five-side tournament at Halkirk Gala was played in brilliant warm sunshine.  Following on from the races the kids were still full of go and the mixed boys and girls teams were randomly selected.

Saturday's Book Sale in Wick
The book sale at St. John's church hall, Pulteneytown, Wick, on Saturday brought in �108.70 for the church's building fund, and a plant sale held outside the church hall raised another �35 for the same fund. The church would like to offer their thanks to all who either helped with the sale or purchased books and plants. There is likely to be another booksale in about six month's time, so donations of books will still be accepted, to be held for that. Contact Gordon Johnson (01955-603103) or e-mail [email protected]

Dunbeath Community Centre - Tuesday 13th June Open from 2pm - 5pm and 6pm - 8pm
Lybster Community Centre - Wednesday 21st June Open from 2pm - 5pm and 6pm - 8pm
The day will provide an excellent opportunity for the whole community to find out about the grant funding, benefit and other assistance available to tackle a wide range of housing issues, including insulation, adaptations and repairs to existing houses as well as the opportunities potentially available to access new but affordable housing options. With the range of agencies represented and available for one to one chats this is too good an opportunity to miss.  Highland Council Housing Service, Highland Council Grants Department, Pentland Housing, Care and Repair Service, Handyman Service, Highland Council Benefits section, Highland Council Energy Efficiency Advice Service, Highland Small Communities Housing Trust (HSCHT) - Organised by South East Caithness Development Group

The Papers
Appeal to help fund castle visitor centre - Herald

Children's Races At Halkirk Gala

Halkirk Gala Index

Caithness Volunteer Award Reception For Volunteer Week 2006
To celebrate National Volunteer Week 2006 Volunteering Highland Caithness hosted a Volunteer Award Ceremony in Wick Town Hall on Tuesday 6th June attended by representatives of the voluntary sector and family members. MV Youth Volunteering certificates were presented by Councillor Bill Fernie to 11 young people from around Caithness. A total of 6 Bronze, 3 silver and 2 gold certificates were gained by young people volunteering.  Additionally, Mr David Steven was in attendance to receive an Employer Supported Volunteering Award which was presented to D Steven & Son haulage contractors by Catherine Patterson Development Officer for Volunteering Highland. This award was presented to Mr Steven in recognition for his company�s outstanding contribution to the voluntary sector in Caithness.

Its Butterfly Time In Caithness
The season has finally warmed up and butterflies and moths are plentiful.  Ranger Mary Legg has found plenty to see in her outings.  She has sent this photo of Painted Ladies she has found so far at Holborn Head, Loch of Mey and John O'Groats.  Painted Ladies are migrants so watch out for them if you are out and about in the countryside at the moment.


Hillhead Dramatised Song Groups Winners and Runners Up In The Music Festival

Halkirk Gala Now in Full Swing

Joseph And The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat
20, 21, 23 and 24 June At Thurso High School - 7.30pm each night
Here is chance o see one of the most famous West end musicals performed by the pupils of Thurso High. A spectacularly colourful show it is definitely one for the whole family. Tickets are available from the school or at MacBeaths Jewellers, Thurso and Polteney News, Wick


Caithness Mentions Somewhere Today
Attention all GeoDrillers! - Geodrilling International Online 
Dounreay could shut 10 years early - North Tonight - Scottish Television (Formerly Grampian TV)

Book Sale Bargains At St. John's Church Wick Saturday 10 June - Opens 10.00am
Caithness booklovers and those readers who just love a bargain have a treat in store, so put the details in your diary.  St. John's episcopal church is holding a sale of good-condition second-hand books in the St. John's church hall, Moray St., Pulteneytown, Wick on Saturday 10th June, with the sale open from 10 a.m. till 3 p.m. Books will include novels of all kinds (hardback and paperback), factual works, children's books, and a few books in large print. Prices will be 20p for children's books; 30p. for paperback novels (50p for hardbacks); and 50p for most of the factual works. There will be a few top quality books at �1.00. All income from the book sale will go to St. John's church funds, to help with maintenance and repair.

Mount Pleasant School At The Music Festival Today
The Music Festival reached it final day today.  Here we see Mount Pleasant Primaries 1 - 3 the winners of The Flo Dixie Cup after performing their song - The Magic Tree



Hillhead School Wins Wick Town Netball Cup
Hillhead School won the 'Wick Town Cup' in the primary school netball league for the East side of the county. In the final game Hillhead beat Pulteneytown Academy 18 - 9.  Hillhead will now play the winning team from the West side of the county in the county final.


Farr Football Festival - Lets All Go
7th July - 11.30 am at Farr High School, Bettyhill - 7 Aside with max 10 in squad - ages between 7-14 - �10 per team entry to cover costs -Trophies and medals.  Why not have day out on the North coast and go and support this wee footy fest.  Details of the event, who to contact etc etc now on the Message Board.

MSP Expenses and Allowances
Well here it all is in glorious techni detail if you have time to browse through the 15,000 pages of the new section of the Scottish Parliament web site.  And before you ask here is the link to the Highland Councillors expenses for last year 2004 - 05 set out on er..... one page as Pdf file.  The Herald newspaper has a shot handy overview today of the MSP figures.

Progress On New Houses At Harrowhill, Wick

The 28 new homes being built for Pentland Housing Association are moving on and here are a few photos to show you the latest position.

Cycle thro' time at Camster
The first joint meeting of Caithness Critters and Young Archaeology Club took place on Saturday 27th May when the youngsters "Cycled Thro' Time" along the Camster Cycle trail. The Neolithic Camster Cairns were explored in detail before the keen kids cycled 8km along the forest track at Camster completing a time line. Marina Swanson, Highland Council's Caithness East Ranger, said: "There were certainly four seasons in one day, with a heavy drenching followed by a bitter hail shower. This didn't dampen the children's spirits as they raced to the end and enjoyed many of the muddy pools on the way."

Latest Newsletter From Pulteneytown Academy Primary School, Wick

First Scotrail Reintroduces Cycle Vans For Inverness Wick Route
Cyclists wishing to travel by train between Inverness and Wick this summer will be able to do so even more easily - thanks to two dedicated cycle vans which will carry their bikes by road. First ScotRail is reintroducing the vans from Sunday 11 June 2006. They will be available throughout the summer until 22 September and carry up to 13 bicycles each. The vans will travel by road and accompany selected services between the two stations.

End Of May And Into June Sightings
A Whinchat and a Sanderling are among latest photos by Nigel Fairney forwarded by Julian Smith in his latest report on bird sightings.  The last few days of May and into June are included in this update.
Bird Watching Index   St Johns Pool
Bird Watching Forum
Bird Watching Links

Castletown Landfill Site, Caithness - Update - 8 June 2006
Officials of The Highland Council have confirmed that, to date, levels of gas measured at the ex-landfill site at Castletown do not constitute a risk to neighbouring premises. Over the last two months works have been carried out to allow the measurement of methane and carbon dioxide within the former landfill and establish whether these gases are present at the southern boundary of the site. As a further precautionary measure, tests will be carried out over the next four months to establish that gas generation in the landfill is not influenced by seasonal weather conditions. Once this work is completed a further risk assessment will be carried out.

Highlands and Islands Labour MSP Maureen Macmillan is supporting a photographic exhibition, located in the garden lobby area of the Scottish Parliament in connection with Carers Week (Monday 12th - Friday 16th June). Next weeks exhibition is being held by the Highlands Carers Project, which is a member of the Highland Community Care Forum and the Princess Royal Trust for Carers network.

Live To Die Society via
The latest additions to TV.Caithness.Org are Live To Die Society based in Caithness and they have a web site HERE where you can hear more and find out about the group.


Highlands and Islands Labour MSP Maureen Macmillan has raised the issue of the level of support available for Highland pupils who suffer from autism.  Mrs Macmillan said, "I have been contacted by constituents who are concerned about the number of Advisory Autism Outreach Officers available to support pupils with autism in the Highland Council area.

Internationally Important Flow Country - Scotland's Latest National Nature Reserve
A large area of internationally important peatland in Caithness and Sutherland is set to become Scotland's latest National Nature Reserve. The main Board of Scottish Natural Heritage has agreed that land at Forsinard and Dorrery, owned and managed for wildlife and people by RSPB, be declared as The Flows National Nature Reserve (NNR).

Pentland Firth Item On The Web
World Cup Football clash with Volvo avoided  - Sail World
This item today on the Sail World web site warns of the perils awaiting the Volvo Yacht race competitors as they head for the Pentland Firth today as organisers alter things to avoid a clash with the World Cup football getting close to Kick-off.

Earlier Caithness Music Festivals
2002  2003  No 2004 Fest due To Elections  2005

Caithness Music Festival - More Inside - All photos taken are now up

More Photos From Caithness Music Festival

Caithness Music Festival 2006

Subscriptions Sought for New Book About the Ryrie Family in Australia
is at an advanced stage of preparation and will be published by Norrong Press later this year or in early 2007. It will be a quality production with about 80 illustrations including a dozen in colour. Although written from an Australian perspective, it will be of interest to members of the Ryrie family and history buffs around the world. It will be a limited edition and therefore subscribers are sought to raise the money necessary for printing.

A Break From Tradition For Halkirk YFC
With an Open Stock Judging being held as part of the 60th Anniversary celebrations, Halkirk YFC broke with tradition and held a Mock Auction and Slave Auction on Wednesday 31st May. The event was held in Thurso Auction Market. The Mock Auction comprised 42 items ranging from a box of washing powder, fencing materials and bag of lambs milk to a Texel Tup and details of agricultural property. Competitors had to value each item. Points were awarded depending how close they were while zero points were awarded outwith certain price ranges. A number of items were supplied by Allan's of Gillock, Charles Angus, R B Flett and W & A Geddes, while the livestock came from Messrs Campbell, Todholes. The official adjudicator was Iain Thomson while auctioneer was Phillip Coghill. Full Story

Halkirk's 60th Anniversary year gets off to a great start
Halkirk YFC began their 60th Anniversary celebrations with a Quiz and Social evening in the Ross Institute, Halkirk. With a total of 17 teams taking part the night was a great success. Question masters for the evening, Mr James Campbell and Mr John Bremner kept the evening moving along smoothly as Halkirk's very own "Ant and Dec". The eventual winners of the quiz were "He's behind you", comprising Karen Oliphant, Mrs Anne Oliphant and Neil Henderson. Runners-up spot was taken by the "Wooden Tops", Alan Hewitson, Dorothy Binnie, Jessie Allan and Robert Budge. Full Story

Halkirk retain team trophy as Barnetson is top Individual
Caithness District Young Farmers held their Summer Stock judging competition on 20th May 2006. Dairy Cattle were judged at Messrs Ronaldson, Westerseat, with Sheep at Mr & Mrs Bruce Swanson, East Murkle and Beef Cattle at Messrs Gunn, Carsgoe. The official judges for the day were Mr Morris Ronaldson, Westerseat and Mr Don Budge, Brae-Edge. Halkirk retained the Spillers Cup for best team ...Full Story

7 June 06
Forss boys make it two in a row
A team from Forss YFC have won the Caithness District Agri Skills Competition for the second year in a row. The event was held at West Greenland Farm by kind permission of the Mackay Family who also presented a new trophy for the competition. Five teams took part in events such as Fence repair, Hydraulic hose connection, Knapsack calibration, Sheep pen erection and dismantling and a Safety quiz. The winning team are pictured receiving the new trophy for the event from Mr Andrew Mackay, they are l/r John Swanson, Kevin Ross (Team Captain) and Graeme Mackay. Bower teams were 2nd equal, the A team were James Barnetson, Helen Ryrie and Michael Sutherland, with B team consisting of William Barnetson, Neil Brims and John MacAulay. Full Story

Caithness Scouts New Web Site
Caithness Scouts have launched a new web site for the county.  The site covers all of the groups in the county.  Consequently we have closed all of our scout sections and will keep a link to the new web site.  We will still run stories and pictures of scout events that come our way.  Good Luck with the new site guys.

Mey Selections North Highlands Meats Focus Of Sainsbury's Training Day
The grass as they say is not being allowed to grow under the feet of Mey Selections.  The brand launched with the support of Prince Charles as part of his three pronged push to bring a new focus on development in tourism, the built environment and farming is picking up the pace.  Local farmer Danny miller was once again in London meeting the team tasked with increasing the profile.  Over 50 Sainsbury's senior counter staff, buyers and food technologists heard Justin James, the company's category manager for meat, say that the supermarket group was fully committed to promoting the brand.  "Mey Selections is the best of the best. As a major retailer, it is exclusive to Sainsbury's and we are full square behind it.

Pulteneytown Parent And Toddlers Sponsored Walk

TV.Caithness.Org - Another Drive By - Thrumster To Wick Retail Park
Another drive by in our new film clips section.  This time From Thrumster to the new Retail Park at Wick.  If you have favourite Caithness drive why not get the digital camera into action and send us the clip - any length and we will get it on the web to add to the growing clips of Caithness.  Why not put the clips on the web yourself at and let us know the URL to link to.  You can put as many clips as you want on.  Film clips can be anything - your family , an event, a play, a band.  Old or new we will be interested to link to it if there is Caithness connection.  Families abroad or in other parts of the UK why not put one up and say hello back to Caithness.  There are plenty of possibilities now we are up and running

New Air Connections Opening up at Wick
Caithness travellers now have access to new onward travel connections by air following enhancements to Wick Airport's summer timetable.  BA franchise partner Loganair has reinstated the airport's popular Kirkwall service and is also offering an onward connection to Glasgow via Kirkwall. Loganair also operates a Wick - Edinburgh service.  Passengers using Eastern Airways' Aberdeen service can now access onward flights with the airline from Aberdeen to Norwich, Teesside, Nottingham East Midlands, Humberside, Leeds Bradford, Bristol, Southampton and Stornoway. The introduction of the Scottish Executive's Air Discount Scheme at the end of May is also providing more affordable access to Scottish domestic flights for local residents.

New Donkey At Latheronwheel Was Quite A Surprise
Meet Ivan, aged just 8 hours with mother Mavis enjoying the view from the Latheronwheel field of Heehaw Donkeys. Proud mum Mavis was one of 6 jenny donkeys recently bought and transported from the Russian Ukraine border.  Little Ivan, all grey and fluffy stands at 30 inches.

The Papers
Roundabout way to aid A96 badgers - BBC
Golfer Krystle Caithness Beats International Field - Scotsman
Fifer Krystle Caithness, 17, struck a blow for the standing of women's amateur golf in Scotland by beating an international field to win the St Rule Trophy over 54 holes of the New and Old Courses, St Andrews at the weekend.

RNLI Whist Night
A fun Whist night can be had at Auckengill Hall on Wednesday 21st June at 7.30pm.  Mark the calendar and go along to support the Lifeboats



Sunday Papers
NHS pays �1,250 for one nurse's shift
- Scotland On Sunday

Old Thurso Film Show By Alan McIvor For Thurso Gala
Alan McIvor will be putting on a show on the 23rd June in aid of Thurso Town Improvements Association who are busy putting the final touches to their arrangements for the oncoming gala. Events included will be Gala Crowing, Procession, Vikings, Family Funday, Beach Extravaganza, Large & Live Music Festival plus many other events (see ) This is the fourth show Alan has done for the organisation and he says that he has now done over 70 since he started out several years ago. He said "I wanted to take a good break from doing shows as it was taking up a large amount of time, so this will be the first public show I have done for a year."

Caithness Waybaggers 2006 - 2007 Programme
The new walking programme for the Caithness Waybaggers groups is now out.  The first outing is on 18 June to Morven.  15 kilometres and great chance to head up to one of the few high places in Caithness.  the group always welcome new folk so if you are interested in seeing some great countryside and getting out in the fresh air why not join them on some of their walks.
A few earlier walks. - Another Test Drive
Just added: Drive from Riverside Carpark to Trinkie / Old Man Carpark.
Coming Soon: Thrumster to Wick Retail Park.

Sunday Papers
Health workers in danger: 20,000 attacked last year - Sunday Herald

Sutherlands From Watten and their Descendants
Here is the link to a family of Sutherlands and their descendants who originated from Catchery, Watten. the book is updated regularly with new entries and shows just how the people of Caithness have made their mark elsewhere.  A fascinating insight into this particular family history mirrored throughout Scotland.  the latest update is a contribution of aerial photos from our own local flier Alan Moar.  Well worth a look even if you are not a Sutherland.  Many other names appear as you click through the pages.  Well done to William (Bill) Sutherland and the many other contributors to this piece of work.  Family History
If you have questions or information to share about your Caithness Family History why not head for our Genealogy Forum  Many people in Caithness have information about their families that may relate to your wherever you are in the world.  If in Caithness check out the North Highland Archive in Wick for old records and information.  The archive is located in the Wick library and has its own staff to assist.

Clare Miller and Stephen Muir Married In Florence
Married at Badia Fiesolana, Florence, were Stephen Muir and Clare Miller. Clare is the daughter of Alan and Liz Miller, of Fairfield, Ackergill. Stephen is the son of Campbell and Pauline Muir, Barrhead, Glasgow.
If you would like to share your wedding photos send them to [email protected]
Caithness Weddings Index

Looking For House Or Flat To Rent In Caithness? - Over 60 Are Here Right Now

Over 300 Ads In Vehicles For Sale Section
The number of ads in the Vehicles For Sale section continues to grow from both private sales and from two of the main car dealers in Caithness - Richards Garage and William Dunnet. Add to that commercial vehicles and, Caravans and spares and the section may well have something of interest.  Photos can be added and the ads can be left on for many weeks at no extra cost.  Individual ads are FREE whilst dealers pay one off annual charge to enter as many vehicles as they wish. Visitors to the Boards are growing all the time so placing an ad is well worth considering.

Photos From Recent Dances Held By Thurso Scottish Country Dance Club
The Thurso Scottish Country Dance Club season has come to an end once more.  If anyone interested in this fun way to keep fit and meet people it starts again in October.

No Excuses As Speed Camera Warnings Issued
Northern Safety Camera Partnership have announced their camera sites for the week beginning 5th June so everyone should be well aware of the need to watch their speed on the roads. Five cameras are on the A9 plus one at Hempriggs near Wick on the A99.  See the full list for all of the notified locations for next week.

Congratulations To Hillhead Primary School Wick
Hillhead Primary School, Wick Wins ICT Learning Award In Glasgow
Highland Successes at Scottish Education Awards

"What a day for Highland education!" This was the reaction of The Highland Council's Convener Alison Magee on learning of four successes at the annual Scottish Education Awards held in Glasgow today (Friday 2 June 2006).  The Council won the local authority award of the year - Making a Difference - for its partnership working with NHS Highland in securing health promoting school status for every school in Highland. Raigmore Primary School, Inverness, picked up the Healthy Living Award, and Hillhead Primary School, Wick, won the ICT Learning Award. Launches
We launch a new video section on the web site today and start with a test drive around a few streets in Wick and two news videos from Hillhead Primary school.  Hillhead Primary School, Wick are today in Glasgow at the education awards after being short listed in the ICT category.  Well done kids and now everyone can see some of your work online.  If anyone has any film of Caithness let us know and we will see if it can be added to the web site.

Hillhead Primary School At ICT In Education Awards At Hilton Hotel, Glasgow Today
Hillhead Primary School, Wick has won a place in the short leet of the ICT in Education category of the 2006 Scottish Education Awards. Their successful entry (one of 3 in the ICT in Learning section) was based on the excellent news programmes produced by Mr Henderson's Primary 7 pupils this session. This event, which in previous years has been attended by top Scottish politicians and celebrities, is being sponsored by the Daily Record. The ceremony which is being held in the Hilton Hotel in Glasgow on Friday, 2nd June will be broadcast live on the Fred MacAuley programme on BBC Radio Scotland from 9.30 - 11am.
3 pupils, (Rachael Steven, Anna Falconer, and Matthew Thain) have been chosen to attend with their teacher Mr Henderson, Head teacher Mr Budge and staff member Mrs Camilla Elder.. Lets wish them well!
Tune in to the Fred Macaulay And Co Show or listen live online HERE from 9.30am -  If you miss the show you can still go in and Listen Again for up to one week after.
Scottish Education Awards -2006 - Full List of Finalists - Hillhead, Wick in the ICT Section

Wick Anchor Boys
Pictured here are the Anchor Boys who are part of the Boys Brigade reformed last year in Wick.
Boys Brigade, Wick



Nathan Warmack Has Arrived In Scotland
Nathan Warmack who fought and won to change his school's dress code policy has arrived in Scotland on a trip arranged by Stephanie Abrams a well-known personality in the travel promotion business in the US.  Reports will be added daily to her web site as she has come over to see how he gets on as he and his family travel to some famous castles and places around the country. Stephanie Abrams Web Site joined in to encourage people to sign up to the petition web site and numbers soared as word went round the world about the kilt ban at Jackson High.  Finally the school board changed the dress code and Nathan was rewarded with donations helping to get his full highland dress.  The story continues as Stephanie Abrams well known American travel guru has organised a free trip for his family to come to Scotland.  They are here for nine days and we hope they have great time.  Cheers Nathan and family.

Latest Newsletter From Pulteneytown Academy Primary School, Wick
Lots of interesting items in this months school newsletter from the music festival, walking/road safety BBQ, Dance training and even helping to collect 8800 old bras to assist in a a fund raiser for Raigmore Cancer Department.  The Bras to be strung all the way from Brora to Golspie.  Bras are being collected by Karen MacLeod at Newton wing of the Timbury Unit on the outskirts of Wick.  Why not drop of you own bags of old bras to join in.  Should make for some interesting photos on the web site if we are down that way.  If enough are collected maybe they will keep the line heading to the Ord.

More Funding Ideas For Charitable Groups - The Money Is Out There  - Get Applying
Another batch of funding ideas offering funding for a wide range of target groups from young people to alcohol related and much more.  As always deadlines are approaching and for some the dates are very soon.  for others you have a few weeks and ins one or two months to get your application.  Potentially there are some big funds available if you have project needing funded.

Highland 2007 Secures Transport And Accommodation Package
Support for Highland 2007 is growing within the business community as a further three organisations become official partners to the year Scotland celebrates Highland culture. 
The three, Macdonald Aviemore Highland Resort, Highlands and Islands Airports Limited and First Scotrail are each contributing a substantial package of in-kind promotional support. This will enable Highland 2007 to enhance the range and quality of its promotional activities to reach thousands more people with the message that the Highlands is a great place to live and to visit.  Several Caithness and Sutherland organisations are receiving funding for events in 2007.

Records Smashed Again On In May
Hits :14,364,083  Visitors : 675,929  Page Views : 3,786,994
Daily Average  Hits : 429,291  Visitors : 22,336  Page Views : 123,641
Jan  - May ( 5 Months)
Hits 68,233,482  Visitors 3,352,392  Page Views 17,177,103
Following a dip in visitors in April (partly due to the shorter month) May romped ahead to new all time highsTo compare with last year May 2005 had 335,782 visitorsWith over double the number of visitors compared to last year looks as if the year may pass 8 million visitors for the 12 months in 2006Once again thanks to our many contributors and to everyone who look in.

Wick Players Open Evening Celebrated New Premises
Wick Player's chairman Drew MacLeod welcomed everyone to the open evening to celebrate the move into the premises at Moray Street after many years of working with only a small storage space. The new place provides workshops, rehearsal space, wardrobe space, small meeting rooms and lots of storage.  Central heating has been installed making it an excellent facility for the group.  Wick Players Web Site

SAC Appoints New North East Beef Specialist
A new beef specialist, Ian Pritchard, is due to join Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) at its Thainstone Office, near Inverurie, on 13 June. This new post has been established by SAC to further strengthen its services to beef farmers in the north and north-east of Scotland. The move also reinforces SAC's commitment to farmers in the area.
Farming Pages


Dogs Trust, the UK's largest dog welfare charity, is delighted that the Scottish Parliament has passed the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Bill with a total ban on tail docking, for both working dogs and cosmetic purposes. Under the new legislation it will also be an offence to take a dog from Scotland to be tail-docked in another country.

Front Page Headlines Archive Index From 2000 Onwards