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South Primary School, Wick
South School Newsletter

South School Index

Schools & Education


JUNE 2006

Please ask for:
Direct Dial:

Pat Bowers
01955 603203
[email protected]
19 June 2006

Dear Parent/ Guardian,

Only two weeks left of this session and this is our final Newsletter detailing all the events in place. Please keep a note of the dates and the particular arrangements.

Pupil Reports
Your child has brought home their school report last Friday. If you wish to discuss your child�s report then please contact their class teacher and arrange a time convenient for you both.

Uniform order forms - must be returned to Mrs Sargent as a matter of urgency to ensure items are delivered before the new term. Monies must be placed with the order.
School Meals and Clothing Grant forms � they were issued last week and must be completed as soon as possible to ensure receipt of these in August.

School Uniform
Please continue to encourage your child to wear their uniform each day and it would be super if you could buy dark trousers/skirts rather than jeans for the new term as it is so much smarter. Jeans can then be worn after school as a complete change to school clothes.

P5 and P6 pupils will be involved with a dance group for four days this week, culminating in a school performance on Thursday morning.

Sports Day
Let�s hope the weather stays sunny for our planned Sports Afternoon on Wednesday 21st June. The Pupil Council have decided that it will be in the same format as before with all children entering in teams and competing for a collective score. This has proved to be very successful as families can support their children around the varied events. The tuck shop will be available and we plan to sell tea/coffee & biscuits. Anyone willing to help serve then please contact Mrs Sargent at the school office.

Picnic Lunch
There will be a Midsummer picnic lunch on offer from the school meals service on Thursday 22nd June and we plan to eat outside using the picnic benches and rugs. Please encourage your child to stay for this and book their picnic with the kitchen staff.

King Prawn Chess Tournament
Our annual tournament with Hillhead Primary takes place on Monday 26th June at 3.30pm. Children involved will be transported by staff cars and should return to school by 5pm. They will be dismissed directly from the car park.
Pupils from Lybster Primary will join us for this fun challenge.

School Trips
Our school fund pays for these outings with the exception of the more costly P7 trip to Orkney which is subsidised by these.

  • Nursery: Wednesday 28th June 2006. Full day trip to Dunnet Forest and Reiss beach.
  • P1 � P4: Friday 23rd June 2006. Cinema outing to see �The Wild� followed by a play time in Ormlie Play Park and a scenic route home via John O�Groats.
  • P5 & P6: Thursday 29th June 2006. Visit to Dunrobin Castle & Falconry Display followed by time at Golspie Play Park. Children will return by 4pm.
  • P7: Wednesday 28th June 2006. Day trip to Orkney. Travelling on the Hamnavoe Ferry. Please refer to separate letter.

Lunch is included in the P7 Outing.

Pencils, crayons, rubbers �..etc!
We seem to be supplying more and more of these items as a daily expectation.
Can you please ensure that your child starts the new term with plenty pencils, crayons, a rubber & sharpener all kept in a pencil case?

Children should also carry a school bag to ensure their homework items are safe and also to store their P.E. kit. It would also be advisable to provide an apron or old shirt for messy activities. Each child is provided with a shoe bag to store their gym shoes so please buy a new pair ready for August & have their names clearly marked.

End of term Assembly
This will take place on Friday 30th June at 9.30am. Please come along and join the children and staff for this final event.
� Perfect Attendance certificates
� Netball/Football Medals
� P7 Farewell & Rose Bowl presentation

We say thank you & farewell to Mrs Place who retires this summer and I�m sure you�ll join me in wishing her a happy & healthy retirement. She has worked in South School Nursery Class for four years and she has encouraged so many of our pupils at the early stages of school life. She will be missed by all.
Mrs Rodgers, our music specialist and Mrs Mennie, our P.E. specialist will not be teaching on the east of Caithness next session. We thank them both for their expertise over the years.
Mr Foxcroft also leaves us � he has enjoyed his term with P7 and hopes to remain teaching in Caithness. Good luck to all!

School closes at 12.05pm on Friday 30th June 2006 and resumes on Tuesday 15th August 2006.

Thank you all for your continued support over the year.
Let�s hope the sun shines for 6 weeks and everyone comes back fully rested, refreshed and ready for the new session.

Kind regards,
Pat Bowers

PS � Fun Day for P.P.P. on Saturday 1st July 2006 in the school field. Please come along and have some fun in our community!