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Newsletter Index

Pulteneytown Academy Index  Schools & Education

School Calendar

Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 1 June 2006

Dear Parent

NEWSLETTER � 01.06.06
� By now you should have received your child�s Report. If you have not done so please search their schoolbag or telephone the school. I would be obliged if parents could return both the green and pink slips as soon as possible to save teachers wasting time seeking these out from children in the mornings.

Questionnaire � Thanks to those of you who have returned this on science sacs, homework, etc. Tomorrow is the last day of return to be entered in the lucky draw.

Walk to School Week/Road Safety � We are currently undertaking a Walk to School Week and I am pleased to see a number of children walking instead of coming by car. However, it has been reported that quite a few of them have absolutely no road safety concept. Children, as the rest of us, need to keep practising skills in order to perfect them and so many children very rarely walk and are, therefore, not able to practise the skills which we are teaching them about road safety. Bear this in mind the next time you jump in the car for a short distance. If you could walk with your child you would be giving them this valuable practise which could save their life. We can only do so much with education alone.

After School Use of School Grounds - A number of children have been playing on the grassy area in the infant playground during the evenings and, unfortunately, this is turning the grass to mud and it is therefore not available during the day. I would be obliged if parents could ensure that if their children are playing in the school grounds after 3.15 p.m. that they restrict this play to the area of grass that used to be the infant field (where the infant sports is held). Wick Academy have secured a let of the school park some evenings and Saturdays from June through the summer holidays and, while the children are welcome to watch this pre-season training, they must remain on the path and not interfere with the training in any way. Anyone who is a nuisance will be banned from the property.

PSA � A reminder that the Committee Meeting will be held on Mon 5 June at 7 p.m. to discuss the forthcoming BBQ � Party at Pulteneytown Palace. This meeting is open to non committee members who might be interested in giving suggestions and helping out � the more the better so please come along.

Y Dance � P6&7 will be given the opportunity to take part in dance training for an hour each day in the week beginning 19 June. Not all children will wish to or be able to take part and the places available will be allocated as fairly as possible. This is a wonderful opportunity to work with a professional company.

Bras � We hope to help in the collection of 8800 old bras which are going to be strung up from Brora to Golspie in aid of the Raigmore Cancer Department. If you have any can you please send them to school and we will pass these on to Karen Macleod, Newton Wing, Timbury Unit.

Music Festival � In the interests of saving paper and yet another permission slip, would parents please note that if their child is in a Choir, Recorder Group, P2, P3, P6 or P7 that all of these groups will be going to the Festival next week. We have arranged buses for those in P1-3 and those in P4-7 will walk supervised by staff. Unless you contact the office by Mon 5 June we will assume that you have given permission for your child to attend. The events we are taking part in are

  • Tues a.m. - P6 Recorder Group and P7 Recorder Group leaving school 10.30

  • Wed a.m. - P4/5 Choir leaving school 8.55 a.m. (see separate note)

  • Wed a.m. � P6/7 Choir leaving school 10.50

  • Thurs a.m. � P2 class song, P3 class song, bus leaving school 9.15

  • Thurs a.m. � P6/P7 combined class song leaving school 10.00

  • Fri a.m. � P1-3 choir, bus leaving school 9.10

Any child who is late for school and misses a bus will miss the event as there is no way to get them to the event late. As these are school events, children must wear uniform unless they are in a costume.

Events in June

  • Tues 6 June � last cake day (35p)

  • Tues-Fri 6-9 June � Caithness Music Festival

  • Thurs 8 June- Senior Sports 1.30 p.m. � weather permitting

  • Thurs 8 June � Nursery trip to Dunbeath

  • Fri 9 June � Infant Sports 1.30 p.m. � weather permitting

  • Tues/Wed 13 & 14 June � P7 Wick High School � details to follow

  • Tues/Wed 13 & 14 June � Parents� Evenings

  • Mon 19 June � Information talks for new Nursery parents � 7 p.m. and new P1 parents 7.30 p.m.

  • Tues 20 June � Current Nursery pupils to P1 (morning and lunch)

  • Wed 21 June - P5 trip to Forsinard

  • Thurs 22 June � P1-3 trip to Dunnet

  • Tues 27 June � PSA Event � Party at Pulteneytown Palace

  • Fri 30 June � School closes at 12.05

Yours sincerely

Head Teacher