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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 8 June 2006

Dear Parent

Newsletter 08.06.06

Tesco Vouchers � We will be sending off our order very shortly as these have now finished but if you have any lurking in purses or bags please hand them in as soon as possible.

Questionnaire � The lucky winner of the prize draw was Arran Henderson who won a bottle of wine for his mum. The results are currently being collated and will be published before the end of term. Many thanks for the 161 returns.

Picnic - On Wed 21 June instead of the usual school dinner the kitchen staff will be hosting the Annual Mid Summer Picnic. There will be a selection of sandwiches using a variety of breads, assorted fruits and vegetables, assorted dairy products, e.g. cheese portions, yogurts, ice cream tubs, etc and crisps. There will also be a variety of drinks available. To assist the cook and make sure there is enough food for everyone, could you please get your child to book this in advance by Mon 19 June using the tear-off slip. No money with the slip, please - just pay on the day.

Rumster Ramble � On Sat 17 June from 11 � 3 the Forestry Commission Scotland are running a free Rumster Rumble Ramble & Ride. This takes place at Rumster Forest Paddock near Lybster. Follow the signs from the public road. Bring: A bike, boots or a horse � do not forget your helmet. For further details telephone Stephen Fraser on 015937212904 or see the poster on Parents� Evenings.

Free School Meals & Assistance with School Clothing Forms � This is now all on one form to make things simpler. For all of you receiving free school meals this year, I will send a form home next week in an enevelope, but please if you think you may be eligible for either or both do give us a ring to get a form or call in at the Service Point if you would rather. We have more detailed information about eligibility and I can pass this on to you on request.

Staffing � As yet I do not have confirmation of my teaching staff for next year and until I do classes cannot be set. If I have this information before Tuesday it will be on a stand on the stage during Parents� Evenings but please note if there is no stand there is no point in asking me as I will still not know.

Parents� Evenings � Your pink appointment slip should be with this letter giving the time of your appointment next week. If you do not get this form then it is either because you have not returned one or your child has lost it on the way home.

Uniform � A number of children have started wearing football tops under their uniform and this is not in keeping with our school uniform policy. As football tops have never caused a problem in this school I have no objection to them changing into them for PE but they must change straight back into their uniform after their PE lesson.

Yours sincerely

Head Teacher
My child(ren) will be attending the Mid Summer Picnic on 21.06.06

Name ���������������������������������. Class ����..

Name ���������������������������������. Class ����..

Name ���������������������������������. Class ����..

Name ���������������������������������.